Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 216 35. The Tool Man Must Make Clear Arrangements

Chapter 216 35. The tool man must make clear arrangements

After Bu Laike took out the shield of Odin, Shivana's protection, Emperor Thoradin no longer prevented the four of them from stepping into the underwater secret place.

As the heroic soul of a warrior, he felt a powerful divine power from that shield, enough to suppress the dark things that were resurging in the secret place.

"That dark thing is the enemy of the gods. It was first sacrificed by the God of Courage Tyr tens of thousands of years ago, and it was severely wounded to the point of death, and then it was sealed in this dark place.

But it is immortal.

It will continue to draw power from the material world over time, slowly resurrecting. Look at the valley around this lake, where life is extremely rare.

And the number of life throughout the mountains has been decreasing for thousands of years.

The earth is becoming barren because it is causing trouble.

It devours our world to pull itself out of the quagmire of death. "

When the four of them followed the emperor's ghost into the gloomy tunnel of the dark tomb under the lake, Emperor Thoradin was also describing to them the enemies they were about to face.

He said in a sad tone:

"Back then, after seeing that the empire was on the right track, I took the initiative to abdicate. According to the tradition of that era, I searched for the legends of the gods in the place where my ancestors lived.

I also found some records about the Tirisfal region from my elf friends, and I brought my loyal soldiers here secretly in the name of patrolling the territory.

My elf friends gave me a reminder.

But when I saw the shrines left by the ancestors, I knew that this was the place where the gods fell. I couldn't bear the curiosity in my heart anymore, and ordered the arcanists under my command to open the seal.

I found the tomb of the gods and worshiped the god of courage.

But I also foolishly unleashed a terrible darkness. "

He pointed to the hall at the end of the ancient tunnel corridor in front of him, and pointed to the half-buried corpses buried here, and said:

"The monster was awakened by our intrusion. It was very weak, but it was still powerful for mortals. It took only one blow to kill my soldiers.

The monster fed on the bones and souls of the warriors. It got rid of the weakness of dying, and wanted to break the seal left by the gods, so as to escape its own cage. "

The emperor's voice became sonorous.

He said:

"I realized that I made a stupid mistake, and I know that only my blood can wash away that mistake.

I have not flinched, a true Arathi warrior will never tarnish his final honor with cowardice.

I try to fight it to the death.

I poured the power of anger into my steel sword, perhaps there was some kind of guidance from the God of Courage, and in this place where the gods fought, I struck the final blow towards the monster.

I'm very lucky.

The steel sword should have stabbed the monster's old wound. When I swung Stromkar for the last time, I stabbed my sword, my courage, and my strength into the monster's skull.

I stopped its dark rebirth with my life.

But that's not enough. "

The emperor shook his head regretfully, stopped at the border of the dark tunnel and the underground temple, and said to the four people around him:

"It's not dead yet.

Perhaps fate is waiting for a real hero to come to complete the unfinished business of the god Tyr and me, and completely kill the monster that only the abyss can give birth to.

It's just ahead.

After passing through the temple, you can see its mountain-like body, suppressed by the relics of the gods, and it has been very weak for nearly three thousand years.

Perhaps now is the moment of fate!

But unfortunately, I can no longer walk with you, as I died in the dark blood of that monster, which polluted my soul through my body.

As soon as I enter that lair, I will be tortured by the voice of darkness.

I will stay here. "

Emperor Thoradin stretched out his hand, and patted Dathrohan and His Majesty Faol's shoulders illusoryly. He said in a deep voice:

"If you return victorious, I will cheer for you. If you unfortunately die in battle, I will activate the relics of the gods and save your souls.

But at that time, you will guard here with me, waiting for the arrival of the heroes who can truly end the terror. "

"No matter what the result is, it is a great honor to me, Your Majesty."

Dathrohan grabbed his heavy sword and said in a deep voice:

"Here today, if you win, you die!"

"Hey, don't be so pessimistic, okay?"

Dathrohan's passionate speech immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the pirates, he said:

"As long as you don't mess around, we can definitely win, take it."

He gave Dathrohan the Shield of Odin in his hand, saying:

"Next, you are in charge of defense. This Odin Shield can help us resist the spiritual impact of the void thing, so that we will not go crazy.

Suppress your excess aggressiveness, Grand Knight.

Do your own thing.

Attack that monster and leave it to Merry and Faol. "

"how about you?"

The great knight took over the shield. He thought it would be heavy, but it was unexpectedly light in his hand, allowing him to hold the shield with one hand while holding the epee.

In the Y-shaped crack of his battle helmet, he revealed a cautious gaze, and he said:

"Why don't you stay here too? I think, Your Majesty, Master Meili and I will go, and you will stay here as a backup."

"Well, it is, Drake Jr."

His Majesty Faol, who was leaning on the priest's staff and wearing a hood, also spoke here, and said in a gentle voice:

"You have brought us here, you have accomplished what you should do, and the world will sing of your courage. And if the three of us unfortunately die here, you still need to bring the news out.

Then organize a more capable army to come forward, and must eliminate its scourge before the darkness recovers. "

"What do you mean by that?"

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"Are you looking down on my combat power? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"It's best if you know yourself."

Ever since the old lich became a lich, he has spoken quite directly.

Leaning on the Atiesh staff, he had already begun to summon the magic power of the ice, and blessed the two cold ice shields on the great knight and the pope.

He said to Bo Laike:

"According to His Majesty Thoradin's description, that monster is quite dangerous. You have put away your excess self-esteem before you have stepped into the realm of legend. The three of us are all for your own good.

You have a special status, if you die here, it will easily lead to diplomatic troubles.

I don't want to see Dailin go crazy and attack Dalaran with his fleet. In Kul Tiras, the Church of the Storm and the Church of the Holy Light are fighting for faith, if something happens to you.

At the level of the Holy Light's belief, I am afraid that it will lose a country and suffer heavy losses. "

"I know what you said, but I dare to come here because I'm sure I'll be fine."

Bo Laike glanced at the old lich and said:

"It's not been a day or two since you've known me. Have you ever seen me do something I'm not sure about?"

He took out the Ulthalesian war scythe from the magic suitcase, and took out an old scroll, tossing it up and down in his hand.


"I know more about that monster than you all.

It was the reverberation of the dark empire that had been destroyed long ago in this barbaric age of the world.

They are called Kraxis, and they are the generals who command the creatures of the deep, and besides their dark gods, they are the most terrible creations of the void that can be born in the material world.

They are heralds of destruction and formidable opponents.

Not only to destroy its body in the material world, but also to defeat its dark spirit on the spiritual level.

I will do this. "

The pirate stepped forward, the first to step forward into the dark underground temple in front of him.

When he stepped into the shadows, he said to the three people behind him without looking back:

"But it means that you all owe me favors. Don't show that expression, Merry, do you think I'm really here to do good deeds? Your Majesty, please come to me."

The pirates were calling in the darkness, and His Majesty Faol walked forward, the great knight holding a round shield and epee was guarding the Pope, and the old lich followed closely behind.

The ghost of Emperor Thoradin stood at the end of the tunnel.

With ancient etiquette, pay tribute to the four warriors who took the initiative to step into the darkness.

At the same time, I was also feeling in my heart that my blood descendants had not forgotten the courage passed down by their ancestors after all, which somewhat comforted the emperor 2,800 years ago.

But in the gloomy hall ahead, the surroundings were so quiet that one could feel flustered. Meili threw out a few arcane eyes, emitting a blue light in the darkness to illuminate the way ahead.

Every step they take will echo in the water-logged temple, and it will also make the surrounding strange wind more cold and ruthless.

Obviously, the dark things here have already discovered their arrival.

"Your Majesty, look up!"

After Bu Laike said something, His Excellency the Pope, who was swaying with holy light, raised his head and looked over the half-collapsed temple. In astonishment, he saw a dark warhammer placed above the temple.

A two-handed hammer style.

But very huge.

Just like a column, it is supported on a stone platform.

"This thing is the relic of the gods in the mouth of the great emperor. It is it that has supported this underwater temple from collapsing for thousands of years. It is also it that carries Tire's will to suppress the carat named 'Zakaz' here. Rebirth of the Sith."

The pirate pointed to the hammer and said:

"It is the weapon of the gods, and Tyr named it the 'Silver Hand'. That's right, it is the origin of the legend adopted by the church when forming the Knights of the Silver Hand.

It represented Tyr's sacrifice to save the world in his day, and the god of courage wanted the world to understand the meaning of his sacrifice.

This artifact is weak now, my lord.

But your Light can awaken it.

Doing our best to infuse it with the holy light representing hope and salvation will make it stronger again. To completely destroy the body of that dark thing, we must rely on this weapon. "

The Pope stretched out his hand to touch the divine hammer hanging in front of his eyes with his perception.

He could feel the majesty reverberating from this divine weapon. The moment he poured holy light into the weapon, a huge triangular holy emblem suddenly opened behind Faol.

In the lair in front of the temple, there were also bursts of dark roars and echoes, as well as the vibration of the ground.

The dark monster also sensed that the artifact was being strengthened. It foresaw the danger, and regardless of its weak body, it was heading towards the main body of the temple.

It can't let Faol complete the process of awakening the artifact, otherwise it will really face the end of being frustrated.

"Evil! Fight me!"

The great knight Dathrohan glanced at the Pope, who was wrapped in holy light all over his body. This brave knight also swelled up the hot holy light in his body, making the ciphertext armor on his body seem to be covered with a layer of streamer.

The epee in his hand was also covered with scorching power, and amidst the reverberation of Odin's shield, he strode towards the darkness in front of him.

A few seconds later, Dathrohan flew back at a faster speed.

Like a cannonball, it was smashed into the wall behind the temple.

The round shield in his hand is intact, and the rune light is beating for protection. But the epee in the other hand was broken and distorted beyond appearance.

Just the first contact caused the Grand Knight to lose his weapon.

"Hey, before you became a paladin, you must have been a warrior, right? Look at your charge, it's pretty standard."

The pirate whistled, holding the scroll of the Hand of Fate, and shouted to the great knight who was getting up from the ruins:

"Get that sword! Emperor Thoradin's saber, today we need you to become a warrior again under the teaching of the Holy Light, otherwise you will not be able to withstand it.

Also, Merry, what are you doing there? Go up and help! "

"Nothing, I'm just getting ready."

The old lich swung the staff of the guardian.

Swing the sharp ice spear with the head of the staff into the tumbling dark storm in front of you, accurately cut through the fragile nodes of the dark magic power, and eliminate a shadow storm invisible.

As he went to the battlefield, he looked at the pirate who tore open the scroll beside him, and said in a strange tone:

"I've had this feeling before, and this is going to come here, seeing you make it so clear for the three of us. You tell me the truth, Boo Laike.

In your words, did you already plan to use the three of us as your "tool men"? "


He raised his head, grinned at the old lich, and said frankly:

"If I can handle this by myself, do you think I must bring the three of you here? There are two artifacts hidden here because I can't handle it alone.

That's why I need help from tool people.

Stop complaining, my friend.

You are willing to take the bait and become tool people, and I didn't force you, right? Emperor Thoradin sent you a mission, you just follow the instructions of the sages.

Now, the rewards are ready for you

Mighty warriors, monsters are ahead, hurry up! "

(end of this chapter)

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