Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 231 50. A Child Without Love Will Grow Up To Become A Monster (Part 1)

Chapter 231 50. A Child Without Love Will Grow Up to Become a Monster (Part 1)

"Stop! Don't move!"

"Put your hands up!"

The dusty Xiao Er had just stepped out of the griffin pen in the Valley of the Kings when he heard two yells from behind him.

He turned his head blankly and looked at Bu Laike and Nathanos behind him. The ranger's style of painting was relatively normal, and he just yelled jokingly.

And the pirates are weird.

He wore a weird metal hat on top of his head, on which a small colored radar kept turning in circles, and held a rather exaggerated thing in his hands.

Like muskets.

But the top is an iron coil wound round and round, and there is an iron lump in the center as a transmitter, and a shocking blue current is wound around the coil.

"I'm warning you, I don't know what destructive thing I'm holding in my hand."

Bu Laike squeezed his eyes, raised the "gun" in his hand to Xiao Er, and said:

"But those dwarves call this thing the 'death ray', and you know it's powerful just by the name, so don't act rashly, my bad friend Shaw."

"Do you dare to use dwarf things?"

Xiao Er quietly said:

"And that thing on your head, is it a 'brainwashing hat'? I advise you to take it off as soon as possible. The first time the dwarf invented this thing, he handed it over to SI:7 for experiments.

That thing can indeed control the enemy's thinking and brainwash others.

But there is a one-third chance that it will get out of control, turning you into a fool who can only drink soup and slobber, and it will take at least a month to recover.”

"Tch, it's boring."

The pirate pouted, reached out and took off the dwarf brainwashing cap on his head, threw it back into the magic bag, and put the sci-fi death ray gun in his hand.

He said to Shaw:

"Told your grandma about my weakness? What did she say?"

"This is not the place for conversation."

Xiao Er looked around and said:

"I'll find you guys tonight."

"No need."

Nathanos folded his arms and whistled, and the ranger drew a delicate blowgun from his belt and said:

"This snake man blowing arrows is so easy to use. The SI:7 stalkers who have been following the two of us are sleeping in the dwarves' sheepfold."

"So where are you from?"

Bu Laike sat on the stone next to him, looked at Shaw, and said:

"I would like to believe that you are on my side. After all, we are friends who have fought together, but you and your grandma are family blood, which cannot be cut off.

Now your grandma took the initiative to take the right to test me from Ravenholdt Manor, and even said that she would teach me a lesson. This incident made me feel very uncomfortable. "

"That's a question I have to ask you, Boo Laike."

Shaw looked at him.

This young man is still handsome and calm compared to a few months ago, but the gloom on his body seems to be deeper. He said to the pirate:

"What's going on with you and Garona?"

"She helped me and saved my life."

Bo Laike picked up the dwarven pipe, turned it around in his hand, glanced at Shaw, and said:

"You SI:7 have been chasing Garona, and you should know a lot about her. You also know that Garona has been controlled by the Shadow Council and has done many bad things.

I'm not defending her.

She didn't need my excuses, she didn't try to deny the blood on her hands, and she was happy to face up to these past mistakes when the war was over.

That is a matter between her and you, I will not interfere, and I don't need to interfere, no matter who dies in the end, I will send a bouquet of flowers to her or his tombstone.

I just teamed up with her to hunt down Gul'dan, and she helped me break my hell curse.

she is my friend.

Just like you. "

Shaw nodded.

His eyes dimmed and he said:

"So you would rather choose to be an enemy of MI7 for her? Would you rather confront a legendary assassin head-on for her?"

The question made Nathanos want to speak, but Laike stopped him with his hand.

The pirate threw the death ray gun in his hand back into his bag, and he took a few steps towards Shaw. As he approached, with the hissing of the sharp blade, a poisoned dagger was pressed against his neck.

Xiao Er looked at him with cold eyes.

But Bu Laike didn't care. He didn't seem to notice the knife on his neck at all. He stretched out his hand, put it on Xiao Er's shoulder, and said seriously:

"I will do the same for you, Mathias. I know you value this friendship as much as I do when we were both weak.

I also know that you are not your grandma's old stubbornness.

We are all assassins, we are all people who walk in the dark, and we have all done things that we do not want to do but have to do. That is called a task, or a job.

Garona, like us, has a job she has to do.

You have a strong grandma who trained you in a ruthless way since childhood and forged you into a talent. Garona is worse than you. She grew up, and all she has is a master who uses her as a weapon.

Raised by someone like Gul'dan

Every day is hell. "

"Are you pleading for her?"

Shore looked into Boo Laike's eyes and said:

"She killed our king! Shame on the whole SI7, we are all losers with her in one day!"

"I'm not pleading."

The pirate shrugged and looked into Shaw's eyes:

"I just want to tell you, Shore, don't take other people's mistakes and failures on your own, and don't let them define your life.

To put it bluntly, it's between your grandma and Garona.

Ms. Passonia feels that she is getting old, and she puts her hatred and regrets on you, and she is also running away, and she wants you to do what she can't. "

"Be careful, Bo Laike. You're talking about my only family."

Xiao Er withdrew the dagger, and said in a cold tone:

"You describe my grandma as a big villain, but it can't change the reality that she is my blood relative."

"I just think, you should have more freedom."

The pirate blinked his eyes, laughed and put his arm around Xiao Er's shoulder, he said:

"You should be free to decide your life. You see, I have a boat now. I plan to do a career in the sea. I am very short of people I can trust.

follow me.

Let's go across the sea. "

A strange smile appeared on Xiao Erleng's face. He glanced at Nathanos and asked with his eyes:

Did he invite you?

The ranger shrugged his shoulders, looked back and said:

Invited, but I didn't say yes.

"So, I refuse."

Xiao Er pushed the pirate away, stretched out his hand to straighten his collar and hair, and said in a gentle tone:

"I have a bright future. After you defeat my grandma, I will take over the entire SI.7 and assist King Varian in rebuilding the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Maybe you can be awarded a title or something in the future, high society, decent people, understand?

You want me to drop everything and go be a pirate with you?

You're afraid you're mentally ill.

Maybe that gnome brainwashing hat just now is affecting your sanity, Bo Laike. "

"Hey, isn't it the title? Isn't it easy for you to want this?"

Bu Laike curled his lips in disdain. He coughed lightly, raised his left hand like a sword, and tapped Xiao Er's left and right shoulders, and said in a long voice:

"Then, as the crown prince and future king of Kul Tiras, I will grant you the title of earl, fief, and I think Stormsong Valley is not bad.

As long as you help me overthrow the Stormsong family that ruled there, I will seal it to you.

how about it?

Think about it, this is a title of real power, and the reward for the poor Stormwind Kingdom is much better. "


Shaw is so smart.

Hearing the pirate's joke-like words, his eyes sharpened immediately.

He glanced at Nathanos again.

The latter shrugged and indicated with his eyes that the crazy news was true.

Bo Laike also took off his blindfold and hood, exposed his face to the sun, brushed his long blond hair out of the mess, and said to Shaw:

"You still not saluting to His Highness? You rude assassin. Where is His Highness's ranger general? Quickly arrest this rude guy! Let's find a place to drink some wine."

"As you order, Your Majesty."

Maris pretentiously bent down and made a courtesy, then stepped forward and grabbed Shaw's shoulder, saying:

"Let's go, don't make His Highness angry, he is very powerful now, we probably can't beat him with one piece."

"You really are."

Shaw was really surprised at this, he couldn't even maintain that cold and handsome expression, he was pushed forward by Nathanos, and said to Bu Laike who put on the hood again:

"No wonder Ravenholdt has been unable to find your body in the waters of Khaz Modan, it's not that those divers didn't work hard enough, it's that you didn't die at all.

Boy, you are addicted to playing dress up games.

Could it be that you were unwilling to face the ambassador of Kul Tiras in Steinbrad last time, because you were afraid that he would see the clues? "

"No, your mortal wisdom."

Bu Laike glared at Shore and said:

"Things are more troublesome than you imagined. Do you think I was joking when I just said that I want to overthrow the Stormsong family? Don't be stupid, the situation I have to face is worse than that of Varian, a young man. too much.

Let's go and have a drink.

By the way, help me sort out my thoughts. "

The trio of men and gods found a place with a good view behind the Valley of the Kings. While looking down at the large campsite in the valley and the scenery of the barren land in the distance, they chatted about things that could not be brought to the table.

"As for me, I will help you defeat your grandma this time, so I will let her retire quickly to take care of her life. You will take over MI7, assist Varian in governing the country, and at the same time help me train some spies and assassins.

I need them to break into Kul Tiras in advance to gather information for me. "

Bo Laike drank wine and said to Shaw next to him:

"I won't let you do it for nothing, I'll give you the money. Anyway, the Stormwind Kingdom will need money when it's rebuilt. I'll find some merchants to do business with, and I'll treat it as a support for my Varian little brother.

By the way, how long will it take you to accept your grandma's organization? "

the pirate asked.

Xiao Er did not answer immediately, but shook the wine bottle in front of him, and whispered:

"It's already been done. I have placed my people in some key positions. Grandma has been obsessed with hunting orcs these days, and she feels like letting go.

As long as you can defeat her, I only need a day or two to complete the preliminary sorting and receiving of MI7. "

"Good guy!"

Bo Laike and Nathanos exchanged glances, they looked at Shaw like a monster.

The ranger said in surprise:

"That is to say, even without Laike, you are already preparing for a rebellion? You have already formed your own small forces. Is this to seize power?"

"It's not as scary as you make it out to be. My grandma knows it all too well, she's even encouraging me to do it."

Xiao Er raised the wine jug in his hand and took a sip into his mouth. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, saying:

"She has raised me in this way since I was a child. She is one of those... very old-fashioned assassins who always feel that she represents the failures of the past. If I want to rise, I have to pass her level first and prove to her that I am better than me. She is stronger and more in control.

I have to beat her to get out of her shadow.

I actually don't hate this kind of education, and even appreciate this kind of cruel growth logic, as long as the target is not me. Unfortunately, I have come here since I was a child.

It's like the kind of spring made by gnomes, which has been pressed to the extreme since childhood.

But the spring always bounces off.

Don't be afraid of your jokes. I didn't dare to talk to women before I was eleven years old. I thought they were all monsters. I didn't know until later that only my grandma was a monster. "

Mathias Shore looked at the bottle in his hand.

He took the initiative to talk about his past to the other two, then closed his eyes and sighed:

"Before I met you two, I didn't have any friends around me.

Grandma thought that would be my flaw, and she said I couldn't have flaws, or I'd fail horribly like her.

I have known since I was a child that there is a shadow in my heart, and it is changing every day. It is like a living thing, absorbing the darkness and pressure in my heart to grow.

There was a time when, after taking someone's life, I would stand by the corpse and look at the bleeding blade.

I thought about stabbing it in my own neck.

But it turned out that my grandma was very effective in cultivating me, making me feel that it is a kind of cowardice to actively chase death. I persevered and kept walking in the dark, following the direction she indicated.

But I'm used to living like that.

Doesn't mean I like living like that. "

(end of this chapter)

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