Chapter 240

The speed of the advance of the Union army was very fast.

The coalition of dwarves and humans from the barren land forced all the orcs in the scorching canyon into the Black Rock Mountain within a few days with the force of quicksilver.

And the human legion that landed from the rear by sea and land in the south, led by the Kul Tiras army, went all the way north from the Kingdom of Stormwind, and rushed into the Burning Plain along the Red Ridge Mountains.

The orcs along the way almost fled.

They abandoned Stormwind City, which had been occupied for more than two years, and ran all the way to the Burning Plains according to the orders of the warchief.

This is the last stronghold of the orcs, and it is also the closest to the Dark Gate of the Blasted Lands, a strong fortress that can withstand the alliance's attack.

It's not that the orcs don't want to fight.

It's because they can't beat the imposing human army at all.

A spiritual plague has spread in the tribe. It came quietly, and it seems that it wiped out all the orcs in the whole tribe overnight.

"The emergence of 'Magic Blood Disease' has helped us a lot."

On the Burning Plain, in the Alliance camp under Blackstone Mountain, Marshal Lothar, who was wearing a suit of armor, stood in front of the sand table and said to the Alliance generals gathered around him:

"It is already certain that more than 80% of the orcs have been infected with that weird disease. That plague only works on orcs.

It was as if the force of their rage had been drawn away, and at the same time their will had been broken. "

"Yes, those orcs seem to have broken their spines and only know about fleeing wild dogs."

Beside Lothar, wearing armor and leaning on a battle sword, Dai Lin said indifferently:

"My soldiers and I came all the way from Stormwind City, those greenskins only knew how to run, they couldn't run anymore, they would even stay where they were, and let us kill them.

My soldiers captured a few warlords, the most elite warriors among the green skins, as if they had lost their souls, their eyes were full of blankness, and the previous ferocious desire to fight seemed to have been dispelled.

All that was left there was a sinful shell.

They acted as if they didn't care about everything, even their own life and death. "

"For this phenomenon, we have studied it recently."

The leader of the spellcasters in Dalaran, Antonidas, who was wearing an archmage's robe, a wizard's pointed hat, and a staff, explained calmly:

"According to the thesis of Archmage Vargas's research on the blood disease, he proposed a possibility. The sudden collective mutation of the orcs is due to the failure of the blood of the devil in their bodies.

You should all know that the reason why these orcs are so violent and warlike after passing through the Dark Portal is because they drank the blood of demons in their world and sold their souls in exchange for power. "

"But why would it fail?"

A pleasant, very magnetic female voice sounded in the big tent. It was a tall female elf with long blond hair wearing Farstrider chain armor and carrying an elf bow.

This is Lady Alleria Windrunner.

Interim commander of the elven vanguard of the Burning Steppes.

Although the military status was revoked because of disobeying the Sun King's order and bringing people to support the alliance war without permission, after the orcs invaded Quel'Thalas and destroyed most of the Eversong Forest, when the elves also joined the war, Austrian Lelia was re-appointed as the commander of the Elf Vanguard Army because of her "foresight and foresight".

This very temperamental, noble lady asked in a puzzled tone:

"The high elf spellcasters have a lot of research on things related to demons. As far as I know, the pollution of demon blood will not weaken with the passage of time.

There must be a reason for the failure of the demon blood in the orcs.

I even think that this may be a trap, tempting us to attack, and then at a certain point, let those deactivated demon blood reactivate to complete a Jedi counterattack. "

"No, ma'am, your concerns are non-existent."

Antonidas carefully explained:

"According to our observations of the captured orc prisoners, the demon blood in their bodies has not only failed, but has dried up. There is no possibility of it being reactivated.

Unless they drink the blood of demons again. "

"Well, if that's the case, then I have no problem."

Alleria flicked her long hair, and the sky-blue battle lines on her cheeks could be seen flashing away. She said to Marshal Lothar with full respect:

"The vanguard army of the high elves has assembled, Marshal, we are ready to launch the final attack on the orcs together with our human allies at any time!

All their supply lines have been cut off by us, it is impossible for them to hide in Black Rock Mountain all the time. "

Marshal Lothar, who maintained the strong hairstyle of the Mediterranean, nodded.

He looked at the sand table in front of him. The blue flags representing the alliance army had been planted all over the area around Blackstone Mountain, while the red flags representing orcs were mostly gathered in Blackstone Mountain.

There are also a small number scattered outside the Burning Plains, some in the direction of Stranglethorn Vale, some in the direction of the Swamp of Sorrows, and some in the direction of the Dark Gate in the Blasted Lands.

But on the road leading to the Burning Plains, there are also blue flags representing the alliance blocking them, which makes it impossible for these scattered orc clans to support the war on the Burning Plains.

In addition, the scorching canyon on the other side of the Black Rock Mountain range is also covered with flags.

The orcs have been trapped to death on this scorched land.

They have nowhere to go unless they have wings.

The previous siege tactics had already worked. In the last day or two, the orcs trapped in Black Rock Mountain kept attacking in various directions, trying to regain the supply line, but they were hit head-on by the waiting alliance army.

This means they can't hold on anymore!

The decisive battle is coming.

"The number of orcs is already at a disadvantage. In the past six years, they have trampled on our world with evil power and killed our citizens.

Now is the time to settle accounts with them! "

The marshal narrowed his eyes, he stood up straight, held the hilt of the sword in his hand, and circled around the big tent.

King Dailin of Kul Tiras, Duke Alexandros Mograine of Lordaeron, Master Antonidas of Dalaran, Varian Wrynn, the young prince of the Kingdom of Stormwind, Darius Crow Lei, General Danath Trollbane of the Kingdom of Tomgard and Northern Lord of Gilneas.

The great knights Uther, Tirion Fordring, Saidan Dathrohan, Gavinrad Doom of the Silver Hand Knights, and his adjutant, the young and promising General Turalyon.

Lady Alleria Windrunner, Ranger Commander of Quel'Thalas, and her lieutenant, the unrememberable Lord Lor'themar Theron.

Archmage Rommath, leader of the Phoenix Mage of the Silvermoon Council of the High Elves.

The Prince of the Bronzebeard Dwarves, an old friend of the human kingdom, Muradin Bronzebeard, and the Wildhammer Dwarf Sky General Kurdran Wildhammer beside him.

Even the dwarves, who have always been timid, sent a representative of their artisan council, Master Shiko Thermaplug.

All the forces in the entire Eastern Kingdom were twisted together at this moment to fight against the alien invaders who have ravaged this land for more than six years.

The power of all civilizations combined must return to them all the suffering that the orcs have brought to all civilized races in the past six years on this scorching scorched earth!

"We are not belligerent, gentlemen."

Marshal Lothar held his saber, and in the eyes of everyone looking at him, he said to others in a calm tone:

"We have gathered here, and brought our warriors to this scorched earth, to end a war that has brought so much suffering. We have come in peace!

But if this peace needs to be achieved with a sword in hand, then I am willing to be the first to step on the battlefield!

If our victory needs to be poured with blood, it will start with me!

I would like to walk with the warriors!

It's tomorrow! "

The marshal's voice resounded, and even spread outside the camp.

A group of knights guarding outside the big tent also clenched their weapons and listened to the declaration issued by the great commander to end the war.

"Tomorrow! We will launch a general attack! Drive the orcs out of our world forever! And use this destined great and glorious victory to honor our comrades, friends, and relatives who died in battle.


Alliance must win! "

"Alliance must win!"

The leaders in the big tent shouted their oaths, the knights outside the tent shouted their oaths, and the soldiers in the camp also shouted their oaths. The voices of these countless people gathered together, even overwhelming the burning plain. Breathing hot wind.

It has come a long way.

Let the orcs who are hiding in the Black Rock Mountain and tortured by the blood disease be terrified, and make these former invaders, tyrants and butchers who used the power brought by the evil blood to run amok tremble.

Every time the humans at the foot of the Black Rock Mountain shouted, it was like a hammer hitting their hesitant hearts.

They may want to pray for tomorrow's survival.

But unfortunately, they have already destroyed their own civilization and their inheritance with their own hands.

They even prayed.

I don't know who to pray to.

This is probably the punishment for atrocities, just like the moment that every life will face. When that moment comes, everyone will have to bear the price for what they have done in the past.

"Hold on! Let the soldiers hold on!"

In Blackstone Mountain, the black iron dwarves who lived underground spent nearly two hundred years completely hollowing out the mountain, and the ground buildings above the dark furnace city, as the city ancillary buildings of the black iron dwarves, are called In the fortified building known as Blackrock Spire.

Orgrim Doomhammer, the great chief, is also assigning combat missions to the orc patriarchs and warlords under his command.

Lemonemia swept through the Horde, but Orgrim and a few orcs survived.

At the "Blood Drinking Conference" hosted by Gul'dan in the Dellano world, Orgrim was warned by his good brother Durotan that he did not drink the blood of the fel energy.

Now that the disaster is coming back, he and his personal guards are actually a blessing in disguise.

As for their equally green skin, that was due to the contamination of fel energy, not proof that they drank the blood of demons.

Only those orcs whose eyes burn with blood in battle are victims of fel.

Or beneficiaries.

In short, when most of the orcs had lost their combat effectiveness, Orgrim and his men, who were not affected, strengthened their control over the tribe.

"Keir Rogge, you and your clan hold the gates of Blackrock Spire! I will send Red and his warriors to your aid."

The great chief tried his best not to listen to the human battle roar from outside the mountain, he said in a deep voice:

"The Blackrock Tower is easy to defend but difficult to attack. The gate forged by the black iron dwarves is so strong that even dwarf artillery can't open it. As long as we stay here, those humans will have nothing to do with us.

They have gathered too many people, and the fertile land of Westfall has long been abandoned. If they drag it out for a month, their logistics will be cut off. At that time, it will be a good opportunity for us to break through. "

"But our supplies have run out! Orgrim, our warriors are starving."

The chief of the Blood Ring clan, the very old Keir Rogge Deadeye leaned on his hunting stick and said:

"The Dark Iron Dwarves once again refused to join us. Those cunning black-skinned dwarves are not even willing to sell us food. They still hate us for taking Blackrock Spire.

You're thinking well, but our warriors will starve to death before the Alliance can't hold on! "

Several other warlords also had gloomy faces. Fenris, chief of the Thunder King Clan, stroked his war wolf without saying a word. The atmosphere in the hall was extremely oppressive.

"I have counted the food in Blackrock Spire, enough for the elite to replenish for more than a month."

The warchief closed his eyes, stroked the Doomhammer in his hand, and whispered:

"Humans are thirsting for revenge, so satisfy their thirst. When they attack tomorrow, drive out the members of those small clans."

"You are letting them die!"

Keir Rogge was startled, and the magic eyeball suspended above his head also turned to look at Orgrim at this moment, and he said:


"How about your Blood Ring clan replace them?"

Chief Fenris, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said something, and Keir Rogge, who choked on a word, could no longer refute.


Just as the atmosphere in the hall fell silent again, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the Blackstone Tower, shaking the hollowed-out mountain continuously, and large pieces of rubble fell from the top.

It even broke the bridge connecting the Blackstone Tower and the lower floor.

The explosion made the great chief stand up suddenly. He rushed out of the hall with the Doomhammer in hand, and glanced in the direction of the explosion.

The walls of the shattered Blackrock Tower, like dying branches, kept dropping debris, corpses of orcs, and bags of grain scattered by the blast, and fell into the magma pool of the Blackrock Mountain below.

Smoke and dust splashed in all directions, shattering like hope.


The heavy Doomhammer hit the ground.

The big chief's tall and strong body shook twice, his eyes were filled with anger, but then, like a punctured balloon, he became silent.

"Assassins from the Alliance destroyed our grain bank."

"Mobilize! Mobilize! Tomorrow morning, all the orcs will gather and fight to the death with the alliance!"

(end of this chapter)

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