Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 304 13. Planeswalker Jaina (Part 2)---【18/35】

Chapter 304 13. Planeswalker Jaina (Part 2) -- [1835]

(Add more [3/5] for Suyan and Qingguo brothers)

Wearing a robe, a hood, and a staff, little Jaina bounced away from the magic castle of the Tirisfal Council.

Because I will be leaving for a long journey tomorrow, I have to hurry up today to replenish various travel needs, buy some materials at the Magic Commercial Street, and then go to Violet Castle to ask Archmage Anslem to apply for some magic scrolls and potions.

These are all ordered by Mentor Meri.

According to Ellie, members of the Tirisfal Council have some "privileges" in Dalaran, and little Jaina still doesn't quite understand what this means.

But it is always a pleasant thing to have free scrolls and potions.

But before going to the Magic Commercial Street, the little mage first went to the mage tower of Master Antonidas to see his "senior brother".

"Instructor Meili said that my talent is very outstanding, but my learning ability is slightly insufficient because I am too young. Learning too many messy magic theories at this time will only weaken my talent.

Turn me from the future "Queen of Winter" into an archmage who is proficient in everything but mediocre.

It sounds reasonable.

But during this period of time, all I learned was ice magic, and I was a little overwhelmed. "

Little Jaina sighed, holding a glass of wine in both hands, using magic to shape the cold air, keeping the temperature of the wine at a comfortable level, and handing it to the Kel'Thuzad mage who was half lying on the recliner.

The latter's injuries have almost recovered, but the strange thing is that the Kel'Thuzad mage, who was always serious in the past, now has an obvious loss on his face.

Beside him, is his precious cat, curled up in a cute ball, sleeping soundly in the nest.

Every time little Gianna sees the cat, love plays in her eyes.

Little girls like this cute thing.

"Seeing that you have recovered from your injury, senior brother, I don't worry anymore."

Jaina looked at Kel'Thuzad who was drinking in front of her eyes, and she whispered:

"Although you didn't say anything, I can probably guess that you were injured that night, senior brother, and it may be a little bit like mine."

"No, it's none of your business, Jaina."

Kel'Thuzad took a sip of his wine. He didn't want to show a gaffe in front of a little mage, so he smiled jerkyly and said to Jaina beside him:

"The injury that night was only because my fighting skills were too poor, so I can't blame you. In that night, I learned a lot and saw the world beyond magic.

I just heard you say that Master Meili's teaching arrangements for you, I think it makes sense.

Proficiency in everything means mediocrity in everything. "

The high-ranking mage stood up, walked to the window of the room with a glass of wine in his hand, and looked towards the city of Dalaran in the distance, saying:

"Perhaps, I should also learn some experience from your study plan. I should also find the magic power that I am really good at, instead of blindly following the advice of the instructors and continuing to deepen the magic theory.

I should also learn some fighting skills. "

Having said that, Kel'Thuzad looked back at the kitten sleeping soundly in the nest, a trace of tenderness and firmness flashed in his eyes, and put the wine glass in his hand aside.

Turning around, she smiled at little Jaina, and said softly:

"A spellcaster who can't even protect what he loves is not qualified to call himself a mage."

"Uh, actually, I think that brother can try to join the secret organization led by the mentor."

Jaina saw the firmness on Kel'Thuzad's face. She looked around and whispered:

"I heard the mentor and the guest say today that he has been in Dalaran, observing those talented and potential spellcasters, and will invite them when the time is right.

Ellie said that she saw your name in the teacher's handbook.

To be given such an evaluation by your mentor shows that you are indeed a potential spellcaster. "

Kel'Thuzad, who lost all confidence after being beaten by the stinky pirates in the previous battle, raised his brows.

A thoughtful light appeared in his eyes.

After a few seconds, he whispered:

"Actually, after you left, Anna, Master Antonidas sent a letter back. He expressed regret for you leaving the Mage Tower, but he also recognized Archmage Meri's magical attainments, and praised him as the pride of human spellcasters.

The master said in his letter that Lord Merry is a 'demilich'.

This is a concept I've never heard of.

In Dalaran's big library, I couldn't find any magic theory related to this system. Can little Anna explain to me what is a demilich? "

"Ah, the mentor is no longer a demilich."

Jaina thought for a while and explained to Kel'Thuzad:

"The mentor has entered eternity and has become a real lich, and is currently the only lich in Azeroth. According to the mentor himself, this is based on ice and shadows, and extended by spiritism. The path of extraordinary magic.

It is said that when he completed the transformation ceremony, he had already incorporated death magic into his power.

There is no information about this magic system in Dalaran, because it is the inheritance of the high elves. "

"Is that so?"

Kel'Thuzad frowned, nodded, and said softly:

"The knowledge of spiritism, I remember that during our crusade against the orc warlocks, we also harvested a batch of taboo tomes, which were stored in the secret room of the Violet Prison.

The Council of Six does not allow spellcasters to study those dark and forbidden powers. Ah, sorry, look at me, I am too slow, little Ana.

You are going on a long journey tomorrow, and I am still wasting your precious time. "

The high-level mage suddenly realized this, and he hurried to his storage box, found some well-organized magic materials, parchment, scroll potions and other supplies, and handed them to Jaina.

And with a very strange smile, he said:

"You don't have to go to the Magic Commercial Street anymore, these should be enough for you. This is your first time traveling, so be sure to pay attention to safety."

"Then I'm not welcome."

Little Jaina checked the supplies presented by her senior brother. They were all very high-quality materials, indeed better than those purchased in the Magic Commercial Street.

She put the materials back into her bag and was about to say goodbye to Kel'Thuzad when she remembered a sad thing.

She didn't have many friends in Dalaran, so she confided to the high-ranking mage in front of her:

"Actually, I still want to apply with my instructor to suspend my studies for a few days. I heard that the war on my father's side is about to end and he will return to Kul Tiras. Maybe I have to meet him before he goes back.

But I am afraid that the teacher will reprimand me.

Mentor Meili always had a gloomy face, lacking in vivid emotions, and looked terrible. "

"No need to apply."

Kel'Thuzad said with a strange expression:

"The Swamp of Sorrows you are going to is near the Cursed Lands, the Archmage's letter said that His Majesty Dai Lin is currently fighting in the Cursed Lands.

This happens to be on the way, if there is enough time, half a day is enough, I think, even Master Meili will not stop it. "

Hearing this suggestion, little Jaina's expression immediately became cheerful. Since she came to Dalaran, she has been studying magic and has never traveled outside. She still doesn't know much about the terrain of the eastern continent.

Now going out for a trip can also solve my worries about meeting my father, and I immediately beamed with joy. After saying goodbye to my senior brother politely, I left the Mage Tower and went to the Violet Castle to apply for my own scrolls and potions.

On the mage tower, Kel'Thuzad stood by the window and watched Jaina disappear at the end of the street. The high-ranking mage glanced at the wine glass placed by the window.

The chill left by baby Jaina showed no signs of dissipating.

Although it's just a very common magic trick, being able to do this to this extent has proved the terrible progress little Jaina has made in more than a month.

"How enviable the daughter of the sea is, what an amazing magical talent."

The high-level mage touched the cold air on the wine glass, and with a trace of confusion, he said softly:

"Master Meri praised me for my potential, but where is my talent? Should I continue to study with Master Antonidas? Or... necromancy? Liches

Alas, it is really hard to decide. "


When the high-ranking mage was thinking, the kitten behind him stretched, jumped, landed on Kel'Thuzad's shoulder, and rubbed its face against its master's cheek affectionately.

This intimate action made the mage smile. He stroked the kitten on his shoulder, looked at the city in front of him, and recalled the battle that was completely suppressed that night.

Not much humiliation.

He is a very calm person, and he will not be influenced by emotions to think, but the feeling of being held in the hands of others that night that his life and love is in his hands, I really don't want to experience it again.


He must find that innate power!


"Archmage Anslem is so cold."

Half an hour later, little Jaina walked out of Violet Castle wearing a hood and filled with magic scrolls and alchemy potions in her magic luggage.

As he walked, he thought about the scene of talking with the archmage just now.

"He speaks and acts almost like Mentor Meili, probably because he is in a bad mood?"

The little mage thought of some rumors he had heard from Ellie before:

"It is said that the daughter of Archmage Anslem was very disobedient. She tried to run away from home a while ago, saying that she was going to sea to become a pirate, but the Archmage was furious.

And grounded his daughter at home.

Pirate, why would she want to be a pirate? "

Little Jaina frowned, lowered her head and thought hard but couldn't think of an answer.

As a princess from Kul Tiras, she was born and raised in that ocean kingdom, so the little princess didn't have a good impression of the profession of pirates at all.

This is also what the vast majority of Kul Tirans think.

Pirates who plunder for a living are too bad, they will only interfere with the order of the sea, as long as they are caught, they should be hanged on the spot. Her father, Dai Lin, has hanged countless pirates with his own hands since the day he went to sea.

Many pirate groups that roamed the sea were wiped out by Dai Lin himself.

At least little Jaina knew that before the orcs invaded Azeroth, part of the military expenditure of the Kul Tiras navy was obtained by fighting pirates.

The Kul Tiras navies call this kind of action "hunting".

Those naval officers like this kind of activity the most. They can not only get rewards and fame, but also get a lot of wealth. Many lords in Boralus got their titles by hunting down pirates.


Thinking wildly while walking with your head down is definitely not a good thing.

Little Jaina, who was thinking about the family problems of Archmage Anslem, had just walked out of the castle, and when she turned a corner, she bumped her head against the armor of the lady who was walking forward in front of her.

The little princess' forehead came into "intimate contact" with the cold and sturdy armor, and there was a bang, causing her to sit down on the ground.

The forehead is red.

Hiss. It hurts.


When Jaina was rubbing her head and was about to get up, she saw the tall elf lady in front of her, wearing exquisitely enchanted plate armor and a battle helmet, crouching down.

Amidst the clatter of armor, she extended a friendly hand towards little Jaina. But the eyes under the helmet were looking at the doll-like girl with blond hair and familiar blue eyes.

"Sorry, I walked too fast, sweet little girl."

The gentle Salas language, with a pure elf roll, sounded from under the helmet. Little Jaina held the gauntlet in front of her, and was pulled up by the elf lady.

It's as easy as pulling up a little rabbit.

This elf woman is so powerful!

This idea suddenly came to the little mage's mind. She patted the robe on her body and was about to apologize when she heard the elf in front of her change the human language and said:

"What a beautiful pendant, is it your favorite?"


Jaina was startled, and looked down, the silver anchor pendant hanging around her neck was thrown out in the collision just now, and was hanging on her robe.

She hastily put the pendant back in her dress so no one else could see it.

"Well, since it's your beloved, you must protect it. Hiding it in your clothes is not a good way to protect your beloved. Cute little girl, see you next time."

The elf female warrior didn't ask much.

She stretched out her hand, touched Jaina's head, helped her smooth some messy hair, and said goodbye politely, carrying the phoenix epee on her back, and strode into Violet Castle.

"She's so weird."

Little Jaina stood at the gate of the castle, watching the elf female warrior disappear, clutching her chest, frowning and thinking:

"Why didn't I resist her at all when she touched my head?"

"Is she someone I've met?"

(end of this chapter)

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