Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 329 38. Dai Lin! We Want Your Head!

Chapter 329 38. Dai Lin! We want your head!

On the top floor of the Nighthold, in the Hall of the Dark Spring, pure arcane arts gathered from various magic channels are gathered here. They are like flowing purple sea water, rushing around the entire hall.

Twenty high-ranking arcanists of the Nightborne were scattered throughout the hall, using the magic system of the entire Dark Night Fortress to guide the flow of magic power and send them to magic nodes around the city.

These magic powers come from the depths of the Nightwell, which is the inexhaustible source of magic for the entire Suramar, but the tide in the hall at this time is not just as simple as the gathering of magic power.

These quintessences of mana are nothing more than the ripples evoked by the titanic artifacts in the Nightwell when they are activated, a trivial by-product.

At the center of the purple tide, what is surging is a changing light that looks like quicksand blowing down.

This is the power that represents time.

If there is a bronze dragon here at this time, it will definitely exclaim that the power of time has formed a vortex on the top floor of the night fortress. This is a spellcaster who is using the time vortex to spy on the future!

In the light curtain of rotating quicksand in front of him, there is indeed an erratic figure suspended in the vortex of time.

She seems to have left this timeline and entered another dimension, with no sense of physical existence, and her figure is very much like a pale ghost.

She maintained a gazing posture, staring blankly ahead.

The power representing time flows through her body, allowing her to roam freely on the timeline like a bronze dragon, using herself as a node.

This is Grand Magister Elisande, ruler of Suramar, leader of the Nightborne, discoverer of the Titan Artifact, and founder of the Nightwell.

A powerful spellcaster. In addition to his profound knowledge of arcane magic, this great magister is currently the best arcanist in the world of Azeroth who is good at time magic.

This is a very unpopular magic trick.

Even in the period of the ancient elf empire, few arcanists would be involved in this way.

And the time magic has been studied to the extreme, especially the occasional fragments of the future, which inevitably gave Elisande another title. Some people called her "prophet".

She doesn't like this title, at least she has never admitted it directly.


A sigh sounded in the hall of the Dark Springs, and as the figure of the great magister in the vortex of time gradually returned, the huge tide of magic power surrounding the upper floors of the Dark Night Fortress also weakened rapidly.

These magical powers, which are so huge that they can easily destroy the city, seem to be skillfully controlled by an invisible hand.

Just a few seconds after the guidance disappeared, the magic power of the entire hall returned to normal levels.

Elisande fell lightly from the air. She reached out and pushed the gorgeous and cumbersome golden mage crown on her head, and waved to the arcanists around her who bowed to her.

In the purest and most elegant Salas language with a Xin Aisa Li accent:

"Ask the great astrologer to come to the hall."

"Your Excellency the Great Magister."

A senior arcanist whispered:

"During the three days of your roaming time, something happened in the city, some accidents that were not in your plan happened, and now the whole city is in panic."


Just returned from roaming in the timeline, the great magister, who looked a little tired, snorted suspiciously, and immediately a personal guard handed over the record of the city disaster.

Ms. Elisande glanced at the record, and her face immediately became ugly.

"The Withered attacked the city, the Moon County family lost important members, my chief arcanist was looted, and even our talented swordsman Aluriel failed to catch the alien pirate

So many things happened in just one night?

Where is Aluriel now? "

"She left the city, Grand Magister."

The Arcanist behind him replied with a helpless tone:

"At midnight yesterday, Captain Aluriel left his residence alone.

City guards reported seeing her leave the city on her magicsaber. She also left a letter, saying that she wanted to wash away the shame for herself and her hometown, and went to the outside world to find a more powerful force.

In addition, Captain Aluriel took an important piece of art with him. It is the sword used by General Valothen, Queen Azshara's royal bodyguard, to assassinate the lord of Black Rook Castle in the War of the Ancients. "

"That's no big deal, it's just a weapon."

The great magister was silent for a few seconds, then reached out and rubbed his forehead, saying:

"Go and invite the great astrologer."

"Huh? Are we going to let our genius leave the city? Are we ignoring the chaos in the city now? Grand Magister."

The Arcanist behind him was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked:

"I'm not questioning your intelligence, Ms. Elisande, just"

"I told you, it's no big deal!"

The tone of the great magister suddenly became a little irritable.

But she quickly realized her gaffe, and immediately adjusted her out-of-control emotions with the demeanor that an elf nobleman should have, and returned to the stable posture before.

she says:

"We, Suramar City, and the entire Shal'dorei group will undergo a test of fate. Whether Aluriel left or the city was attacked, these are just insignificant signs.

After 10,000 years of peace, we must make choices about the future as we did 10,000 years ago.

In the face of such a choice, whether a person stays or stays is insignificant.

Give my order to the city defense army, arcanists and magic swordsmen, Suramar will enter a state of martial law during wartime from today! Wake up the golems and patrol the city. "

"Obey, Grand Magister!"

A group of Arcanists immediately acted and went to convey the order. Grand Magister Elisande walked out of the Hall of Nightfountain, looking at the city of Suramar on the coast from the top floor of the fortress in the sea.

In the past ten thousand years, she has seen her city from here countless times.

But there was never a time like today, my heart was in a mess.

As a legendary spellcaster, she is proud of her sanity, but now, Ms. Elisande really can't bring herself back to the previous posture of controlling everything.

She has lost her peep and control of the future.

She didn't understand what went wrong, but there was no doubt that some power quietly changed the rules of the world without her noticing it.

The future is no longer certain, fate has become uncertain.

Anything is possible.

Perhaps in the next second, a meteorite would fall from the sky and hit the city of Suramar, obliterating her and the hometown she had guarded for ten thousand years.

"Illidan Stormrage scolded us 10,000 years ago that we were all blind and couldn't see the real danger. I thought he was just crazy at the time, but now I understand Stormrage's mentality when he said this .

He must have been terrified then, terrified of the future.

He must have been very angry at that time, angry at his own weakness.

I consider myself a wise man.

But it took 10,000 years for me to understand the sentiment.

It's not him who is stupid, it's us who are stupid. "

Elisande leaned his hand on the relief railing that was so exquisite that it was almost a work of art. The grand magister, who was dressed in gorgeous and complicated clothes, was full of the exaggerated style of the Highborne and said in a low voice:

"I can no longer see the future with the Eye of Aman'Thul, Etraeus, my wise friend. The strange shock more than two months ago caused terrible fluctuations in the timeline.

I thought it was a problem with the Titan Artifact.

But now, I can be sure that there is a problem in this world. You have been stargazing non-stop for the past two months, have you come to a conclusion? "

"My eyes are almost blinded by the starlight."

Behind the great magister, an old elf with a ponytail made a bad joke. He leaned on a starry cane and rubbed his sore eyes as he walked up to Elisande. .

He also looked at Suramar City on the coastline, and after a few seconds of silence, he said:

"The stars are lined up, as in the past, the law of the star rings is no different from other days in ten thousand years. My apprentices told me that they did not find any revelation brought by the stars.

They are so stupid.

The fact that the astrology has not changed is the biggest problem.

I know you can't take a joke on this kind of thing, so I activated the observatory that Queen Azshara used back then, and then, I saw.

Very strange stuff. "

The great astrologer who likes to use astrology to explain the laws of all things brewed for a few seconds, and said as if revealing a secret:

"The astrology representing the five-color dragon army is missing a corner. It should be that the annoying bronze dragons have left this world, or 'abandoned' is more appropriate.

With their theoretical explanation, our timeline is abolished.

It may be good news that you don't have to worry about bronze dragons coming to us for the Eye of Aman'Thul. "

"What good news is this?"

The great magister snorted and said dissatisfiedly:

"No wonder the timeline can no longer see the future, no matter how much I use the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul, all I can see is chaos.

It's too bad we're going to face a disorderly future. "

"I don't think so."

The big astrologer's tone was very calm, he leaned on his cane and said quietly:

"Nine thousand years ago, I proposed that you open the enchantment of Suramar and bring our people back to Mount Hyjal. You said that you saw the tragic battle of Satyr in the timeline and predicted a terrible war .

You're right, so we didn't leave.

Seven thousand years ago, I once again suggested that you open the enchantment. At that time, there were already signs of the magic addiction in the city. You said you peered into the future and saw the split between the Quel'dorei, Kaldorei and Shin Della.

We trust you to stay here.

Five thousand years ago, the third time I advised you to abandon Suramar, the addiction had begun to manifest itself, and we had to turn to the druids to eliminate this threat before it erupted.

You said that you saw the druids, led by Fandral Staghelmet, acting stupidly and expanding blindly in the whole world, alarming the prehistoric darkness.

This matter is serious, so we passed up the opportunity again.

A thousand years ago, I asked you to take the people out of Suramar for the fourth time. The magic addiction has taken root in the city. The magic power of the Nightwell alone cannot even supply the needs of the people. An era of instability has begun.

At that time, you showed us the time-lapse you saw, the Kaldorei and the dragons were on Kalimdor against the dreaded Qiraji, and they almost lost.

Had our people entered Mount Hyjal at that time, they would have likely been considered victims.

You made a lot of sense and you convinced everyone.


We have stayed in this enchantment until now, and we have preserved ourselves in many crises, but we have also made magic addiction the origin of the entire Shaldorei.

Are you going to continue to prevent people from returning to the world in the name of 'dangerous'? Elisande. "

The great astrologer leaned on his cane and said softly:

"You once served Queen Azshara, and you once resolutely resisted her. Ten thousand years of isolation and rule have made you more and more like the person you once loyal to and betrayed.

You no longer act of your will in fear of the people coming out of this purple curtain of light.

You too have the same terrible addiction as the people.

But not magic, but power.

You too are terminally ill.

You know, I could have been there when that pirate attacked the city, but I let him make a fuss and left, thinking it was time, Elisande, my friend.

You have used the "danger" of the future as an excuse several times to persuade us to hide at home, but now, you have lost the ability to predict danger, and what we will face is a world with an uncertain future.

A wise mage like you knows everything.

You just can't give up what's in your hand, let me give you a reason to convince yourself"

The great astrologer laughed, his expression became serious, and he said:

"That human pirate named Dailin Proudmoore humiliated the Shal'dorei, Suramar, and the Nightborne, this is an arrogant and terrible sin!

Use this to open up the city!

Announce the return of the Shaldorei to the world.

Put a bounty on the whole world for the heads of that pirate and all his minions! Through this humiliation and revenge, we will inform this sea and this sky of our existence.

The closed era is over. "

(end of this chapter)

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