Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 364 73. Isn't The Owl The Natural Enemy Of The Bat?

Chapter 364 73. Isn't the owl the natural enemy of the bat?

"How could I have such stupid subordinates? Commanding them will definitely make me lose ten years of life! At least ten years."

Riding on the saddle of the Hippogryph, Bo Laike, who was flying quickly towards Watch Island, complained unhappily, while carefully manipulating his Eye of Keir Rogge.

In case my limited-edition True Eye of Keir Rogge is also thrown by the watchmen and sisters with a throwing knife.

These female shadow warriors have dealt with demons all the year round, and their sensitivity to fel magic is beyond ordinary people. In addition, the evil eye trio did not understand the power of the watchmen, which led to the bad situation just now.

The magical concealment effect of the Eye of Rogge is very powerful.

But obviously, it's not strong enough, at least for well-trained watchmen, this camouflage can be seen through at a glance.

"If you lose your eyeball, you just lose it. It's nothing more than finding another one. This is an out-of-print good thing. If I lose it, I will feel so bad."

The pirates steered the Hippogryph sky and spun a few times in the air, avoiding the wardens and magic swordsmen, where the arcanists confronted the most fiercely.

When flying across the low sky of Watch Island lightly like the wind, Laike jumped from the sky with a leap of faith.

During the fall, he was wrapped in shadows, and before landing, he threw out the dragon tendon hook and entangled on the bare stone. After borrowing the force twice, he landed silently like a black panther preying on the jungle. on the ground.

The pirates walked quickly in the shadows and did not intervene in the battles that had spread all over the island. They were like observers of the battlefield, circling around and stealing from time to time during fierce battles.

He was observing the situation on Watch Island.

The watchmen are very capable of fighting, but their numbers are very small, and their number is estimated to be no more than two hundred.

The Nightborne side had something to eat, whether it was an Arcanist or a magic swordsman, it would be very difficult to escape once they were targeted by the Watchers, but they had a ten-fold numerical advantage, and they fought in a scattered manner.

For a while, the watchmen were firmly confined to their respective positions, and they were not allowed to support each other.

Especially after the war golem rushed past the defense line of the bird-wing ballista and landed on the island, with the cover of these rough-skinned and thick-skinned war puppets who can use arcane magic, the casualties of the night children were not as exaggerated as before. .

"The Naga should be coming soon, those soft-skinned snakes have been waiting for the opportunity."

Laike walked around the island with ease, and finally approached the center of Watchman Island. Under a hidden rock, he found a cave with the owl logo of the watchman engraved.

On the stone door of the closed cave, there is a pattern of circular moon blades, and there are gray and white owl statues standing on both sides.

This is the door to the Vault of the Wardens.

It is also the most important factor for the watchmen to fight to the death on this island. This crypt holds all kinds of dangerous creatures that they have captured all over the world for 10,000 years.

Mostly demons.

There are also some weird guys who are difficult to be killed directly, so they can only be difficult characters to be sealed. The Vault is also home to the Wardens, with their resting area and armory, as well as a place to store their loot.

That's why Laike must be here.

"Although it wasn't the planned robbery, but as a pirate, I have the opportunity to rob the watchman's base camp. It's a shame to say this.

I am probably the first pirate to enjoy this honor in ten thousand years.

It's really exciting to think about it. "

Bu Laike hid in the shadows, patiently waiting for the opportunity to come, and he thought to himself:

"I don't know. Ladies and sisters, where do you put Brother Dan's two knives? If you can get them, then"


The pirate, who was indulging in fantasy, suddenly turned around without warning in the next second, and threw a throwing knife with his hand.

With the blessing of the already master-level deadly throw, the throwing knife was fast and accurate, and a spark bounced in the air, accurately smashing the shadow flying knife coming from behind.


The flying knife that landed plunged into the stone next to it, and the tail was still vibrating at a high speed. The next second, it was pinched by a slender finger wrapped in a green gauntlet protruding from the shadows.

The warden Nasa, the warden who walked out of the shadows, held her own shadow moonblade, and drops of dazzling blood dripped from the three-bladed forked moonblade.

Such enchanted weapons are not blood stained.

But now the sharp blade is covered with blood, which must be caused by the warden in front of him killing too much and too hard in a short period of time.

The eyes under her owl-like battle helmet are looking at the unique flying knife in front of her. It has been ground into a weird shape, very much like the posture of a bat with its wings spread.

A second later, a short hoarse laughter sounded from under the helmet.

"Bats? Do you like bats? Pirates, why use that as your logo?"

Nasa's fingers pressed hard, following the movement of the gauntlet, the thin and sharp bat knife was pinched into a ball by her five fingers, and was thrown down at her feet.

She looked at the empty land before her eyes and said:

"This is not where you should be.

We have used the owl as a symbol in ancient times, representing us as silent stalkers and predators.

The symbol was chosen by Lady Maiev herself, perhaps through a malicious play of fate. But you should know that owls are natural enemies of bats, right?

Are you showing up? Or should I catch you out? "

There was no response.

Bo Laike was not to be fooled by such botched deceit, and in the shadows he clenched Ulthalesh Deathhand, a noisy weapon that seemed to sense the approaching battle.

It's very, very quiet at this moment.

Seems to be waiting for Bo Laike's downfall, and then claiming the madman's soul.


The pirate didn't hesitate for long.

Didn't he come here because he was amazed by the shadow combat skills of the Watchers and wanted to experience it for himself? That being the case, why hesitate?

The loa bone dice flipped, and the unlucky one only got the gift power from Gani.

Amid the cunning laughter of the Elastognathus, Bu Laike leaped out from behind the warden with the precise leap of shadow steps, spun the war scythe in his hand, and slashed sharply at the place where Nasa's war helmet and armor were combined.

The watcher's figure rotated, and when the moon blade and the war scythe slightly collided, the blade was deflected away.

The cloak covered with sharp blades danced, and the shadow-shaped flying knives flew in all directions, stripping off all the shadow battle suits on the pirates.

Bu Laike did not retreat.

The war scythe launched a master-level sneak attack from bottom to top, and a black light flashed, leaving a shallow scratch on Nasa's battle armor. His left arm raised and hit the watcher's wrist waving the moon blade.

In just one second, the figures of the two intersected several times, as if dancing face-to-face, but the knife was deadly, and the moves were murderous.

Most of them are empty, and even the collision of weapons is rare.

Both of them belonged to assassins, not because they were hard-headed with fighters. They both chose their best fighting style by coincidence, and won with skill and agility.

Bu Laike's frontal combat is actually not too fancy.

So far, he has only used a set of Kul Tiras military swordsmanship for frontal fights, and a pirate fighting technique that is basically only used in tavern fights.

But just because he didn't learn other fancy sword skills, Bu Laike honed his sword skills very solidly in the constant battles.

This set of military swordsmanship is his first passive skill that breaks through the master's proficiency.

This will use the scythe as a weapon, and with the talent blessing of the weapon master, the swordsmanship will be temporarily strengthened to legend in fighting, as well as the passive talent blessings such as hunting stimulation and farstrider blade dance.

The pirates and the watchman warden who had lived for 10,000 years in front of him were actually tied in terms of skills.


Nasa also expressed surprise and affirmation at the fighting skills of the pirate in front of her, so after a short fight, she put away the contempt in her heart, and the moment she became serious, the watchman's brute force broke out.

The war scythe in the pirate's hand was caught by the three blades of the moon blade, and with a slight turn, the war scythe came out of his hand and hit the ground next to it in a whirl.

Bu Laike's left hand also dexterously clasped Nasa's gauntlet with his backhand, activated the disarm skill, and knocked out the Shadow Moonblade in her hand.

With his right hand clenched into a fist, under the blow of the concentrated strength of his whole body, the innate skill of the Kul Tirans, which had not been used for a long time, was launched, Fist of the Tide.

A punch that gives you a concussion!


This powerful punch with a stun effect was hitting Nasa's owl helmet, causing the Warden to shake his head and take a step back, which also made Bo Laike take a step back.

Both of them were unarmed.

"Owls are natural enemies of bats? Ha, that's not the story I've heard."

Bu Laike grabbed the worn-out sword hilt with his left hand, injected magic power, and let the one-meter-long flaming blade pop out, with his right hand behind his back, assuming the posture of a master.

In fact, the right hand is already shaking unbearably.

The watchman's plate armor is really hard, it should be forged with special materials, Nasa was in a panic when he punched just now, and it also made Bu Laike's fist hurt like a broken finger.

He was wearing leather armor!

But there is no layer of steel gauntlets to protect his fingers.

These watchmen are also strange.

All of them are obviously wearing heavy plate armor, but they move so quickly. If these guys take off the plate armor and fight again, they may lose their heavy defense, but how fast can they be?

"In the stories I've heard, another bat-marked man beats up another group of owl-marked baddies with nowhere to hide.

In that story, the bat is the natural enemy of the owl.

Just like we are now, Your Excellency the Warden. "

"Stop pretending, pirate. Does your hand hurt?"

Nasa touched her helmet, she said with a laugh:

"What kind of stupid person would attack this Moon Night Armor blessed by the Moon God with his fist? Are you sure you are an assassin, not a reckless warrior?"


Bu Laike lowered his body slightly, re-entered the shadows and stalked, and he said:

"But I don't think a warden who was disarmed by pirates is qualified to make such a mockery, Nasa."


After being called by the pirate's name and the warden's fingers clenched tightly, she realized that the pirate in front of her was not ordinary, so she flashed like a mage, and came to her weapon.

With a light hook of the boots, the Shadow Moonblade bounced into her hand, but before she could grasp it firmly, the silhouette of the pirate appeared behind her, and the first move was a big move.

Killing feast!

Each attack will cause a short-distance displacement, and each displacement means an indistinguishable attack, as well as the attack illusion created by the shadow, and the shadow cleave of the seal of the master.

As long as it is not interrupted, it can continue to swing the knife.

Until the opponent falls, or oneself is exhausted.

This is the most powerful attack that Laike can make in close combat without "opening the hang". Even the warden, whose combat experience is ten times and a hundred times that of the pirates, was also confused by this wave of crazy outbreaks. In a hurry.

Note oh, just scrambling.

It is difficult for pirate weapons to pierce the moonlight armor blessed by the moon god.

Nasa, the watchman, also used the real power of the watchman. When it was difficult to catch the figure of Bu Laike, she released a weird shadow into the distance.

In the next moment, there was a magical exchange between the shadow and the main body, causing Laike to immediately lose his target, and the killing feast was forcibly terminated.

There was also a dark moon blade with a thick shadow, spinning at high speed and stabbing at the pirates. The moment Laike pushed it away with a magic blade, the dark moon phase on the moon blade exploded.

The magic power of confinement forcibly fixed the pirate in place, and all the buff effects on his body were instantly emptied, and at the same time, his connection with the shadow was also temporarily sealed.

Even his vision was covered by the black moon.

And Nassa was holding a shadow-shaped moon blade, bursting out of the darkness in front of her, and the next blow would decapitate the immobile Bo Laike.

"Oh, it's still close."

The pirate was restrained in place, and said in a regretful tone:

"Worthy of being a watcher, a master of shadow art, you must have not used your full strength and only regarded this as a 'game', but I was shamefully defeated.

But fortunately, I didn't use all my strength.

idiot! Did I bring you here to watch a play?

Still not biting her? "

Under the scolding of the pirates, a huge warg that changed from reality to reality in the shadows jumped up from the ground when Nasa was caught off guard, and slammed into the Warden's armor.

This brutal impact sent Nasa flying.

Destroying her final Black Moon Bind and rupturing the remaining Black Moon power, Bo Laike grabbed Nasa's Shadow Moonblade and took a step back, taking his Ghost Wolf with him into the shadows.

Seeing that Nasa was about to chase after her, the pirate pointed to the sea behind her at the moment when she was swallowed by the shadows, and said:

"You guys have a bigger problem than chasing me. Also, your Moonblade is great, it's mine."

Bu Laike disappeared into the shadows with a big villain's laughter, and took back his war scythe by the way, while Nasa turned around on the spot, and saw the sea not far away from the cliff of the Watcher's Cave.

Under the tumbling waves, there are dense black shadows rushing to the shore from the sea.

They are ugly, ferocious, and their vicious eyes are full of cruelty.

They come with the anger and vengeance of 10,000 years ago.

Yes, the pirates did not lie.

The Watchers are in big trouble.

Naga is here!

(end of this chapter)

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