Chapter 386

Bu Laike's perception was pushed to the limit by him.

He dodged as much as he could in the forests of Azsuna, but he would still get hit.

Whether it is hiding in the shadows with the Shadow Dance, or fighting head-on with the Shadow Cloak, whether it is the combat skills of pirates and assassins, or the magic of dark warlocks, he cannot cause effective damage to the people in front of him.

It was as if he was fighting a ghost who had merged with the darkness.

He has always been proud of his deep connection with the shadows, and he finally felt the helplessness of those he had defeated in the shadows—every attack was only a little bit short of hurting the opponent.

But every time it's a little bit worse.

A slight difference is a thousand miles away, this feeling of powerlessness will drive people crazy! It seems to be a matter of luck, but when you look deeper, you will find that it has nothing to do with luck.


The sickle blade that Usales slashed down was sideways dodged by the warden in front of him, and the latter was still interested in stretching out his hand and flicking the blade of the hand of death.

The power flowing from her fingertips was transmitted to the downward moving sharp blade, and without using brute force, she easily destroyed the stability between the weapon and the holder with skill.

Let the pirate's body sway for a while, and in the shadow's jump, he quickly retracted his move and jumped back several times, landing five meters away from Maiev Shadowsong.

The pirate was panting.

Leaning on his sickle, he tried his best to maintain the lock on the breath of the warden in front of him.

The previous battles told him that as long as he made a slight omission, Maiev would jump out of the shadows and start with a shadow attack and beat him up.

Bo Laike never felt that it would be so difficult to maintain a fight.

He seemed to have returned to the time when he was hunting murlocs in the wetlands with his weak body and poor combat skills.

But it's not the same anymore.

I am obviously much stronger than then.

"What you hold in your hand is a spellcaster's weapon, and you know it, yet you try to use it to win an impossible victory."

The warden was still standing where she had appeared before.

The wide watchman's cloak covers her body, her two slender and powerful legs are closed one after another, and the thorn knife wheel is held in her hand.

But in the few minutes of fighting with the pirates, she didn't use this weapon much.

"Did you play too much easy mode? Do you think that the so-called battle is just a casual fight and you can win? It's an arrogant idea unique to geniuses."

Under Maiev's owl, those eyes looked at the pirates opposite.

she says:

"How about we change the battlefield? The druids you defeated said that you are very powerful on the sea, why don't we go to the sea?

Maybe in your home court, you can feel more comfortable. "

The pirate shook his head.

He didn't answer, nor did he say yes or no.

He felt strongly that even if he returned to the surface of the sea, even if he activated the Proudmoore bloodline, he still couldn't defeat Maiev.

The power brought about by the improvement of proficiency is just an "illusion".

It's an enhancement of skill, but there's always an upper limit.

And Maiev in front of her dare not say anything else, at least in the field of hiding and fighting in the shadows, her control of skills has definitely reached the demigod level.

This is not a temporary enhancement like pirates, but a breakthrough that will come naturally after thousands of years of continuous fighting and accumulation of experience brought about by continuous training.

As Maiev told him in the Vault of the Wardens, borrowed power can deceive you.

Can't win.

Maybe in the future, but right now, there is no chance of winning.

"Do I have the option to admit defeat?"

The pirate wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Under such a difficult scene, he was still in the mood to joke:

"I've been punched dozens of times. Ms. Warden's bad mood should dissipate a bit, right? Why don't we sit down and talk about compensation or something.

Please declare in advance.

It is impossible to return something stolen by pirates.

But if you send a few watchman recruits to join me, I can generously distribute more of the looted things to you next time. I'm good at looting, I'm very professional in this area.

If you grab a few more times, your losses will be made up. "

"Well, that sounds like a good suggestion."

Maiev actually nodded.

This reaction stunned Bu Laike, but the next moment, Maiev shook her head and said:

"But I suspect that you have no chance to rob again. With your current skills, you cannot escape the pursuit of the legendary rangers of the hidden passage.

If I'm lucky, I'll see you in a cage somewhere in the Vault of the Wardens soon.

But they are not us after all.

Once the hidden passage locks on the target, only the death of the prey can declare the end of the hunt.

We are the jailers, they are the killers.

Their attacks are fierce and fast.

like this! "

Ms. Maiev flicked the knife wheel in her hand, leaned forward a little bit, and disappeared from Bu Laike's perception the moment she entered the attack state.

The pirate's hair stood on end for a moment.

He also escaped into the shadows in an instant, putting on his whole body in the shadow battle suit, and the moment the stealth action was completed, he threw out the hook lock and rushed out of the forest.

But as soon as he got over the nearest branch, a fist wrapped in an iron gauntlet hit his forehead between his eyes.

The head of the pirate who had punched him was raised, his mind was buzzing, his jumping movement was also interrupted, and he fell from the hook in a state of embarrassment.

In mid-air, Maiev threw an emerald dagger on the shoulder.

The dagger shot by the Shadow Strike at close range pierced the protection of the Night Slayer's suit, causing the pirate to feel a numb pain. The toxin took effect very quickly, and he passed out when he fell in mid-air.

The body stretched and fell to the ground.

When it landed again, the warden who came out of the shadows stretched out his arms and held them firmly in his arms.

"It feels really good."

Maiev took the unconscious Bu Laike a few steps forward, put him under a tree, knelt down halfway, reached out and took off the pirate's helmet, and threw it aside.

She looked at the face in front of her eyes, and said softly in this forest where there was only her:

"Now you know what it was like when you kidnapped me from the Temple of the Moon God, Laike. Another grievance between us has been wiped out, but don't be afraid.

There are still many grievances between us. "

She chuckled, apparently in a good mood.

He reached out and took off the pirate's magic luggage. This kind of magic item bound by consciousness cannot be opened by ordinary thieves, but Maiev is an ordinary person?

Before he became a watcher, he was an out-and-out spellcaster.

She is a high-level priest of the Sisters of Elune. It's not that she doesn't know how to use magic, but she is an enemy in most cases. There is no need to use cumbersome magic to solve it.

A few seconds later, the pirate's luggage was cracked, and all the contents were poured out, piled up into a hill.

"You are really professional in this area. Look at so many good things."

Maiev looked at the various magical items piled up in front of him, gave a compliment, and reached out to pick up a gleaming golden one-handed warhammer.

She keenly felt that there were some positioning curses wrapped around this weapon, which should have been snatched by Bu Laike from some dangerous places.

Such things are best used by recruits.

They will attract dark stalkers, but as watchmen who deal with dark forces, this can just test the combat effectiveness of recruits and remind them to be vigilant at all times.

The warden casually threw the cursed weapon into the mooncloth suitcase he had specially brought, and picked and picked from Braike's collection. Ten minutes later, the three empty mooncloth suitcases she brought had been filled. It's full.

And on the hill where supplies were piled up in front of him, there were only two or three kittens left.

"This thing is not bad, it looks like a dwarf-style magic item."

Madam Warden took off the Hand of Justice hanging from Laike's neck, and played with this small bronze emblem in her hand. She saw the extraordinaryness of this thing at a glance, and put it on her neck.

Picking up the worn-out hilt of the flaming long sword from Bu Laike's arms, injecting magic power, the one-meter-long flaming blade jumped out, and Maiev grabbed and waved it.

She commented:

"This magic sword must be good to use as a torch, so take it away."

Saying so, he inserted the worn-out sword hilt into the weapon belt around his waist, and finally stretched out his fingers to touch the handle of the Usales scythe.

The soul of the bound dreadlord Lord Usales immediately expressed his loyalty to Maiev shamelessly.

The demon Jie Jie sneered, commenting that a weak soul like Bu Laike is not worthy of using it at all. As long as Madam Warden is willing, Ulthalesh will serve Lord Maiev immediately.

It is happy to get rid of its former master for the Elven Warden.

It would gladly drink Bo Laike's blood from Maiev's grasp.

In the face of this kind of flattery and temptation, the warden's response was quite straightforward. A dispelling spell shining bright white moonlight was released from Maiev's fingertips.

With the purifying divine power bestowed by the moon god Elune, it circulates through the Urshalus war scythe, and quickly dispels the trace of death divine power given to it by Bu Laike.

Let it return from the form of the hand of death to the original, dusty sickle form in the wailing, and even caused the demon body to suffer heavy injuries.

It is just a weapon, and it cannot exert any combat power when no one is holding it.

"A spellcaster's weapon should be used by a spellcaster. Using it for close combat can only affect your progress and hinder the learning of magic. This kind of evil thing is not what you use."

Maiev looked up and spoke to the unconscious Bo Laike.

She looked at the pirate's attire up and down, thought for a moment, then reached out and quickly peeled off all the armor on the pirate's body, leaving him with the cloak and blindfold.

And a pair of blue boxers.

"This battle suit is good. In the upcoming hunt, I also need some 'casual clothes' for camouflage. Thank you for your gift, Lord Laike."

Maiev folded the Night Slayer suit and put it in the bag.

She took one last look at the stripped pirate, hesitated for a few seconds, then looked left and right, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no one around, she reached out and took off her owl helmet.

Showing a fair cheek without Kaldorei's facial lines, and shaking the long white hair tied behind her head, she bent down and approached the pirate's face little by little.

At the moment when the eyes were closed and the lips were about to touch, the sound of croaking came from far away from the forest.

"whispering sound"

The warden snorted.

He pecked at Bu Laike's forehead like a dragonfly, quickly put on his helmet, turned around and jumped into the shadows as if fleeing.

A few minutes later, a huge moon-white owl flapped its wings and flew into the forest with the little murloc.

Bomburba's big eyes searched left and right, and Mengmeng's eyes were shining with worry. It found Bu Laike's hippogryph sky outside the forest, and the poor hippogryph seemed to be defeated.

Hiding outside the woods and walking towards the forest with difficulty, calling out to the master in a mournful voice.


But Bumblebee soon spotted Boo Laike.

It grabbed its own owl by its collar and forced it to fly in that direction. When the owl approached Bo Laike, the little murloc quickly jumped down and landed beside Bo Laike.

It looked at the owner who was stripped naked in front of him in shock, and the big cute eyes also shone with astonishment!

Bu Laike has always been the only one who robs others, so how could the pirates be robbed in reverse this time.

Still in such a miserable state, Bumblebee was about to wake up the pirates immediately, but it soon saw that Maiev's leftovers belonged to Bu Laike's collection.

There are still more than a dozen good things left on the ground, which the warden can't use.

The little murloc blinked.

It glanced at the unconscious Bo Laike, and then at the shiny things on the ground.

A sly light flashed in its big eyes, so it looked left and right, rubbed its paws like a thief, and walked towards the good things thrown beside it.


The pirate felt like he had a dream.

In the dream, he was doing some ambiguous things with a white-haired girl with a great figure. Just when the two were about to kiss, there was a slight painful touch and a noisy sound, which surprised him from his coma. .

"quack quack"

When he opened his eyes, he saw the panicked little murloc Benbo Erba on his chest, who was slapping himself with bows left and right.

Wake him up in such a brutal way.

"I was right, Maiev! She knocked me out, I... Huh? Where's my clothes? Where's my battle suit? Where's my sword? Where's my hand of justice? My magic luggage Woolen cloth?"

The first thing the pirate did when he woke up was to touch his naked body. Except for the cloak on his body, the eye patch on his eyes and the seal of the master assassin, there was nothing on him!

The little murloc lowered his head, pointed to the four cracked tortoise bags casually thrown in front of him, and made a "powerless" gesture to the pirates with an innocent face.

"Did she take it all?"

Bu Laike couldn't believe his eyes.

He got up and pulled the four bags to his eyes.

I found that there were no passive items except the stored wine and some specially placed collectibles, including the treasure I snatched from the black knight, and the magic items sent by Garona for the second robbery.

There are also the bonus spoils from these lootings, everything has disappeared!

"Sang Kesu, and the mark of the Wizard King was taken away by her? My family was emptied by that stinky woman!"

Cloth Laike, who worked so hard to plunder and finally saved some "family property", covered his naked body with a cloak, like a poor tramp in the wind.

He yelled angrily:

"Is there still justice in this? Is there still a law of the king! Maiev! You stinking robber! Don't let me catch you! I must deal with you severely!

You wait for me! "

"Quack quack!"

The little murloc also waved his fists full of righteous indignation, as if complaining to Bu Laike.

There was a hint of comfort in its big eyes.

Pirates fall, murlocs eat.

No one will know what happened today, quack quack, this is amazing!

Long live Lady Maiev!

(end of this chapter)

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