Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 40 39. Dwarf Technology, Shocking

Chapter 40 39. Dwarf technology, shocking

"Huh, that is the real sword master!"

Bu Laike, who was running forward in the darkness, glanced behind him. The half-orc sword master who was poisoned in the back had already fought with Halduron Brightwing, who was holding two phoenix daggers and leaping towards him like an eagle.

That's the right opponent.

While the two were fighting, Braike dropped another scout on Halduron, something he'd always wanted to do, but hadn't been able to.

The feedback information unfolded in an instant.

"Bright Ranger" Halduron Brightwing

Mortal Body. Powerful Aura. Monkey Protection. Hunting Stimulation. Phoenix Inheritance. Far Traveler - Herd of Beasts

Level 60 Ranger


He is worthy of being the future Ranger General, but under normal circumstances, he should not be able to defeat the half-orc sword master, but now I am the bait and let him take the upper hand.

It seems that poisoned arrows were used, and the outcome is hard to say. "

Bu Laike thought in his heart, and turned his head to speed up to leave at the same time, he didn't care about the outcome of the two, anyway Bright Wing dared to come, there must be a way to leave when it was fatal.

He must first focus on his task.

I didn't know how many fake sword masters I had attracted during my escape all the way just now.

But it should be far beyond the plan, and the front crossed the hillside, which is the previously agreed explosion zone, and it is unknown whether Maris and Shaw have reached the designated location.

While running, he called for the Shadow Battlesuit, and rushed towards the explosion zone.

But as soon as he took a few steps, he heard a muffled sound.


Dazzling flames exploded from the night ahead, like a dragon descending from the sky, and after scorching flames spread all over the hillside, Laike stopped.

Throwing the hook lock to the big tree beside him, the whole person jumped up lightly, and probed towards the direction of the explosion.

He could vaguely see the hunter's mark he threw just now, which was in the direction of the explosion zone, which proved that Shaw and Maris had completed their mission.

They led in the chasing Juggernaut.

And the dwarf who had been waiting behind the explosion also detonated the explosives as planned.


There was another loud bang.

And like a signal of a series of explosions, one after another muffled sound completely tore apart the tranquility of the night, and the hillside in front of him continued to light up with flames rising into the sky, illuminating Laike's eyes.

He clearly saw that in the burning sea of ​​flames, a fake orc sword master was blown into the sky by dense explosions, was blown up in the air, and landed in three or four different areas.

"what a pity."

The bad pirate has no mercy in his heart, he only laments regret.

Those are all vain experiences.

Even if he didn't use it, he could still throw it to the soul lamp to extinguish the anger from Hell. Thinking of this, he glanced at the character card.

Nothing else has changed, just a slight change in the status bar:

Status: Mortal body. Hell messenger. Farstrider-herd. Death curse (takes effect after 19 hours and 23 minutes)

Before concentrating on combat, he didn't realize that the "far traveler-lone wolf" in his status bar had changed to "far traveler-herd", which made him glance back again.

When Halduron Brightwing was scouting just now, he seemed to have the Farstrider-Hord status effect.

This status change confirmed Bo Laike's guess.

When two or more Farstriders hunt together, the talents of the Farstriders will change. The lone wolf strengthens agility and agility, while the herd's effect is perception superposition.

No wonder when I was escaping just now, I could slightly feel the Juggernaut running behind me, and Maris must also have this feeling of heightened perception.

When he shot arrows on the bumpy horse just now, he was quite accurate. Laike saw him shoot three arrows with his own eyes, and even hit a sword master in a windwalk state.

But unfortunately, Marris probably doesn't have a character card to remind him of this.


Laike turned his gaze back to the explosion zone that was still ringing low, and then noticed that the circle of light of the Hunter's Mark that he had thrown before was moving in his direction.

This made his eyes shine.

Then he walked a few steps on the branch, drew out his weapon with both hands, and prepared for a high-altitude assassination.

"Despicable Union Dog!"

Dasher, the sword master apprentice of the Burning Blade Clan, cursed in disgrace while helping a companion with a broken leg, and rushed out of the blast zone with difficulty.

All the orc's swords were gone, and it could be said that he had discarded his helmet and discarded his armor.

Juggernaut's perception is indeed keen.

But the dwarf mines buried in the ground did not have the slightest breath of life. These orcs who drank the blood of the demons were dazzled by the anger caused by the desecrated battle flag.

After chasing the two assassins into the explosion zone, he ended up in such a miserable end.

The dwarf named Kelsey Gangspark, whom Laike had never met before, was also very powerful. In that blast zone, she buried at least a hundred dark mines.

The power of such dense explosives detonating at the same time can even hurt the legend a little bit.

Not to mention these pseudo-juggernauts.

"Hang on, brother!"

Dashe said to the Juggernaut beside him:

"I'll take you back, that Harvey Olsen is right behind, he...he's a nuisance, but he'll help us, what a shame! We need him."


There was an inaudible sound above the orc's head, and the disheveled Dasher immediately moved behind him, but there was no longer a saber he could wield.


The blade fist with his left hand slammed into the neck of the Juggernaut with a broken leg, and the dagger with his right hand also slashed at the back of Dashe's neck. I don't know if this orc with a broken mouth deserved his bad luck.

The "weak combo" of this magical weapon entry was also activated, and the dagger that cut into the flesh had a glimmer of light, like another invisible sword slashed into the wound again.

Let Ben's non-fatal attack cut open the entire back of his neck, exposing even the bones.


The Burning Blade Master knelt forward and fell to the ground.

He was still struggling, but was kicked from behind by Laike, the assassin fell forward, and the short sword crossed his back, nailing him to the ground.

Two searing waves flooded his arms, and the pirate dropped them on his rank without thinking, and the number jumped again, making Bo Laike grin.

These false. Juggernauts are not as terrifying as the real Juggernaut just now, but all of them must be elite templates, and the "experience" gained by killing one is far more than that of ordinary orcs.

According to this upgrade rate, if Bu Laike is lucky enough, after tonight, his pirate rank is estimated to be close to level 25.

He hadn't forgotten to scavenge either, but neither of these guys had any good stuff on them.

What a let down.

"There are more in the back."

Bo Laike raised his weapon, slipped into the shadows, and rushed towards the explosion zone behind him. He now only hopes that he will be lucky enough to pick up a few heads after the explosion.

As for Hella

Well, forget about that bastard!

After gaining the experience, randomly chop up a few violent orc slayers who fell into the desire to destroy, and send those garbage soul fragments to her.

Anyway, Hella doesn't pick anything, right?

It is very easy to feed.

On the other side, behind the explosion zone, Xiao Er anxiously stood on a high place, looking down. Behind him, Maris was sitting on the ground with a painful expression on his face.

And a dwarf with pink hair, flowing bangs and a single ponytail was bandaging his wound.

"My God, you humans are so tall, every time I see you, it's like seeing a tree."

Wearing black leather armor and wearing high-tech dwarf engineering glasses on his eyes, this small man with a height of only about one meter said in his own sharp voice while he was busy:

"I didn't want to come, but I owe a favor to Granny Shaw, who helped us form the Gnomeregan secret army and our earth dragon special attack team.

The artisan council heard that you have a big plan to kill the greenskins, so they chose the most courageous dwarves to help you.

That's me.

It's a pity that when I came to the hills last time, it was still very peaceful here. I like fishing in South Sea Town.

Alas, that place is now full of greenskins.

They are also very tall, taller than you humans, and they are fierce and annoying. There are also these bad orcs in Dun Morogh, and they are trying to catch us.

But they couldn't even find the gate of our technological city, and the hidden mines we buried in the snow were enough for them to suffer heavy casualties. "

She chattered on and on.

She didn't care whether Xiao Er and Maris were listening, she seemed to be simply enjoying the fun of talking and using words to dispel the fear in her heart.


Although this little man used a sophisticated console to activate all the bombs just now, killing more than 20 powerful orc sword masters.

But she is still shaking now.

Obviously frightened by the ferocity of the Juggernauts.


That's it.

This one has only four fingers on each hand, but the smart ones are not like the short people in the same dimension as the other races of Azeroth. Most of them have flexible brains.

But physically weak.

And all of them are not as courageous as rabbits, and occasionally there will be a few who have the potential of adventurers, but they are surprisingly courageous.

And their timid compatriots are two extremes.

In short, this is a somewhat neurotic race.

But they are really smart.

A bundle of ten dwarves is probably no match for a human infantry, but a bundle of a hundred humans is not as smart as a dwarf technician.

The things in the minds of these active, timid, and cute little guys are incompatible with the whole world.

Just use a little to illustrate.

Humans and dwarves still live in Stone City, but the dwarves already have their own underground high-tech cities, assembly lines, automatic robots, airplanes, and tanks.

even hole punch chips

They have it all.

It is said that more than 170 years ago, when the dwarves left the ground for the first time and set foot on the ground, their messengers drove a wooden plane to establish friendship with fellow dwarves in the Dun Morogh area.

Maris, whose leg was injured, was dizzy from the dwarf's words and pain. He raised his head and shouted to Shaw:

"Find him? Shore, is Boo Laike back?"

"Wait a minute, I'm looking."

Without looking back, Xiao Er grabbed the monocular with the night vision spell attached to his hand, carefully looking for his comrades in the dark night below.

They had just seen the scene where Bo Laike was shot down by a tall sword master. They both had a premonition in their hearts, but they had just fought their lives together.

Now that the mission has been overfulfilled, they really don't want to get the news of their comrades' sacrifice at this time.

"I saw him!"

A few minutes later, Xiao Er yelled in surprise, and he said without looking back:

"It's down there, that lunatic! He's alive! He's chasing down the orcs that didn't get killed! He's the orc killer!

What a job! "


The little pink-haired dwarf who was treating Maris's wound was taken aback when he heard this, and then turned around and shouted:

"Get him out quickly! There were a few hidden mines that didn't detonate just now! He will step on them! Let him go!"


A sudden loud noise made the little dwarf jump up in fright.

Looking towards the side of the hillside with short legs, with a look of panic, he thought that his mistake had killed the hero of the alliance.

But no.

It was the unlucky swordsman who was hunted down by Bu Laike. He stepped on the dark dwarf mine that didn't detonate. That guy's arms were blown off, and then Bu Laike, who was still in shock, picked up the knife and wiped his neck quickly.

Bu Laike, who was almost frightened to death by the sudden explosion of a few meters in front of him, stayed where he was in embarrassment and didn't dare to walk around.

Facts have proved that Gnome Technology is still as "shocking" as he remembered.

Now he doesn't know if there are hidden mines that have not exploded around him, and he is also very afraid that he walked in so swaggeringly!

It was a dwarf who set up the explosion zone!

Why did I forget the "traditional arts" of these lively and nervous little guys?


(end of this chapter)

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