Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 403 112. Northrend Frontier History

Chapter 403 112. Northrend Frontier History

"You're in big trouble."

After Laike boarded the Nagfar, the first sentence from his first officer Sefiel was this. Pirate Dragon gloated at his own captain, then pointed to a certain cabin on the poop, and said:

"Dean Lanyue asked you to come over, saying that it was about your study attitude, she has some questions to talk to you about."

"Ah this."

Bu Laike rubbed his head with a headache and said:

"Little Xingxing was caught helping me with my homework?"


Sefiel folded his arms and said:

"Little Xingxing has been locked up! I saw with my own eyes that Dean Lanyue left at least two hundred sets of papers in her cabin, and she was not allowed to come out until she finished writing.

The little girl was about to cry.

You made her miserable, and really pissed off the dean, so I said you are in big trouble, maybe she wants to sever the master-student relationship with you.

Or call your parents.

I think that since the war is over, His Majesty Dai Lin should be able to spare some time to come here to discuss with the headmaster about his 'favorite' son's academic problems. "

"Just gloat!"

Bu Laike had a headache when he heard it, and was irritated by the first officer's unruly attitude. He waved his hand and slapped Sefiel's buttocks, making the pirate dragon scream and disappear beside the pirate with a whoosh.

But I still heard the gloating laughter of the first mate dragon.

Unfortunately, Bu Laike is not afraid.

If he dared to do it, he already had a countermeasure.

This meeting tidied up his expression, then walked to Dean Lanyue's cabin, knocked on the door politely, pushed the door open and entered.

Dean Lanyue is busy.

She's repairing the mana-lost Skull of Gul'dan, which wears a black monocle with sophisticated multiple magnifying lenses, much like an engineering helmet.

Both hands were wearing leather gloves, and they were holding Mithril dot gold sticks in their hands. In the small cauldron next to it, some golden liquid was still boiling, making the cabin emit an unpleasant smell.

"Sit there and wait until I finish repairing this magic point."

The dean said a word without raising his head.

With a calm and indifferent tone, the pirate sat obediently on the chair in the cabin. First, he reached out to take off the helmet, and then took off Sargeras' cursed vision.

He stared wide-eyed at the captain repairing the items, mainly to show his sincere attitude of admitting his mistakes.

Ms. Lanyue's hands are very steady. When the Naglfar is shaking, every time she dips a little gold stick into the golden liquid, it's like a craftsman is working.

Bit by bit, the surface of Gul'dan's skull was smeared with golden lines, as if "changing the skin" of this magic item.

After a few minutes, the dean put down some gold rods, took off the special magnifying glasses on his eyes, and put on his own pair of frameless crystal glasses in the style of ten thousand years ago.

She glanced at Bo Laike and said:

"Have you thought about an excuse? Tell me, I'm going to listen to your sophistry. You are so smart, you will definitely give me a lie that will refresh my ears."

"Ah, no excuse."

The pirate shrugged, handed a messy manuscript to the dean, and said:

"I'm not avoiding studying, but I've been preparing for my own shadow trial during this time. The long-term exploration has finally paid off, Dean.

I've found my Shadow Trial subject. "

Dean Lanyue didn't speak, just staring at the bad manuscript smeared in front of him.

It expounds a very bold idea, and outlines the development purpose and original design of a powerful magic that has never been seen before.

As a spellcaster with extremely rich theoretical knowledge, Alya Lanyue saw the ambition and high feasibility contained in this new magic at a glance.

As an educator, Dean Lanyue actually felt relieved at this moment.

Make your own magic.

Not to mention whether it will work or not, the dean is very satisfied with this knowledge-seeking idea and execution ability, and looking at Bu Laike's manuscript, it is obviously not a whim.

He must have been preparing for a long time.

It is only because of lack of professional knowledge that he has not even shaped and designed the mana model of this new magic.

"I doubt very much that you are fooling me."

Dean Lan Yue glared at the pirate, and said:

"But the magic you proposed is indeed very bold. Once you complete it, the entire warlock magic system will be changed because of your vision.

You can greatly expand the Warlock system laid by the orc warlock Gul'dan, and you can expand its ceiling to an extremely high level.

Have to say, you never disappoint when it comes to surprising people.

Are you here for help? "


The pirate nodded, and said with some embarrassment:

"I had everything in mind, and I could even imagine my form when I completed this magic, but when I really started to dig into the details, I found that I couldn't control the idea at all.

Mana models or something, I can't figure it out.

I can only ask the dean and mentors for help, the grimoire that records the demon hunter's two sets of magic patterns and the taboo knowledge of demon transformation will be delivered to me in a few days.

At that time, we can really start this topic.

As long as I can complete it, my warlock path will be unimpeded, and I will be quickly promoted to a warlock master, which is very important to me at present. "

"Of course we will help you, but it's not the kind of 'help' that Xiao Xingxing helps you with homework. This magic idea was proposed by you, and you have to complete it."

Dean Lanyue put the manuscript on the table, and she said in an unquestionable tone:

"Your warlocks should also get involved. Such a big topic is also very beneficial to their growth. Especially Xieyan, he has been trapped at the level of high-level warlocks for several years.

The research on this subject may also allow him to find his own path to promotion.

In addition, if you want to complete the demon incarnation of the warlock version, then from now on, you have to add an additional "Demonology Course". If you want to master the power of demons, you must first understand those violent creations.

In this respect, I cannot help you.

But you can go through your 'connections' and get professional knowledge from demon hunters. These hunters' understanding of demons is unparalleled in this world. "

"Then why not, let's recruit a demon hunter to join Narsalas Academy."

Bu Laike scratched his head and said:

"Anyway, there are guys in Suramar City who are very vigilant and hostile to Elisande, and they should send an envoy over as a representative of the relationship between the two parties.

If they are going to stop the world from falling into the hands of demons, the best way is to spread this knowledge so that people know how to deal with the threat of demons.

Don't be fooled by the demons hiding in the crowd. "


The dean picked up a blank scroll from the table and waved to write. A few minutes later, she took out an ancient seal, stamped the scroll, and handed it to Bo Laike.


"Then, in the name of Narsalas Academy, recruit an instructor from Demon Hunters for the 'Demon Knowledge and Demon Power Defense Course'.

Those dark walkers must have heard of the Nazaras Academy ten thousand years ago. This letter of commission may make your recruitment smoother. "

"Then I'm leaving, Dean."

Bo Laike grinned, relieved that it was over.

But when he walked to the door, Dean Lanyue suddenly said:

"The homework that Little Star helped you write recently has been sent to your captain's cabin. During the journey to Northrend, you have plenty of time to complete it.

I've spoken to Tutor Elan and he will personally supervise your assignments.

You already know that you can’t draw a mana model, and you should know that this lack comes from your ignorance of arcane magic. No matter which path you want to take in the future, arcane knowledge is the foundation.

Arcane, the source of all magic.

You have to master it, whether you want to or not. "


Bu Laike hugged his head and howled, but in the end he had no choice but to accept this reality.


Anyway, the long-distance voyage to the north is quite boring, so let's make up these lessons. This may be what people call "the price of power".


Twenty days later, in the North Sea, the Undead Fleet sailed into the coastal waters of the Northrend continent.

The temperature here is too low.

You can even see broken ice floes and large glaciers in the distance on the sea, as well as seals basking in the sun on the ice floes and those silly black and white penguins.

But this special sea surface structure makes it difficult for the undead fleet to sail.

Fortunately, there are North Sea lunatics leading the way ahead, so that they will not plunge into the dead land of ice floes and glacial structures.

The biggest change brought to the pirates when they entered the Northrend waters was that they obviously wore a lot more clothes, and even the furry vulpes were covered in coats.

The poor vulpes have been living on the Zandalar island in the tropics. Where have they seen such a wild cold wind from the north?

Quartermaster Yudora and several fox leaders under her command fell ill because they couldn't adapt to the climate. Fortunately, Natalie, the ship's doctor, prevented the fox's cold symptoms from aggravating further.

The snake pirates were even worse.

The closer they were to Northrend, the more snakemen would be forced into hibernation due to the freezing. A deck was specially vacated on the Alpaca to make temporary nests for the snakemen so that they would not freeze to death.

Orcs and trolls are okay, they are physically strong, just add a few more clothes.

It doesn't matter to the Nightborne pirates, they have arcanists on board.

Under the orders of Anaris, the Nightborne pirates luxuriously constructed a temporary "warm wind" magic to keep the temperature constant, but not to the point of being deadly cold.

The Nagfar doesn't even matter.

It sails under the sea, and the cold wind on the sea cannot affect it.

And this time, when they were about to arrive at the Northrend continent, a meeting was going on in the cabin of the Naglfar. It is mainly to introduce the basic situation of Northrend to the pirates.

It was North Sea pirate Anne Bonn who was in charge of explaining:

"Hundreds of years ago, the Northrend continent was considered a barren land, but in the past hundred years, human colonization and development of the Northland has entered a small climax."

Captain Anne wore a long cloak with fluff and her own red pirate hat, pointed to the map of Northrend hanging on the bulkhead behind her, and said to the leaders of the fleet in front of her:

"Now there are two human kingdoms in Northrend's largest colony.

One is on the eastern coast of the Borean Tundra, called Zhiyuan County.

It was the earliest colonial territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron in Northrend. The city had been established more than 20 years ago, and now a group of farmers or prisoners were sent there to reclaim wasteland every six months. "

The wooden stick in Annie's hand touched the easternmost edge of the map, then pointed to the center of the map, and said with some emotion:

"The other is in Grizzly Hills, called Amber Pine, where the temperature is more comfortable and the environment is better. I was born there, and my parents were the first settlers in Pine.

It's a place to be developed, that is, there are Drakkari trolls and bear people making trouble.

And the ambitious Gilneans also sent a fleet to explore Northrend early on. They also have a small village in Grizzly Hills.

Therefore, Northrend in everyone's memory is no longer an unknown place.

Although it is definitely not as prosperous as the Old Continent, the environment there is good and the products are rich, so that the settlers in the colonial territories will not go hungry.

The days we Beihai pirates live here are actually quite nourishing. "

Having said that, Annie blinked and revealed a big secret, she said:

"We North Sea pirates actually have a secret agreement with the fleet of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Every time we send off the pioneers, a sum of money will be given to us with the ship, so that we will not harass Zhiyuan County and Pinewood Town.

Moreover, those Lordaerons occasionally paid us to intercept and attack Gilnean colonists at sea. Many North Sea pirates were captured in this way.

My first mate, Marci's parents, and Harry 'Silvermoon' and his wife, were once pioneers in Gilneas. "

"Tsk tsk, Terenas II of Lordaeron is really ambitious."

After listening to Marci's introduction, Bu Laike rubbed his chin, narrowed his eyes and said:

"Before the orc war, he must have seen that he could no longer expand his territory in the Eastern Continent, so he moved his mind to the New Continent. It seems that the King of Lordaeron wanted to learn from Kul Tiras in managing the South Sea, and he wanted to spend his money on managing the North Sea sea route.

If this matter is done by him, Lordaeron will soon take the lead in human civilization, and maybe even build an empire.

But it's too stupid to colonize the New World without understanding the affairs of my own family.

Now, from now on, this area will be under our control.

Lordaeron and Gilneas still want to colonize, no problem!

We welcome more people to come and build the Northrend continent, but the poll tax and colonial security tax that should be handed over to us cannot always be delayed. "

As soon as he said this, all the pirates in the cabin burst into laughter.

Bu Laike would like to say a few more words to boost morale.

As a result, a magic version of the alarm clock at hand jingled, making the pirate's body stiffen, as if hearing a death talisman.

He waved his hands helplessly, stood up, and walked out with his exhausted body and mind.

As he walked, he said:

"Then what, you continue to discuss, I'm going to do my homework. In addition, tomorrow there will be a new tutor from Nazaras College, and there will be a welcome banquet on the Alpaca.

Give me the spirit to wear!

Don't embarrass me in front of other demon hunters"

"Well, Captain, aren't all demon hunters blind?"

Looking at Bu Laike's pale face with evil eyes, he said cautiously: "Did you do too many questions and your mind is confused? Or, take a day off and take a day off?"

"Forget it, wear what you like."

The pirate waved his hand and said in a melancholy tone:

"How can a leave slip be so easy to deal with? Alas, my heart is already in the shape of a test paper, and I can't go back."

(end of this chapter)

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