Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 418 127. Can You Add Me To The Black Dragon Army Tea Party?

Chapter 418 127. Can you add me to the black dragon army tea party?

Dragonblight is a famous place throughout Azeroth.

This wilderness is located in the middle of the Northrend continent, and the temperature is very cold. Except for some low cedars and native plants, the whole wilderness is a desolate snowfield, and few creatures can survive in this barren place.

But it is also the holy place of the five-color giant dragon army.

In addition to the Dragon Rest Temple where the Dragon Kings discussed their affairs, the Dragon Bone Wilderness was also dotted with the Holy Land of the five-color dragon legion, which was also the cemetery where the dragon would die.

The giant dragons who sensed that their lives were about to die would return to their respective holy places, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

This also gave this land the name "Dragonbone Wilderness".

Of course, the reason why this land is called Dragonbone Wilderness is another story about Galakrond, the ancestor of the prehistoric dragon king.

That was a very old thing, so there was no need to say much about the content. It was probably an old-fashioned story about a big villain being defeated by heroes. Today's five-color dragon army was able to appear because of that incident.

After Galakrond's death, its body was scattered across this barren wilderness, and eventually weathered bones filled every part of this land.

The remains of that prehistoric dragon towering over the glacier can still be seen today.

But those things are no different from rocks, and cannot be used to cast the keel of the Nagfar.

The king of hippogryphs, Cang Qiong, carried his master to the northwest of the wilderness in a blizzard. The space between the sky and the earth was white, and the pirates in the sky were covered with snow.

Fortunately, there is a watchman's cloak covering the whole body, so that he will not be frozen in the sky.

The Eye of Keir Rogge floating beside him turned a few times, allowing Laike to see the tall tower standing in the center of the wilderness in a snowstorm from a distance even in such bad weather.

Only a shadow can be seen, but it is still shocking.

That is Wyrmrest Temple, the holy place common to all giant dragons in Azeroth. Anyone who approaches without permission will be shot down mercilessly by the flying and patrolling dragons around.

In Bu Laike's field of vision, he could also see a dark blue young dragon flying towards Wyrmrest Temple against the flying snow.

That's the little star.

She set off with Bo Laike, going to Wyrmrest Temple to visit the holy land, and cover for Bo Laike by the way, so that the dragons patrolling the wilderness today were attracted to the temple.

This is not the pirate's plan.

But with the help of Little Xingxing, the operation to steal the keel today will definitely go smoothly.

"quack quack"

The cries of the murlocs resounded in the sky. Although the little idiot Benbo Erba had been strengthened by dragon blood, he still followed the law of life. The environment of the Dragonbone Wilderness was a bit too harsh for him.

This will hide in the pirate's arms, still shrinking his head, shivering from the cold.

"You said, it must be good to use this wilderness as a cemetery?"

Bu Laike said maliciously:

"It's an honor to give you a little traitor, a fraud, a treasure thief, and a bad lying murloc the chance to sleep with a dragon.

After you spread the word, all the murlocs in Azeroth will remember your name and your 'legend'.

They will say that the cunning and vicious legendary murloc Murloc Boerba died on his way to the dragon graveyard to steal dragon bones. Before it died, it fought bravely with the giant dragon, and was sprayed into scum by a mouthful of dragon's breath.

Do you like this story? "

Ben Boer shook his head violently.

It shrank its head, and let out a weak cry cowardly.


"Now I know I've admitted my mistake? It's too late!"

The pirate snorted, then pointed in another direction, and continued to threaten the little murloc, saying:

"You don't like the ending where the dragon kills you with a breath? Then I'll arrange another one for you.

See the mountains over there?

Under that mountain range, there is an underground city built by Neyou Nerubians. You don't know what Nerubians are, do you?

You don't really need to know, all you need to know is that the kings of the Nerubians are called Crypt Lords, and they are insects powerful enough to rival dragons.

Just looking at the entrance to the kingdom of the Nerubians located in the Dragonbone Wilderness, but they have not been leveled by the arrogant dragons, one knows that they are on land and can be equally divided with dragons.

In fact, what those violent and powerful nerubian kings like to do most is to ambush stupid young dragons like Little Xingxing in such a world of ice and snow.

Sneak them up from the ground, pierce their necks with their exaggerated and powerful forelimbs, and take their carcasses back to their dens to feast on.

I will arrange such a story for you. "

Bu Laike cleared his throat, organized his language, and continued:

"The great legendary murloc Murloc Bomberba is a daring creature, he couldn't resist his inner greed and stole the treasure of his evil master.

After being discovered, he was exiled to Dragonbone Wilderness by vicious pirates.

Ben Boerba knew that he was wrong, so he wanted to go to the underground kingdom of the necromancer to steal the treasures of the nerubians for his master, in exchange for the forgiveness of the evil pirates.

But its good fortune eventually ran out.

In that underground city far away from civilization, it was caught by a group of terrible spiders and used to make a container for adult eggs. Finally, after the little spiders hatched, they were regarded as the first delicious meal by those vicious creatures.

It died terribly.

Its bones are still in the garbage dump of Nerubian's city. Do you like the ending of this story? "

The little murloc stopped talking.

He just kept shaking his head and making a soft cry, begging for Laike's forgiveness.

It's really scared,

It now feels that Bo Laike brought it to Dragonblight to really execute it,

"Huh? You are really demanding, don't you like such a good story?"

Bu Laike grabbed the hippogryph's rein, and in the heavy snow that was flying all over the sky, he said strangely:

"Then why don't I arrange something more tragic for you? Do you know that apart from giant dragons and nerubians, there are any other beasts living in Dragonbone Wilderness?


That is a specialty of the Northrend continent, a legendary creature that can control the kobolds in the north, and the elite individuals among them can even compare their strength with giant dragons.

Of course, it is still doubtful whether the mammoth is a beast or an intelligent life.

But one thing is certain.

They've never tasted murlocs"

Laike's Eye of Keir Rogge floated into his bosom, and it was falling in front of the trembling little murloc. The pupil of the magic eye rolled around, and finally locked on the little murloc's cute, full of In the eyes of fear.

"Look, I've prepared three endings for your 'Legend', and I really hope you don't use them.

I wish we could go back to the days when we lived together in the Eastern Continent.

I have survived the misery before, and now life is better, but you have become a little strange to me, my little idiot. What exactly changed you?

Do murlocs also say that they are blinded by their desires?

Or are you unable to get rid of the savage evil nature that belongs to the murloc in your body? "

The pirate took the hippogryph's reins and let it land in a blizzard in a badland of cedar forests. He jumped from the saddle of the sky and took a shovel from the pack.

He dug a hole in the hard frozen soil two or three times, found a stone from the side, pulled out the shard of Azzinoth, carved a line of words on the stone, and inserted it into the side of the small hole.

He looked at the little murloc who was shivering from the cold, holding on to the corner of his cloak and dare not let go, pointed to the "tombstone", and said in a faint tone:

"This is the cemetery I prepared for you. See how caring I am to you, no one prepares a cemetery for me.

Loot or something, as long as you have a few pieces in your hand, it’s fine, but your claws have all reached me.

This is not right.

In pirate tradition, this is a 'rebellion'! I can't reveal this matter, because if I let you go in public, it will make other pirates learn to get lucky.

So I chose to handle this privately. "

Bu Laike held the little murloc who covered his eyes with his paws and didn't dare to look at the tombstone, held it in his arms as before, and tapped it on its frozen head.

He said:

"Let this cemetery be empty for now, but if there is a next time, it will come in handy.

Rest assured, I will definitely put a beautiful white flower in front of your tombstone to symbolize my missing of you.

But the sorrow will always be smoothed away. After time has washed away the bad news of your death, I will find another murloc who is as smart and lucky as you as a pet.

It might take a while, but with so many murlocs in Azeroth, I can always find one just like you.

I've been very patient when it comes to finding and taming small pets.

In a certain dream, I tamed more than 400 small pets, plus 400 mounts, and took them all day long to swagger through the streets of Azeroth.

Don't give me this chance, okay?

Do you know what is wrong? "

Ben Boerba nodded frantically.

Today's encounter was too rough for the murloc, and it was really frightened.

From the soles of the feet to the heart, it's chilly.

I'm afraid that Bo Laike will stab himself with the burning knife, and then bury himself in this broken place of ice and snow.

He actually dug up the cemetery.

Do you think this scares the murlocs?

It made a gesture of cursing and swearing, croaking to show its loyalty, and promised that it would never be confused in the future.

"Very good, this is my obedient murloc baby. I just need to say these words once. You are so smart, you must understand that I am not joking with you."

Bu Laike laughed, threw the murloc into the wrapped cloak, mounted the Hippogryph again, and flew to the northwest of Wyrmrest Temple in the snowy sky.

"Hey, my little master is good at taming animals. It really impresses me."

In the cold wind, Xal'atath whispered in the pirate's ear:

"Look at how you scare the poor little murloc, it will definitely leave a psychological shadow in the future, and it will definitely not dare to do those small actions that make me feel happy.

what a pity. "


Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"I even suspect that it became such a worry-free bad boy. You taught it. You are destroying my family relationship. It's better that you didn't participate in it."

"No way, little master, don't slander me."

Xal'atath let out a short laugh, and she said:

"Who knows what it will do, which belongs to the strange dream of the murlocs, and then learns it badly. What does it have to do with me who is loyal to you? Speaking of which, the Green Dragon Sanctuary is the closest to the coastline in Dragonbone Wilderness.

I have been here many years ago, it is a semi-open bay, there are many keels to take, with your level of stealth, as long as you are careful, the green dragon who only sleeps will not be able to find you.

Why do you want to go far away to the Black Dragon Holy Land? There's not much keel left for you there. "

"Because the big bad black dragons have been removed from the Dragon Legion, their holy places are basically in a situation where no one pays attention to them. I can take them wherever I go."

Bu Laike looked at the obsidian holy land emitting black smoke vividly in front of him in the wind and snow, and replied softly:

"Besides, do you think I don't know what's in the Green Dragon Sacred Land? You ancient gods are really bad, and you tried to trick me, a poor and innocent pirate.

If I didn't know that the madness in my dream has begun to flood into reality, I would really be deceived by you. "

"Very well, then keep this vigilance."

Xal'atath whispered:

"Continue to doubt everyone around you, be careful of them, be wary of them, only me is the most trustworthy person you can trust, just like now, I will tell you.

Let's land.

Someone is active in the Obsidian Holy Land.

I felt it, it was a secret meeting from the Black Dragon Legion, my little master, you came at the right time. Go down and use your superb skills to spy on their communication.

Perhaps, we can get very useful news. "

The pirate narrowed his eyes. He patted the Hippogryph's neck, whispered something in the ear of the psychic beast, and then fell from the snowstorm in the sky in a falling posture.

The watchman's cloak behind him glides like wings, dragging him into the shadows, before sliding down silently towards the scorching obsidian holy land below.

The Hippogryph turned its head and flew into the vast snowstorm. This clever beast knew that its master needed to move stealthily, and hovering here would interfere with the stealth of the pirates.

As the pirate fell into the edge of a scorched obsidian holy land that looked like magma cooled after a volcanic eruption, he looked left and right, and quickly approached the holy land that was shaped like a dragon's mouth and connected to the magma in the center of the earth.

When rushing into the dragon's lair and following the twisted road all the way to the magma pool, Bu Laike, who was hiding in the shadows, poked his head out and glanced at the bright magma pool below.

There were more than a dozen figures standing there, talking secretly in Dragon Language, and looking at the figures and appearances of those guys.

Huo, good guy!

They are all old acquaintances.

By the way, Miss Katrina Prestor, what are you doing in Alterac without falling in love with my dog-legged Oriden Perenolde and sneaking into Dragonblight?

That handsome black-haired guy next to you is your big brother Nefarios, right?

It's really been famous for a long time.

The body of my first mate is still with you, when will you come back?

(end of this chapter)

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