Chapter 446

In the world of Azeroth, everyone who participated in the "Lothar Storm" must have never imagined that what happened to Anduin Lothar not only affected human civilization.

It was even so strong that it penetrated the dimensional wall and affected the life and death of another world.

Dellano, the hometown of orcs.

Several months have passed since the Horde's defeat, because of the siege and massacre of Daelin and the Kul Tiras fleet in the Blasted Lands, very few orc clans were able to escape back to Dellano through the Dark Portal.

In addition, the demon king of the Burning Legion was completely disappointed with the orcs, which led to the outbreak of their blood disease, and most of the orcs who fled back were scared out of their wits.

After passing through the Dark Portal, they disappeared into the desolate land that was originally called the Tanaan Jungle and is now called the Hellfire Peninsula, and no one thought of gathering them.

These guys are useless.

However, for the orc leaders who have fled from Azeroth, bigger problems lie ahead.

When the orcs invaded Azeroth, it was because the world of Dellano was on the verge of death under the poison of evil energy pollution, and they were tempted by demons when they could not survive.

Now that the plan to invade Azeroth has completely failed, and it is impossible for them to stay in Dellano and wait to die, then how can these brutal people save themselves?

"Orgrim died, he died like a real warchief, he used his life to win us the chance to return to our hometown, such a sacrifice is worthy of recognition.

He may have been freed from the disaster, but those of us who survived will continue to suffer. Dellano's situation is getting worse and worse, and even the Nagrand Grassland, the last living place, has been overwhelmed.

If we don't want to go extinct, we have to find new ways. "

In the center of Hellfire Peninsula, in the chief hall of the huge fortress built here when the tribe built the Dark Portal, a tall orc in a black cloak and full-coverage black armor is standing in front of the invited chiefs Talk eloquently.

But he talks too much nonsense.

This caused dissatisfaction among the chiefs.

"Talongol, you disgusting dead man."

The bloody chief who sat on the seat made of Thunder Elephant's bones said in a cold tone:

"You invited us here in the name of the Shadowmoon Clan, which exists in name only, just to talk nonsense?"

The chief's dress is very characteristic.

He has "long flowing hair" that other orcs don't have, and looking at his strong and powerful body, he has the image of a "beautiful man" among orcs.

What's more, this guy has a gloomy temperament. Although his skin is also green after drinking the blood of fel energy, it is lighter than the green of other orcs.

Maybe it can be regarded as the "cream niche" among orcs?

However, when you notice the exaggerated blade fist on his severed left arm, all these impressions of handsomeness will be ruthlessly wiped away by this cruel weapon.

This kind of weapon must be cut off before it can be installed, and judging from the shape of the wound, it is definitely not cut off with a sharp weapon, maybe it was cut off bit by bit with some sharp stone flakes.

And when he sat there, he felt light and light, as if he would disappear into the darkness at any moment.

It's as if you blink and he disappears, cuts your neck in the back, and stabs you through the heart.

This is a ruthless man who walks in the dark.

no doubt.

"Don't be so irritable, Chief Kargath."

He was scolded head-on, but the original Shadow Council great warlock Tarongore who spoke was not angry.

He looked around in an attitude that was not provoked at all, and everyone present at the meeting didn't have a good look on their faces. So he sensibly stopped making long speeches, but went straight to the topic:

"I have a way to find a way for the orcs to survive!"


Another tall chief, wearing a clan battle armor made of animal skin and steel, and with red eyes, said something in a muffled voice.

He stroked the exaggerated battle ax made of giant beast bones and black steel in his hand, a domineering and brave brutality surrounded him, and he always seemed to speak in this commanding tone when talking to others.

"We already had the experience of going to another world. What we have to do now is to copy the strategy of the Dark Portal, but this time, we have to choose a more suitable target."

Tarongore revealed his plan, saying:

"It's best to be a world where life is as weak as those draenei, a world that doesn't have strong enemies like humans, a world that can support all orcs to continue to live."


Fenris, the wolf cavalry king who also escaped from the Dark Portal, stroked his hunting spear. He had several wounds on his face and neck, which were the "memorials" left to him by the damn Dailin.

He almost never came back.

And the price of returning was also very heavy, his beloved war wolf was forever buried in the cursed land.

Probably because of this painful memory, Fenris has been in a very unstable mood recently, and he cursed:

"Blind guy, stupid waste, incompetent idiot! Open your eyes and look at this world! Building a dark portal has exhausted the remaining resources of the orcs.

In order to complete Gul'dan's fantasy, we have used up all the draenei slaves on hand!

You are still thinking about building another dark portal, are you crazy? "

"Who said I want to build a portal of darkness?"

Tarongore became stiff this time, and he retorted in his hoarse and dry voice:

"Before Gul'dan went out to sea on his own way, in order to win me to go with him, he told me many secrets that only he knew. I can tell you that in the world of Azeroth, there is one that can perfectly replace the Dark Portal." The artifact!

Right in the Tomb of Sargeras, right where Gul'dan died.

That is the Dark Titan Sargeras, the tool used by the master of the Burning Legion to open the door to the world. As long as we get it, all the worlds in the entire stars will open their doors to us! "

"So, your plan is to return to Azeroth?"

The orc chief with the tomahawk laughed a few times, his eyes sparkled with anticipation, rubbed his chin and said:

"That's a good suggestion. Neither Blackhand nor Orgrim had the guts to let me and my clan pass while you were fighting in that world.

And they all failed.

This made me more interested in the humans in that world, and I can't wait to experience for myself, those warriors who defeated Orgrim

I want to see them for myself. "

"But we don't have that many troops anymore."

A skinny old orc chief who had been silent for a long time said in a low voice:

"All the elites have been buried in Azeroth, even if we add Warsong, Shattered Hand, and other small clans, it will be difficult for us to gather an invincible army.

And the magic blood disease on your body."

When the old chief spoke, he always carried a kind of sorrow, as if he was a sinner. He bent his waist and leaned on a bone stick, and his words were a little weak.

He is Ner'zhul, chieftain of the Shadowmoon clan, and Gul'dan's former mentor.

He's an orc with a complicated past.

He had a chance to save his world, but he failed to see through Gul'dan and the demon power behind him, and missed the last chance. He has always destroyed his own world.

"What's more, how can things be done with just a few artifacts?"

Ner'zhul shook his head and said:

"Putting the survival of a world on a few items, what is the difference between this and the reckless behavior of drinking the blood of demons?"

Mentioning this matter, the atmosphere in the chief's hall suddenly sank.

Not even Grom Hellscream, the warsong chieftain, and Kargath, the most vicious Warsong chieftain, could say anything in rebuttal.

When did the orc civilization die?

It was dead the moment they allowed Gul'dan and his ilk to pollute the world with fel energy, and humanity's victory was only made up on the dead but not stiff corpse after the orcs had lingered for years. It's just a knife.

"Relying on a few artifacts really can't make things happen, but everyone, I dare to propose this plan, so I naturally have my confidence."

Facing Ner'zhul's questioning, Terongol laughed.

Under the watchful eyes of the chiefs, he took a strange thing from the hand of the servant next to him. It looked like a scale of some kind of creature, but it was very huge, and it shone with a black luster like steel.

Just holding it in your hand, there is a heavy breath coming out.

"I still have a friend in Azeroth, gentlemen."

Tarongore proudly raised the scales in his hand and said:

"This is a parting gift from a strong man, just the night after Lothar killed Orgrim, the night I fled and turned into the Dark Portal.

I saw him at night in the Swamp of Sorrows.

He has a terrible force under his command, the dragons of Azeroth, who will help us seize the artifact and win a future for the orc civilization.

Of course, of course.

We all know that this is definitely not a gift of kindness, and we have to do something for him. "

He looked at the orc chiefs in front of him, and said with emphasis:

"But that's not really a request, it's more like an opportunity. The strong man asked us to return to Azeroth at the right time to carry out a revenge assassination on Anduin Lothar.

He hated the human commander as much as we do.

I know that he must have his own purpose, and we are just pawns he uses to achieve his purpose, but what does it matter? As long as we can get the artifact, being used will be used.

Is it the elements using us, the demons using us, or the dragons using us, does it make a difference?

This is the real purpose of my summoning you here today. "

Tarongore handed the black dragon scale in his hand to the nearest Fenris, who took it in his hand and stroked it gently. He felt the power in it, and handed it to Kargath beside him.

The chiefs just looked around in turn. As a spellcaster, Ner'zhul had the deepest perception of the terrifying power in the scales.

At this moment, he was also convinced.

And this change in attitude couldn't be hidden from Tarongol, who let out a series of laughter and said:

"We don't need a massive invasion at all.

Humanity must have built a fortress beyond the Dark Portal, our manpower is precious.

We just need to pick enough elites, and with Ner'zhul's spellcasting, we can open a gap in the Dark Portal, enough for a small army to come in and out.

The 'allies' over there will arrange everything for us.

What we have to do is to complete the revenge against Anduin Lothar and the entire human race while searching for the artifact! It doesn't matter if you are ambitious, you want to challenge the strong, or you just want to save Dellano.

These are wishes, good wishes, or cruel wishes.

And wishes are realized with both hands.

I, a lowly warlock, understand the truth, you don't understand it, do you? "

There was silence in the Hall of the Chiefs.

After nearly a minute, Grom nodded with his battle ax in his hand. He looked at the warlock and death knight who were talking eloquently, and said:

"I have one last question, Terongol, whose corpse you are using now? I felt a familiar breath just now.

Take off the mask and let me see! "


This request made the death knight a little annoyed, and he said dissatisfiedly:

"Is this question very important? Anyway, he is already dead, and he died at the hands of human assassins. I just use waste."

"No, no, you got it wrong."

Grom Hellscream sneered and said:

"Some time ago, my people found a 'friend' who had been missing for a long time in the Fire Blade ancestral land in Nagrand. With his help, the assassination this time would be sure.

I have to confirm this issue.

You used Old Dahl's body, so you naturally know what happened before he died, so what about his knife? Where is Sankesu, the spiritual totem of the Burning Blade Clan, Blademaster of the Sword Master? "

"That knife is not with me."

Tarongore said in an unfavorable tone:

"It should have been picked up by human assassins, it should be in the hands of Ravenholdt, the assassin organization that assassinated Old Dahl."

"Very well, there is a reason to invite him to participate in the war."

Grom looked to the other chiefs and said:

"Then go prepare yourself, everyone."

Seeing that Grom easily seized the initiative in this operation, the death knight flashed a sharp dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he concealed it very well.

Without direct provocation, the moment he turned and left the hall, the death knight thought in his heart:


Hehe, you can't stay either!

In the future tribe under my control, there is no place for you and those who get in the way, go to Azeroth, become my pawn, and die there!


Warchief Talon Gorefiend, what a sweet title.

(end of this chapter)

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