Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 473 26. This Is The Ultimate Dream Of All Hunters!

Chapter 473 26. This is the ultimate dream of all hunters!

Hisaly Crow was grabbed by Laike who suddenly appeared from the shadows. Miss Raptor Druid was about to fight back, but in the next moment, she abruptly stopped her impulse.

Because there is a very critical problem that she noticed.

"When the pirate jumped out of the shadow, there was no shadow fluctuation at all, it was exactly the same as the watchmen going in and out of hiding, it can't be wrong!

This guy should have an inheritance similar to that of a watchman!

When he robbed Watch Island, he also robbed Luna's taboo knowledge!


The Watcher must be notified immediately, but how did he pass the mysterious Black Moon Ritual?

Also, he claims to be a prophet? "

Many thoughts flashed through Miss Black Crow's mind at this moment.

She can break free from the pirates now and bring back a very important but incomplete piece of information, which will damage her perfect record of 100% mission completion in the past.

What's more, the human pirate did attract the curiosity and attention of the druid of the raptor.

The wood on his ghost ship, the tamed spirit beast, and his watchman inheritance.

It's like a black hole exuding countless secrets, making Xilisa Black Crow eager to discover the secrets of pirates, so as to bring back a more perfect and comprehensive information.

As for Bo Laike's doubts, Miss Crow is not worried that she will be exposed.

She is absolutely professional in disguise.

"Huh? What did you say you caught? A crow? Come, let me see. I'm a well-known naturalist in the Bronze Dragon Legion. There are no beasts in this world that I don't know."

Amidst the pirates' shouts, Sefiel appeared next to Bu Laike with a whoosh. When she saw Sefiel appearing, the dark eyes of Miss Crow, who was pinched by the pirates, shrank suddenly.

what did she see

The ghost of a bronze dragon in the uniform of a Kul Tiran female officer!

Actually serving as an adjutant for this human pirate?

Didn't it mean that the Bronze Dragon had already left this timeline with his family a few months ago? The archdruids also sent someone to look at the Cavern of Time in the Tanaris Desert.

It was already empty there.

The bronze dragon even packed away its own dragon eggs. The ghost of the bronze dragon in front of him is likely to be the last remaining bronze dragon in the world of Azeroth.

Another big mystery has emerged!

Perhaps the Cenarion Cult can find out the secret about the disappearance of the bronze dragon from the ghost of the bronze young dragon.

"show you.

I think the appearance of this crow is too suspicious, maybe we should cut it up and see, maybe it is some kind of vicious witchcraft.

Maybe the loa of the Drakkari trolls sent me something to torture me on purpose, after all we've just dealt with them and it turned out badly. "

Bu Laike cupped the crow in his hands, and fashioned chains out of shadows, binding Hisalie Crow's claws to prevent her from escaping.

Miss Black Crow, on the other hand, behaved like an ordinary crow, flapping her wings and making sharp calls, constantly trying to escape.

"Well, it's a trade wind crow."

Sefiel looked around professionally, and stretched out his fingers in a serious manner, pushed aside the toba to check the texture, and finally gave his own judgment.

With her arms akimbo, she said to the fussing captain:

"Tradewind crows just fly around not far from the coast, which is very similar to the behavior of seagulls, so there is nothing to be surprised about.

And I've heard that the tradewind crows are very smart, and someone did tame them to be messengers. Are you not from Kul Tiras? Don't you people over there tame this thing? "

"Do not."

Bu Laike shook his head, stroked the crow in his hand, forced it to calm down, and said:

"We usually use seagulls to transmit messages. The Admiralty has specially domesticated a group of communication gulls. They are very brave beasts, and they can ride the wind and waves to send messages back and forth on different warships.

Well, I'm going to tame this little bird to my messenger, what do you think? "

"up to you."

Seifel yawned and said very disinterestedly:

"Anyway, you are a hunter, so you can play however you want. By the way, you said that the Burning Legion is going to attack Azeroth. Is it accurate?"

Seifel's question was asked in a low voice.

As a result, the eyes of the little crow in Bo Laike's hand shrank again.


Burning Legion to attack Azeroth?

The demons will return to this world after ten thousand years?

Could it be another battle of the ancients?

As a Druid, the words demon and Burning Legion immediately hit the most vigilant part of Hisaly Crow's heart. She was startled into a cold sweat, and the feathers on her neck were blown up.

But maybe there are a lot of mysteries I saw today, so Miss Raptor Druid is already a little "tired of eating melons" at this time.

She was only surprised for a moment, and immediately calmed down.

Prick up your ears for the pirate's answer.

The result disappointed her.


Bu Laike mysteriously silenced his voice, looked around vigilantly, and said:

"This kind of important matter, don't talk about it casually, it will be heard by someone with a heart. I only confirmed this matter through several months of prophecy.

Currently sending my demonic servants to search for evidence in the Twisting Nether.

But it should be a couple of months.

There is nothing wrong with a demonic invasion, it brings terrible chaos, and every chaos is an opportunity for us pirates to profit.

take a break. "

The pirate waved his hand and said to his first mate:

"I'll talk about this matter after I return from Quel'Thalas. I'll go to the elf kingdom first. After finishing this important task, we can rest for a while and then set sail for Kalimdor.

Those night elves who live in the trees and eat wild fruits must have no idea what we are going to do, hehe, it will definitely scare them. "

Bu Laike spoke mysteriously, and the Hisalie Crow in his hand was startled again when he heard it.

This human pirate with secrets all over his body, and a plan against Kaldorei?

Damn it!

Should have killed him right now! You only need to seize an opportunity, it's very easy, just like attacking those demons and bugmen before.

With a flick of his paw, he can give his eyes


This guy is wearing a blindfold, could he be blind?


His blindfold!

It is very similar to the red blindfold of the legendary escaped betrayer Illidan Stormrage. It is said to be a gift from the Demon King. This guy really has colluded with Illidan Stormrage and the group of demon hunters!

Perhaps through him, we can find Illidan who is currently hiding somewhere.

And what he said about the Burning Legion invasion.

This is a really big event. As long as the information is sent back, it will immediately shake the entire Kadorei Luna Kingdom.

But still the same problem.

Thisalie Crow felt discouraged for a while.

Now she has no way to bring back accurate information, nor does she have any evidence to prove her statement. If she wants to make her compatriots pay attention, she must lurk beside this pirate and collect enough evidence


Stinky pirate! What are you doing!

What are you doing!

The next moment, under Miss Hei Ya's shocked gaze, the stinky pirate in front of her stretched out her hand and grabbed her while muttering.

This is not the point!

The point is, on his outstretched five fingers, green light spots are shining.

As a druid who has been stationed in Feathermoon Stronghold for hundreds of years and has worked with the Silver Wing Sentinels many times, Miss Black Crow is very clear about what this light spot represents.

This is what a hunter does when he is about to tame a wild beast.

This damned pirate actually wants to tame himself? But the problem is, I am not a beast! I am a real druid!

Maybe it's because his Druid skills are too powerful, and his aura concealment is so perfect, that this uninformed pirate really thought he was an ordinary trade wind crow.

Uh, let's talk about the characteristics of the Druid profession here.

Their original inheritance comes from Cenarius, the demigod of the wilderness, a demigod of man and deer, and the direct ancestor of all dryads, guardians of nature and centaurs.

And Cenarius has a great background.

He is the descendant of the combination of the moon god Elune and the first generation of wilderness demigod, lost guide, white stag Ma Luo En. s life.

Cenarius learned a considerable amount of life force knowledge from his parents, and was happy to pass on this knowledge to the Luna believers who are in harmony with nature.

After all, these kaldorei elves are his mother's followers, they are his own family.

Among the first batch of Druids to learn from Cenarius, there were brothers Stormrage, Malfurion Stormrage and Illidan Stormrage. As for why Illidan went to become a demon hunter afterwards, that was another matter. a story now.

In short, the first generation of druids learned valuable knowledge from Cenarius, and they began to contact the wilderness demigods who were already wandering around the world at that time.

He also got the knowledge of blessings and wilderness from the demigod, and besides natural spells, he also learned the ability to transform himself into combat.

Ursoc gave druids the power to transform into bears and fight the giant bears.

Aviana gave druids the power to turn into ravens and storm crows.

The divine power of Amantha the Panther allows the druid to transform into a deadly cheetah to kill natural enemies, and a cheetah with special speed to run freely in the jungle and the earth.

Luo En, the white deer horse, gave the believers of nature the ability to act as giant deer, and the wise Tortola shared with them the secrets of water, allowing druids to transform seals and deadly sharks in the sea.

Druids are all believers in nature, they are easy to learn, not only learning from demigods, but also learning from all things in nature.

They learned the essence of healing power from the ancient tree, allowing them to turn into flower tree people who specialize in healing. They also learned the natural magic of strengthening owl beasts from the moon god's darling, the naive owl beast's instinct to use magic power form.

Druids can take almost any beast form they can comprehend.

But rashly trying those unfamiliar territories could lead to disaster.

Therefore, there are factions within the Druids, and the Druids of the Raptor and the Druids of the Claw are the two main factions.

But when it comes to this, the biggest question that is crucial to the embarrassing situation that Theasalie Crow is now facing is:

When druids transform into beasts, are their life forms human? Or a real beast?


Many druids are unwilling to discuss this issue, and even regard it as a taboo topic, but as a genius among druids, Miss Hisaly Crow knows the answer to this question.

When they turned into wild beasts, they would indeed have the bestiality of wild beasts.

It is even possible to get lost in bestiality.

In other words, in the case of transforming into a crow, Hisaly Crow is a real crow, which is why it is difficult for druids to see through magic.

It is also the most embarrassing place for Miss Black Crow right now.

Theoretically, the pirate's taming skills could really tame her.

Although this taming is short-lived, as soon as she undoes her transformation, the wilderness contract concluded by taming the beast will be invalidated for her.

But the problem is, once the opponent is very proficient in hunting skills, the effect of this wilderness contract may last for a long time.

In other words, as long as she returns from human form to beast form again, she will still be considered Bo Laike's pet.

Then, at this time, on the deck of the Naglfar, Thesaly Crow, who was caught by Bu Laike, had to make a difficult choice.

Accept this wilderness contract, use it as the best disguise, hide beside the pirate and wait for the opportunity to discover all the secrets of this weird pirate?

Or immediately transform into a human form, escape from this perverted pirate who is trying to tame a free elf, escape back to Moonglade, or go to the Druids of the Benevolent Order in the Eastern Continent.

Get a bunch of people together and come back and beat up this damned, hateful, ambitious and delusional pirate?

Is it because of his integrity as an intelligence officer and his perfect mission record that he made a small sacrifice?

Or just fuck the fuck?


It's really hard to choose.

Especially since the pirate had just revealed the Legion invasion, and his apparent evil plans against the Kaldorei, and the mysterious bronze dragon ghost at his side.

These secrets are what Black Crow wants to know, and must be figured out.

So, now the problem is simplified as follows:

Can the young raptor druid genius girl resist her curiosity about the answer and escape from the mysterious trap carefully set for her by the evil Braike? ——


At this time, in the captain's cabin, Sefiel, who was wearing a military uniform, was clutching his stomach, tossing and turning on Bu Laike's bed, laughing.

This spoiled bronze young dragon is about to go crazy laughing.

The poor druid obviously didn't know that from the moment she flew into the mist with the little star, all her actions were under the control of the evil Braike.

Bo Laike used her curiosity to lure her to this point, and the evil pirates are really good at this.

She thought she had a chance to escape?

Ha ha ha ha.

"Silly boy, you are probably the most unlucky druid I have ever seen in the past, present and future. Run away! Silly boy, what are you still thinking about!

The more you think about it, the harder it is for you to escape.

Well, not really. "

Seifel was a little out of breath when she laughed, she patted her towering chest out of breath, looking at the picture on the crystal ball in front of her, she grinned and said:

"By the time you fly into this ship, you're doomed, silly boy.

All secrets have a price! "

(end of this chapter)

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