Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 477 30. Your Method Is Not Authentic, Little Brother

Chapter 477 30. Your method is not authentic, little brother

In the Eversong Forest under the setting sun, a long shadow drawn by the light casts on the ground, like a huge butterfly flapping its wings, flying lightly across the sky.

But even in the world of Azeroth, there are no such big butterflies.

It's about the same size as Bu Laike's beloved Hippogryph King, Sky, and its spread wingspan is even slightly larger than Sky.

This is a dragon eagle.

A magical creature that exists only in a few regions of Azeroth.

They have a head similar to that of a dragonfly, a slender torso like a dragonfly or a flying snake, and two pairs of large wings that resemble a butterfly and fish fins, and a tail that resembles a fish's tail.

Because the area of ​​the wings occupies most of the body, when this elegant and fantastic creature flies, it always gives people a feeling of "lightness".

But in fact, the carrying capacity of the Dragon Eagle doesn't match its light body at all.

It can be ridden by elven rangers in full armor, and it is also used as a mount and combat companion by some spellcasters due to its natural use of fire magic.

Dragonhawk's flame jet is very powerful.

This makes it not only useful as a transport, but also as a powerful hunting partner for rangers.

The dragon eagle is also a symbol of Quel'Thalas, although the high elves began to imitate the Amani trolls to domesticate the local dragon eagle after they migrated to this land.

But this does not prevent elves from loving this elegant creature.

They believe that the dragon eagle represents a good character and is the most perfect combination of nature and magic. And the dragon eagle in front of him is even more exaggerated. It is also covered with magic armor, which means that it is stronger than ordinary dragon eagles.

Also, it has a nice blue exterior.

Alleria Windrunner would sit atop her armored dragonhawk, wearing the green mail of the Farstrider Legion, with a hood covering her long golden hair and pretty cheeks.

Behind her was a red, slender and delicate war bow with a unique shape.

The red quiver is filled with arrows made by the legendary ranger himself.

She exuded a dusty aura, and although she was helped by magic along the way, she basically didn't stop for a moment.

"Forest of Eversong."

The eldest daughter of the windrunner looked down at her familiar hometown on her armed dragon eagle mount, but there was little in sight of the beautiful scenery of a sea of ​​fiery red trees and maple forests in her memory.

The traces of the orc wars on this land are far from gone.

In order to defeat the Farstrider Legion, those brutal invaders burned a third of Eversong Forest when they invaded the Elf Kingdom.

It has been more than half a year since the end of the war, but the newly planted maple trees are far from growing. It will take decades at least to restore this war-torn forest to its original size.

Thinking of this, the eldest daughter of Windrunner's dislike for orcs intensified.

This extreme distaste and hatred is understandable.

Her mother fought against the orc invaders in the fire that burned the forest, and died there.

She had enough reasons to hate those orcs. For a while, the ranger immersed in grief wished to use her war bow to kill all the orc invaders.

That's a terrible idea, especially if she does have this ability, if it is not stopped, it will turn into a tragedy.

Fortunately, at that time, there was a very warm and reliable person beside You Xia who was always enlightening her.

Even that person hated orcs extremely in his heart, but he still brought Aurelia back from the abyss of killing. In his words:

Ten thousand orc deaths are not enough to repay those who died, but we cannot ignore those who are still alive.


Alleria Windrunner on the Dragonhawk sighed a long time. She was very upset, not only because of the short parting, but also because of the letter she received.

Ten minutes later, the loyal Dragon Eagle sent his master to the manor of the Windrunner Tower.

This manor is the most classic style of the high elves. The slender magic tower, dome-style buildings, gardens and other functional buildings are perfectly matched together. While retaining the beauty, it is a family with a long history. a warm home.

Unfortunately, the most important person in the family is no longer there.

"I was surprised to know you were coming back. I thought you would never come back, sister, after all, you didn't come back the day your mother died in battle and was buried.

Without permission, Sasdora was taken away.

According to the tradition of the Windrunner, this is betrayal! "

When Alleria walked out of the Dragon Eagle's Nest exhausted, a calm and magnetic, slightly deep voice sounded behind her.

A helpless smile appeared on Aurelia's face.

She turned around and looked at the person behind her.

A ranger who was very similar in size to her, even about the same height, was crossing his arms and looking at her with eyes that couldn't tell whether he liked it or resisted.

The woman had the same long hair, even the same eyes, and the same sky-blue battle patterns on her face.

The difference is that one has the battle marks on the left cheek and the other has the right cheek.

If I had to say something different, it would probably be that the female elf on the opposite side had thinner cheeks, and her eyes had a coldness that Alleria didn't have, as well as a very calm sense, acting as if everything was under control.

and her temperament.

How should I put it, a cool black rose with thorns.

The eldest daughter of the windrunner, in comparison, is more gentle and tolerant, more like a warm big sister.

After all, he is the first child born in this generation of the Windrunner family, so it is not surprising to have such traits.

"Aren't I coming back?"

Big sister said helplessly:

"I brought Sasdora back, the war is over, I don't need it anymore. You need its power now more than me.

I heard on the way that the parliamentary party launched a vote of no confidence in you because you rejected the plan to attack Zul'Aman with humans and completely exterminate the Amani trolls.

Why? "

"Not the time."

Windrunner's second sister, current Silvermoon City Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner said indifferently:

"This is a military secret. I will not discuss it with you, who has been fired from the military. Also, don't pay attention to those congressmen who only talk about it. The attacks on me are just a way for them to show their presence.

When I look at them, I lose. "

"Okay, I won't ask anymore. Don't you even give me a smile when I come back from such a long distance? Sister."

Alleria raised her hand in a gesture of surrender, and she said:

"I even brought you gifts."

"Go and rest."

There was no more reaction on Cirvanas' face, it was as cold as a piece of ice from the beginning to the end, she waved to Alleria and said:

"Have a meal together tomorrow, and tell me why you came back at this time."

She turned and whistled.

A rare, pure black armored dragon eagle flapped its wings and fell from the dragon eagle's nest, almost exactly the same as Alleria's blue dragon eagle.

This is also normal.

Because these two dragon eagles are "sisters" hatched from the eggs that the two sisters plundered together from the war against the Amani trolls.

So, the relationship between the sisters is really interesting.

"Why are you going?"

Seeing Cirvanas sitting on the dragon eagle, Alleria asked:

"Where did Lilas go?"

"Little brother went to training."

The second sister grabbed the reins without looking back, and let the black dragon eagle swish past the windrunner's eldest daughter, and the wind brought her golden hair up.

In the long ride away, Cirvanas answered with a bit of playfulness:

"As for me, I have a date. What? Are you only allowed to have a secret relationship with humans? Finally, I have bad news for you. I don't agree with you and that paladin.

I am now the head of the house!

You must obey my orders.

Also, I may not be back tonight, so you can settle the dinner yourself. "

"you are hopeless."

Cirvanas dressed up beautifully and went to the appointment, leaving Aurelia fluttered in the wind, watching her sister disappear, the big sister then covered her forehead with her face, showing a troubled smile.

She said softly:

"You are not the head of the family, my sister. Whoever owns Sasdora is the head of the house."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and did not go to rest, but walked into the main tower of the Windrunner Manor, and took out the letter in her hand to read. She didn't tell her sister why she came back.

She didn't want to put unnecessary pressure on her sister, let alone face the truth that might break her heart.

Cirvanas always acts confident and cold, but in fact, she is the most sensitive of her three sisters.

If the news in the letter was true, it would undoubtedly destroy Cirvanas' defenses.

That's what the elder sister doesn't want to see.

"Send a messenger to find my brother, let him live in the military camp tonight, and then close the manor! No one is allowed to come in tonight!"

Alleria gave an order to the family guards in the main tower, and a few minutes later, the entrances and exits of the entire manor were closed from all sides.

The magic barrier is opened, just like entering a state of war.

The eldest sister reached out to take off her hood. She took a deep breath, held the family war bow in her hand, and sat alone on the Patriarch's seat in the hall of the main tower.

She is waiting for midnight to come.

she is waiting

The arrival of the ghost who claimed to be her mother.


"Oh, your archery technique is not right, your body should be straight, why is it always at a slant?"

In a forest hunting ground not far from the Windrunner Manor, Braike, who was carrying a standard war bow of the Farstrider Legion, was frowning and pointing at the tall, thin, handsome but somewhat feminine young elf in front of him. .

But the latter was very unconvinced.

He glanced at the captain's armor of the Farstrider Legion on Bu Laike, and then at the slightly familiar face of the "elf" in front of him, for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

However, since he is the captain of the Farstrider Legion, he must be an elite ranger, and it is not easy to refuse his help directly.

He frowned and retorted:

"My three older sisters all practice archery in this way. They are all very powerful rangers. I don't think there is any problem with this."

"You and your sisters learn? No wonder you learn like this."

Bo Laike curled his lips and took a step forward, just like the mother of the windrunner when she corrected her old bad habits, she put her hands on the shoulders and waist of the young elf in front of her.

He raised his arm, forced him to straighten it, and explained:

"Your sisters are girls, you are a boy, understand? In terms of shooting skills, men's advantages lie in strength and endurance, while women focus more on flexibility.

If you want to give full play to your strengths, you have to do what I say. "

"Eh? Is that so?"

Hearing the pirate's very reasonable explanation, the young elf kept his body upright, and said thoughtfully:

"No wonder the second sister never let me practice with her, and insisted that I go to the barracks to receive basic ranger training."

"Of course it is! You little idiot, didn't someone teach you uh, I'm sorry I forgot, your very powerful mother died in the war.

She doesn't have time to teach you these details. "

Bo Laike shrugged, patted the young elf on the shoulder, and glanced in the direction of Windrunner Manor. His "Crow Emissary" is now flying around the estate, sharing vision with Bo Laike.

Alleria is back.

Cirvanas went on a date, and she also found the last key person, everything went so smoothly. He looked up at the sky, dusk was about to pass, and night was coming.

"I heard that you planned to be a scholar and bard before. Why do you suddenly want to practice shooting skills? Are you planning to change careers to become a ranger?"

He took a few steps back, took out a jug of wine from his waist, unscrewed the lid and poured a sip into his mouth.

This action made the young elf a little puzzled.

In his memory, soldiers of the Farstrider Legion were not allowed to drink alcohol under any circumstances unless they were on vacation. Why is the captain with a familiar face in front of him so bold?

Isn't he afraid that he will sue the second sister?

Facing Bu Laike's question, Lilas Windrunner, the younger brother of the Windrunner family, frowned and replied:

"After my mother died in the battle, I realized that the world is not peaceful. My mother used to protect me. Now I have to learn to protect myself.

My surname is Windrunner, drawing the bow and firing the arrow is an instinct flowing in my blood. "

"well said!"

The pirate clapped his hands and praised:

"Your mother must be very pleased to see you like this. For the past few months, she has been telling me that you grew up with girls and you were a little unmanly.

Well, it looks like a bit of a pussy now.

But at least that manly energy was shown. "


The bow in Lilas' hand turned around in the next instant, and the sharp arrow hit Laike's head. He asked in a deep voice:

"What do you mean by what you just said?"

"Ah, that means."

The pirate tilted his head.

At the same time, a big bear quietly emerged from behind Liras, and patted the back of the head of the young elf who was caught off guard.

Xiong Xiong restrained his strength, afraid of killing this elf like a bamboo pole.

But even the faintest swipe of the bear's paw sent Lilas Windrunner knocked dazed to the ground.

He tried his best to get up, but he saw the pirate approaching, and removed the disguise of the deceitful orb in front of him, revealing his original figure.

He knelt down and said to Lilas Windrunner struggling under the bear's paw:

"Little brother, big brother, I will teach you a piece of dark wisdom for free today, next time you want to threaten someone, just shoot the arrow without talking.

The more you talk, the weaker you appear. "

"In addition, what I just said means that you are lucky today, and I will send you to see your mother right away."

The pirate clenched his fist and punched the struggling Lilas.

He said in a relaxed tone:

"If you have something in your heart, you can tell her yourself about your mental journey and sad growth experience during this period."

The fist grew bigger and bigger before Lilas Windrunner's eyes, and finally hit the forehead with a bang, leaving only darkness in front of the young elf's eyes.

Lilas Windrunner's idea is actually correct. The world is really not peaceful, and there are bad people everywhere.

It's just that he understood a little later.

(end of this chapter)

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