Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 488 41. We Are Uncrowned, We Only Do Big Things, We Don't Take Private Jobs

Chapter 488 41. We are uncrowned, we only do big things, we don't take private jobs

Nathanos and the "abducted" Lilas rested for half an hour at the "secret stronghold" in South Sea Town.

In fact, it is the former house of "Pirate Fisherman" Nat Pagle.

This place is on the outskirts of Nanhai Town, near the pier, so it's not eye-catching.

Maris changed his medicine, and sent Lilas to hunt some rabbits in the forest to feed his two pets, in order to reward Desolation and Electric Claw for their professional performance in the Windrunner's Tower.

However, when the rest was over and the two were about to go to Tol Barad, they ran into trouble.

The port is blocked by a group of Lordaeron soldiers.

"Corporal, what's going on here? Why is the route to the sea blocked?"

Maris hung his "Lordaeron Ranger General" military nameplate on his chest, and was supported by Lilas to the pier, and asked the naval corporal who was on duty.

The latter didn't dare to neglect when he saw Maris' nameplate.

Although I don't know how this recently famous ranger general suddenly appeared in Nanhai Town, but he still straightened his back, gave a military salute, and explained:

"It's because of the military conflict, sir.

The Gilneans have recently confronted a gang of unknown pirates who have seized the island of Tol Barad in the open sea. An advance fleet of theirs has sealed off the waters of Tol Barad and banned all ships heading there.

Their fleet commander sent someone to make a diplomatic note in Menethil Harbor and Southshore Town, and the superior ordered us to block the docks until the Gilneas beat off the pirates. "

"Is that so?"

Maris frowned.

It wasn't because Tol Barad was besieged by the Gilneans. He thought for a while, and gave the corporal a look. The two walked aside, and the Ranger General asked in a low voice:

"Isn't Lordaeron involved in the plan?"

"I don't know that, sir."

The corporal shrugged and said:

"Even if there is, it's not something a low-level officer like me can know. But recently, South Sea Town has indeed sent a lot of supplies. It is said that a vanguard under the command of Marshal Garithers is also marching towards South Sea Town."

"Well, I see."

Maris nodded, coughed again, and said:

"But I'm on a secret mission now, and I have to go to Tol Barad for scouting. Can you arrange a ship for me?"

"Yes, yes."

The corporal hesitated and said:

"But there are procedures. If you go to Tarren Mill in person, General, you may be able to get the application as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will take at least two days."

After finishing speaking, the corporal and Maris were silent for a few seconds, and they spoke almost at the same time, cursing in a low voice:

"Damn bureaucracy!"

After scolding, the two suddenly became embarrassed.

General Ranger pouted, and said to the corporal in front of him:

"Then I'll find another way. Please stay on duty, Corporal."

The corporal gave a military salute, turned around and was about to leave.

Maris noticed that the corporal's armor was wiped clean, and he had arranged his appearance very well. At the same time, he was very disciplined and well-trained in his actions.

He didn't have the free and undisciplined atmosphere of other veterans at all. With a move in his heart, he opened his mouth and said:

"Wait a minute, Corporal. There is one more thing. His Majesty the King instructed me to form the Lordaeron Ranger Legion. Perhaps the military department will issue an order in the near future.

I need to set up a recruiting office in Southshore.

I think you are very suitable to be the chief officer of the recruiting department. Are you interested in serving in the Ranger Legion? "

The corporal froze for a moment.

He thought for a while, then turned around and asked:

"Sir, I have also heard that the Ranger Legion is about to be established.

I heard from the officers that the Ranger Legion will be the kingdom's elite army. Although I am young, I am also a veteran of the orc wars. To be honest, I don't want to do clerical work.

If you can give me a position as a frontline assaulter, I'd love to join your regiment. "

"You want to fight?"

Originally, Maris just looked at the corporal's well-groomed appearance and asked casually, but he didn't expect the corporal's answer to be so direct, which aroused his interest.

He replied:

"Dragonmaw orcs are still entrenched in the wetlands, forest trolls in the north are about to move, and it is said that remnants of orcs are also active in the barren land. I also have gossip from my own channels, and there will be waves in the calm sea.

If you want to fight, there will be wars for you in the future.

I just have one question, will you ask as many questions as you do now when I need you to perform a death mission? "

"If the sacrifice is necessary, I will carry out all orders without fear, sir!"

The corporal answered forcefully, which made Maris very satisfied.

He took out a badge that he had prepared before from his pocket, threw it to the corporal in front of him, and said:

"Very well, you can go to your chief and apply for a transfer. If you can bring me a team of veterans who are at least as good as you, I will promote you to be a second lieutenant!

By the way, what's your name? "

"My name is Halford Wyrmbane, ex-Private of the Stormwind Kingdom, sir."

The corporal straightened his back and said his name.

Maris had never heard of the name.

He just nodded, and walked out of South Sea Town with Lilas who was looking left and right, and his pet.

The vigilant corporal had noticed the elf ranger who was curious about everything just now, and seeing Maris waiting for him to leave, the corporal couldn't help but think:

"There are rumors of a close relationship between General Nathanos and the elves, it seems that it is not groundless.

Being able to walk with General Maris, who has made great achievements and hunted two legendary orcs, maybe that elf is also a powerful character? "

No, Rilas is not a strong character.

He's a real rookie.

As we all know, rookies will panic when they encounter a little bit of trouble. This will follow Maris to leave South Sea Town. Lilas frequently looks back at the blocked pier, frowning.

"Where do we go next? General Marius."

He was a little apprehensive, but also eager to try and asked in a low voice:

"Do you want to sneak out?"


Marius laughed at this, and said:

"Did you see the dwarf muskets in the hands of those soldiers? It's the latest extended musket. It's not as accurate as an elf's war bow, but it's easier to use and more destructive.

I can smuggle by myself.

But with you, I'm afraid I will be killed by a row of salvos before sailing out of the port.

Don't be silly, boy.

Don't ask too much, just follow me with your eyes, it's time to show you what strategies adults will adopt when encountering this situation. "

"Don't underestimate me!"

Lilas retorted unconvinced:

"I'm much older than you, it's enough to be your grandfather."

"Oh? So, you think being older is an advantage?"

The Ranger General took out his magical reins and summoned his Quel'dorei warhorse with a single horn on its head. He got on the horse, pulled the reins, and said to Lilas:

"Age is just a meaningless number, boy. Only experience can determine what kind of person you are. I've seen a lot of trash in the decades, and I've seen veterans in their teens.

Which do you think you belong to?

Well, don't waste time, summon your warstriders, we'll make our way through the forest, and we must reach Steinbrad by midnight.

This meant that we had to traverse the entire Hillsbrad Downs in the better part of a day.

No time to feed you, no time to potty, no time to nap.

Now, this gold coin is for your travel expenses.

If you fall behind, you don't have to wait for me to find you. You can go back to Southsea Town or Tarren Mill City the same way, rent a griffin and fly to Dalaran to find your third sister.

Let her send you home, a good baby who failed to run away from home. "

"Stop looking down on people!"

Seeing the human gold coins thrown to him by Maris, Lilas' little brother felt that he had been strongly humiliated. He yelled and summoned his red combat chocobo decorated with jeweled saddles.

Following the laughing Maris, he rushed into the forest outside South Sea Town and started his first "survival in the wilderness".

Well, it's not that exaggerated.

The war has been over for more than half a year, and the hills in the hinterland of human civilization have already returned to peace.

The only threats here are the bobcats and bears that roam the forest, and some ogre bandits who are said to be stranded near the Alterac Mountains.

However, under the leadership of Nathanos, who was extremely familiar with the terrain, the two did not encounter these minor troubles.

An hour before midnight, the travel-worn two finally arrived near Chillwind Hill, overlooking the distant city of Steinbrad, a border city of Alterac.

"This is where I used to fight."

The Ranger General galloped in the night, and said to Lilas, who was already very tired beside him:

"It's here that Bo Laike and I, and Shaw, and Lord Halduron and Kelsey the dwarf, fought to the death with the Blademasters of the Burning Blade.

It was a brilliant victory, the five of us eliminated at least fifty elite sword masters. It's also around here that we teamed up with two legends and slew old Dahl Triple Bloodblade, have you heard his name? "


Lilas replied in a weak voice:

"I read the military newspaper sent back at that time. The second sister still praised your bravery in front of me and the third sister, saying that you have surpassed most of the elf rangers."

Marius was silent for a while, then sighed and said:

"You really don't know how to chat."

After speaking, the two continued on their way in silence.

The mounts of the two were carefully selected, otherwise it would be impossible to maintain a full day of galloping. And the closer it was to the Alterac Mountains, the lower the temperature at night. When finally entering Steinbrad City, Lilas was already trembling a little.

He didn't prepare any clothes to keep out the cold, so Maris had to hand him his thick cloak.

He said in his heart that this little brother of Fengxingzhe was really delicate, and he seemed to have grown up as a young master since he was a child.

After entering the city, Nathanos didn't waste any time. He took Lilas around the small town, and found a tavern that was still open through some weird graffiti on the walls.

After entering, he didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the bar with the tired and yawning Lilas, and showed the female bartender the crow gold coin in her hand.

A few minutes later, they were invited into a box on the second floor.

The one who greeted them was a tall and thin assassin who was wearing a black battle armor and wanted to wrap his whole body. Maris noticed the Hidden Blade on the assassin's arm, he raised his eyebrows and said:

"I didn't expect to see a real 'uncrowned man' here."

"You're just lucky, I'm here to perform a mission."

The guy replied with a hoarse voice.

Although it is a human language, it has a strange accent, which woke up the drowsy little Lilas. He looked at the assassin in front of him curiously, approached Maris, and whispered:

"It's an elf! His pronunciation is unique to Salas."

"Where did this little baby come from? General Maris, haven't you taught him?"

Aruin, the elf assassin sitting opposite Marris, said in a cold voice:

"Why are you so unruly?"

"Don't pay attention to him, he is going on his first long journey, let's get down to business."

Nathanos raised his finger to Lilas, who was embarrassed next to him, to signal him to shut up. He said to the assassin in front of him:

"I need to entrust you."

"Sorry, we are temporarily not accepting commissions."

Aruin flatly refused:

"The Uncrowned have a more important mission in Alterac. If you need help, I suggest you go out and turn left. There are our counterparts in Ravenholdt in the grocery store after three blocks.

They are happy to sacrifice their lives for a few gold coins and are very useful cannon fodder. "

"No, listen to me."

Nathanos was not angry either.

He knew that the subordinates trained by Bu Laike must have some strange habits, so he said directly:

"This matter has something to do with your faction leader. The baby next to me has a special background. He must see Bo Laike as soon as possible, otherwise it will easily cause trouble.

His special status may help you establish a branch in Quel'Thalas. "


Aruin hesitated for a moment. He disappeared into the room, probably to discuss with his companions. A few minutes later, he reappeared.

Say to the two people in front of you:

"Get ready now. In fifteen minutes, a mage will send you to the Silverpine Forest. You will board the Naglfar in the early morning of tomorrow.

The master asked me to convey this to His Excellency Lilas Windrunner.

He doesn't have time to be a babysitter right now.

Therefore, it is best for Mr. Lilas to turn around and go back to Quel'Thalas obediently now. If he insists on going his own way, then facing him will be a very miserable end.

Well, just thinking about it is the kind that makes people have nightmares. "

(end of this chapter)

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