Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 508 61. Smelly Pirates Are Different From Others

Chapter 508 61. Smelly pirates are different from others

The Kirin Tor mages prepared a portal in Silverpine Forest, but the visiting dean of Narsalas College chose to open the portal by himself, showing his strength in a strong way.

The location of the portal is quite strange.

It happened to appear on one of the widest main streets in Dalaran City. The sudden fluctuation of magic power brought the battle mages patrolling the city to gather one after another.

In the light of the short-distance transmission, mages holding staffs, wearing sharp swords, and wearing violet battle robes appeared one after another on the street. to the seriousness of the problem.

"What's going on here? Is there an enemy invasion?"

Wearing casual clothes, Vereesa Windrunner looked at the female mage Lannathel beside her. The latter shook her head and did not answer. She just pulled Vereesa back a few steps and blended into the crowd.

A few kaldorei elves with green hoods were also poking their heads out of the crowd, and some noisy dwarves and gnomes were shouting and watching on both sides of the street.

Kel'Thuzad, who came out to buy magic raw materials, hugged his cat and looked out of the material store.

With the instructor's permission, little Jaina, who ran out for shopping, also whispered to her sister Ellie, looking towards the direction of the big portal.

Under the curious gaze of the people on the street, a low vibration sounded from the other side of the portal, and a tall and strange figure appeared in the rotating light curtain of the large portal, which immediately attracted bursts of exclamation.

The six-meter-tall metal golem looked like a legendary centaur, or a large mechanical knight, wearing the battle robe of Nazaras College, and each golem held the college flag high in its hand.

These golems made by the Shal'dorei are heavy on their feet.

Between the iron armor connections on the body, one can still see the arcane magic power flowing in an orderly manner inside, as well as the magic runes shining on their shells. They were adjusted to a unified pace by the golem master, ten golems formed a formation, and appeared in the city of Dalaran amidst the clanging sound.

Dalaran spellcasters have seen things like golems a lot.

There is a golem legion in this city that usually doesn't activate, but a strange-shaped golem like this one that looks very powerful is really rare in Dalaran.

Most importantly, they appear as mounts.

On the gorgeous saddle above the golem, Alya Lanyue, the dean of the Nazaras Academy, was in front, followed by Prince Farondis and the school instructors, and finally the student representatives.

Today is the first appearance after 10,000 years, so everyone in the mission is wearing a standard robe and a magic wand on their waist. They don't squint and look very majestic.

And the flags, ribbons and so on are all exotic.

As the delegation moved forward, there were also some magical musical instruments playing and singing around the golem holding the flag high, using the orthodox music of the elf empire period.

The ancient and orthodox demeanor made some Quel'dorei elves in the crowd on both sides a little speechless.

Good guy.

Those who knew it was the Nazaras Academy who came to visit, but those who didn't know thought that the elf empire ten thousand years ago had suddenly been restored. The "imperial flavor" of the delegation in front of them is too strong.

This also made some elf mages in the crowd frown.

In the past, Quel'Thalas claimed to be elven orthodox, and no one could refute them, but now the emergence of Narthalas College has severely impacted Quel'Thalas' claim to the elven empire.

This group of highborne ghosts from 10,000 years ago is much more "orthodox" than the current Quel'dorei.

But other races are not as worried as the elves, they are mainly watching the fun.

The news that Narsalas College was coming to visit was announced to the spellcasters in the city in advance, and the low-level mages on both sides of the street were just like watching a western scene, pointing at the clothes of these elf ghosts.

"Hey, why do other people wear uniform robes, but that person's dress is different from others?"

Little Jaina in the crowd pointed suspiciously at Bu Laike sitting on the golem, and said to Ellie, the elf beside her:

"His magic robe looks so evil! Look at the skull decoration on his shoulders, and the scythe in his hand. It doesn't look like a serious spellcaster."

"That's a warlock!"

Ellie, the high elf next to Jaina, whispered to her companion:

"Look at the flag in his golem's hand, although it is still the flag of Narsalas Academy, it marked his school and identity in ancient Thalasso language.

He is the great mentor of the Warlock School of Narsalas Academy, and judging from his ranking in the team, he should be a very powerful spellcaster. "


Little Jaina frowned, staring at the great warlock in front of her in Corruptor robes, and said:

"Isn't that dark magic? Dalaran prohibits all research related to warlock magic. Although the instructor said this decree is stupid, everyone thinks that warlocks are not a good thing.

And isn't Narsalas Academy an elf school ten thousand years ago? They already started studying warlock magic 10,000 years ago? No way? "

"I don't understand that either."

Ellie, the high elf, shook her head and said:

"The current theory on our side is that warlock magic originated in Dellano and was brought to Azeroth by orcs."

"That statement is false, child."

A gentle voice sounded beside little Jaina and Allie.

The two girls looked back and found that it was a mysterious elf with a hood. Her skin was very white, just like the Quel'dorei, but her ears were sharp, just like the Kaldorei.

The most peculiar thing is that there are black cloth strips on her eyes.

Seems like a blind man.

The tall strange elf "watched" the delegation of the Nazaras Academy swaggering past, and said softly:

"At the end of Azshara's elf empire era, the study of demons and fel energy once became prominent, and many royal arcanists turned to study that kind of evil power.

If we really want to talk about the inheritance of the warlock school in Azeroth, it is indeed earlier than the orc warlocks.

As the most famous school of magic in the Elf Empire, Narsalas College is not surprising that it retains the inheritance of elf warlocks. But the great teacher of the warlock school in front of him is not an elf.

He is a human being, and he has a repulsive aura about him.

Although it is very faint, it is a real devil's breath. "


Jaina and Ally's eyes widened.

At the same time, Bo Laike, sitting upright on top of the golem, also felt strange attention, and the eyes of Keir Rogge on his shoulders rolled over, searching for the source of attention in the crowd.

A few seconds later, he said to the Archmage Ellan next to him:

"There are a few adult green dragons in the crowd, they are watching me, their eyes are not very friendly. I don't know when I messed with them?

And why is there a demon hunter here that I don't know? Was it summoned by Marius? "

"In this city, only the blue dragon sent envoys very early."

Elan also froze for a moment, then said:

"At least in my time, there was no connection between us and the Emerald Legion. Maybe they came to travel? Maybe it has something to do with the trip to the Swamp of Sorrows before the Tirisfal Council?

Isn't there a seal of the Emerald Legion in that troll temple?

As for the demon hunters, Marius had just issued a call, so they shouldn't be so fast. Where is that demon hunter? "

"Already ran, the speed is really fast. However, regarding the green dragon, the logic does make sense."

Bu Laike nodded slightly and said:

"But Meri didn't tell me about it. Maybe something went wrong. It looks like I'll have to go to the Tirisfal Council soon. I won't be attending the welcome banquet given by the Kirin Tor."

The Archmage Ellan nodded, and the team continued to move forward. In front of the Violet Castle, today's grandly dressed six-member council was there to welcome the magic companions who came from afar.

The white-bearded old man Antonidas was in the center, and the other archmages were half a body behind him. Laike noticed that one of the archmages was a high elf in a red robe and a magic sword.

That was Archmage Krasus.

He is a deeply hidden red dragon, and it is not known whether other archmages know his identity.

In addition to the council of six, there is also the magic mission of Quel'Thalas, headed by a handsome elf wearing a phoenix robe with three emerald magic beads wrapped around his back.

Kael'thas Sunstrider, the only son of the current Sun King Anasterian, the next King of Quel'Dorei.

The prince's appearance was the most outstanding among all the pirates he had ever seen. His handsomeness made the pirates who always felt good about themselves feel ashamed.

If the "kingdom" is judged by appearance, then Laike believes that the Kael'thas Sunstrider in front of him is definitely capable of competing for the throne of the king of the world.

Of course, he shares an awkward problem with other high elf males.

Although handsome, but a little feminine.

At this time, His Royal Highness was holding a luxurious and exquisite Sin'dorei gold staff in his hand, and as a member of the welcome party, he was whispering to several elf mages around him.

Bo Laike found the Gina Gold Sword in it.

The face of this lady is too similar to that of the stupid warrior Fenner. At this time, her face showed the style of a mature woman, and there was a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this smile, the pirate's heart sank.

Well, it seems that Golden Sword Aunt has "connected" with Dai Lin, and judging from her current state, she may not be able to hold on.

Fenna, that stupid warrior, is probably going to be very disappointed.

On the other side of the council of six, there was a welcome queue composed of non-casters.

Including Arthas Menethil in princely attire, Danath Bellton in Stromgarde uniform, Northern Lord Darius C Luo Lei and his baby daughter in traditional Gilnean clothing.

Finally, there is Turalyon, the great knight of the Holy Light in priest robes.

This group of people is the atmosphere group, they came here to join in the fun. They don't care about the truth of magic, they probably just want to see what the elf casters looked like ten thousand years ago.

But Laike knew in his heart that the reason why these people appeared in Dalaran was because of an important person who had not yet arrived in the city.

Anduin Lothar.

It can even be said that today's welcome lineup is so large, it is because Nazaras College chose this unique time to visit, thanks to Lothar's blessing.

In addition, the blue dragon, green dragon, and red dragon in the city, as well as the black dragon hiding in the dark and about to appear, are more or less related to Lothar's return to northern Xinjiang.

This made the pirate sigh in his heart:

"Lothar, how big is your face?

At this point in time, all forces that can be named will basically appear in the northern border recently, and you are the absolute core of this big storm.

It's a little enviable to stir up such a big scene with one person's strength. When will I have such appealing power? I don't know where Dai Lin is now?

Maybe a 'private visit' in a tavern?

Uh, I just saw little Jaina watching the excitement in the crowd. Didn't you say that old Meili is very strict? How could she still have time to run out to play?

Don't you do your homework well?

Ah, how tired you are, how can you learn magic well with such an attitude? "

While Laike was thinking wildly, Dean Lanyue had already dismounted the golem in front of him, leading a group of mentors to chat with the council of six in Dalaran.

The atmosphere was not bad, and there was no duel in the street.

Braike looked left and right. He didn't go forward, but retreated into an alley under the cover of the crowd, without disturbing anyone. After escaping into the shadows, he walked all the way to the castle of the Council of Tirisfal last time. go ahead.

There are still reconnaissance barriers opened by the mage tower around Dalaran.

But he was no longer afraid, he just walked in the barrier so openly, without worrying about the shadow covering his body being dispelled.

He ran over with ease all the way, but Laike frowned tightly.

There are stalkers behind him.

It was the green dragons who had been sizing him up in the crowd just now, they seemed to have lost track, and they were looking for Bo Laike in the alley behind.

"Do you want to teach these arrogant dragons a lesson, little master?"

Xal'atath whispered in Bu Laike's ear:

"Green dragons are the best to deal with. They keep in touch with the dream world all the time. Just a little bit of nightmare infection is enough to make them fall into panic."

"I don't know their purpose yet, so don't startle them for the time being."

The pirate said something softly, and activated the teleportation beacon in front of an ordinary mage tower in front of him, and the next moment he came to the secret castle of the Tirisfal Council.

Meili Dongfeng, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was flipping through the classics in the hall. Several ancient magic books were floating around him, flipping a few pages from time to time according to his will.

He seems to be looking for something.

After sensing the fluctuation of magic power, the old lich looked up, and the icy blue eyes lit up, and he summoned:

"Come here, all-knowing Laike, I have a few questions for you! I've searched all the spellbooks in Dalaran and I can't find the answer.

Perhaps your magical dark wisdom can solve my troubles. Ok? What is that breath on you? "

(end of this chapter)

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