Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 534 87. Have You Seen This Bottle Of Snake Oil? You're Dead When I Drink It

Chapter 534 87. Have you seen this bottle of snake oil? You're dead when I drink it

"Poor man, I gave him the medicine prescribed by my lunatic witch doctor Rahnka, and finally calmed him down."

In Nat's ancestral house, which was cleaned by the little maid Taressa, the pirate summoned Hal and Verene, and he pointed to Nat Pagle, who was sleeping soundly on the chair. The two people in front of them said:

"I showed him just now, and I already understood his 'cause'. You don't have to worry, Hal, Nat is not crazy, he is just going crazy.

He still has help, don't be afraid. "

Bo Laike smoked a dwarf pipe, exhaled a few smoke rings, and said to the worried Hal:

"But the 'medicine' that can cure his disease can only be found in Kul Tiras, so next you may have to take your crazy brother to the ocean kingdom.

However, the route to Kul Tiras is no longer a dangerous journey. There are many captains in Booty Bay who take this route. It's fun to go to Kul Tiras, I have connections there, so don't worry about the cost of your itinerary.

This trip is considered a "public fund trip" for you.

You and Virenni take Nat to Booty Bay first, there will be a boat there that will arrange for you to go to Kul Tiras, and when you arrive, someone will pick you up.

Send Nat to Stormsong Valley, seek medical treatment from the tidesages, and forget about the rest.

Wait until Nat recovers from his illness, then go and bring him back. "

Having said that, the pirate glanced at the two couples holding hands tightly in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said:

"You haven't gone on your honeymoon since you got married, have you?

Coincidentally, let’s go to Kul Tiras for a stroll this time, and you can take little Connie and other children with you. It is very important for children to see the world when they grow up.

Start as soon as you can, at least in the afternoon, don't stay here in Beijiang recently, this is not a good place. "

"I would like to go, Nat is a friend I grew up with, we are like brothers between the two of us."

Hal agreed without any hesitation.

Verene was a little worried, but she didn't object.

"Very well, then Nat will leave it to you."

Bo Laike stood up, picked up the wine bottle at his side, drank the wine in one gulp, pursed his lips, pointed to Taresa who was holding the magic broom, and said to Hal:

"By the way, send my chief cleaning maid to Tol Barad, and let her 'practice' on Eudora's ship for a while. I'm leaving now, I still have something to do."

After speaking, the pirate turned around and jumped into the shadows and disappeared.

He walked very quickly.

Because Nat gave him a "prophecy" before he fell asleep just now, and two groups of people on the hill were following him.

"The short Reaper with eagle eyes, this should be old Hemet Nesingwary, right? That dwarf legendary hunter is indeed closely related to the Hidden Passage, he should be the link of that ancient organization in the Eastern Continent people."

Bu Laike quickly left South Sea Town, thinking in his mind:

"As for the burning green chaos, you don't even need to guess. It must be Rendehui. Well, my precious little bird, Hisaly Crow, moves very fast. I contacted her compatriots as soon as I came to Dalaran them.

But set a trap for me.

But I am very good to her.

He even went around catching worms for her to eat, so he didn't offend her. Alas, it's hard to guess what a woman's mind is. "

The pirate complained, hid in the nearby forest, took off the cloak and helmet, put on the Pirate King suit, summoned Old Bonebiter, let this swift undead eagle fly, and let it fly all the way to the west for scouting.

According to Nat's dream, Rendehui should be in the area bordering Silverpine Forest and the hills, which is not far from Dalaran.

As for the pirate himself, he had to find old Hemet first.

"You go and help find it too."

Bu Laike called the Hippogryph to fall into the forest, and gave orders to the little murlocs who came by the water:

"Scatter your murlocs and search along the coast and rivers. Whether you find dwarves or elves, come and report to me."

"quack quack"

Today, Benbo Erba, who had put on a murloc robe, gave a pirate military salute ghostly, and then blew the murloc whistle to call his owl "quack".

While Bu Laike was flying to Danga Locke Castle, he was also riding an owl to other places.

"I get the feeling you're excited, which is unusual for a 'prey' being hunted by two gangs at the same time."

This time it was not Xalatath who spoke in the pirate's heart. It was Casanatiel, who had been refusing to communicate since being "bound".

The demon in Bu Laike's heart said suspiciously:

"You act as if you are not a prey, but a hunter about to join the hunt. Why? What are you going to do to them?"

"Well, your question doesn't sound very smart, but the answer is very simple. I want to see the whole hill burn!"

The pirate replied solemnly, and then let out a strange laugh, saying:

"My self-confidence is based on sufficient intelligence collection. Whether it is for old Hemet or for the Rendehui, I am a 'secondary target'.

Their purpose was to catch me, not kill me, which meant that there was no risk to me if I failed.

But if they fail, the end may not be certain.

I have been learning hunting skills from my mentor, but I have already figured out Liresa's fighting style, and it is difficult to find the initial "passion" in the confrontation with each other.

Old Hemet is the second legendary hunter I have met. I think I can learn a lot of useful things from him. "

"Then are you taking the initiative to provoke that legendary hunter?"

Casanatiel's tone became even weirder.

it says:

"According to my understanding of you hunters and rangers, in the current situation, shouldn't you choose a terrain that is beneficial to you and lay weak traps?"

"Well, that's my weakness."

The pirate shrugged, and tightened the reins to make the hippogryph change direction, flying even faster in the direction of the dwarf castle it had fought.

He explained:

"Every legendary hunter has its own strengths, and my instructor is not good at using traps, and as her student, I am naturally not good at using traps. Using traps in front of scary old guys like Hemet will only expose my position.

But I'm not going to die.

I know old Hemet has a bad habit. Although he is the most famous hunter in the world, he is a lonely and sensitive fellow.

He has huge family conflicts with his kids.

He can go it alone, but he prefers to gather some like-minded friends to act together. Unfortunately, his friends are generally not as good as him.

This is a terrible weakness for a hunter.

How could an evil guy like me let go of such a weakness? "

Bo Laike let out a sinister laugh. He set off from the forest next to Southsea Town, and after twenty minutes, he arrived at the castle where the dwarves were stationed in the hills.

He is very familiar with the surrounding environment here. When he was still weak, he completed his initial appearance here.

Soon, Bu Laike found a camp just set up near the river bank in Danga Locke Castle, a standard hunting camp, with a man and a woman with shotguns on their backs directing a group of hunters to work.

With his amazing eyesight, Laike also saw a well-dressed little dwarf holding a big notebook and writing something on a box by the river bank.

But old Hemet Nesingwary was not to be found among them.

The pirate sneered, jumped off the hippogryph saddle high in the sky, entered the shadow escape in mid-air, and roared down to the hunter camp below.

To do the job of kidnapping, the faster the action, the better.

He pulled out the sap stick in mid-air, and with a precise flash when he was about to land, he jumped behind the huntress who was flirting with the huntress, and knocked him out with a bang.

The huntress reacted quickly, and was about to draw out her pistol immediately.

But in front of a master assassin, her movements were still a bit slow. There was another bang, and the vigorous huntress who was hit head-on with a club also swayed and fell to the ground.

Ten seconds later, on the bank of the river, the pirate put two tightly bundled hunters on the hippogryph saddle, jumped across the river lightly, and approached behind the little dwarf who was concentrating on writing something.

Bu Laike took a peek and found that the latter was writing the third autobiography about old Hemet, and she should be the novelist hired by the old dwarf.

Speaking of which, there are indeed some rumors that Hemet's wonderful autobiography was dictated by him and then created by others.

Well, so this little dwarf with a very literary style in front of me is actually old Hemet's "Queen Writer"?

Important person.



The stick fell with precise force, hitting the dwarf on the back of the head, causing the dwarf to sway and fall, and was picked up by Laike.

In the background where the manuscripts are scattered with the wind, the pirate who has completed the kidnapping operation rides on the Hippogryph and takes his three "prey" with him, and quickly walks towards the west of the hills.

Everything is going smooth.

Half an hour later, the pirate riding behind the Hippogryph suddenly felt a chill, as if he was being targeted by something terrifying.

He looked at the translucent character card in front of him, and there was no sign of an abnormal state on it.

But the pirate just felt that something terrible was about to happen. He fidgeted and patrolled around. He couldn't enter the shadow escape at high altitude, so he could only urge the hippogryph to speed up.

At this moment, in the jungle a few hundred yards in front of Bu Laike.

An old dwarf with a monocle on his right eye, wearing a dwarf hunting suit, and a large white beard, jumped down from his beloved ferocious iron-clad griffin with no expression on his face.

The place he had chosen was wonderful, with a high topography and an unobstructed view of the sky.

The old dwarf stretched his shoulders, took a jug of wine from his rucksack and took a sip, then rubbed his hands together, and threw several strange things into the open space behind him.

Finally, he took out a delicate little bottle, which contained a weird yellow liquid.

He took a little and smeared it under his nostrils, and the pungent smell after breathing put him in a hunting state for a moment.

Then he pulled out the Seiko shotgun that was taller than others from behind. A scope is added, the barrel is slender, and there are a few unidentified dwarf engineering gadgets on it.

The old dwarf raised the gun in a standard shooting stance, aiming with his left eye.

In the scope, he clearly saw the majestic Hippogryph and its villainous master flying towards this side.

There are four people behind the sky.

This seriously affected the Hippogryph King's flying speed, and also allowed the old dwarf to "curve and overtake" to set up an ambush in front of Bu Laike.


The bullet is loaded.

The expressionless old Hemet's heart beat faster at this moment, he knew who he was going to hunt, and his elf friends told him all the great things this smelly pirate did.

This is a very good prey.

A prey that would thrill the old dwarf's hunter's heart.

After one breath, Hemet grinned a slightly bloodthirsty smile.


A slight gunshot rang out, and the pirates behind the Hippogryph fell down in response, carrying them down from behind the sky towards the ground in embarrassment like a bird with broken wings.

On his chest, there was a smear of blood beating.

Bo Laike, who was falling from the sky, was also full of consternation.

Just now, a bullet flew in front of him without warning, and showed him what is called "blood bar disappearing technique".

The Shadow Armor that the Warden will refresh every day and night, the magic shield of 25% of the health value applied by Savarik's masterpiece, and the super protection including the Death Shadow Armor.

It's all bullshit in front of that bullet.

The powerful assailant smashed all the protective effects of the pirate with one shot, and at the same time ruthlessly tore open the defense of the battle armor. The spinning "cute" hit the pirate's chest, and the remaining kinetic energy stuck the character on him. Two-thirds of the blood bar was emptied at once.

In the agony that I haven’t felt for a long time, the translucent character card belatedly gave out a row of negative effects that made the pirates frown:

Eye of the Skull: Unable to stealth and shadow escape, the damage of the long-range attack Hemet Nesingwary will do to you will increase rapidly with the prolongation of the battle time.

Sniper Tactics: When the combat distance exceeds ten yards, the damage of all long-range attacks made by Hemet Nesingwary against you is increased by 20%.

Marked for Death: The sniper damage you receive is increased by 20%, with [Piercing], [Maiming] and [Bleeding] effects.

Loaded and loaded: Hemet can perform continuous sniping.

Quick reload: Hemet can cause different killing effects on the enemy by changing ammunition with different effects.

Momo, on: Hemet has his own ferocious pet, though he doesn't use it most of the time.

After these six shocking effects for Laike, here is a new entry that sums it up:

Legendary Power: Eye of Death:

You'll have a huge space in old Hemet's new autobiography, boasted, and, of course, prey.

(end of this chapter)

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