Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 549 102. Secondly, It Is Very Expensive To Seek Help From This Chief

Chapter 549 102. Secondly, it is very expensive to seek help from this chief

Black Dragon Prince Nefarian looked at the "Hall of the Chiefs" in front of him with a critical look.

In his eyes, the place where the chief of the so-called "orthodox tribe" handles government affairs and lives is almost like a garbage dump. In the past, in his capacity, he would never condescend to come here.

Not only Nefarian, but even the four black dragon guards around him detest this ghostly place.

But they need it here now.

The Blackstone Tower cast by the Dark Iron dwarves is very strong. They hollowed out a mountain to complete this underground city, which can withstand the siege of enemies several times.

And it's secretive enough, and confusing enough.

In a black rock mountain, the empire of the Dark Iron Dwarves, the great clan of the retreating orcs, the elemental servants of Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire, and some suspected cultists of the void forces gathered.

This is the standard "lawless place" in the eyes of human beings.

It was difficult for the new Storm Kingdom and the surrounding forces to infiltrate this place, and even in the face of the dragon army, the aborigines here were not afraid at all.

Therefore, in other words, this is the perfect place for the black dragons to carry out "evil work" that they can find in the Eastern Continent, or even the entire Azeroth.

The proud Nefarian made up his mind after seeing the situation of Blackstone Mountain with his own eyes.

He wants to move his dragon nest here too.

As for the orcs, well, they will become very useful tools, and they will dedicate their strength to the re-emergence of the Black Dragon Legion.

Feel the honor, you filthy lowlifes!

Nefarian thought so maliciously.

But his expression at this time is quite gentle. His handsome and evil appearance with the crown of flames floating above his head, as well as the ritual armor and scepter on his body, all declare that he is a big man.

Whether it is in the world of dragons or humans, he does have a place.

"Thank you for your leadership, Warlock."

Nefarian was already feeling impatient with the chattering Fireblade Warlock in front of him who was pretending to promote the "magnificence" of Chief Red.

He interrupted Neeru Burning Blade's speech, and handed out a magic amulet made of broken dragon scales.

That thing immediately attracted the Warlock's attention, filling the eyes of this slick orc with undisguised desire, and the greedy look made Nefarian laugh in his heart.

Sure enough, the desire to be greedy is not unique to humans.

He had a hunch that dealing with orcs would not be more difficult than fooling those stupid human nobles.

"You must be an important staff officer under the command of the great Chief Red, please lead us personally, this amulet can be used as a gift."

Nefarian spoke Orcish in an elegant tone, and handed the amulet to the warlock.

The latter received it in his hand, and while he was happy in his heart, he also looked at the black-haired, black-eyed, graceful and luxurious human being with weird eyes. He has never seen anyone other than ancient shamans and psychics who can speak the orc language so gracefully.

He didn't even know that his own language could also be made full of "noble" temperament.

"Ah, my guests have arrived. It's really strange that not many people are willing to come to my broken place, especially for humans."

Red's voice sounded from outside the hall.

With the roughness and savagery that an orc should have, Nefarian turned around with a smile, and was about to say hello to the chief, but at a glance, he saw the man next to Red wearing black armor, covering his face, and carrying a tomahawk tall figure.

The dangerous aura emanating from that guy made the Black Dragon Prince feel a little uncomfortable.

Damn it!

This is a legendary warrior, and judging from his aura, this guy is definitely not a "parallel import" legend, this is the kind of dangerous warrior that even a dragon would find troublesome.

For him, the job of slaying a dragon is probably only a slightly difficult challenge.

The orc race is really "good at" producing high-quality fighters.

The four gloomy-faced guards beside the Black Dragon Prince also put away their arrogance at this moment. They all sensed the threat posed by Chief Red's guard.

But Nefarian is indeed a person who has seen the world, he immediately recovered, and said to Red Blackhand walking towards him in a passionate tone:

"We just look like humans, Warchief.

Please understand that this camouflage is very necessary for the activities of human society. If it makes you feel happy, we can also modify the appearance to look like an orc. "

"Ah, I see."

Reid rubbed his chin, put on a simple and honest look of "orc thinking", he said:

"You also have your own secrets, okay, okay, I won't ask more about this. I just want to know now, what do you mean by visiting suddenly? What do you mean by injuring my soldiers?"

The great chief looked angry, and he said:

"Are you planning to launch a war against my 'orthodox tribe'? If so, I am absolutely happy to respond!"

Saurfang beside him also reached out his hand very cooperatively, holding the handle of the heavy battle ax behind his back when the armor collided, this action made the four black dragon guards immediately step forward to protect His Royal Highness.

In the narrow hall in front of him, it is difficult to give full play to the advantage of the dragon, and in the fight in human form, the four of them have to fight together to stop the assassination of this berserk warrior.

"No, we're just 'testing' the partners."

Nefarian didn't care.

He waved his hands and said:

"Facts have proved that the orc warriors under the chieftain are very brave and a very reliable armed force."


Red snorted dissatisfiedly, walked towards his "throne" swaggeringly, sat there again, and said in a cold voice:

"What arrogance! I'm starting to hate you, guests. Stop beating around the bush, everyone's time is precious, so tell me, what are you going to do? What do we need?

Most importantly, what can the orthodox tribe gain from this cooperation? "

"Sorry to make you feel angry, Warchief."

Nefarian gestured in a gentle tone, and a female black dragon took out a large box from her bag and placed it on the table in front of Red.

There was also a bow tied on the box in a pretentious way, obviously it was a gift.

"But I think something like this will appease your anger and show the warchief our sincerity."

The Black Dragon Prince made a "please" gesture.

Reid snorted disdainfully, and he winked at the warlock beside him, who immediately stepped forward, and opened the gift box under the burning light of the braziers set up around him.

The next moment, the dog-legged warlock let out an exclamation, and Red suddenly got up from the throne, and Va Locke Saurfang beside him clenched his fingers.

In that large box, there was a black warhammer.

It is as tall as a normal man, with a dark body and completely made of steel. Its simple shape reveals a sense of domineering. It is shaped like a black warhammer with a square head and a square brain. Around the hammer head, there are black spikes that make the scalp tingle. .

The most peculiar thing is that the hammer head of this warhammer is not a solid body.

It seems that there is a heart of flames burning inside, making it like a furnace, constantly emitting heat outward.

On the other end of the handle of the warhammer, it was shaped into a sharp spearhead, and there was a small circular hammer body as a counterweight, which was hung at the end with a chain.

There is no orc who does not know the hammer, just as there is no orc who does not know the Doomhammer.

This thing is called "Black Hand".

It is an ancestral weapon of the Blackhand clan, like Doomhammer of the Blackrock clan, like Gorehowl of the Warsong clan, like Sancsu of the Burning Blade clan, and like Misha Rema of the Mo Kenasa clan.

It also represents the history of the Great Clan of Orcs.

It is also a weapon of destruction forged in the volcanic core of Frostfire Ridge on the world of Dellano.

It is also a legend.

A legend that belongs only to the Mafia family.

After the duel between the Blackhand Warchief and Orgrim Doomhammer's Mak'Gora, with the death of the Blackhand Warchief, this warhammer was also lost in the war.

The Blackhand brothers have been working hard to find it. The Blackstone clan without this weapon is soulless.

And now, the lost weapon was sent to Red.


The excitement in Red's heart at this moment was beyond words. He kicked Neil Burning Blade away. With an indescribable impulse, he reached out and grabbed the warhammer in the box, and suddenly grabbed it.

While Reid was holding the black-handed warhammer, the heart of flames burning in the head of the warhammer seemed to be re-ignited, and a scorching power began to flow on the warhammer like a lamp.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Red, who was holding the black hand, laughed loudly. He had never been able to call himself the Great Chief of Blackstone before, but now, he has the qualifications.

"Very good! You are very good! Guests!"

The great chief looked back at the Black Dragon Prince, and he announced with joy:

"No matter what you have done before, from now on, you will be the most honored guests of the orthodox tribe! My Blackrock Spire is open to all of you.

Say your request.

If possible, I will definitely help! "

This statement is completely under the control of Nefarian, and everything in front of him is going according to the plan of the black dragon prince. The reckless character of the orc is really easy to control.

Playing with them is as easy as snatching candy from a child.

The Black Dragon Prince laughed in his heart, and said to the ecstatic Red in a gentle tone:

"The orcs regard straightforwardness as an advantage, so I will not be polite, Warchief. First of all, my people and I need a place that is private enough and spacious enough to do some 'research work'.

I think."

"The top floor of the Blackrock Spire is for you. That place was the throne room of the dwarves before. The place is too big to tidy up. Now it is our warehouse.

It's useless anyway, so take it. "

Red waved his hand, and before Nefarian finished speaking, he generously allocated a space to the black dragons. Then, the black dragon prince heard Red, who was waving a black-handed warhammer to find his feelings, talking in a smooth tone. Another thing happened:

"But rent or something can't be less.

We, the orthodox tribe of Blackrock Spire, have had a hard time, everyone needs to eat. Let me calculate it cheaper for you, 150,000 gold coins in the first year, and 50,000 gold coins every year thereafter.

The price is really not expensive.

The place is very spacious, the terrain is flat, condescending, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the lighting is good. There is also a secret inner hall that the dwarves used as a treasure house. It is very spacious and the secrecy is top-notch.

And our orthodox tribe is doing security work to ensure that nothing will disturb your research.

I only pay such a small rent for the sake of the distinguished guests. "


Nefarian felt that there was something wrong with the orc chief in front of him.

This is different from what I imagined, we all gave you your family heirloom, you are a straightforward orc, shouldn't you give us that place for free?

Why are you talking about rent?

You Red Blackhand, are you really a serious orc?

How do I feel like I'm talking to a goblin disguised as an orc?

But the Black Dragon Prince who wanted to maintain his identity and dignity couldn't quarrel with Red just because of a mere 150,000 gold coins, that would be too shameful.

Orcs can be shameless, but black dragons can't!

And from what Red said, it seems reasonable, that place is at the top of the Blackstone Tower, even if the blue dragon who hates the black dragon the most comes, he has to penetrate the entire Blackstone Tower before he can fight the black dragon.

The orcs bought enough time for the black dragon to evacuate properly.

Thinking about it this way, including this kind of security service, 50,000 gold coins a year does not seem to be expensive. The most important thing is that the Black Dragon Legion has been hiding in the human world for nearly a thousand years, and they have no shortage of wealth or anything.

"Okay! It's a deal."

Nefarian didn't hesitate long before agreeing.

"The shot is really generous, guests, I have begun to appreciate you."

Red was also very satisfied, and turned to the Fire Blade Warlock and said:

"Go, tell my quartermaster Zig Reiss, we have money in hand, and add a few extra pieces of meat to the soldiers' pots today."


The Burning Blade Warlock ran out to deliver the order with joy on his face, and soon the entire Blackrock Tower burst into cheers.

A group of black dragons looked at each other in blank dismay.


After all, you are also occupying the mountain as king, are you really suffering like this?

Nefarian almost laughed out loud, he thought the hard life of these orcs was quite interesting. But after all, he came with something serious, so he quickly talked about the second thing.

That's the real big deal.

"We are planning to assassinate Human Marshal Lothar recently, and have contacted your compatriots in Dellano world through secret methods. Those brave chiefs will soon enter this world through the crack of the Dark Portal.

They came not only to assassinate Lothar, but also to find a way out for the orcs trapped in Dellano.

That's not a bad thing for you either. "

Nefarian cautiously threw out a sound barrier, and then said to Red:

"I need you to be a part of this project.

Send your soldiers to harass Keepwatch in the Blasted Lands, and bring your people to Blackrock Spire. We will be responsible for sending you to northern Xinjiang. "

"What did you say? Dellano's orc chieftains are coming too?"

Red was shocked.

Before he could speak, Saurfang next to him questioned first, and there was no joy in his words, and his tone was full of solemnity.

"There are no rules! I'm discussing things with the distinguished guests, so you don't have the right to speak!"

Red reacted very quickly.

Roaring, he kicked the nonsense Saurfang ass. The legendary warrior also reacted in an instant, and immediately confessed to the chief in a "terrified" voice.

"Assassinate Lothar, ha, all fleshy orcs want to do this!"

Red stood up and shouted to the black dragons:

"I will do this!"

The black dragons all smiled.

Then they heard Red's voice change, saying:

"But my soldiers are suffering, and I won't hide it from you. They have been in arrears with their salaries for several months. If they want to join the war, I have to make up their salaries first, and then give them a reward.

Blame the Dark Iron Dwarves' bar!

What the hell they taught them to spend money! When the lowliest ogre peons have learned to drink too much, the military pay is never enough.

I am really willing to participate in the assassination of Lothar, which is a great cause that all orcs desire after the defeat of the war, but money?"

The black dragons looked at each other.

They are now certain that the money-hungry Chief Red is really not a serious orc!

(end of this chapter)

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