Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 555 108. Your Majesty, You Know Me, I Have Always Admired The Holy Light

Chapter 555 108. Your Majesty, You Know Me, I Have Always Admired the Holy Light

"Dean, have you also received the invitation?"

When Bu Laike entered the hall of the mage tower where the academy lived, he saw all the members of the mission, including Dean Lanyue and Prince Farondis, gathered here.

And everyone is holding an invitation card of the same style in their hands.

He raised his eyebrows and asked:

"The magic debate is suspended?"

"Well, the meeting was adjourned for three hours. Our magic fellows in Dalaran obviously believe that dealing with some political emergencies is more important than exploring the truth of magic."

Dean Lanyue replied blankly.

Although he didn't care about it, the pirates who were already familiar with the Dean's character knew that the slightly sarcastic way of speaking by Dean Lanyue obviously had a big opinion on his colleagues in Dalaran.

The dean glanced at the invitation in his hand again, and said to his disciple without interest:

"Since we have been in contact with human civilization, the name of Lordaeron has been constantly appearing before our eyes. This kingdom has very strong potential in human civilization. This king wants to be crowned emperor?

And, does the academy business we are advancing have anything to do with this king and his country? "

The Dean asked Boo Laike a question. The pirate knew the elegant meaning when he heard the string, he said in a gentle tone:

"Potential is relative. Judging by the standards of the seven human kingdoms, Lordaeron is indeed a first-class power. However, although it has a large area, its strength is basically on par with Quel'Thalas and Suramar. between.

If the dean doesn't want to waste time watching the ceremony, he can completely refuse, and it won't cause any trouble to the academy.

Don't worry about what it will do to me. "

"According to what I have learned from the Dalaran mages in the past few days, the strength of Lordaeron is basically equivalent to a medium-sized province of the Elven Empire, similar to the size and strength of Faronaar City.

Well, judging from the current development of human civilization, it is indeed very good. "

Prince Farondis beside him also gave a standard comparison with the style of the Highborne. The dean nodded, thought for a moment and said:

"It's a little rude to directly refuse, the other party is a royal family after all.

This invitation was sent to us again through the channels of the Kirin Tor. Our human spellcaster friends obviously wish to help us further integrate into the civilization of this continent.

They are willing to be our 'referrals', which is a kindness that must be responded to.

But rather than flirting with politicians, I am more willing to devote my energy to the magical debates I am conducting, and I believe other mentors share this idea.

Well, let's send an emissary who doesn't have to participate in the debate to represent the academy to watch the ceremony.

This will not only take care of the goodwill of the new friends, but also not delay the important affairs we are doing in Dalaran. "

After Dean Lanyue finished speaking, everyone around looked at Bu Laike silently. Obviously, everyone had appointed the most "ignorant" guy among all the tutors in the academy to represent them.

"My status is special, dean, and it is not suitable for me to appear with great fanfare."

Bu Laike didn't really care.

He shrugged and declined:

"However, no matter my school girl Little Xingxing's family background, knowledge of magic theory, and status in the academy, she is very suitable as an envoy of the academy to attend the ceremony.

I can be her second-in-command and companion. "

"it is good."

Dean Lanyue nodded, and said kindly:

"My disciple Xiao Xingxing's personality is a bit out of character. She can't handle the routine affairs of the envoy. You need to take charge of this aspect."

"There is no need to worry about this at all. Dean, do you really think we are going to a wedding?"

Bo Laike grinned and said:

"A big event happened last night, which has already made the old kings jump their feet. They don't have the intention to attend the wedding now. It is estimated that the king's meeting will be held in the city of Lordaeron in a hurry.

Poor Princess Calia's big day was destined to be upstaged by the bald old man.

However, this is not a bad thing for her.

In addition, Dean, when you stay in Dalaran to happily participate in the debate immersed in the truth of magic, don't forget to be vigilant and defensive. It is estimated that the city will not be peaceful these days.

If something happens, I will come back as soon as possible. "

Dean Lanyue nodded. Bu Laike has been emphasizing this, and she also thinks it is necessary, and has prepared a plan according to the disciple's instructions.

A few minutes later, when Little Xingxing changed into a beautiful long dress and came out proudly with a lady's bag, the stinky pirate disguised with a fraud orb left the Mage Tower with her.

"Miss, please!"

Cloth Laike, who was disguised as a black-haired gentleman, opened the door for the little star wearing a lady's wide-brimmed top hat.

They planned to go directly to the city of Lordaeron through the portal in Dalaran, but just after they left the Mage Tower, a convoy of three carriages stopped in front of Laike and Little Star.


Saidan Dathrohan, who was sitting at the front of the carriage as a groom, grabbed the reins and pouted at Bu Laike.

The pirate shrugged his shoulders and did not resist. He reached out and took out a silver coin from his pocket, threw it to the "driver" as a tip, then opened the car door and got in.

The big knight Saidan looked at the silver coin in his hand twitchingly.

He deliberately threw this thing in the face of the stinky pirate, but finally put it away silently. To followers of the Light, waste is a terrible sin.

The clumsy little Xingxing also wanted to follow, but was stopped by the big knight.

The latter said softly:

"Your Excellency, the little princess, take the second car. Don't disturb your senior's important meeting."

"Hey hey?"

Little Xingxing said suspiciously and dissatisfied:

"Could it be the captain's old lover inside? Why are you hiding it so that no one can see it?"

Saidan had also seen Little Xingxing in Northrend. He knew the character of the blue dragon lady, so he was not surprised. He just shook his head and pulled down his hood again.

Little Xingxing made complaints about it, while carrying the beautiful bag given to him by the Yuejun chick, and boarded the second carriage, only to find that there was already someone in the carriage.

"Hey! Little Anna and the little bastard!"

Little Xingxing looked at the beautifully dressed Jaina Proudmoore in the carriage in surprise, and the latter also looked at her in surprise.

The two girls cheered and hugged each other.

And Arthas, whom she called "little bastard", couldn't be happier.

Nobody would be happy to be called a nuisance.

Most importantly, he originally planned to take this opportunity to chat with Jaina.

Now it's too hot.

"Papa that bastard asked me to represent him at Sister Calia's wedding. He went to the King's Council himself."

When the carriage began to move, little Jaina complained to her new friend in an angry whisper:

"Little Xingxing, I have encountered a crisis in my life. I suddenly have an older sister. I was taken by my father to the mage's tower in Golden Sword Aunt yesterday, and had dinner with her.

Turns out I've seen her before, in Dalaran.

At the time, I thought she was very chic, but now everyone is sitting together, it's embarrassing. "

"You should go to the car in front and tell the captain, maybe he will be interested in enlightening you, maybe if he is interested, he will teach you some dark wisdom and the like.

In other words, you humans are full of things!

It's not like I suddenly have a grandpa and a bunch of Uncle Aunts, but see what I'm complaining about? "

Little Xingxing complained in his heart, but on the surface he still played the image of a gentle big sister, sharing his insights with Jaina in a soft voice.

She wasn't talking nonsense.

Because of the experience of joining the Blue Dragon Corps suddenly, what Xiao Xingxing said is quite in line with Jaina's entangled mentality. The more the two talked, the more speculative they became, completely leaving little Alsace aside.

Don't mention how depressed the little prince is.

The convoy of these three black carriages is very low-key in the city, but just after leaving the city, when they drove into the Silverpine Forest, nearly a hundred well-trained paladins wearing plate armor and holy white cloaks gathered to act guard.

The leader is the great knight Tulayan.

Saidan was the coachman, and Tulayan was the guard. There are also Jaina and Arthas in the convoy, members with far from simple backgrounds. It is needless to say who the owner of this carriage is.

"I thought Lothar would be here too, after all, I just caused him some 'little trouble'."

In the swaying carriage, Bo Laike looked at the hale and gentle Pope Fao in front of him, wearing a priest's robe, holding a scripture in his hand, and a priest's staff by his leg.

He said appreciatively:

"As expected of Lothar, he has the style of a general, so he can hold his breath."

"Your Majesty the Marshal who you mentioned is sharpening his sword in the third carriage."

The Pope slowly closed the scriptures in his hands, glanced at Bu Laike with a smile, and said:

"After he met the brave knight of Alterac this morning, he almost came to you with a sword to reason. I persuaded him to be patient.

I told him that when dealing with a treacherous person like you, you must be fully prepared in advance.

the same as you.

You still need to be careful when you meet him, he is an old and hardened warrior, anger is his strength, and what you did made him very angry. "

"It seems that I have to thank Your Majesty for saving my dog's life."

The pirate laughed indifferently and said:

"But I think His Majesty made a special detour to Dalaran to invite me to go with him, so he must have something to say to me, right? We are all old acquaintances serving the Holy Light, so you don't have to be polite.

Say whatever you want. "

"After you asked Dasohan to convey the Church of the Holy Light's request to help you in northern Xinjiang, I have a lot to say to you and many questions to ask. I hope you are prepared."

The pope's expression became serious, and he emphasized:

"After all, what the Holy Light bestows needs to be used to maintain order, not to destroy it. In my opinion, every cooperation with you needs to be cautious. What happened in Alterac last night strengthened my thinking."

Hearing these unfriendly words, Bu Laike not only did not refute, but nodded deeply, and said:

"It's a very sensible judgment. If I were in your position, I would do the same. You really need to be careful and careful when working with someone like me.

Since it takes at least a day and a half to travel from Dalaran to Lordaeron by land, we still have enough opportunities to 'deepen mutual trust'.

My schoolgirl and I just treat it as a car and drop us off in Dalaran King City.

Let's not go to the palace yet. "

Laike leaned on the comfortable seat of the carriage, and said something to the Pope in a relaxed tone.

Faol shook his head and said:

"Then I'm sorry to tell you that you may have caught the wrong car, Bu Laike.

At the request of the Menethil family and the Prestor family, I will first go to Lordaern Monastery to pray for the union of Princess Calia and Lord Daval, and pray for them the blessing of the Holy Light.

Grand Knight Mograine also warmly invited us to live in his territory temporarily.

Lothar will go with me. "

"Oh? Are you going to the Holy Land of the Holy Light in the territory of the Grand Duke of Mograine?"

The pirate, who was originally lacking in interest, immediately became interested. He said with bright eyes:

"Well, Your Majesty the Pope, you also know that although I walk in darkness, I have always admired the Holy Light.

Before, I had no chance and no time to go to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel in Stratholme, or to the Northshire Abbey in the Kingdom of Stormwind to pay homage to the majesty of the Holy Light.

This time I was in the right car, in the right place, at the right time, and it was driving me to the right destination!

This is the enlightenment of the Holy Light to me, Your Majesty.

I have a gracious request!

I hope that as a templar assassin, I can temporarily follow you and make a pilgrimage to Lordain Abbey, one of the three holy places, and hope that the holy light can shine into my dark and deep heart.

This is perhaps the best compliment I can get for working in the dark to smear the Holy Light. "

Braike said a lot to His Majesty in a sincere and nervous tone. Seeing his "sincere" appearance, if His Majesty wants to baptize him with the Holy Light, Braike will choose without hesitation. accept.

In the face of this nasty statement, even the old pope, who was so gentle, had a strange expression at this moment.

After several seconds of silence, he said:

"I've always found you uneasy, Bo Laike. That might not be the way a clergyman should say it, but you do have an eerie, dark air about you that everyone who has met you has commented on.

You are that kind of special life that even if you want to do good things, you will show that you want to do bad things.

I don't think a pilgrimage to the Holy Land will bring the light to your dark heart, but it doesn't hurt to try. If you hate politics too, then I can allow you to walk with us. "

"Politics? Ouch"

Bo Laike made a retching motion and said:

"That stuff gives me a bad appetite, gives me indigestion, and gives me nightmares. Listen to a group of old foxes discuss how to deal with a bald old soldier? Or learn valuable life lessons from an elder?

Is this still an option?

Your Majesty, I will of course be with you.

And I will take the initiative to kill any bastard who approaches you maliciously. I will always be the Templar Assassin you can trust, and the war mad dog recruited by the Holy Light in the dark.

As long as you give an order, my fleet and I will tear apart all enemies for the Church.

Of course, no matter how loyal a dog is, it needs to be rewarded with meat and bones.

Hope you can understand this. "

(end of this chapter)

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