Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 634 187. Ha, Today Is Windy And Rough, It Is Really A Good Weather For Catching Turtles

Chapter 634 187. Ha, today is windy and rough, it is really a good weather for catching turtles

On the deck of the Naglfar, Laike glanced at the outsider Shadwalker, who was dripping blood at his feet and screaming as he was dying.

The stinky pirate was full of murderous intent. He drew out his legendary long sword and swiped at the ugly guy's neck. He glanced forward again. In the dark deep sea in the distance, he could faintly see some dark things falling from the water.

It was a sea mine made by engineering craftsmen. It was round and covered with spikes on the cast iron shell. It looked silly and thick.

But it's actually pretty destructive.

These things are not very useful in real naval battles. Their large-scale deployment takes time, so they are generally used for sea area blockades before wars or during confrontations.

Now the deep sea in front of me is full of mines, which makes it impossible for the Nagfar to pass through this sea area at super fast speed.

One or two mines can't damage the strengthened hull of the ghost ship, but the Gilneans frantically dropped hundreds of mines of various types in the sea in front of them.

They are determined to block the Naglfar and Braike in this area, preventing them from going back to join the undead pirates who are surrounded by the Gilnean fleet on the sea near Tol Barad.

Have to say, this is a very clever tactic.

Without Laike's command and prestige suppression, it would be difficult for the undead pirates who hastily set out to fight against them to form a unified command.

The most important thing is that if the Naglfar cannot cover its vision with ocean pollution and fight head-on, the old ships of the undead pirates will find it difficult to compete with the Gilneas fleet in terms of the number of artillery pieces and the quality of the ships.

Genn Greymane's goals are clear.

What he wanted was Tol Barad Island. It would be best if the undead pirates could be completely wiped out. If not, then it would be acceptable to use firepower to cripple them and drive them away.

This can be seen from his arrangement of mines in advance to block Boo Laike's path. Gene really didn't think about tying Boo Laike up and hanging him.

Probably because of what happened in Dalaran and Lordaeron, Genn saw the great energy of Bo Laike, and he didn't want to completely tear his face off with this difficult guy.

He hoped that the pirates would "retire in spite of difficulties" after seeing his determination.

"I have received the message you want to convey, Your Majesty Jean, but unfortunately, I have no intention of handing over that island to others now."

The stinky pirate wiped his head with his feet and was pierced by an arrow. The Yaron Shadwalker was in great pain. He looked back and saw that the pirate dragon was bringing the torrent element Ekron brought out of the Violet Prison to the deck.

"You have come at last, Your Excellency Ekron, Champion of the Tidehunters."

Bu Laike turned his head, pointed to the front, and said to the torrent elemental surrounded by cold water in a gentle tone:

"I will fulfill the agreement with you. After arriving at my base camp, I will send you back to the plane of the Maw of the Abyss. But as you can see, there is a little 'problem' on our return journey.

Stupid Gilneans are blocking our way home.

I think you should be very angry now, then please bury those stupid ships in the name of His Majesty the Tide Hunter. "

Facing the "invitation to join the war" from the stinky pirate, the torrent element shook its body in ice blade armor, and said in a low voice:

"No, I cannot intervene in your mortal battles.

This is an impermissible act, and it will make new enemies for my Majesty. His Majesty the Tidehunter has always taught us that the survival of the water elementals lies in patience and judging the situation. "

"I didn't ask you to attack them directly."

The pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"I just ask you to clean up these evil engineering creations that stand in our way.

I don't even need you to destroy them, I just need you to move the distribution of those mines to the sides and clear a route for my ship to pass quickly.

It's not an act of war at all, is it?

I also don't want to fight these bastards, my subordinates must be freaking out by now, and I, I just want to go home and see.

Is this also wrong? "

"Well, cunning thinking."

Eluron, the torrent element, let out a loud laugh.

Bo Laike's sophistry seemed to convince it, and the chill elemental swayed forward to the dragon-skull-dotted prow of the Naglfar hovering on the ocean floor.

It waved the sword made of ice in its hand and swung it forward.

In the next moment, the water flow around the ghost ship turned into an invisible punch and rushed forward. Amid the ear-piercing friction sound of the eddy current surrounding the hull, the black mines in front of the sea were swept by the water and destroyed the anchors. , like scattered "grapes", were wrapped in sea water and thrown to the trenches on both sides.

In less than a minute, an underground waterway large enough to allow the passage of the Naglfar was cleared. It didn't even take an order from Boo Laike for the ever more spiritual ghost ship to be activated.

With the sway of the rudder, he rushed towards the safe waterway like a fish swimming.

The undead pirates on the deck cheered.

They shouted insults at Genn and the female ancestors of all Gilneans, and expressed their obscene desire to have intimate relations with those women in foul language.

But unfortunately, the ocean currents under the deep sea are like a thick barrier, sealing their "enthusiastic" declarations in the deep sea.

"Take your murlocs and put those mines on me! Put them on the surface of the sea and make a few circles around these ships, let them experience the power of this unreliable dwarf engineering weapon .

Ha, the marine version of 'Drawing the Ground as a Prison'.

This will teach these Gilnean landlubbers how dangerous it is to make a living at sea, not only to be careful of the viciousness of the enemy, but also to be careful of your own weapons. "

Bu Laike glanced at the bottoms of the five warships looming above the water, and he ordered the little murlocs with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes under his feet:

"I will leave a team of sea knights to help you. The sooner you finish it, the better. You are still waiting on the main battlefield. Did you lose the things I gave you last time?"


Benbo Erba folded his legs, straightened his waist hard, and gave a pirate military salute to Laike. He took out his beloved murloc pirate hat from his luggage and put it on his head.

It took out the things that Bu Laike gave it when it was in the rogue port of the North Sea, and then blew a piercing fishman whistle backwards.

Soon, a large group of nearly a hundred murloc pirates of various colors gathered from all directions.

The first mate, Old Blind Eye, and the second mate, Cookie, of the "Guala Guala Pirates" each hold two murloc flags and are gearing up for a big fight.

"Very good! I will give you credit for doing this well."

Bu Laike told the little murloc that it could go to work.

But Benboerba lingered and refused to leave. Its cute big eyes stared at the alien dragon Shadwalker under the feet of Bu Laike.

There was an obvious disgusted expression on its face, probably because it thought this thing was too ugly.

But then he croaked and waved to his owner, making a gesture that only he and Braike could understand, a request that made the pirate stare wide-eyed.

"Isn't it? Is your taste so strong? You also want such an ugly one? Don't you have a big owl?"

The little murloc shrugged his shoulders in a humane way, raised his paw, and clenched it in front of Laike, making a gesture of "I want it all".

"Okay, this time the matter is done, I will give it to you."

Bu Laike waved his hand, ignoring the weird aesthetics of his idiot little murloc, he kicked the little murloc who was fishing, and scolded:

"Go to work! Stop dawdling."


The little murloc screamed, calling his own deep-sea beast to quickly rise from the bottom of the sea, and jumped out of the water film on the deck of the Nagfar with a chic movement.

Soon, a large group of Wuyang Wuyang murlocs disappeared on both sides of the sea, and five sea knights were also sent out to direct the idiot murlocs to work.

Without the sailors on several Gilneas battleships on the sea noticing, the magical Naglfar broke through their mine blockade and galloped all the way towards the waters of Khaz Modan.

"Oh, it happened so suddenly. I also said that I brought you a gift. You will definitely like it."

The pirates handed over the affairs on the deck to their chief mate and interim commander, and asked Zarak and Kanrethad to be the interim bosun commanders for the group of scum who had just joined the gang, and entrusted Windrunner's mother to be the "political commissar".

For a while, whoever dares to run away before the battle will be overturned with an arrow.

He walked quickly into the cabin of the ghost ship. In the darkness, the pirate took out a perfect soul stone from his luggage and put it next to his ear, and he could still hear the sharp dragon roar coming from inside.

The pirate grinned.

Throwing the soul stone in his hand towards the darkness in the cabin in front of him, it disappeared the moment it fell into the darkness, as if thrown into the water, or swallowed by an invisible thing.

"Xal'atath told me that your conscious incarnation in the physical world is about to be molded, but you couldn't find a suitable template, so I brought it to you.

Just use her as a template.

Her image is pleasing enough, and she has lived a long time, and her rich emotions help you build your own character. But learn from the good, not from the bad. "

Bu Laike exhorted with all his heart:

"With your fastest speed, it will take three to four hours to reach the Khaz Modan sea area from here, this time should be enough for you to complete the shaping of consciousness, right?

From now on you will be able to communicate with us directly in words, right? "


There was a scalp-numbing chewing sound from the cabin, and then the huge and cold consciousness "touched" the pirate's perception as if responding.

Jean Bu Laike said with a look of regret:

"Ha, that's it, I thought I could have a 'ship girl' to accompany us through the difficult war years this time, but it doesn't matter, slow work and careful work.

Just take your time, don't affect the battle.

In addition, when will your source quality clash horn be shaped? We might use it when we actually start playing later. What? Are you afraid of pain?

Hello! You are a ship, why are you afraid of pain?

Be strong, okay? "


"The captain asked Old Garni to send a new combat order!"

On the deck of the Alpaca, the fully armed Vulpera pirate captain Eudora was wearing a blindfold, waving a piece of paper, and shouted to the orc Maim, the snake-man prophet Warwick and Captain Grayson behind him, Captain Al Reiss said: :

"Come here, I want to read to you!"

"What are you reading! What time is it?"

Ghost Captain Grayson brandished his bloodletter sword and shouted:

"The First Gilneas Fleet is chasing us, and they're hot on our heels, and we can't even fight back because of you two big, slow ships.

If it goes on like this, they will catch up and surround them within two hours at most!

With our meager firepower, it is very difficult to escape from them. "

"Yes, this fleet is full of problems."

Grayson's old friend, another ghost captain, Al Reiss, chimed in:

"Blaike and the Naglfar are not here, and the rest of you can't hold back the scene at all. Everyone's hearts are fluctuating. Those old pirates are still stable, and their fear of Braike makes them dare not run away at this time .

But those new recruits are not good at all, they have never experienced such a big scene

And our number is too small, Gilneas has at least twice as many ships and people as us! At this time, it is time to break through. Confrontation is a very stupid choice.

We are pirates, we are not navy! "

"People's hearts are floating? Hehe, what kind of problem is that?"

Orc Maim wore a set of elf-style heavy helmets, and carried a strange red coral halberd on his back. The orc pirate with burns on his face said indifferently:

"Gorke and his people haven't eaten since morning. They are very hungry. Who dares to spread rumors and throw them directly into the sea! Eudora, tell the captain's order."


The little fox snorted arrogantly, glanced at the paper in his hand, confirmed the content of the order, coughed a few times, and said to the captains in front of him:

"Commander Bu Laike ordered us to turn immediately to the direction of Palatine Bay and drive as fast as possible to the vicinity of Tidefall Island, and he is also rushing from the direction of Southsea Town to join us there.

We chose it as the battleground between the undead pirates and the Gilneas navy! "

"He's crazy!"

Speaking of this order, the old pirate Al Reiss, who is familiar with the terrain of the nearby sea area, exclaimed.

He lost his voice and said:

"Isn't that a public supply port for the Alliance Navy? This is for us to plunge into the enemy's 'pocket array', and we will be blocked there by the two fleets of Gilneas, one north and one south!

We will be caught in the urn!

Then, the humiliation was buried in the belly of the fish. "

"Where the captain tells us to go, we will go! Whatever the captain tells us to do, we will do! He will guide us to a glorious victory, just like countless miracles in the past!"

Meme and Eudora had no complaints about the order.

The orc glanced at the frightened old pirate. He stared at him and said in a deep voice:

"Whether it's a Gilnean or some other son of a bitch, they're all going to die today! If you want to be a traitor, you're going to die too!

Die again! "

"What are you doing?"

Captain Al Reiss also gripped the rusty sailor knife at his waist,

He looked at Reid in front of him, then at Grayson beside him, and said:

"Why are you just watching? Say something for me, it's impossible for you not to know that this is sending you to death, right?"

"Well, this is indeed death for ordinary people."

Grayson nodded, then pulled out the musket at his waist, and put it on Al Reiss' head, he said:

"But this time, I stand with our commander. Do you want to run, Al Reiss, howling like the wild dog you were chased by the Kul Tirans and shattered?"

Sorry, I introduced you to the fleet, and I must be responsible for your loyalty!

Bu Laike doesn't need that stuff, but you must be loyal! Again, I won't annoy the Commander just because of you, please be decent! "

(end of this chapter)

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