Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 699 30. I'm Going To Be A Consumer Boss Today

Chapter 699 30. I'm going to be a consumer boss today

After a day of wandering, Laike returned to his loyal island of Tol Barad in a happy mood.

The main reason for his joyful mood was that he received a considerable amount of remuneration in his private account in Booty Bay, which came from two unnamed accounts in Lordaeron and Stormwind Kingdom.

This made Master Assassin finally feel the joy of "realizing dreams with both hands".

"With a few more Dukes of Choraz, I can add another batch of close-in defense guns to my fleet."

With this kind of pleasure, Laike walked down from the deck of the Nagfar ship to the pier. This time, he returned very low-key and did not create an embarrassing scene where a group of licking dogs greeted him here.

Looking towards the coast from the pier, the pirates can also see the fel light curtain shining on the warlock's tower, like a green lighthouse, guiding the direction of the ships going back and forth.

"Well, the incompetent useless warlocks are also studying hard. It seems that the prosperity of my great magician school is just around the corner."

As a master warlock, Laike nodded in satisfaction.

After Xieyan returned to the Black Scythe Priory, his "three waste generals" finally assembled, and the teaching and management of the Warlock School can be safely entrusted to them.

Bo Laike only needs to teach his apprentices three times a week.

You can be a hands-off shopkeeper.

The best part is that if he is lazy, he doesn't even need to come to class by himself, because he also has the most reliable "mentor" among the stars.

"I said, are you interested in teaching my apprentices?"

As Bu Laike walked forward, he said to the old man Sakir who was floating beside him and chattering:

"You are the wisest enlightener leader in the world of Argus. You are a highly respected educator from the world of Argus. I believe that your forbidden wisdom is absolutely extraordinary. Can you share it with my incompetent students?

Let them also open their eyes and see the majesty of the enlightener in the world of Argus. "

"Hey, even Archimonde has to learn my forbidden knowledge carefully. You mortals are still trying to learn my wisdom. Who gave you the courage?

You probably can't even understand the demonic ritual I drew casually.

To waste my time on you ignorant is a blasphemy against knowledge itself! "

Grandpa Saqier moved his terrifying upper and lower jaws, and said madly and arrogantly:

"Besides, who would do something that is not beneficial? I'm just crazy, but I'm not stupid! Archimonde's lesson once is enough to be unforgettable."

"Ah, so this is what you mean by wanting benefits?"

Bu Laike snorted and said:

"Say it straight, my dear Uncle Sakir, what do you want from me? If it's not such an excessive request, I can consider satisfying you."

"I need a body!"

Sakir laughed, tossing and turning in the air and said:

"I want a strong and fresh body, a body with a strong enough spellcasting ability, preferably an eredar body, I don't want the stinky flesh and blood of fel alienation, I want pure bones and flesh and blood.

And your mysterious set of magic patterns!

I want its blueprint to be reformed so that it can bind my soul in flesh and blood. I want to feel what it was like to be alive.

Even if it's just a fake simulation, it's enough to make me feel good. "

"You have so many requests!"

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"I'll go to the tomb of Forgotten Hills and find you a corpse that hasn't decomposed yet."

"Hey! Did you have problems with your ears after you became blind?"

Sakir screamed very dissatisfied:

"I said, I want an eredar body! Not just any rotting corpse! You're not going to send me that shit! You bastard pirate.

My forbidden wisdom would not be entrusted to someone like you. "

"You're just making things difficult for me, asshole."

Bu Laike also refuted loudly:

"Where do you want me to find you a pure eredar at this point in time? Except for Prophet Velen and his fleeing draenei, all your people have been corrupted by fel energy demon!

Even the draenei still don't know which backcountry they are hiding in Dellano's world. I want to kill you now but I can't do it!

So either shut up and accept the bones, or you're just floating around. "

"If you can't do it, then it's your problem. Anyway, I have already said the requirements."

Sakir chuckled, turned around the pirate, and made a weird laugh between the collision of his upper and lower teeth. It said:

"If I can't get what I want, you can never get those precious forbidden knowledge from me, and I won't teach your students.

Hehe, I am a senior educator.

Back then on Argus, I begged me to teach their spellcasters to go from the wilds of Krokuun to the seat of Mac'Aree consul, I am.

Alas! You put my spine down!

What are you doing!

Have something to say! "

The old man proudly reminisced about the past, but he saw the stinky pirate grabbing the remaining half of its spine with a gloomy expression, and then pulled out the scythe of the sinner's spine.

The posture is to stick the spine on the sickle.

And the ancestor Nathrezim Usales in the scythe also let out a greedy howl very well, like a person who has been hungry for more than ten days and sees delicious food.

"No! I'll teach! Can't I teach? Three times a week? But I can't guarantee they will learn it. And they must learn Eredun from now on.

I'm not interested in teaching bilingually"

Sakir let out a scream, and hastily agreed to Laike's excessive request.

"That's about the same."

The smelly pirate threw Sakir's spine back into the bag, curled his lips and said unceremoniously to the old man:

"You are shameless for giving you face, so don't blame me for being rude! When I talk to you properly, you'd better restrain your grievances that you have nowhere to put.

I am not like Archimonde, I do not play that devious game.

You can mess with me all you want, as long as you can afford it!

Classes start tomorrow!

Three times a week, clock in and go to work. If I teach well, I might consider trying to find a way to 'smuggle' a Draenei corpse over for you. "

"Well, well, better be a spellcaster."

Sakir whispered:

"Preferably a man."


When Bu Laike heard that it asked for so much, the magic eyeball on his shoulder glared at it immediately, and Sakir stopped talking, and obediently hovered beside the pirate.

Pretending to be just an evil decoration.

The stinky pirate who finally found peace stretched his shoulders, blew a whistle, summoned the Hippogryph Sky, and flew all the way to the South Island of Tol Barad on his beloved flying mount.

That is, the main body of the Nazaras College under construction.

It will be the afternoon, and the beautiful South Island is howling.

It seems that the first batch of green-skinned orc slaves sent from Gilneas clashed with the Gilneas sailors who were imprisoned here to serve hard labor on the construction site.

There was a big fight between the two sides.

The scene is very majestic.

Hundreds of orcs and hundreds of humans fought each other with ashes shovels, and there was blood everywhere, but no one cared about them, and the slaves didn't dare to kill them.

It's not that I'm afraid of killing people.

The hatred between the two sides is deeply rooted, and death is death.

The really troublesome thing is that no matter what happens to you elves and ghost supervisors, there is a fixed standard for how much soil you dig every day. If you can't finish it, you will be hungry.

Every time a hard worker is killed, it means that the pressure on others will be increased.

Therefore, they are very restrained in their actions.

At most, they would stop until their heads were bleeding, and the trainee priests of the Snakeman were spitting out snake letters to watch the fun. After these guys finished fighting, they would go over to heal these guys and practice healing magic by the way.

Good guy, the perfect closed loop belongs to yes.

Bu Laike rode the Hippogryph across the bloody construction site and landed on the mage tower where Dean Lanyue liked to stay.

It is still not completely repaired here, but a viewing platform has been specially created for the dean.

When the stinky pirate came over, the dean was studying a set of complicated and obscure diaries, which should be the diary of old Meili. It seemed that the dean was already preparing for his own Lich Ascension Ceremony.

"Yo, the project is progressing well."

He said something carelessly.

The dean didn't even bother to talk about it, which was normal. Dean Lanyue was suffocating, because Bu Laike, a bad student, hadn't finished his homework for seven consecutive days.

This kind of learning attitude of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days made the dean very dissatisfied.

Bu Laike himself knew why the dean was angry. He stepped forward cautiously, took out a ring from his pocket, handed it to the dean, and whispered:

"Report to the dean, I have found the best hidden power for our academy! From now on, we don't have to worry about being targeted by malicious guys.

We will have a quiet academic environment that will not be disturbed. "


Dean Lanyue glanced at the green seal that Bu Laike handed over.

She saw the extraordinaryness of this thing at a glance, so she pushed her glasses, reached out to take this beautiful and simple seal ring, and looked at it carefully in front of her eyes.

A few seconds later, the dean put the ring on his finger and tentatively injected magic power into it.


Her whole body disappeared immediately before Bu Laike's eyes, just like a pirate's retreat, without any shadowy waves, as if she had escaped into another phase.

This concealment of light refraction sounds low-level, but with the blessing of sacred objects such as the Shadow of the Leaves, it has been pushed to an unimaginable height.

Bu Laike had to concentrate on mobilizing his sense of the endless pursuit of the watcher, so that he could barely catch the Dean's striding left and right on the viewing platform in front of him.

This thing not only concealed the body shape and aura, but even the sound was perfectly blocked.

"Nice stuff."

Dean Lanyue's voice came from behind the pirates. She took the initiative to undo the cover of the shadow of the leaves, stroked the ring on her hand, and said to Bu Laike:

"So this is how you assassins usually feel? It's a good experience. How big is the occlusion range of this gemstone?"

she asked.

Bu Laike replied with a low eyebrow:

"Without the support of the magic net, it is about the size of a small town.

If it is connected to the underground magic net, the light blocking range of the shadow of the leaves can easily cover the entire Tol Barad Island and the territorial waters of 30 nautical miles nearby.

But in that case, the Atama crystal cannot be moved casually. "


The dean nodded in satisfaction. She played with the ring in her hand and said:

"Such a good thing, doesn't your fleet use it?"

"The Naglfar has no use for this."

Bu Laike spread his hands and said:

"This kind of concealment is also a bully for the rookie navy. The shape of the ships can be concealed, but the waves caused by them traveling in the sea will still be perceived by the tide sages.

It is more suitable for the overall concealment of the academy than for a raid on the fleet that can be found at any time.

This can also add a lot of mysterious characteristics and legends to our college, which will help Na'thalas College's reputation spread far and wide in Azeroth. "

Having said that, the stinky pirate carefully glanced at the dean's expression, and said:

"I hope it can make you happy, and make you forget some small unpleasantness. I will start to do my homework again from today, I promise."


The dean made a dissatisfied nasal sound, waved his hands, and said:

"Go and do your business, remember to come back for the exam in two months, if you fail the exam"

"No, no."

Laike backed up a few steps with a sneer, and flew away on the hippogryph again, thinking that he had finally escaped the hurdle of Dean Lanyue, who became more and more eccentric.

Then he felt better again.

Humming a fast-paced pirate song, he commanded the sky to descend to a secret area in the valley on the edge of the academy.

There is a heavily armed cavalry guarding here, and their commander is Sir Attumen, the chief hunter of Bo Laike, and the place guarded by them layer by layer is actually a semi-underground smelting workshop.

When the pirate walked into it, he saw a batch of smelted source quality steel pouring out of the furnace.

And his new minion, Goblin Elementalist Krythik, stood on the ledge, brandishing a wrench, ordering the bumbling orcs who had been brought in to push the hot, cooling molten steel aside.

These smelted source steels are only the first step of smelting.

In order to reach a level that can be used for forging, these source quality steels have to go through two more rounds of special treatment.

"When will it be finished?"

With his hands behind his back, Laike pretended to glance at the purple-black molten iron with scorching hot bubbles, and asked the goblin elementalist wearing goggles.

The latter rubbed his hands and said flatteringly:

"The standard of workers is too low now, so it takes a lot of time, my evil master. But as long as they are skilled later, the speed will be much faster.

It is estimated that the ten boxes of source quality ores here can be smelted within a month. It is difficult to modify the shape of these steel materials once they are formed, so you have to think about what kind of source quality weapons you want.

If it's the steel reinforcement of your ship, then this amount of ore may not be enough, and you need to find another batch of ore. "

"For the time being, there is no need to strengthen the source of the Nagfar."

Bu Laike waved his hands, and he drew two swords, one long and one short, and two Shadow Moonblades from his waist, placed them in front of the goblin, and said:

"Is it possible to strengthen them with source quality?"

"Of course, master."

The goblin waved his hand and said:

"It's easy, I've seen drogbar in the black dragonflight apply prismatic enhancements to Lord Deathwing's treasured weapons, but I'm not a blacksmith myself

Your weapons are too advanced.

I dare not try them casually, lest I ruin them.

Perhaps, you can find a way to hire a master blacksmith. "


Bo Laike grinned and said:

"Yes! It will come in a few days.

In addition, forge a batch of source matter armor-piercing arrows and source matter bullet casings for me and my mentor, the long-range damage should also be improved by physical means.

Tsk tsk, after tossing for so long, I used epic ammunition again.

Really nostalgic for the 'good old days'.

You may not believe it, and it's not that I'm humble, but I was also a master of engineering. Even things like gyroplanes can be built with a small wrench.

Ah, recalling the glorious past."

(end of this chapter)

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