Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 724 55. As Expected Of The Captain! Generous!

Chapter 724 55. As expected of the captain! Generous!

"Captain, the group of naga who sneaked into the waters of Vashj'ir ran away. Baku lazily chased after him, but the sea snake was too full to eat the meat of the hermit crab demigod a few days ago. They were all eaten into balls.

It may not be able to catch up. "

In Laike's mansion in the town of Losberg, the pirate master who was recuperating heard a report from his subordinates. But this time, the pale smelly pirate was lying on the bed and moaning, with a towel on his head pretendingly.

It looked like it was really hurt.

But in fact, the blood bar on his character card is recovering at an extraordinary speed. After all, he still has Akunda's blessing of new life on him, and his life recovery speed is much faster than that of ordinary trolls.

But the recovery of vitality is one thing, the feeling of being hollowed out is another.

Bu Laike really didn't expect that after his rebirth, he could experience this feeling of "kidney deficiency" again.

He waved his hand and said weakly to Maim who came to report:

"You can figure it out. It's best if you can catch up. If you can't catch up, let them run away. After all, it's Ms. Vashki, and Mistress Viper is not an easy guy to deal with.

The purpose of deterrence has been achieved.

Vashj will properly report our strength to her queen, so that they will definitely be much more appropriate when designing actions against us.

Well, what happened just now probably frightened the spellcasters on the mainland, and Jean is even more afraid of us.

This is a good thing.

I desperately need a break right now, so go ahead. "


The loyal Maim pushed his captain's cap, turned and walked out, but before leaving, he still didn't forget to put the "trophy" on the captain's table.

It was a monstrous naga spine.

It is the last product left in this world by the high-ranking warlord Naintus. The spine has been completely dried by the blow of Sakir's magic power, and it looks like a black shell that may shatter at any time. .

But it can survive the attack of the demigod's mana, which has proved the extraordinaryness of this thing.

Uh, one more thing, this weird twisted spine was also brought back from the bottom of the sea by the little murlocs.

Facts have proved that even if he was canonized as a tidal fish knight by Laike and strengthened by the elements of the Hydraxia Legion, the little murloc's red hand is still so spiritual.

Bo Laike looked at the thing.

He moved his body on the bed and put his hand on the dark spine. The next moment, an orange light flashed in front of his eyes:

Name: Spine of Naintus

Quality: Legend · Crafting Material

Item description:

As early as the period of the Elven Empire, Naintus was the bravest member of Queen Azshara's loyal guards.

Its devotion to the Empress is amazing, and even after being twisted into a corrupted thing, this loyalty has not faded in the slightest.

But the fate of Naintus made people sigh. In a certain battle with the sea titan, this brave guard was seriously injured and nearly died, but before he died in the battle, he still bravely stabbed his trident into the opponent. in the neck.

Such loyalty is to be commended.

Therefore, the soul of Naintus was sent into another stronger and more violent body infected by the void, so as to better contribute its power to the queen.

It's a pity that the brave guards are still no match for the erosion of the void.

It's getting better and better, and it's getting dumber.

This caused a serious decline in its status in the Queen's heart.

This spine is the source of Naintus' power, and the power transformed by the void still remains in this bone.

If you can find a strong enough craftsman and use it reasonably to forge armor or weapons, you can inherit the power of this high-ranking warlord enough to make the sea tremble.

But the stories of the Naga Warlords should teach you that only a warrior with a strong will can harness the power of darkness.

"I knew it."

Bo Laike curled his lip, and he threw the spine together, closing his eyes and calculating.

A few minutes later, the black-robed ship doctor who received the news quickly walked into the room. Seeing Laike lying on the bed, Natalie Serling stretched out her hand and threw a warm holy light spell, making the pirate wrapped in the streamer Let out a comfortable groan.

The feeling of being enveloped by the Holy Light is like lying in a hot spring.

"Maybe you should change your habit of leading the way."

Ms. Serling stepped forward, sat on the edge of the bed, and while helping Bo Laike to check his body with skillful skills, she reprimanded:

"If you are required to take the lead in everything, then what is the meaning of your subordinates' existence?"

"Uh, does it count as cannon fodder at critical moments?"

The Stinky Pirate was still in the mood for a joke.

In front of the ship's doctor lady, he didn't need to pretend, so he moved his shoulders, stretched his waist and said:

"I'm fine, it's just that the extraction of life force won't cause me any trouble, except that it will be more uncomfortable when I'm weak, everything is actually fine.

It's okay to sleep in.

The naga's provocation must be seriously responded to. If we can't scare them this time, we will have a headache later. Now it seems that the effect is good.

The mistress of the poisonous snake was scared away, and peace can be maintained for at least a year. "

"Only a year?"

The ship doctor frowned and said:

"Do you think the naga will not give up here even if they face demigods?"

"It depends on how much Queen Azshara loves her scepter. To be honest, the naga are not afraid of a wild demigod."

Laike lay there with his hands under his head and said:

"The resources they can mobilize in the deep sea are almost unlimited, and as you can see, they can send a legendary warlord to die as cannon fodder.

This kind of enviable magnanimity, no faction in the entire Azeroth can do it.

If Azshara really intends to start a war, she is only a demigod, and she really can't stop her. But one year is almost the same time. After one year, no matter how bad we are, we still have the strength to challenge the naga in some battlefields.

Well, let's not talk about them.

This time to Kul Tiras, do you want to go with me? "

he asked.

Lady Natalie glanced at the captain and said:

"Do you wish me to go with you, Captain."

"Of course, it's always reassuring to have a doctor by your side, not to mention that besides curing diseases and saving lives, this doctor can also pick up a staff and open the skulls of orcs.

This is completely double the safety. "

Bu Laike laughed, then coughed again and said;

"Seriously, I need you to come with me.

This trip may go deep into the core area of ​​the Church of Storms. In the absence of another servant of mine, I need you, a shadow priest who has studied the void, to help me identify those dangerous things. "

"Okay, then I'll go back and get ready."

Madam Natalie stood up, tugged on her hood, said goodbye to Bo Laike, and turned to leave.

The pirate felt a little tired, and the recovery process made people drowsy, so he closed his eyes and planned to take a nap, but a few minutes later, a portal silently opened above Laike's head.

"Yo ho! I'm coming!"

Amidst the loud cheers, the familiar long blue hair shone, and the energetic "Magic Dragon Girl" slammed on Bu Laike's waist with a puff.

The force of the impact caused the pirate's bed to snap apart in the middle.

The impact was so powerful that it nearly broke Laike's spine.

He let out a scream, and the eyeballs on his shoulders rolled over, looking at His Highness Little Xingxing, who was lying on top of him, disheveled, embarrassed but with round eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Bu Laike scolded:

"You almost did what the whole Ravenholdt failed to do! You almost killed me and got off me! Bastard! What does that look like!"

"I escaped from the Nexus!"

Little Xing Xing, with a burden on his back, rides on the waist of Bu Laike, waving his hands and pushing a big bag forward, and excitedly says to his captain:

"Before the Spellweaver fell asleep, he said that he wanted me to learn how to manipulate the Focusing Rainbow, but I didn't want to learn, so I sneaked out. The old blue dragon will sleep for at least several years, and I can play freely.

Don't be angry, I brought you a gift.

I know you like money, so I ransacked the loathsome Kalec's lair before I ran away. Now, the coins and gems in this bag are yours


Captain, why do you look so ugly? are you sick? "

The pirate showed a painful expression. He pointed to the large amount of luxury precious metal that his little star was putting on his lungs, mouth and nostrils, and made a difficult breathing movement.

A few seconds later, Little Xingxing's screams echoed in this messy place.

"Ah! Come on, the bad captain is about to suffocate! Sienni! Where did you go, Sienni? Come on! This bastard was almost killed by me! Hurry up! Artificial respiration.

Hurry up! "


A day later, on the coast of the barren land of the eastern continent.

It is not very far from the town of Melting Light where the goblins are located, but because of the coastline, this bay is very hidden.

The Kor'kron orcs roaming nearby guard it.

The Frostwolf clan landed from this bay a few days ago, and now those orcs who are good at taming wolves and producing excellent wolf cavalry have been resettled in the vast and sparsely populated Burning Plains.

The ruins of the original Blackstone Fortress have also been assigned to the Frostwolf Clan, and they intend to build a Frostwolf Fortress there.

Well, although the temperature in the Burning Plains is many times higher than that of Frostfire Ridge or Alterac Mountains, the Frostwolf orcs who are used to the cold are very uncomfortable for a while, but their wargs did adapt quickly Such a warm environment.

This is the instinct of living things.

If you can live in a warm place, who wants to go to a bitter cold place?

Besides, not all places in the Burning Plains are scorched.

In the southern mountains far away from Blackrock Mountain and close to Redridge Mountain, there are large valley grasslands and abundant water sources, enough for the Wargs to thrive there.

There are also some caves far away from magma deep in the Blackrock Spire, and there are also very comfortable temperatures to ensure the survival of the wolf cubs.

Overall, the new place is not bad.

However, today in this hidden bay, it was a group of very strange "guests" who were personally greeted by the chief of the Blackstone, Red. Beside the great chief, Drek'Thar and Thrall, the Frostwolf shamans who had just settled down, accompanied him.

The old shaman was assassinated and poisoned before, but he is still a little weak now.

He was whispering to Thrall beside him:

"Have you felt the change of the tide? The power of the elements in the air is rising, and there is also the sound of the sea tide beating. This is the most obvious feature when the water elements gather."

"I am sensing, elder."

The young Thrall closed his eyes, sensing the changes around him, he said:

"It's hard, but I think I've gotten the hang of it, maybe it will take a while to get used to and figure it out."

"It's really hard."

Drek'Thar sighed, leaning on his cane with spikes, he said:

"The elements of Azeroth are too powerful, they are not as forgiving as the elements of Dellano's world, and it is bound to be a long process for you to establish contact with them.

If you want to win their favor, you have to work harder.

But you are still young.

You have plenty of time to do this slowly, so don't rush it. Well, Chief, the guests are here. "

The Frostwolf shaman said softly, and Reid, who was leaning on the hammer of the Dark Hand, raised his head, and saw a silent torrent surging in this hidden bay.

Those water currents are entwined and quickly form a vortex.

Under the amazed gaze of the great chief, a strange torrent elemental in blade armor floated up from the bottom of the sea.

It has no resemblance to the traditional water elemental. The blade armor on its body reflects cold light in the sun, and the frost blade and ice shield in its hand also make it look full of majestic and murderous aura.

"I am Ekron, the Riptide Warrior of His Majesty the Tidehunter! I am here on the orders of the Hydraxian Legion and Baron Riptide."

Ekron, who previously served as the "messenger" between Braike and the tide hunters, was given an important mission again. The torrent element first declared itself, and then moved the head of the big ice lump to "look" forward .

It asked in a low voice:

"Well, you blind orc must be Drek'Thar, you're a shaman, I sense it. Of the remaining two, who's Red Blackhand?"


Reid took a step forward and said to the torrent element in front of him:

"What orders does the captain have to communicate?"

"Not an order, but a gift."

The torrent element laughed, stretched out his hand to fish in the water beside him, and threw a strange spine exuding scorching air to Reid. The torrent element said:

"Your Excellency the Baron asked me to tell you that using this excellent material should be enough to lure members of the Thorium Brotherhood in a place called the Black Iron Bar.

In addition, I will be permanently stationed in this sea area on behalf of the Hydraxian Legion.

Be the vanguard of the impending crusade against the loathsome Firelord Ragnaros.

I have brought you the blessing of the sea. Those of you who can communicate with the power of the elements can use me to show respect and recognition to the Hydraxian Legion.

As long as you are willing to join the Tidal Cult, which praises the great tide hunter, you can get the blessing of the sea!

So, creatures of flesh and blood, what is your answer? "

(end of this chapter)

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