Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 739 70. Idiot! I'm Fishing For A Very Big Fish!

Chapter 739 70. Idiot! I'm fishing for a very big fish!

Shaw left, as silently as he had come.

But when he left, the leader of SI:7 had two deadly weapons in his hands. Although the two daggers made of a lot of source quality gems and source quality steel were only the prototype of the deadliest weapon, they were enough to kill.

It is closely connected with the shadow, and can give the user the power to manipulate the shadow and strengthen his own body.

Falling into the hands of an already deadly guy like Shaw will only make him even more powerful.

With a commander and executor like Shaw to assist Mother Windrunner and conduct a comprehensive investigation of Stormsong Valley, the stronghold of the tidesages, Laike can finally feel at ease.

However, before Shaw actually goes to Stormsong Valley, he has to help Kelsey finish the work in Boralus Port. arms.

You can't confront the cultists head-on from the very beginning.

For masters, it also takes time to become familiar with weapons.

But this has nothing to do with Bo Laike who is the shopkeeper.

Feeling relaxed and happy, he took a good and comfortable bath in the hot spring, and when midnight was approaching, he hugged Tandred who was sleeping beside him.

The little murloc, who was hiding underwater and spit bubbles, also floated up with a wet towel, and stared at Tenred in front of him.

Another look at Bo Laike.

There was a strange light in those murloc eyes.

From the perspective of Benbo Erba, Tenred in front of him really looks very similar to Bu Laike, especially the hair, forehead, and the shape of the eyes, which are almost the same.

Totally a shrunken version of Laike Shaw, or Derek Proudmoore.

"It's really similar, right?"

Bo Laike noticed the strange eyes of the little murloc.

He asked the little idiot, and the little murloc nodded up and down while hiding in the hot spring.

"But it's a pity that he, like me, is the crystallization of the 'dross' of the Proudmoore family."

The pirate walked out of the hot spring with the sleeping Tenred in his arms, and complained to the little murloc at his feet:

"Daelin gave all his best blood to his daughters, causing his sons to be underachievers. Look at the magical power that Jaina can exert at this age, and Fenner , already a legendary fighter at a young age.

Look at the weakness of me and this little fool.

In the future, he will probably be the same as me before, doing whatever he can. "


The little murloc swayed and followed behind Bo Laike. It raised its head and waved its paw at the pirate, as if offering its own suggestion, but Bo Laike shook his head and said:

"No, you can't give him such dangerous power. He's not Fenner, he can't control those divine powers. I don't want Dailin to notice me again, and let him notice the weakness growing in my heart.

Besides, everyone in the big family is a powerful guy, and there should be an ordinary character to reconcile it.

There is nothing wrong with letting him live his life in peace.

Keep a low profile enough so that you won't be watched. "

Bu Laike walked out of the hot spring and returned to the large rented room. He saw several girls who had already dressed and were drinking fruit wine and chatting in the large yard of the room.

Jaina drank juice.

The little mage knew very well that alcoholic beverages were not a healthy thing, it would affect the minds of spellcasters.

"Wow, Captain Stinky, you did a good job tonight."

Little Xingxing was already a little drunk, when she saw Laike approaching, she waved her hand and said in a wild manner:

"You didn't take a peek tonight, not bad, not bad, really very personable."

"I should really take a picture of you now and send it back to the Nexus, so that the blue dragons can take a good look at what their savior is doing."

Bu Laike complained, handed the sleeping Tenrad to Fenner, and said to the girls:

"You guys play, I'm going back to rest. I won't participate in your hunting tomorrow, and I will come to see you off when you go back to the city.

Then, we shall meet in Drustvar. "

"Hey, Mr. Laike, are you going to Arthur big brother's wedding too?"

Little Jaina blinked and asked with sparkling eyes:

"Is that the man who asked you to come and represent him?"

"No, it's not as complicated as you think."

Bo Laike reached out and touched Jaina's head, saying:

"I'm just going there to deal with my business, and I'm going to go hiking and explore. Well, you guys have fun, I'm going to rest."

A few minutes later, the stinky pirate returned to his rented room.

Stretching his body, he took out the after-school homework assigned by Dean Lanyue from his luggage, spent an hour doing three papers, and picked up Gul'dan's Great Skull Grimoire to study the warlock magic in it carefully.

In this way, he continued to study until the early hours of the morning before falling into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, he woke up on time at the previous time, opened a bottle of wine to rinse his mouth, and then prepared to start a new day of study and work, but when he was about to start doing big problems to wake himself up, the servant in the big hot spring area He ran to report that a guest had come to visit him.

What they sent was a business card with the albatross logo on it.

"Bring them in, they are indeed my friends."

Bu Laike smiled and gave instructions to the servant. Not long after, amidst the noisy noise of the children, a group of people led them into the temporary residence of the pirates.

"Your Excellency, I salute you!"

Connie, a little nightborn girl wearing a sailor shirt that Kul Tiran children often wear, jumped up and down in front of Laike, and saluted him as a sailor.

Several other Nightborne children followed Connie's example and paid tribute to the captain.

Bo Laike laughed and waved, and his little murloc brought out a plate of Gnomeregan gummies, to the delight of the children whooped and squealed.

Behind the children came three people, two men and one woman.

Hal and his elf wife, Villene, are both wearing Gilnean-style dresses today, and he wears a tall hat, which makes him look taller, so that he won't be crushed by his elf wife.

And the people standing beside the Hals are enough to surprise people.

"Nat! You guys are finally alive? You look good."

Bu Laike looked at his "chief fisherman" with a modest smile on his face. He stepped forward, patted Nat Pagle on the shoulder, looked at the priest robe on his body, and said:

"What? Are you a priest now? Do you still like fishing?"

"Certainly, my dear captain."

Nat, the fisherman who finally regained his sunny side, grinned and joked to Bo Laike seriously:

"Singing the tide is work, and enjoying the fun of fishing is life. I separate these two things. Thank you for your perseverance and help, Captain.

Without your help, I would probably spend the rest of my life in a lunatic asylum. "

"It's okay, just recover."

Bu Laike patted his arm and said:

"Go back early, Eudora is still waiting for you to use your magical fishing rod and fishing skills to catch fresh fish for her fleet. Without you, everyone eats poorly.

Those Tortollan fishermen are no match for you, our sea titans are starving all day long. "

"Of course, I'd love to go back now."

Nat very sunny said:

"I miss the sea water and the food of my hometown, Kul Tiras is good in everything, but the food is a bit bad.

I'll go back to our island to help those in need, enjoy the fishing, and tell everyone I know the power and holy scriptures of the tides.

We are all children of the tide, and we should all remember the blessings brought by the ocean. "

"Well, as expected of a priest."

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows and said to Nat:

“Now it’s all about the same thing.

All right, I'll take you back when I'm free, and eat at my place at noon today. I know you are good at making fish soup, so please go catch a few fish nearby and present a feast for me and these children.

Here, take this.

This is what I have been saving for you, your most beloved tusrusar fishing rod. "

The stinky pirate took out a fine-crafted fishing rod from his luggage and stuffed it into Nat's hand. The latter walked towards the nearby glacier with a small bucket in his hands with a smile on his face.

In the glaciers near Camp Kennings, you can catch the best big bass in Tiragarde Sound, which is the best for fish soup and sashimi.

Bo Laike watched Nat and the children chattering about trying to catch crabs leave with a small bucket with a smile on his face. When they disappeared out of the house, the pirate's expression turned ugly.

The magic eyeball on his shoulder swiveled and looked at the Hal couple who also looked unhappy.

He picked up the dwarf's pipe and said:

"Tell me, what's going on? How did Nat become like this? Has he really become a devout follower of the Church of Storms?"

"Not just pious believers, Captain."

Hal also took out the very popular local sailor tobacco from his arms, squeezed out a black pipe and held it in his mouth, and his elf wife gently helped him light it.

The two men sat together, and in the midst of puffing, Hal whispered to Bo Laike with a tangled tone:

"Nat is very powerful now. According to his own statement, when he was fishing in the sea outside the Temple of Storms, he met a Dahai Xian with a high status in the church.

The latter was very satisfied with Nat's talent for communicating with the sea, and wanted to promote Nat to an official priest.

But these are secondary.

The real trouble was Nat's illness.

When we first got to Kul Tiras, he was indeed healed by those tidesages, and seemed to be back to the Nat Pagle I knew who was always bright with life.

But the change after Nat creeps me a little, Captain. "

Hal shook his body.

His elf wife looked left and right, and also said to Bo Laike in a low voice:

"Captain, Hal and I suspect that while those sea sages cleaned Nat of his illness, they might have injected him with something more dangerous.

I am an elf. I grew up in Suramar. Although I don't know magic, I have seen many things that mages can do with magic.

I think Nat is now controlled by spiritual magic.

He would preach the creed of the Church of the Storm to everyone he met, sing the praises of the tides several times a day, and whisper to himself in his room after midnight. "

"Yes! The biggest change is when he fishes."

Hal breathed out the smoke ring sadly, and said to Bo Laike:

"I've been fishing with him a lot these days, you know, Captain, and Nat's fishing is so good that he can always catch a big fish if he wants to.

But he is different now.

He would throw all the fish he caught back into the water, and often he couldn’t catch a single fish all afternoon. Every time I asked him why he did this, he would tell me with a smile on his face that he was catching a very big fish !

He says that every time and I'm literally intimidated by him. "

"Why didn't you write to me when something like this happened?"

Bu Laike asked.

Hal and Villeni looked at each other, and Villeni whispered in surprise:

"We have written four letters, Captain, you... have you never received them?"

"Well, damn it!"

Bo Laike immediately realized the problem.

He thought for a while, and said to the Hals:

"Go and bring the children back and tell Nat that I am very interested in the scriptures of the Church of Storms. Can you ask him to come to my room later and tell me the secrets of the tides carefully."

"Captain, are you going to deal with Nat?"

Hal said nervously:

"Although he has changed a bit, he has always been grateful to you. That kind of gratitude is not pretended. Don't hurt him."

"I just wanted to see what was going on with him."

Bu Laike flexed his fingers and said:

"It was Nat who came instead of Hai Xian, a high-ranking member of the Church of Storms, which shows that Nat did not disclose my information, and this alone is enough for me to trust him.

Rest assured, I'll bring back the Nat Pagle you know.

Now, take the kids to Nuannuan and relax. When you come back, Nat's problem will be almost resolved. "

The Hals were still a little worried, but they believed in the captain's wisdom, so they obediently left the house.

Bu Laike whistled to the little murloc, and Ben Boerba ran out immediately. Not long after, Natalie Serling, who lived nearby, was invited over.

"I need you to bring out what's in Nat Pagle's mind."

The pirate didn't talk nonsense, and said directly to the black-robed ship doctor:

"It should be something related to the void. Hal said that it was infused by the sea sages, but I don't think so. If it was the dark power of the sea sages, Nat's changes should be more drastic.

I suspect that something in that Youguang Ye pearl is at work. "

"But Nat Pagle has regained his sanity. He is not like those people who have been insanely infected by the void. He can already control his mind."

Natalie said suspiciously:

"It's really rare for him to be like that."

"So, I suspect he may be like you, my ship's doctor."

Bu Laike shrugged, looked at Selin, and said:

"I belong to the kind of guy who is 'blessed' by the void. Considering that Nat's spiritual vision is surprisingly high, my guess is very likely to be true.

Nat learned from Hyeon to maintain his mind surrounded by visions of the void.

And he went one step further, overcoming his own fears, making those lures a part of him, embracing himself in the entanglement of the Void.

He's not a tidesage.

He is something more special. I have to see his new form with my own eyes before I can make a more accurate judgment.

In short, be prepared. "

The pirate leaned back on the chair, exhaled a smoke ring, and looked at the sunlight outside the window.

He said:

"Let me see what the 'big fish' my 'fishing buddy' Nat Pagle wants to catch."

(end of this chapter)

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