Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 832 163. Poor Bu Laike, Being Played By Them In The Palm Of Their Hands

Chapter 832 163. Poor Bu Laike, being played by them in the palm of their hands

Ny'alotha is the holy city of N'Zoth, and everything that happens in this sleeping city cannot be hidden from N'Zoth's gaze.

When Bu Laike slipped into the Holy City, the Eye of N'Zoth spotted him, but compared to Moon Night God of War and Odin's Chosen Warrior, Bu Laike, a "little character" who is not even a legend, is really not worth mentioning.

It's not a big problem even if he has strange void essence on him.

Especially after the Corruptor abolished Odin's Chosen Dai Lin with the curse of flesh and blood, and made up his mind to confine Ny'alotha as the cage of the moon and night war god Maiev Shadowsong, the mere pirates are nothing but Hugging the grass and beating the rabbits was done by the way.

It cannot be said that N'Zoth is too arrogant.

There is nothing wrong with its plan itself, and it has successfully lured the difficult Maiev to the Land of Truth. It can only be said that the outrageous degree of the smelly pirate cannot be measured by common sense.

After all, who would have thought that such a small character like an ant could use that weird skull to instantly hit a magic energy impact comparable to that of a demigod in a place where only void energy exists?

This is equivalent to a high school student bullying a kindergarten elementary school student, only to see the elementary school student turn into a Saiyan in front of him, which is outrageous!

Who can stand this?

Queen Azshara must have known about the existence of Thakir's Skull and its effects. After all, her loyal subordinate Serpent Mistress Vashj suffered a loss in Tol Barad.

But is the queen obliged to share information with N'Zoth? Was N'Zoth nice to her?

Not necessarily.

As I said before, the relationship between the Empress and N'Zoth is very complicated, and I can't explain it clearly in one or two sentences.

In short, at the moment when Maiev fell into desperation, Bu Laike, who descended from the divine soldier, blasted away N'Zoth's inactive dying shell with a magic light cannon. This "land of endless truth".

It's also magical.

Obviously being an ancient god is the darkest thing among the stars, but he just likes to talk about words like "enlightenment" and "truth".

Bu Laike still remembers that when he first partnered with Xalatath, Miss Void Essence also spoke with a tonality, as if the real truth was always in the hands of Void Power.

What a great irony.


Bu Laike, who blasted away the fleshy shell, jumped down from a high place, and precisely avoided the sweep of two fleshy tendrils.

Rolling in the air and flashing twice, he passed through the fallen storm composed of N'Zoth's thought fragments, and landed beside Maiev, who was half kneeling on the ground, with dark smoke wrapped around his body.

He landed in a chic posture, crossed his hips, tilted his head, blinked his coquettish sea-blue eyes, looked at Maiev in front of him, with a surprised expression on his face, but a malicious grin at the corner of his mouth. smile.

He said:

"Are you crying? Little girl, are you frightened by the big monster? Don't be afraid, your pirate big brother is here."

Bu Laike is really not talking nonsense.

Because at this time, Ms. Warden is in a strange state.

On the beautiful face that still wears the battle makeup of the moon god, there is a very complicated expression. It seems to be looking directly at Laike, but the smelly pirate always feels that the pair of pure black mysterious eyes see through his body. Something deeper.

To put it simply, the eyes have no focal length at all.

It's like being scared stupid.

And there were really tears streaming down from the corners of her eyes, flowing down her cheeks along her avant-garde "smoky makeup" eyes, reflecting the light of the stars and the moon on her body.


Such a Moonlit God of War who can fight all the way from the entrance of Ny'alotha to the Holy Land of N'Zoth, overturning all the powerful subordinates of N'Zoth on the way, will feel fear? Will be scared to cry?

Do not make jokes.

The Thousand Bearded Demon set this trap, which was not aimed at Maiev at all.

This "meeting" was originally prepared for Dailin Proudmoore. It was the final arrangement of a conspiracy by the Church of Storms to dedicate Dailin to the Corruptor as the "Sea Demon Lord".

Turning it around to Maiev Shadowsong was a whim and a last resort.

Just looking at the city of Ny'alotha that is collapsing from the outside world, you can see how much sacrifice and determination N'Zoth has made this time. Bu Laike would rather believe that poor N'Zoth almost cried because of her.

If the Thousand Beard Demon's body is really here, judging by the destructive power of Maiev's explosion, next year's day may really be the death day of N'Zoth.

The Old Gods were right.

The reason why it didn't die under the "assassination" of God of War on Moon Night is purely because the Nagas had worked hard for 10,000 years and didn't release it from the Titan's cage in advance.

Its body was still locked under the waves, and it was impossible to return to Ny'alotha to reorganize the afterglow of the dark empire, which allowed it to escape.

It can only be said that the assassination of the God of War on Moon Night really took a once-in-a-lifetime moment, but the most fatal point was missed due to lack of information.


If Maiev was thirty years later, N'Zoth would not be able to escape.

But not all.

If N'Zoth really returned to Ny'alotha with his main body, Maiev, the incomplete power of the God of War in the Moonlight Night, might still be a little uncertain.

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

Bu Laike looked at Maiev who was staring at him stupidly in front of him, and moved his shoulders uncomfortably. This was not the same as the scene he imagined to appear as a winner and teach the stinky woman a lesson.

He stretched out his hand to grab Maiev's neck, and said viciously:

"Do you know how I'm going to torture you, so you pretend to be pitiful to win sympathy?"

Maiev didn't answer, and the warden lady seemed to come back to her soul at this moment, with a painful expression on her face, and a few muffled groans.

The light of the stars and the moon around it became more and more irritable, shining brightly in the storm entwined with N'Zoth's thought fragments.

"Not good! Her energy is going out of control! Little master leave her alone, run!"

Xalatas screamed at every opportunity:

"Even if there is only a little bit left, you will still be blown to death by the power of the Moon Night God of War! Quickly, throw her aside, and I will open the door to the present world for you.

The city fulcrum of Ny'alotha is about to collapse, and if you don't leave, you will be trapped here forever. "

Laike's face changed slightly, and he looked up at the fallen thoughts of N'Zoth rushing towards him around him. Those lingering black lights were fragments of the incarnation of the consciousness of an ancient god.

Once the unextraordinary life is integrated into one piece, it will immediately become a senior chaotic cultist. If you are lucky, you can even perform a "flesh and blood fall" on the spot, and you can basically bid farewell to the normal life.

And right now, there are more than a thousand fragments of consciousness shattered by Maiev.

"Quick! Eat them!"

Bu Laike shouted to Xal'atath:

"Didn't you say that you have always been weak? Didn't you complain that I have been treating you badly? Now, eat, let go of your appetite, and I will not limit you.

Better to swallow all the fragments of N'Zoth's mind. "

"Huh? That's what you said."

Xalatas laughed.

He didn't hold the fire any more, and used Laike's left hand to radiate out his void divine power, like a beast pouncing on his food, swallowing several pieces of approaching black light in one gulp.

The void essence big sister is like eating ice cream, after eating the fragment of consciousness, she also let out an indescribable moan of comfort.

Just from her voice, she can tell that she enjoys this "big tonic".

The ancient gods can devour each other.

No, this kind of mutual devouring is a characteristic of void creatures. The five ancient gods who came to Azeroth had just "passed through", and four of them teamed up to eat the weakest one.

Xal'atath has been emphasizing the same reason that only one Old God can gain the glory of devouring the world.

Bo Laike doubts very much that Xal'atath may be a "reverberation" of the hapless Old God who was eaten, rather than the fifth Old God she claimed.

But she does have the characteristic of "swallowing".

It's just that I am too weak to fight against a behemoth like N'Zoth. Now that I finally have a chance, why don't I take the opportunity to have a good time?

I really want to thank Maiev for smashing N'Zoth's huge consciousness, otherwise Xalatas would not want to tear a piece of N'Zoth's will even if he tried his best to bite.

"Eat slowly! Damn it!"

Xalatas eats well, her void divine power is rapidly recovering, but Bu Laike as the carrier has suffered. While Xalatas devours N'Zoth's consciousness, the fallen thoughts of the ancient gods will also collide with the stinky body. Pirate thinking.

Although it has been "filtered" by the essence of the void once, the remaining "residue" still makes the pirates overwhelmed.

"hold me."

Maiev, who was weak and uncomfortable beside him, also noticed this, and the warden said in a resolute and shy tone:



Bu Laike looked back at her with difficulty, a strange color had already floated in his sea-blue eyes.


Are you crazy?

"The power of the Moon God can help you suppress those corrupt thoughts. I need someone to share the energy of the Moon God of War. You are also a watcher. You walk the way of the black moon."

Maiev explained intermittently:

"You can help me share a little. Just go back to the material world."


The pirate immediately reached out and grabbed Ms. Shadowsong's trembling wrist, pulled Maiev into her arms with all her strength, and just "slashed" N'Zoth's invincible warden, which would show the weakness of a woman.

The moment she was hugged, she leaned her head on Bo Laike's shoulder, and her breath hit the pirate's cheek and neck, making Bo Laike feel a little itchy.

"Take off your gauntlets and take my hand."

Maiev said something in a difficult tone, and Bu Laike continued to do so. When the two held hands together, the pirate shuddered suddenly. This really cold!

It's like a piece of ice.

But what Maiev said was true, the moment the two of them came into contact, the radiance of the stars and the moon on her body enveloped the pirate, and the impact of the fragments of N'Zoth's consciousness was instantly healed.

It also allowed the pirates to quickly regain their composure.

"Use your ritual that can extract divine power."

The warden coughed, as if she was really weak to the point where she couldn't sustain herself, she had to take several breaths for every sentence, she said:

"My body is breaking down, hurry up and I will guide it to you."

"Don't use that power! That woman is lying to you!"

Xalatas, who was eating so much at this time, saw the intimate posture of Braike holding Maiev, and he couldn't get angry in his heart. She gnawed on the fragments of N'Zoth's consciousness while still wanting to eat Dog food?

Who can bear this?

Void Essence Big Sister said in a gloomy tone in the pirate's ear:

"Your current life stage can't use the power of the moon god at all, she is just using you as a tool, and if you are drained, she will be cruelly thrown away.

Unlike me, I only feel sorry for you.

I have gained enough power, don't be afraid, sister, I can open the rift right away and send you back to the Forge of Storms.

I suggest you gather a little of N'Zoth's power too, and then you're going to venture into the void? My little master, as long as these fragments of will from the ancient gods are slightly transformed, they will be your best source of strength. "

Laike, who had already cut his fingers, was in a tangle.

The divine power extraction ritual can only act on one target at a time, but the two women promised her a lot of power at the same time.

Who is he going to choose?


Or Xalatath?

"What are you hesitating about! You idiot! Is there still a choice?"

At the critical moment, the old man who has experienced many battles is still reliable, Sakir's head was suspended, and the upper and lower jaw bones crackled and shouted:

"The essence of the void is in your body, she and you are one, what is hers is yours!"


The pirate's eyes lit up.

Completely let go of the control over Xalatas, allowing her to absorb more fragments of N'Zoth's will. His blood-stained fingers clasped Maiev's cold hand, and the divine power extraction ceremony was launched.

Maiev's body trembled violently.

Bu Laike seemed to have bumped into a huge and invisible will, and the translucent character card in front of his eyes showed a lot of garbled characters like data damage.

In the end, it was difficult to converge into a message:

Great Divine Power Injected Divine Power Attribute: Order Divine Power Path: Moon Night Warlord/Warden Maiev Shadow Song Higher Divine Power Path: Pale Lady/Eternal/Moon God Elune

[Watcher] career template changed to [Watcher·Boss template]

[Shadow Armor] skill is changed to [Luna Armor], [Prison Blade] skill is changed to [Black Moon Blade], [Knife Whirlwind] skill is changed to [Luna Strike]

[Elite Warden] title was promoted to [High-ranking Warden]

【Watcher】Advanced career path opens:

You can now try to find employment information about 【Mythical Profession·Moon Night God of War】.


Because of your outstanding service to Azeroth and your contact with Maiev Shadowsong, Chosen of the Moon Goddess, Lady Elune has begun to pay attention to you.

You may be able to be entrusted with important tasks, but obviously you still need to continue to be inspected.


Get [Elune's Gaze], increase vitality by 10%, expand magic pool by 10%, and increase destructive power of all forces on the order side by 10%.

"unexpected surprise."

Bu Laike was both surprised and happy. He glanced at Maiev who was resting with his eyes closed and resting on his shoulder, and complained:

"I knew that hugging you, a stinky woman, would be such a good thing. When we first met, I should have forgotten you, just let it go.

Xal'atath, my servant, send us out! "

Miss Void Essence, this will be very uncomfortable.

Although Bo Laike completely let go of the restrictions on her, there is no doubt that the smelly pirate chose Maiev between her and Maiev, which made Xal'atath extremely unbalanced.

This is really in line with the old saying of mortals, Qingmei is no match for the sky!

My "sincerity" really fed the dogs.

It's simply not worth it.

She was even full of resentment and wanted to leave the stinky pirate and Maiev here to fend for themselves. Aren't you on good terms, so why don't you get married in place in the "new house" that N'Zoth prepared for you?

She really wanted to do it.

But Ms. Elune had no choice but to "insert".

When Laike was stared at by Luna, Xalatath was almost scared to death. Hell, her void essence was exposed to an existence like Luna.

If Ms. Elune doesn't like her, just "stare" at her casually, she will be wiped out, even the stinky pirates can't keep her.

That's all.

Now that the stinky pirate is officially hugging Elune's golden thigh, our little void essence can't offend him, so let's do things obediently.

If the Luna Chosen plus a "reserve" Luna Chosen were really left here to die, even if Xalatas hid in a corner of Outland, he would definitely be killed by a moonfire from the sky on the spot.

Elune may not necessarily be better than the dark titan Sargeras or those mysterious Void Lords, but in terms of life rank, she is a little bit higher than these guys.

I can't afford it.

"You can hug that sick child tightly, she looks like she is almost dying."

Xalatath swallowed more than a dozen fragments of N'Zoth's consciousness in one gulp full of resentment, and said to Bu Laike in a rambling manner:

"If she falls on the intersection of Ny'alotha and the material world and is swept into the endless void, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. Why do you have to save her?

You're clearly making trouble for yourself. "

(end of this chapter)

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