Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 834 165. Father Is Kind And Son Is Filial! Bu Laikevs Dai Lin

Chapter 834 165. Father is kind and son is filial! Bu LaikeVS Dai Lin

Dai Lin woke up, but not fully awake.

His mind was still stuck in the moment of massacre in Ny'alotha, so when he opened his eyes, his body was still in a combat state, and the crimson anger lingered on the general's weakened but also strengthened body.

Although the body that has been strengthened by returning to the source and re-planted with the curse of flesh and blood is not as powerful as the Man of Steel, it still retains a part of the status quo of "Titan Gene", which makes the general's strength much stronger than he used to be.

Most importantly, the "War Strengthening" bestowed by the old silver coin Odin the moment Dailin jumped into Ny'alotha is still there.

The power transmitted from the Warrior Temple has caused a qualitative change in Dai Lin's anger, and even wrapped it into a "moonlight battle suit" like Maiev's moonlight war god posture.

This kind of anger can be used not only for offense, but also for defense.

The integration of attack and receiving made Dai Lin's troubles exponentially increase.

The light of chaos danced in his eyes, obviously the influence of the curse of flesh and blood was still there, but under the light of chaos, the sea-blue eyes shone with "love" that made Bu Laike's scalp tingle.

good guy.

What is this for?

Ready to show the stinky pirates some fatherly love by physical means?

"My Drake."

Dai Lin, who was in a very strange state, held the trident of the abyss in her hand, and opened her arms and said to Bu Laike, who was in a silent fighting posture in front of her:

"Come home with me, the family misses you."

"I don't think it's a good choice for you to go back now."

Bu Laike whispered:

"You think you're sober, but you're not, put down your arms, I hate it, but maybe we can talk."

"You're being naughty again."

Dai Lin turned a deaf ear to Bo Laike's persuasion, he rubbed his head and said:

"You don't have to fight anymore, I will protect you."

"I don't need your protection, and now is not the time to discuss these family issues."

Bu Laike looked at the throbbing anger on Dai Lin's body, he stretched his neck, and said:

"I'm curious, what would you do if I refused to go home?"

"I will take you back, and I will protect you."

Dai Lin seemed to answer seriously.

But it made Bu Laike realize that this battle was inevitable. Dai Lin in front of him was obviously shocked by his mind, which caused him to enter a very strange thinking mode.

This is a difficult problem that cannot be solved with words. Although the pirates are eloquent, what can they do if they don't listen to you at all?

"hiss hiss"

On top of Bu Laike's head, Baku, a demigod from another world with a huge body coiled up, swallowed a snake message, making a piercing and dangerous sound, and his eyes wrapped in green poisonous fire had already fixed on Dailin.

It erected its neck, stood behind Bu Laike like a solid backing, and said to the pirates with a heart-to-heart conversation:

"Do you want me to help? Good friend, this is in my 'home'! This man who calls himself your father is too rude. Maybe he needs to be taught a lesson."

"Well, he has always been like this, very domineering and stubborn. I apologize to you on his behalf. For my sake, forgive him once."

Bu Laike raised the long sword in his hand, glanced at the Defiler shard in his hand, shook his head slightly and replaced it with the Azzinoth shard he had just brought back.

The pirate said to Baku without looking back:

"Block here, don't let other people interfere, I will do the rest."

"can you?"

Baku asked suspiciously and treacherously:

"It's not that I look down on you, but in all aspects, you seem to have no chance of winning. Do you want me to use poisonous fire to 'slightly' increase the destructive power of your weapon?"

"Need not."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"It's not really about putting each other to death. He and I just want to win. This is a family conflict, so we don't need that kind of deadly thing."


The pirate disappeared in place, which made Dai Lin frown, but then he was relieved.

"You are really not good."

The admiral said something in a "gentle" tone that didn't fit his macho style, which made Bu Laike in the shadow escape goosebumps all over his body. Dai Lin is hopeless.


The familiar Shadow Fury strikes, and the explosive magic power explodes around Dai Lin like a heavy hammer, but the admiral ate it hard and was unscathed, with no signs of being stunned at all.

He sensed his surroundings, holding the abyss trident with both hands, the power of the sea tide spread around him, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, was blocked by Dai Lin's halberd, and the flying shadow knife instantly shattered, but at the same time The sharp chains of dark sea water struck from behind, and the sharp short spear in front of it pierced Dai Lin's shoulder like a poisonous snake protruding from its lair.


The admiral hit the ground hard with the weapon in his hand, the sound of thunder flickered to create an angry vibration, the air was oscillated to form a shock wave in all directions, and the short spear thrown by Laike counteracted the kinetic energy, causing it to hit the admiral's skin but Can't go any further.

The figure of the pirate who escaped the shock wave lightly appeared like a ghost.

Grabbing the powerless short spear, piercing it like a dagger, piercing Dai Lin's fury suit, and inserting it into the flesh under the admiral's shoulder.

The effect of Slaughter in the Underworld is activated, but the chain effect can only be effective at the lowest level due to the piercing at such a close range.

The shard of Azzinoth swung by Bu Laike scratched the back of Dai Lin's neck, but only a not serious wound was pulled out, not even much blood flowed out.

The abyss protection of the abyss trident protects Dai Lin, and the forced reduction of all damage by 75% makes Dai Lin an "iron turtle".

Even with the increased damage of the chains, it is impossible to achieve the effect of defeating the enemy.

To make matters worse, Dai Lin is a fighter!

He relies on anger and pain to fight, the more pain he suffers, the stronger his anger is stimulated, the more blood remaining, the stronger his attack power. Fighting a protracted war with such a guy is completely courting death.

But Laike has a way of coping.

The trident gave Dai Lin almost unsolvable defense, but as a cursed holy object, it also prevented Dai Lin from self-healing, as long as the wound was scratched, the blood would not stop.

The negative effect of reducing the healing effect by 100% is really fatal, which is also where the pirates' confidence in victory lies.

The accumulated sand formed a tower, and the first one who couldn't hold it was definitely his old father.

Moreover, every time Dai Lin's weapon swings, if it fails to kill the opponent, it will give him a mental shock. In the chaotic state above, the destructive power of the mental shock will be greatly magnified.

Even with Odin's blessing to prevent him from being transformed into a void creature, mental disorder is fatal to any warrior.

A calm warrior is fatal, so what is there to be afraid of a crazy beast?

The short spear pierced Dai Lin's flesh and blood, and the pirate who succeeded in the blow immediately jumped back into the shadows. The injured Dai Lin roared and turned around and cut a halberd. The waves turned into torrents and completely covered the 180° space behind him.

The Sanctuary of Flesh swayed and reverberated by the impact of the tide, but the stinky pirate who was already in the sky took the time to grow dark blue bat wings on his back, and launched Men Faith's signature skill - shadow crawling in the air.

The phantoms of the Dreadlord appeared on both sides of the ground, one on the left and one on the right. The magic power of the shadows was like boiling, and it rushed wildly in all directions with the two phantoms as the center.

Under the control of Braike, the phantom staggered and rushed on the small battlefield. Each staggered impact would leave a burning shadow flame in place, and within a few seconds, Dailin was placed in this burning place. In the sea of ​​fire.

Judging from Bu Laike's many years of PVP experience, to fight fighters, you have to go out of your way.

In this regard, spellcasters have a natural advantage, relying on continuous binding magic to distance themselves, no matter how powerful the "short-handed" warrior is, they can only be grinded to death.

But this way of thinking is not perfect for Dai Lin right now.

It's not that he doesn't have the means of long-range attack.

The moment he fell into the sea of ​​shadows and flames, Dai Lin on the ground curled up his legs, and rushed into the air with a mighty heroic jump. He couldn't fly, but he swung a whirlwind in the air with the help of time in the air.

The tidal impact of the trident dances with the whirlwind into a magical impact covering all directions, covering every inch of dodge under the full-scale attack.

These two consecutive kills seemed to pass by like a flash, as fast as lightning, forcing the pirates to leave the airspace with a flash and return to the ground. Since they couldn't get close to assassinate, they simply didn't hide.

Showing the body of a demon generously, he raised his hand and pulled it down fiercely. Three burning hellfire structures and a cloth Laike hand wrapped in purple flames smashed down from the top space.

Surrounded on all sides, Dai Lin, who was unable to dodge in the sky, "pressed" and smashed to the ground.

With a loud bang, the surface of the Sanctuary of Flesh was hollowed out by bursts of evil fire. Before the three hellfires got up from the state of meteorites, they were chopped off twice by Dai Lin under the vibration of the water.

The stone that hadn't really burned cooled down in an instant, producing bursts of black smoke, and the last hellfire did rise up, but the slash from the admiral's entangled roar almost chopped it from the top of the head to the crotch.

As for the imps and hellhounds summoned by the hand of Bu Laike

Don't be kidding, they can't even get close to Dai Lin, and they can't play any harassing effect at all.

But it doesn't matter, it is enough to deduct such a few seconds.

Four vortices of fel energy opened in front of the pirates, and the big-eyed Glazer, who had rushed out of the portal, charged his seven demon eyes at the same time, and "bumped" Dai Lin, who had rushed out of the impact pit and was about to charge, back into the pit.

Clin Flan, an angry guard wielding two magic steel battleaxes, howled and rushed over. He started with a bursting magic blade storm, and the fel kid rode an elite hellhound, commanding a tribe of little ghosts he had subdued. They didn't even get close, and fired waves of flame barrages towards Dai Lin with the flame arrows and evil energy arrows that the little devils are best at.

The damage is not high, it is mainly to pull and distract attention, to buy more time for the evil master to amplify his moves.

Wrath Guard Clin Fran was beheaded by Dai Lin five seconds later.

The Big Eyed Demon still wanted to hit Dai Lin with the magic energy beam, but Dai Lin changed his tactics when he learned well. Instead of rushing and rushing, he used his super mobility to dodge the beam and shoot, and seized the opportunity to use a Ji heroically jumped to the side of the big-eyed demon.

Glazer wanted to teleport to dodge, and the magic was indeed released, but Dai Lin's trident also shot.


The big-eyed demon's body flew out from the teleportation light curtain, and was hit on the ground by the lightning-like abyss trident. Dai Lin fell to the ground with a roar, splashing and shocking, and waved his hand to lift the blood-stained trident.

He looked at Bo Laike, his face already had the light of a warrior eager to try, and he was angry.

He is still laughing.

His body was covered with fine wounds, and he was laughing, and the anger outside his body also changed with the mood of the admiral, and he began to shape his battle clothes into a posture like the impact of waves.

It seems to regard this as a test for my son to Lao Tzu.

Just like the first meeting between the rebellious Fenner and Dai Lin.

Well, father and son should indeed communicate occasionally. Since his Drake wants to see how much his old father weighs, Dai Lin is absolutely willing to accompany him.


Resisting the several curses thrown by Boo Laike, Dai Lin started to charge, as fast as a fiery red lightning, pulling out the trace of anger all the way, and swung the trident holding back when it charged five yards in front of Boo Laike.

Not a mortal blow, not a beheading.

Kul Tiras Sea Tide Warrior Secret Skill, City Breaker!

It was the first move that Dai Lin taught Fenner that day. The anger splashed into a hammer, and the momentum was so overwhelming that people couldn't breathe. It was like a broken hammer hitting the city gate. Everything in front of them would be smashed by this blow. .

Bu Laike didn't dodge or dodge, and continued to cast spells, pretending not to see it.

The loyal and silent "Blue Fat Man" Zuramat appeared quietly, like the most loyal guard, using sacrifice magic to break up his shadow body, turning it into a thick shadow shield and placing it horizontally in front of the pirate.


The moment the two collided, the shadow shield quietly shattered.

The poor blue fat man disappeared into the material world without even whimpering.

Only the magic gauntlets on both arms crashed to the ground.

The war halberd was still going, and it broke the Savarik shield in front of Bu Laike, but the strengthened Luna armor of the watcher blocked the edge of the abyss trident.

At this moment, Dailin and Laike's eyes met, and the distance between the two was only three yards.

A smile appeared on the elongated and distorted face of the pirate's devil body, and then his claws blasted out, and two blazing soul fires hit Dai Lin's waist and abdomen, one left and one right.

The general who was beaten rose into the air.

The wounds on the body were burnt and damaged, and the fire of the soul was just killing the body.

The two heavy blows on the mental level made Dai Lin's nostrils spurt blood, and the anger on his body turned to defend, but how could Bu Laike, who remembered his momentum, give him this chance?

The old man Saqier laughed and rushed forward, with more than a dozen curses on his body in an instant. The pirate tried to disarm with the devil's claws, but the trident could not be drawn out at all, so he just took advantage of the situation and threw a dark sickle into Dailin. In a storm of sharp blades.

Tang's blood splattered, and he was thrown back to the other side of the arena in the chaotic wave and the two-combo collision of the rotting bee swarm.


Dai Lin finally let out a battle cry. Seeing that he was at a disadvantage, he wasn't actually fatally injured, but his blood-soaked body made him even more violent and powerful as a warrior.

After falling to the ground, he turned over and was about to throw the trident, but saw that Laike had dissipated his demon form and turned into a deadly hunter, with traces of snake oil on the corner of his mouth.

And the longbow of the spirit string in his hand has been drawn, and the void spikes are shining with shadows floating on the bowstring.

Sniper · double shot!


The arrow pierced through the air like a flying dragon, and like a spirit snake dodged the trident's block, and pierced into Dai Lin's chest. The explosion of shadow magic power and void spikes opened the bloodstains, and the impact caused the general's body to shake.

But the second arrow is the real killer.

The special effect of the two-hit kill hit Dai Lin's wound at the moment it hit Dai Lin's wound, with a 75% damage reduction, it just pulled Dai Lin's entire chest apart from the bloody puncture wound.

It really hurts.

It hurt so much that the general grinned.

How long has it been since you got hurt like this?

It was still typed by my own son, this little bastard is quite powerful.

But if you feel that your old father is nothing more than that, then Dai Lin will give him a good eye opener today.


Dai Lin pulled out the remaining arrow shaft of the second Void Spike and threw it on the ground. He took a deep breath, raised his hand, and hooked his fingers at Laike in front of him amidst the blood dripping.

Come on, son.

Play another game with Dad.

Dai Lin released the warrior skill - taunt, and Laike was irritated by his posturing, determined to show him some color.

The mocking effect is outstanding!

Good guy, it turns out that Bo Laike's taunting skills are inherited from his ancestors.

(end of this chapter)

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