Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 867 197. One Single Dog Helps Another Single Dog

Chapter 867 197. One Single Dog Helps Another Single Dog

"What, I actually fell into a coma, and it made me worry for so many days."

The cloth with two palm prints on his face, while smoking a dwarf pipe, pointed to the bruises on his face that were fading, and complained to Natalie, who was laughing behind him:

"Look at you coming up with such a bad idea!"

"I just let you click to the end, whoever told you to touch others is addictive"

Natalie saw that Bo Laike threw the pot on her body, and she quickly threw the pot back, expressing in a calm tone, "I have nothing to do in the rain", she said:

"Speaking of which, Captain, you seem to have a kind of abnormal attention to Ms. Maiev. For example, just now, with your perception, it is impossible to not even feel the approach of Sierra Moonguard.

Either you are deliberately trying to get slapped.

Or you are too focused on Maiev, ignoring the changes in the environment around you. "

"It's just because Yue Wei is a watcher, hiding has become an instinct, and he walks silently."

Bu Laike forced a wave of defense.

Natalie showed an expression of "I won't expose you", Shi Shiran walked to her cabin and started her daily prayer routine.

After the ship's doctor left, the pirate stood by the window of the cabin and smoked, while looking at his left hand, the fingers seemed to still have the feeling of touch just now.

"Didn't you see it, Maiev, you, the Priest of the Moon, also have a body born for corruption."

The pirate murmured in a low voice.

Breathing out a smoke ring, he was about to put his fingers under his nostrils, but he realized that his posture was too insignificant, so he immediately put down his left hand, coughed a few times, and left here with a pipe in his mouth.

He didn't find out.

At the corner of the cabin, Maiev, who was wearing a single suit, was holding a dinner fork, staring at him with murderous eyes.

Ms. Warden's cheeks were flushed. She really didn't expect that this stinky pirate could come up with such an obscene method to test whether she was pretending to be dizzy.

Fortunately, I have already resigned as the priest of the moon, and I don't have to abide by those dogmas, otherwise I will really be capsized by this bastard.

No, I can't stay here anymore!

Maiev watched Bo Laike leave, thinking in her heart.

What should I do if one day this guy has a whim and does something more obscene?

Fortunately, Yuewei was there.

The weak warden sighed, walked like a ghost in the shadow of the cabin, and returned to his own cabin.

As she walked, she took out a soul stone full of evil souls from the crescent moon pendant-style storage container on her wrist, and threw it towards the shadows gathered behind her.

As a ten-thousand-year warden, she will never lack similar things.

There was a "click".

The invisible thing swallowed the delicious soul stone, and the cold power gathered around Maiev quietly dissipated.


Madam Warden silenced the invisible thing behind her, and said:

"Your consciousness will take shape, which needs soul replenishment, help me hide it, I will give you more such 'snacks', and I will not hurt him.

I made a promise the first day I got on the boat.

obedient. "

The ship spirits gathered on the ghost ship's hull did not answer.

But its silence represents its attitude.

Ship spirits are generally not so tolerant to strangers, but even Natalie can feel Bo Laike's strange attention to Maiev, how could the ship spirit who is connected with Bo Laike not feel it?

Her consciousness is about to take shape, and as a personality modeled after the black dragon princess Onyxia, the ship spirit is of course impossible to be silly and sweet.

She's also intrigued by the strange relationship between Maiev and Boo Laike.

And besides watching a movie, you can also get delicious "snacks", why not do it?

The hatch behind Maiev slowly closed.

Ms. Warden leaned against the cabin door, her loose white hair wrapped around her shoulders, she closed her eyes, and gently wiped her chest. It seemed that there were still traces of the stinky pirate's touch on her skin.

This made her cheeks feel hot again.


She cursed in a low voice, and lay back on the bed with a whoosh.

The next moment, the hatch opened, and Sierra Moonguard walked in holding a jug of fruit juice.

Time to rehydrate ladies.

Fortunately, I came back early, otherwise I would not have known what the pirate Bu Laike was going to do to the lady. Although the ship doctor later explained the reason, this kind of blasphemy against the lady is still unforgivable.

If there is another time, the soul that I fought hard will be destroyed, and I will give that bastard to .

Serra shook her head, and began to seriously re-examine the feasibility of serving under Laike.

She picked up a delicate spoon, scooped up the fruit juice carefully squeezed by the chef in the ghost ship, and fed it to the lady's mouth.

She also doesn't care where the ship is going, or who she will fight next, as long as the lady can recover safely, she is willing to stay here.

A few days later, the ghost ship stopped under the sea water of the goblin dock in a slow manner.

For this trip, the Nagfal was not in a hurry, and it completed the journey in a very leisurely manner. After sending Braike and his party to land, it continued to travel under the command of Safir. South.

To sail all the way to the coast of the cursed land, where to wait for the return of another world.

Bo Laike did not bring more people ashore.

He took Fina, Maim and several of his adjutants along the barren land all the way to the scorching canyon, leaving Fina waiting here, and entered the Black Rock Mountain that night.

"Go find your big brother first, and I'll go to Darkforge City for a while."

In the shadow of Black Rock Mountain, Bu Laike exhorted Maim:

"Try not to disturb too many people, let Red prepare the report materials, I will read them after I go over. He has been the chief for so long, if he can't even produce a copy of the materials, I will be very disappointed."


Maim nodded and led his adjutant into the mountain without saying a word.

As for Bu Laike's safety, no kidding, a man who can freely come and go in the realm of the Old Gods, he doesn't have to worry at all.

"Black Iron Bar, here I come."

Bu Laike rubbed his hands, unable to restrain his good mood, just like he was shopping and roaming, he entered the Darkforge City as easily as if he had entered the land of no one.

Wander the streets of this Dark Iron city.

He intended to go to the most lively and chaotic tavern in the Eastern Continent to have a good drink. There is also a tavern in Tol Barad, but how would the pirates there dare to drink and fight with the legendary pirate?

Laike found it very boring to go back and forth.

But in a chaotic place like the Black Iron, you can play freely, and perhaps triggering an epic tavern brawl can be a wonderful movement tonight.

But before going to the tavern to have fun, Bo Laike made a trip to His Majesty Thaurissan's Black Iron Vault.

The royal treasury of the Darkforge City is not the same as the Dark Iron Emperor's palace, because it stores not only the treasures of the Dark Iron Royal Family, but also the treasures of the rich and powerful slave owners of the Darkforge City.

Therefore, it was built in the safest place in the labyrinth-like Darkforge City.

It was called the Black Treasure House, and its guards were even stricter than King Thaurissan's palace, not to mention the heavily armed black dwarf dragoons patrolling outside.

The treasury is surrounded by golem puppets made by the Dark Iron dwarves, and a large group of Dark Iron shamans are patrolling, and there are Dark Iron assassins in the dark.

That's not all.

In the deepest part of this treasure house, there are forty-eight large and luxurious safes poured in one piece with au gold, which are the legendary treasures of the entire dwarf world.

It is said that each large safe contains treasures enough to make a family rich overnight.

But each treasure box has its own unique magic lock. Forty-eight safes have forty-eight different unlocking methods, and only one can be unlocked every day. will trigger an alert.

It was simply the safest treasure trove in the entire world.

According to gossip, even some of the goblin trade princes hide their treasures in black vaults, for which they pay exorbitant insurance premiums.

But it's definitely worth it.

In the early years, when Ravenholdt was still in existence, there was a challenge within his organization specially prepared for the master, which was to steal something from the Arcanite safe in the black treasure house without alerting the guards.

When Ravenholdt fell, there were still very few masters who had completed this challenge.

Bu Laike doubts that this is because Ravenholdt and the managers of the black treasure house are colluding to exchange reputation and boast about each other, because he is now standing in the deepest part of the black treasure house.

He didn't alarm a single guard, and stole all their wallets along the way, standing at the giant Curry, rubbing his chin, looking at the forty-eight Arcanite safes lined up on three walls in front of him.

"It's not difficult at all."

Bu Laike complained:

"It must be the news from those guys, from the promotion of their status, but the magic design of this treasure house is really interesting."

The pirates stood where they were and did not act hastily. Instead, relying on their own perception of magic power, they searched for the meeting point of the magic locks in the treasure house bit by bit, trying to unlock the magic locks of the forty-eight treasure houses at once.

But after a few minutes, Laike dropped the bold idea.

He couldn't solve it.

Forty-eight top-level magic locks are mixed together to form a chaotic and regular magic line interlaced, like a bomb with a complex internal structure, as long as one line is short, it will detonate.

Bo Laike had only one chance to try, but he couldn't figure it out in a short time.

But that's okay.

If he can't untie it, it doesn't mean that others can't untie it.

The pirate recorded the fused magic lock he perceived, and planned to take it back to Nazaras Academy as a "Magic Olympics test question" and openly search for the optimal solution in the Academy of Magic.

Once he got the optimal solution, then the most solid treasure house in Azeroth opened the door to him!

The entire black treasure house will become his personal safe, and he can take as much as he wants, and take it whenever he wants.

"Knowledge is power and knowledge is wealth!"

The pirate spread his hands, and Curry sighed in admiration at the empty safe, but he wouldn't leave empty-handed tonight, forty-eight safes, he could open one of them.

This is gambling luck.

Well, it's not just luck, because pirates come prepared.

He can't confirm the treasure behind the safe through perception, but he can use other things to assist him in his detection, such as his eye mask, and Sargeras' cursed vision can ignore all obstacles and help him "see" the flow of fel energy.

The moment Laike closed his eyes, dark green sights in the air were dyed like invisible spider webs. Under the guidance of the demon hunter's unique "ghost vision", he quickly locked on his target.

The third safe in the third row from the left!

Laike snapped his fingers and took out the magic version of the thief's lockpicking tool. After a few minutes of work, the pirate lightly twisted the lever of the large safe, and the door of the safe flew open.

There are only three items in the huge safe.

An orc heart crystallized by fel energy, a dark square-headed dwarven warhammer, and an exquisite burning crown.


Bo Laike whistled.

This is what he wanted, especially the heart, which he took out from Gul'dan, and was first given to Red by him in exchange for Red's loyalty.

It was presented to Orgrim Doomhammer by Raid as a spoil of war, and was later handed over to Emperor Dagran Thaurissan by Raid in the name of "peace sincerity".

But at the end of the day, this thing belongs to Bo Laike's trophy!

Tonight's action is not stealing at all, it's just returning the property to its original owner, with a little "thief's special effects" added at most.

As soon as he got the Heart of Gul'dan, an orange light bloomed in front of Laike's eyes. This legendary production material can be handed over to Dean Lanyue to make a sacred object of the Warlock School.

The School of Warlocks is about to enroll students, and without a sacred object to support the scene, it will not show its popularity.

Bu Laike threw it into his luggage, and reached out to hold the square-headed and square-brained warhammer, and the entry attributes immediately jumped into front of his eyes:

Name: Persuader

Quality: Excellent · Epic [unfinished]

Attribute: slightly

Item effects:

1. If he listens to your explanation:

Every persuasion of the hammer holder will reduce the enemy's attack speed and movement speed, and has a chance to make the target [calm down] for three seconds, so that you can continue to persuade.

2. If he doesn't listen to your explanation:

After repeated persuasion fails, the persuader will activate [Wrath of the Persuader], which will greatly enhance the persuasion speed, destructive power and movement speed of the hammer bearer.

Item description:

1. Please automatically replace "persuasion" in the entry with "attack".

2. There have always been rumors among the Dark Iron dwarves that the family heirloom of the Thaurissan family is not only the war hammer "The Opponent", which makes the enemy fearful, but also a matching treasure, the Holy Hammer.

There is also a gossip that these two warhammers were forged by Frank Ron Cast Iron, the legendary builder and blacksmith of the Dark Iron Dwarves, for the Dark Iron Royal Family.

The master blacksmith was also the designer and builder of Darkforge City, but he died in a despicable political struggle.

But the grapevine is actually wrong.

Frank Ron Cast Iron has only ever forged the Rebels and a hammer of gall.

The persuaders are the drawings he left behind, but it is said that Frank Ron Cast Iron put all his forging wisdom into this unfinished hammer.

For warriors, this might be a pretty powerful weapon, but for blacksmiths, it means more than that.

Only a true blacksmith can understand the message he left in the hammer.

"This shit is quite interesting."

Bu Laike made a complaint and threw the persuader into his bag.

His eyes are too high, and he can't look down on this thing at all. There is a coquettish and hot little girl Salameni who can satisfy all of Braike's fantasies and needs for melee weapons. How could he need other weapons to satisfy his needs? What about taking up space?

As for the last crown, there are also things worth complaining about:

Name: Ring of Flame

Quality: Excellent · Epic [Decoration]

Attribute: slightly

Item description:

This luxurious crown of flames is a flattering work that Dagran Thaurissan collected the essence minerals from Blackrock Mountain and used his skills as a legendary blacksmith to create it for Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire.

He hoped to exchange this crown for the favor of the Lord of Fire, but Ragnaros felt that the burning crown was too cold, so he abandoned it.

This made Emperor Thaurissan very sad. He felt that his forging skills had been humiliated, so the crown could only be stored in a dark place as the emperor's shame.

Emperor Thaurissan wanted to give it to a girl who would make him fall in love at first sight, but it had been kept here for almost a hundred years.

It seems that for a discerning emperor, choosing a queen is no easier than pleasing Ragnaros.

"Oh, poor Thaurissan, his burning heart must be broken."

Bo Laike admired the fiery crown in his hand, and said:

"Single dogs always have a hard time understanding girls' changing ideas. It's not your fault, poor emperor, you just haven't met the girl who can make your heart go wild.

But I do know where she is.

For the sake of putting together the treasures I want so wisely, let me help you. "

(end of this chapter)

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