Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 870 200. The Mc Self-Improvement Group Starts, The Powerful Minions Lead The Group, The Warl

Chapter 870 200. The MC self-improvement group starts, the powerful minions lead the group, the warlock is full, come and buckle 1

"The Dark Iron dwarves of the Thorium Brotherhood are more stubborn than their squishy brethren, and words alone will not make them willingly follow you, Mister Laike.

And I think the blueprint you paint is a bit too perfect and idealistic.

After all, even us orcs know that the conflicts between the three dwarves are almost irreconcilable. "

After Hansel was carried out by two thick orc guards, the old orc shaman Drek'Thar, who had been watching silently, said softly:

"These neutral dwarves had a big camp on the edge of the Searing Gorge, where they played 'hide and seek' with Thaurissan's army, and were nearly slaughtered by their fellows.

It was only after Kor'kron entered that area that the Thorium Brotherhood got a break.

We work with them to a certain degree.

But because of that, we know how stubborn they can be. This is a group of artisans with knowledge. They have their own program and goals, and they have also experienced suffering.

This is an organization with a soul. Although it is very weak, it is not easy to absorb them. "

"But it's not as difficult as you think, Lord Shaman."

Bo Laike took out the jug and shook it to his ear, and said to Drek'Thar:

“Because they have a goal and are eager to achieve it, there is a lot of goodwill and goodwill in helping them achieve it. I am never afraid of my subordinates or future subordinates to have ideals.

In my opinion, ideals can also be exploited.

As for reconciling the grievances of the three dwarves, I admit that I don't have that much face, but I can give them an opportunity. All hate comes from ignorance, so I just give them a bridge to communicate

Whether they still want to use their brains, or slowly rebuild the three-clan rule inherited by the king of the mountain, that is their problem. "

"But why?"

Drek'Thar with black cloth strips on his eyes said in a puzzled tone:

"I don't see what you can gain by doing that, and I doubt it very much that you claim to be a pacifist."

"The reason."

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead and said:

"Because I got some news in advance, maybe there is a disaster brewing, I just increase the odds of winning a little bit for my side.

You may also get the news soon.

This is also an opportunity you will face, or a choice, and it should not be too long, just within two or three months. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate changed the subject and didn't say any more. He obviously aroused Drek'Thar's interest, but he tried it a little bit to create a sense of mystery.

And the illusion of being in control.

No problem, the old Pua operated.

"The friends I invited are already on their way, and they will arrive at Black Rock Mountain soon."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"My close comrade-in-arms His Royal Highness Kael'thas Sunstrider and his mages, my brotherly leader of the Tirisfal Council Meri Winterwind and his companions, and two powerful warriors, and To my lord, the Tidehunter, the forerunner of the valiant Hydraxian Water Elemental Legion.

And finally myself.

I won't talk about the long list of powerful and popular titles, but it's just very powerful. "

The old shaman nodded.

A shaman like him who respected the elements would not want to fight an elemental lord if he could, but on the one hand the Frostwolf clan still owed Bu Laike a huge favor.

On the other hand, the existence of the King of Fire filled the Black Rock Mountain and the Burning Plain with the power of the fire element, severely squeezing the space of other elements.

The shaman apprentices of Drek'Thar here can only learn the summoning of the fire element, but as the inheritor of the ancient shaman inheritance, it is impossible for the old shaman to allow his apprentices to only specialize in one elemental summoning.

Long-term companionship with the fire element, without the power of other elements, will have an irreversible impact on the shaman's mind.

Look at the shamans of the Dark Iron Dwarves, all of whom are violent, and their mood changes are crazy like neurosis, which is the result of this long-term single-element connection.

So even from a realistic point of view, in order to restore the shaman inheritance of the orthodox tribe, Drek'Thar must join Bo Laike's team to expel the Lord of Fire from the Molten Core.

This achieves elemental balance in the Burning Steppes and Searing Canyon regions.

After Bo Laike had finished talking about the members on his side, Drek'Thar also spoke:

"Thanks to the fact that the Water Elemental Legion recently opened up the powerful water power of Azeroth to my apprentices and me, we were able to gather a 30-member shaman team.

I will personally lead the team to participate in it. "

Having said that, Drek'Thar turned his head, "looked" at Red, and said:

"In addition, Bu Rocks and Wa Locke will also participate in this operation on behalf of the orthodox tribe. After all, they are operating on our territory, and we can't let the guests see the joke."

This sentence made Red's eyes widen, and then the orc chieftain snorted, didn't say much, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hmph, these old bastards can figure it out.

At the critical moment, he still gave him face as the great chief.

"Very good, this is enough to send the Lord of Fire back to his hometown, the clone of the Elemental Monarch in Molten Heart is actually not as strong as you think.

As long as the fire demon leaders it sent from the fire source realm are cleaned up, the helpless Flame King has only one way to go: defeat. "

Bo Laike laughed loudly. He stood up from the chieftain's throne and said to Drek'Thar:

"But I'm curious. It's been so long, haven't you found Grom and his Warsong clan? Where are they wandering?"

"The Hinterlands."

Drek'Thar had nothing to hide about this problem.

The old shaman shook his head and said:

"Grom has never cut off communication with us. He refused to join Blackrock Tower, and mocked Bo Rocks as an old dog that can't bite meat, mocked Wat Locke for serving trash, and said I was a stupid blind man"

"That's right, the trash Grom said was me."

Red shrugged beside him, and the chief said without any psychological pressure:

"I thought Grom Hellscream was provocative in this way.

But then I found out that he is just a foul-mouthed orc chieftain, who enjoys this simple taunt and anger, and looks forward to fighting an angry person at any time.

I almost fell for it.

Almost accepted his invitation to a duel, and then I realized I hadn't lived enough, so I let him scold me. "

"That's what Grom is, and rudeness is his weapon. Just like you, Mr. Bo Laike, Grom is very good at making people hate him.

But unlike you, who just do it as a joke or for elaborate purposes, Grom's rudeness is simply to annoy the ensuing fight. "

The old Frostwolf Shaman said with a very tired expression:

"Even among the generally bad-tempered orcs, the Hellscream family is the kind that is best at anger, especially after taking the lead in drinking the devil's blood, Grom's anger power has been strengthened.

As far as I can remember, he was always angry, angry anytime and anywhere.

He saw every man as an enemy to be defeated, and if the others did not fight, he taunted and taunted them until he had a good fight.

If there are no enemies to challenge, he will find a way to create enemies.

He sees war and fighting as pleasure, and fighting as the purpose of life and life. He lived to fight, and he was willing to die to fight. "

"Sounds like an anti-human, anti-social lunatic."

Bo Laike stroked his chin and said:

"According to the last time I had a short conversation with him, he is indeed not a character that people will feel like. But what is he doing in the Hinterlands?

I have been in Kul Tiras during this time, so I haven't paid much attention to the situation in the eastern continent, so please tell me. "

"He's at war with the trolls, Captain.

Grom Hellscream had been challenging famous fighters around the northern border.

As far as we know, Marshal Garithos of Lordaeron, General Danath Trollbane of Stromgarde, and Hawksbill the Ranger King of Quel'Thalas have all lost to him. .

Garithos was almost beheaded by him. "

Red volunteered to explain:

"He himself said in the letter that it was to 'test' those fighters, and he also ridiculed that the strong men of Azeroth were nothing more than that, but because he and his clan were wandering around, they ushered in a large army and were forced into Sinte Orchid's Eagle's Nest.

In order to gain a stable base camp, Grom led his Warsong clan into the Vilebranch troll city of Xinthalor after raiding and defeating the lord of the Wildhammer dwarves, Falstad Wildhammer.

The last time he sent a message was more than half a month ago.

It is said that he has broken through the outer periphery of the city and started to march into the city. He also threatened that killing trolls is no more difficult than killing draenei

That's a madman, Captain.

He has fallen into the frenzy of war, and he will suffer from a whole body if he does not fight for a day. Such a person cannot cooperate, just like a mad dog who wants to bite whom.

No wonder my father and Gul'dan didn't bring him and his clan into Azeroth.

No one can control them.

They can't do it themselves. "

"Sounds like something Grom Hellscream would do."

Bu Laike nodded, he was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly said:

"Calculating the time, it should be soon, right?"

"Well, soon."

Drek'Thar nodded like a charade.

This made Reid and Maim stare wide-eyed, not knowing what the two guys were talking about, just like an encrypted radio station, they knew every word, but combined they didn't know what they were talking about.

"Speaking of which, we've been chatting for so long, I still don't know how you plan to bring us into the Molten Core?"

The old shaman asked:

"The road leading to that place is said to be in the depths of Darkforge City, and there is only one ancient altar road leading there, so how do we get in?

I'm afraid the Black Iron Emperor Thaurissan won't make things easier for us, right? "

"This is easy."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"We go in with a black iron drilling machine. There should be enough drilling machines in the Thorium Brotherhood that we can mobilize. Don't worry, I went there once when I was drunk last time."

The pirate proudly pointed his thumb at himself and said:

"It's okay to get in my car. I'm an old driver and won't overturn."


At the same time, at the junction of Scorching Canyon and the Desolate Land, near the magic teleportation point set up by the Alliance at the end of the Orc War, Fenna Golden Sword, who was staying here, was humming a pirate song, and took a large piece of fresh Thunder Lizard tenderloin. The meat skewers were roasting on the bonfire, and I saw a light shining not far away.

Fenner whistled to know the guests were coming.

But she was not in a hurry to greet her. Instead, she took a few more pieces of meat from the body of the huge thunder lizard that she hacked to death behind her. Ten minutes later, when a group of people appeared at the entrance of the valley where Fenner was camping, the stupid warrior A delicious BBQ meal is ready.

She also greeted the familiar Prince Kael'thas and invited him to come and taste her craft.

There are quite a few people here.

Prince Kael'thas and his beautiful attendants seemed to be in a good mood. Besides these two elves, the always cold-faced old Lich Merry Dongfeng also appeared here with his deputy Khadgar .

"Now wait here, everyone."

Fenner greeted everyone and said:

"Blaike went to Black Rock Mountain to find the greenskins for reinforcements. He also said that he would get us some special means of transportation. This is the assembly point. We still have to wait for two important partners to come over.

I brought enough tents and drinking water, and food is also available here, so everyone can do what they want without restraint. "

And when it's too late, it's too soon.

While Fenner was chatting with the members of the expedition team who arrived one after another, a violent wave of teleportation magic reverberated in the valley. There were several powerful mages here, and everyone responded instantly.

But when they looked up at the sky, they were stunned to find that a strange aircraft accelerated twice, rushed out of the huge portal with a buzzing sound, and pulled out a cool zigzag tremor in the sky.

There are two cheerful and cute girls sitting on the strange aircraft painted in faint blue.

"Yo Ho, give way! My Highness's Dragon Throne is about to land, so stay away. My flying machine is full of terrifying weapons. I'm not responsible for anyone who gets hurt!"

Little Xingxing yelled and grabbed the joystick, and steered his "Star Throne" aircraft around the valley several times, earning enough eyeballs, and then wobbly docked it on the ground.

This rare black-tech gadget immediately attracted the attention of curious mages.

His Royal Highness Xing Xing, who was full of vitality, jumped down from his throne, and took out the key of the mechanical aircraft with great air, and pressed it without looking back.

Amidst the weird and sharp sound effects, the black-tech aircraft lifted off again and entered the cruise defense mode around the valley.

"Where's Bo Laike? The second officer is back."

Little Xingxing was playing with her "car keys", she looked at Fenner and shouted:

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life this time. He really should go and see how His Highness is killing all directions in Moonlight Glade. Hey, what kind of meat is this? It smells so delicious, is it specially prepared for me?

Then I'm welcome. "

His Royal Highness Blue Dragon squatted by the bonfire, grabbed the meat that Fenner had grilled, and started to eat it without it being too hot.

And nearly an hour later, under a rumbling ground vibration, several stupid, black and thick black iron drilling machines drilled into the ground, and as the four-sided door of the weird thing opened, Braike, with a pipe in his mouth, strode out from the ground. out of which.

He counted the heads, then threw a Shadow Summoning Stone casually, snapped his fingers at everyone, and said:

"Knock the door and pull people."

"Let's do it!"

(end of this chapter)

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