Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 876 206. I Have Every Reason To Prove That Your Backstab Is Just

Chapter 876 206. I have every reason to prove that your backstab is just

Saffron Hold is in the very center of the Molten Core.

This place is called a fortress, but it is actually a semi-enclosed magma lake with extremely high temperature. The scorching magma gushing from the ground even melted the mountain of Blackstone Mountain into a strange material stronger than obsidian.

Walking on it is like walking in a hot pot, and the people walking towards the central magma island are like eggs in a hot pot.

Even the old lich had to apply an ice shield to himself to ensure that his body temperature would not overheat.

"This is where the Lord of Fire was summoned three hundred years ago. The elemental territory was torn apart here, and the big bang shaped the current Black Rock Mountain and Burning Plain.

Even if Ragnaros is expelled, the temperature here will not drop, it is simply a natural melting pot.

The dwarves with copper beards might want to salivate seeing this environment. "

Bo Laike's body was filled with tumbling tides, probably because he felt the power of his old enemy. The ocean blessing bestowed by the tide hunters was extremely active, and the strengthened Proudmoore bloodline had already been activated without the pirates preparing water themselves.

As he walked forward, he took out some red potions from his bag, and sold them to the people around him:

"The Lord of Fire is not a weak earthly element, even if it is just a clone, it is powerful. In the battle to expel it, don't always think about stealing damage, and ensuring that you don't die is the first priority.

I know you reckless ones never prepare much for a deadly fight, now, I've got you ready.

A special fire protection potion made by a legendary alchemist himself.

After drinking it, you can save a lot of fire damage for a short time. For the warriors who want to expel the king of fire, the existence of this thing is simply a gift from heaven.

The market price is about 2,000 gold coins per bottle, since we are already friends fighting together, so I will sell it to you at a cheap price, 1,900 gold coins. "

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Laike, but we prepared it ourselves."

Prince Kael'thas' attendant, the shrewd and beautiful Ms. Lanasar took out two bottles of more refined flame potions, handed one to the prince, drank one, and whispered to the people around:

"Don't look at me, I only prepared two bottles."

"I don't need either."

The old lich raised his hand expressionlessly and threw an ice shield on Khadgar, saying:

"Neither does he need to."

"We are blue dragons, this kind of human thing is useless to us."

Little Xingxing rolled his eyes, took Seianni's hand, and whispered:

"You are too bad, don't try to cheat me with gold coins."

"Too petty, not bold at all, I want three bottles!"

Fenner deserves to be family.

Her desire for shopping and her attributes of wealth and wealth were stimulated. She took three bottles of potion from Bu Laike, threw one bottle to the cash-strapped Maim, and drank a bottle by herself. Have a spare bottle.

After drinking, she hiccupped, and immediately a layer of floating flame protective barrier wrapped around her body.

"It tastes good."

Fenner wiped her mouth and said with bright eyes:

“Rum flavored!”

"Of course, this was 'processed' by me in the later stage. Although the dean called me an alcoholic, how could she understand the importance of taste to all drinkable liquids?"

The pirate smiled complacently, and threw a few more bottles to the orc warriors and shamans, and stuffed another bottle of potion into Valeera's hand, and he unscrewed the cap and drank the bottle himself.

Don't forget to say to the orcs:

"The money is out, Reid. When you go back, don't forget to thank your generous chief. He really broke his heart for you."

"it's useless!"

Bound with chains and following behind everyone, the bruised and swollen fire demon lord who was beaten by Khadgar suddenly yelled:

"Your strength, your foolish potions, your wretched souls, are nothing before the great Ragnaros, which outlives your wretched world, and you...foolishly seek the power of Sulfuron The worms will be burned to slag by Him.

This is the fate of you who dare to break into the Temple of Flames! "

"Well said! I'm going to applaud you for your classic speech."

Bu Laike slammed the crystal bottle with the potion in his hand on the forehead of the talking nonsense fire demon lord, and the broken glass cut the chapped skin of the poor creature, and blood flowed out like magma.

He glanced at the Ring of Saffron, which was close at hand. The bubbling magma flowed freely, looking extremely intimidating, and then turned back to stare at the weak fire demon.

He viciously threatened:

"Ragnaros sent nine lords under his command in the Molten Core, eight of them died fighting for the glory of the Fire Lord, and only one low-down traitor regarded his life as more important than the glory of the Fire Lord .

Seeing the strength of the invaders, it chose to surrender smoothly, and led us to the temple of the Lord of Fire."

"I don't!"

The swollen-nosed fire demon lord shouted:

"I just kept my usefulness to lead you ignorant bugs into His Majesty's invincible realm. I am loyal to the Lord of Fire! Moreover, I didn't lead you the way

You guys walked in, you guys knew this place ahead of time!

Don't try to slander my supreme flame loyalty! "

"Yes, we know this place, and we can summon the Lord of Fire without you. But the great Ragnaros does not know the truth"

Bo Laike suddenly let out an odd laugh.

Kael'thas and the old Lich also showed playful smiles, and the little Xingxing, who had been taught badly, covered his stomach and laughed out loud. Amidst the ridicule, this strangely colored black fire demon suddenly realized his current situation .

If it wasn't for its lack of vivid expression, it would probably turn pale with fright.

"Well, it seems you understand."

Bo Laike coughed and said:

"When you did not sacrifice your life for the Lord of Fire and chose to surrender, you were already a traitor, my dear Lord Exotus, the administrator.

I really can't imagine your mental activities at that time, and it's hard to understand the weird decisions you made.

However, based on my analysis of the Flame King's personality, as the bursting symbol of the primordial fire, its temper should not be very good, and there is a high probability that it will not give its subordinates who "bear the burden of humiliation" a chance to explain

Well, do you want to consider buying a personal accident insurance from me?

The kind where the beneficiary writes my name? "

The pirate stepped forward and gently helped the fire demon untie the chain on his arm, and patted its scorching scaly shoulders. He stuffed a bottle of wine into the hands of the wide-eyed fire demon lord.

Relief said:

"Don't think about it, you will die today, my fire demon brother. In fact, if you are smart enough, you should realize that we are the new friends who can keep you alive.

A bastard like the King of Fire should have been abandoned long ago.

And you are not a foolish and loyal fire demon. Although you were shaped by the fire king and are a creation of the fire realm, you have been freed from the shackles of belief, and you have realized the preciousness of life and free will."


Bu Laike's words inexplicably hit Khadgar's weird smile, making the "old mage" laugh out loud, but he was glared hard by the magic eyeball on the pirate's shoulder.

What are you laughing laughing!

Be serious!

Don't you see I'm fooling people?

"Don't pay attention to that idiot, he's just happy that he's about to have sex with a wild female orc, he's an idiot. Go on with your story."

Bu Laike pretended not to see Khadgar's raised middle finger. He "looked" at the fire demon lord in front of him, and said seriously:

"I'm a person who appreciates every act of survival, and while I'm watched by a powerful god, I'm a true atheist.

I cannot comprehend the honorable devotion of a creature of faith.

If someone wants my life, I will definitely resist and try my best to survive, and it is absolutely shameless to act for the sake of existence, and betrayal is just a stupid dream of mortals.

I think you and I should be like-minded people.

I would offer you a chance to live, my fire demon friend, and I would even offer you a new job in my academy faction.

To hell with Ragnaros.

If we were in the Firelands, we would have no chance of winning, but now we are in the physical world shaped by the titans, and we are only facing the clone of the Fire Lord.

As long as it is expelled from the material world, with the current level of stability of the elemental territory, you don't have to worry about Ragnaros' pursuit, you can happily enjoy your endless life

You fire demons should be immortal, right? Why waste your unlimited future on a doomed guy? You're not stupid, are you?

You know what to choose. "

The pirate shrugged and said:

"You don't need me to tell you this, you will make the right choice, go ahead and help us summon the Lord of Fire, then step aside and quietly wait for your ancient monarch to defeat and welcome your new life.

You don't even need to betray.

You just have to keep silent. "


Exotus is the confidant of the Fire King, and the real wise man among the fire demons, otherwise he would not be given the title of "manager", which is a very honorable position in the realm of fire.

To be honest, when it commanded its own fire demon elite and was beaten by the old Lich and Kael'thas, it really had the urge to dedicate itself to the Lord of Fire. Instinct in the soul.

But when it ran out of ammunition and food, it shrank shamefully.

Perhaps wisdom cursed it, as the pirates said.

It is the wisdom that makes it understand the value of life, and it is the damn wisdom that makes it get rid of the shackles of foolish loyalty.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the fire demon lord's heart is in a mess.

It's never experienced anything like this, but as the jester who's spent countless hours adorning Ragnaros, it's well aware that the dire future the pirates have deliberately played up is definitely going to happen.

Before killing the intruder, the Fire Lord will kill it first.

The administrator's hesitation was sensed by the pirates, and Laike laughed, adding fuel to the fire, saying:

"Can't you find a reason to convince yourself? It's so simple, let me give you an absolutely righteous reason. You are the creation of the Lord of Fire, and you know the elemental army very well.

You should be well aware of the relationship between the Elemental Lords and the Old Gods.

You know during the Dark Empire, the Tidehunters endured humiliation, the Stone Mother was non-violent and non-cooperative, and even the mad Al'Akir had his own dignity, not so obedient to the orders of the Old Gods.

Only the most powerful Ragnaros is the loyal dog of the ancient gods.

When the titan-forged strikes, the other elemental lords do nothing, but the Firelord takes the initiative to challenge his dark master.

It is too filial.

Even now, countless times after the Dark Empire ended, the Lord of Fire is still loyal to the dogma of the Dark Empire, and it even took the initiative to bestow the power of flames on those servants of Darkness.

You don't have to contradict me, I'm a prophet and I can see through everything.

Ragnaros is a mad dog domesticated by the ancient gods, and he will never be absent when the ancient gods conspire to subvert the world in the future.

But you are also a member of the elemental creatures.

You have to think for your own suffering brethren in the Firelands, if the Dark Empire of the Old Gods is rebuilt, if the material world that is the source of your power is corrupted by the Void.

And what will be the fate of your elementals?

That is an extremely sad future, and it makes people shudder to think about it. "

The pirate paused, looked at the silent fire demon lord, and said:

"If you are loyal to a tyrant who disregards the life and death of his subjects and only seeks to destroy the future, then what you are doing now is not a betrayal! This is a backstab of justice!

It is an effort to save one's own hometown and compatriots.

I know that those flame creatures won't understand your good intentions, but isn't that the fate of us 'walkers of justice'? Misunderstood, reviled, despised.

But as long as the just future we pursue is realized with our own hands, those compatriots who have insulted us will understand our difficulties and turn to support us. "

Exetus clenched its claws tightly, making up its mind, and Bu Laike felt that the fire was almost ready, so he sent the "killer weapon".

He quietly asked:

"Don't you even have the courage to bear your name for the life and death of your compatriots and your hometown? Are you such a cowardly fire demon? That is a heroic act that concerns the fire realm and the future of all elemental creatures. Who would refuse such a move? glory?

My future lord of fire Exotus.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. "

This textbook persuasion to capitulate left the surrounding people stunned, and Little Xingxing had already begun to write furiously.

She thinks this passage is great, and she must "learn from it" as a classic in her diary to describe her painstaking efforts to persuade the stubborn fire demon lord to surrender.

And Kael'thas covered his head and said to his attendant:

"If this fellow was born a Quel'dorei elf, he would be the most feared jester in the court since Quel'Thalas was born seven thousand years ago. He can even end the dispute between the King's Party and the Council faction on his own. "

Lana Thiel also nodded deeply and said:

"That's the power of words. I realized it for the first time today."

"I am not the coward you imagined, I just didn't want to understand this just now."

The governor Exotus straightened his back, and it loudly declared:

"This is by no means a betrayal. This is for the future of the Realm of Fire. Someone must stand up against the brutal Ragnaros and set an example for those oppressed elements!"

"Very well, that's it, the louder the voice! The louder the voice, the truer the lie."

Bu Laike gave a yell, and he "glanced" back.

Little Xingxing was the first to applaud, and the others responded one after another, welcoming an "elemental warrior" to join their righteous cause with warm applause and whistles.

"The Council of Tirisfal will proclaim your feat today, Your Excellency Exotus, and everyone will understand the sacrifice you made for justice."

The old lich declared solemnly, but then revealed his fox tail.

He said:

"However, we have to survive today to be able to think about the future"

"This is easy."

Once this person has made up his mind, his execution ability will never be blocked.

The black fire demon made a snake-like sound, and it said to others:

"Take out the Seals of Eternal Burning that you have collected, only three are enough, I can temporarily ignite them, and let the power of the Fire Source Realm bless you.

Then the tyrant cannot destroy your bodies with fire, but you must hurry.

In addition, I want a few things on it. Of course, the most expensive and precious ones belong to you, and I only want some trivial things. And that's not to satisfy my personal greed.

I just need those things to call back my flames in the Firelands, and I have to be free myself before I can give this gift to my fellow citizens and call them to rebel against the tyrant of the flames.


for freedom! "

Well, freedom, what a universal excuse to avoid responsibility.

(end of this chapter)

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