Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 878 208. I Declare, Great Goddess, You Are My Chief Spare Tire

Chapter 878 208. I declare, great goddess, you are my chief spare tire

When this temporary team was summoned, other people in the team could already be sure that, as the convener, Bu Laike must have his own purpose in entering the Molten Core.

Even the orcs can guess this.

Although the name of the pirate is to hunt the heart of the enemy for His Majesty the Tide Hunter, which he is loyal to, it is enough to listen to the reason. How could someone like Bu Laike Shaw have a monarch who is sincerely loyal to him?

If such a guy sincerely offers his loyalty to you, you have to be careful, it means that you have become the target or victim of his next conspiracy.

But the ones who are invited are the smart ones.

No one wants to explore the dark heart of the stinky pirates, so that those dirty plots can pollute their pure hearts, so after everyone gets what they want, after Braike unceremoniously issued an order to expel the guests, there is not much resistance from everyone .

Drek'Thar and Boo Rocks marched out of the Molten Core with their loot, and Maim moved with them as an orc, and kept an eye on these two cunning old men by the way.

The old lich and Khadgar were also preparing to leave.

But as a close comrade-in-arms who is close enough to wear a pair of pants, the old lich still has some personal affairs to chat with the pirates.

"Your sister, my disciple Jaina Jr., has been very silent since she returned from Kul Tiras. She has worked harder to learn my magic, and more actively participated in the pursuit of the power of the void by the Tirisfal Council. hunting."

The old lich and the stinky pirate stood on the edge of the lava lake, and he said to Bo Laike with rare apprehension:

"This may not be a bad thing, but Jaina's mentality change is a bit too extreme. Maybe her family was threatened to make her angry and motivated enough.

But it's not entirely a good thing.

As a mage, she must remain calm at all times. Because of her powerful talent, she should walk the path of strength more steadfastly and cautiously. I hope you take the time to talk to your sister. "

Merry Winterwind whispered:

"I don't want to see her become a mage who blindly pursues power and is dominated by hatred. That will make her stronger, and it may also make her lose herself.

Warriors fighting monsters must always be vigilant not to become monsters. We walk on the edge of the abyss, and when we look at the abyss, the abyss is also looking back at us. "

"I'll do my best."

Bu Laike pursed his lips, nodded and said:

"But I will be very busy in the future. I have to run back and forth in the whole world. You should watch out for me. In addition, more mages should be stationed in the Fortress of the Blasted Land."


The old Lich's gaze became sharper instantly, and he asked back:

"Dellano world has an accident?"


The smelly pirate said softly:

"The Burning Legion will land on that world, and I have first-hand news that within a few months, that orc world will become the front line of the Legion.

Demons are undead, they are fearless, and they have unlimited resources at their disposal. The defeat of Dalaran has stimulated them, and a terrible war unprecedented in history may already be brewing.

They did not choose fancy teleportation this time, but determined to win with a steady land battle, which is the worst choice for us. "

"This is terrible news."

The old lich sighed, and said:

"I will discuss this matter with Antonidas. Fortunately, the problem of Kul Tiras was resolved before the war broke out. If the demons and the ancient gods attack at the same time, our situation will be much more difficult."

"I actually have a little suggestion."

Bu Laike suddenly said:

"If the devil invades, we must unite all forces. If you have no important affairs recently, you can go to the South China Sea for a while.

Zandalari, or the land of mist.

As long as you can get the assistance of any one of them, your chances of winning against the demon will be greatly increased. There are still a few months to go, so you have plenty of time to prepare. "

"Want to warn the kings?"

The old lich asked, and Bo Laike shook his head and said:

"Because of Lothar's incident, the alliance has been divided, and it is almost nonsense to want them to be united like the orc war.

But you can issue a warning, and it doesn't hurt to try.

Anyway, after the demon landed, they couldn't do without unity.

I'll find a way to contact the elves, but I can't guarantee Luna Kingdom's full help, you know, the elves hate me because my activity makes them look like a bunch of losers.

Only by catching me can they wash away their shame. "

"Maybe you should change your style."

Lich said:

"You have done more for this world than anyone else, yet you are hated by all kinds of people."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Bu Laike laughed, patted the old Lich on the shoulder and said:

"I just love the dismay of seeing them work their way up to discover the truth that a stinky pirate they thought was a lunatic turned out to be a hero.

Tsk tsk, this is enough to shame all the warriors, and it is enough to make the whole world know me again.

But they were right to be wary.

Look at what I do, I never think about mercy or casualties, I always like to detonate various crises in advance, no one wants to be awakened when they are sleeping, and their disgust is justified.

Why should I lick their shoes when I can't be friends in the first place?

Let them go on hating me.

I enjoy the feeling of being free and uninhibited. "

The pirate looked back and "looked" at the boiling magma that had been reactivated by the Seal of Eternal Burning, and he said to the Lich:

"You should go.

Tell Khadgar for me that he will be ready to sail in a month, and I will send for him. He could choose to refuse, if he didn't want to see the wild female orc that he always wanted in his heart. "

"Are you going to Kalimdor?"

The old lich showed an expression of interest, and said:

"Let me guess, Sky Wall?"

"No, no, it's much more powerful than you imagined, just wait and see."

Bu Laike said with a smile:

"After turning the Eastern Continent upside down, it's time for me to expand my business to the Luna Kingdom. The elves want to catch me, don't they? I have a hot sex with those purple-skinned chicks who live in the trees Dating.

I don't want to be late. "

"Take care of yourself."

Meri said seriously:

"Run if you can't beat it, there's no shame in losing to an elf."

"I'm a pirate. I have excellent escape skills. Don't worry."

Bo Laike whistled to see the old lich and Khadgar leave, and threw a provocative gesture to the "old mage", and Khadgar clenched his fists angrily and wanted to hit him.

But considering that he might not be able to fight, and only Bu Laike knew about Garona, Khadgar finally swallowed the breath.

This wave, this wave is for love!

"Okay, the nasty guys are gone, it's time for my real big adventure."

Bu Laike rubbed his hands and walked to the boiling lava lake in Saffron Fortress. The five Seals of Eternal Burning in his hand had been activated by Exetus, and the power from the realm of fire was poured into the boiling lava lake in front of him. In the magma.

This is a huge "forging furnace" formed by the power of the original flames, but the pirates don't need to forge the iron themselves.

The things that need to be tempered in his hands have been forged by Muradin Bronzebeard, and now he just needs to send them into the flame furnace for a while.

It is said to be "quenching", but it is actually not the same as the term used by blacksmiths, or it should be called strengthening.

Laike kept taking out all kinds of equipment that he needed to temper from his luggage. These gadgets have a common characteristic, that is, they all possess super magical power or even divine power.

But these powers are superficial and not really integrated with the equipped weapons.

He needs to use the hottest magma pool that can be born in Azeroth in front of him, which is rich in elemental power, to truly smelt the artifacts and divine power together to complete the final "quenching".

Only in this way can these fetishes in Bu Laike's hands truly turn decay into magic.

"Come here first!"

Fenner pursed her lips, held the silver giant blade in her hands, and half-kneeled in front of the magma pool. She looked at Bu Laike and said:

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

"Just throw it in."

The pirate took out the jug and twisted it away, took a sip of wine, and said:

"That dwarf Muradin's craftsmanship is absolutely credible. Since he said that all the preliminary preparations have been made, it means that we laymen don't need to think of ways to tinker.

According to him, if they are thrown into the magma pool of the Fire Demon King, the divine power of the flame will automatically complete the final strengthening of them. Be careful, don't put your hands in it too.

The temperature of this thing is too high, and the legendary flesh and blood can't resist it at all.

I don't want you to be an elf version of Warchief Blackhand. "

"You can't say something good!"

Fenna complained unhappily, and nimbly pushed the silver giant blade into the magma pool bit by bit, not forgetting to take off the handguard of the knife handle.

This thing can't withstand the "cooking" of magma.

As soon as the silver giant blade entered the magma pool, dancing streamers and hot magma splashed immediately, and the source quality steel, which was said to be irreversible once it was done, showed traces of melting under the casting of the heart of flame.

This once made Fenner very worried.

But soon, a golden light bloomed on the giant blade.

The power of the holy light from the purified Atama crystal is fighting against the melting of the magma. This resistance makes its power squeezed, activated, and integrated into the giant blade itself in a more active posture.

The holy light runes engraved on the sword were also lit up, even covering the light of the magma itself.

"Look, it's changing, like a sleeping baby finally waking up."

Bu Laike whistled, indicating that Fenner could scoop it up, and "cook" it for a while, and the blade of the source steel would really be deformed.

"What a terrible weapon."

The manager Exotus stared at the burning blade, and it said in a fearful tone:

"The material world can also produce weapons that can resist the power of Savras. It seems that the Balrog tyrant underestimated this world, and such arrogance will make it usher in inevitable failure!"

"Yes, maintain this idea, and always tell yourself that your behavior is for justice, which will make your life much easier in the future.

I don't need to hire another psychiatrist for you. "

Bu Laike gave a thumbs up to the fire demon lord with a flexible moral bottom line, and kicked away the armor box he always carried with him.

And Little Xingxing used magic to help Fina get back the silver giant blade. They stuck it on the solid ground, and as the magma flowed down from the sharp blade bit by bit, the silent giant blade seemed to come alive for a moment. come over.

It is blooming its own power of holy light, and the little star is fascinated by it.

Fenner reassembled the goggles on the hilt, and took out her treasured black dragon leather to wrap around the hilt a few times. She held the sharp blade again, and a feeling of mind-to-heart connection surged from the blade.

It was as if a gentle voice was talking to her.

She finally felt the meaning of what the stinky brother said to her before, the sword was really trying to tell her its name.

It longs to be called that name.

It's a pity that Fenna is unwilling to give up her warrior way and turn to the Holy Light to complete a 100% fit with its power, which makes the Holy Blade unable to serve the stupid warrior wholeheartedly in the end.

But that's okay too.

Fenner has always been quick to read, and she also understood the whisper of the sharp blade.

"Although it's a pity that we can't be real sisters, we can be friends for life, I already know, I already know your name.

The Holy Light burns out and everything turns to ashes.

Your name"

Fenner grabbed the gleaming giant blade with one hand and pointed it at the sky. Surrounded by the swaying golden light feather, the elf warrior loudly called out the name of the sword.



The explosion of holy light turned into a storm of golden runes, entangled with Fenner's fast dancing, it was a stream of joy, which represented that it had finally reaped its first master. Well, my friend!

Those lights are singing for Fenner.

Good guy, at least this is solved.


This holy scene made Little Xingxing and Cyanne scream, and even the dragon could feel the epic feeling of this scene. Alas, the ruthless pirates are not wasting time.

He has seen the same scene countless times.

He personally put the set of modified moonlight armor into the magma pool in front of him. In the changes that only he could see, the moonlight shrouded in the armor kept shining.

From handover to darkness, from darkness to brightness again, in the confrontation with the power of the Fire Demon King, Elune's blessings are constantly applied to every part of this armor, so that it can truly carry a higher level of divine power .

And on the character card of Bu Laike, a line of words is beating:

Lady Elune applauds your cunning and wisdom, and the Fire Lord's defeat pleased him, so he decided to reward you.


A ray of moonlight suddenly appeared, it pierced through the barrier between the sky and the earth, and shrouded the magma pool in front of the pirate's eyes with bright light in a place where it was completely impossible to appear.

In the hot magma, like the waves of a lake being divided, an invisible force lifted the quenched Luna armor up, making it appear in front of Bu Laike.

The pirate blinked, and dropped a scout on the moonlit armor in front of him.

It was a light he had only seen once on the Tidal Stone.

Crimson light.

Represents light beyond legendary creation.

The pirate half-kneeled on the ground with a thud, like the most sincere believers of the moon god, like the posture of the watchmen when praying, he sang sincerely:

"Praise Elune, all things are dimmed by your generosity.

I am still a hopeless atheist, but if one day I am so weak that I need faith to survive, then you are definitely my first choice. "


The moonlight changed its trajectory abruptly, like punching a stinky pirate on the cheek.

How dare you speak strange things in front of a god!

It's time to fight!

(end of this chapter)

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