Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 89 88. The Real Start Of A Career (Part 2)

Chapter 89 88. The real start of a career (Part 2)


Under the control of a group of orc sailors, the slightly worn-out human battleship lowered half of its furled sails, and was driven by the wind from the coast to drive the ship from the bay into the shallow sea.

There are other orcs who are carrying the collected supplies. In order to save time, they use small boats to load these things, and send them up after the big ship adjusts its position.

Everything appears to be in order.

Red Blackhand was wearing armor, commanding his boys to do this and that on the deck, looking very professional, but the busy scene in front of him was simply inferior to Laike.

Not to mention comparing it with the naval sailors of the Kul Tiras fleet he remembered.

Compared with those merchant sailors in Boralus Harbor, they can't be said to be very good.

Orcs are indeed not good at sailing.

The orcs of the Black Tooth Grinning Clan are already the most powerful sailors in the tribe. According to Braike's knowledge, a considerable number of orcs in this new clan come from the Shadowmoon Clan.

In the world of Dellano, the Shadowmoon clan, who are good at astrology and psychic magic, is the role of navigator in the orc civilization.

"You said, the ship chasing you was the legendary keeled battleship Nagfar? It is said that it is a soul-inducing boat under the command of Hela, the Queen of Hell, to transfer souls?

Have you ever seen it with your own eyes? "

The voice of the old mage rang in the ears of the pirates, and Laike looked away, and said to Meri Dongfeng:

"I have never seen it before, Master, I came to the Broken Isles on that legendary ship."

"Believe me, it doesn't have the majesty of death like the legend says, it's okay from the outside, but the internal environment is simply terrible.

If I'm lucky enough to capture it, I'll show you up there myself. "

"Well, young man, you have great ambitions."

The old mage chuckled, looking at the distant sea with his decayed eyes, he said:

"Playing chasing and fleeing games with God of Death on the sea, not only are you not afraid, but you also want to get bragging booty from God of Death. Should I say you are brave?

Or should I say that you are filled with passive courage? "

"Anyway, I'm planning to turn my face, and I don't want to whitewash the peace."

The pirate pushed the blindfold over his left eye and said:

"Since you want to betray, you have to stab her hard, so that the arrogant guy knows it hurts! Well, it's time for us to board the boat.

You said before that the soul enchantment needs to be maintained every day.

With your strength, you can maintain it for half a month at most."

"Well, that's Hella after all."

The old mage shrugged, not hiding the truth, and said:

"In terms of the realm of the soul, little Aegwynn and I are far behind her. This magic researched by little Aegwynn will increase the burden on the soul, half a month is the limit.

It's not that I can't last, but your soul can't last any longer.

So I want to ask you, is half a month enough? And I think little Aegwynn has already told you that if something goes wrong with you, I will leave immediately with the Skull of Gul'dan.

I will not and cannot help you in battle.

I have a nathrezim demon inside me, and if it gets out of control, it will only get worse. So it may be better for you that I sit on the sidelines. "

"At sea, you don't need to participate in the battle."

Bu Laike walked to a small boat next to him, and he said to the legendary mage behind him:

"I just need to use your power to intimidate this group of orcs who are not very obedient.

Just like a real pirate captain, lead a group of subordinates with their own ghosts to win a victory at sea.

For half a month, the winner takes everything and the loser loses everything.

My real career will start tonight, with a standard pirate start, and my stage in this world. "

He picked up the oars and invited the old mage to sit in the boat.

He picked up the soul lamp and hung it on the bow of the boat. Amid the sound of the little murloc croaking and "piloting" ahead, Laike pulled his hood and grinned.

He said:

"I have a hunch that this will be a journey worth remembering for a lifetime."


Half an hour later, the boat full of orcs sailed out of the bay under half sail, and Red Blackhand was at the helm himself. He already knew this sea area full of hidden reefs, and planned to sail out the same way he came.

Bu Laike stood at the bow, and Garona sat on the box next to her.

The legendary assassin looked at the coast getting further and further away in the night, and her eyes finally fell on the Tomb of Sargeras on the other side of the beach. The thing in the dark night looked very gloomy, like a dark reality.

"Let's just keep it and leave it alone?"

she says:

"Are people in your world so casual when dealing with things that may destroy the world?"

"That thing is beyond our control."

The pirate who was taking out a bottle of rum from his magic bag unscrewed the cork and explained:

"Don't think humans are great just because human civilization beat you orcs to the ground. In this world, human civilization is not the protagonist on the stage.

Someone is going to clean up the mess.

They may already be on their way.

It's not a good thing to be targeted by the group of eternal watchmen who dedicated everything to them. Even if you, Ms. Garona, you are not necessarily their opponent in the pursuit of the Shadow Realm.

but me

How should I put it, I'm not ready to deal with them yet.

Want a drink?

This thing is standard for pirates. From the South China Sea to the North Sea, all pirates like this, and I have to get used to it. "


Garona waved her hand and said:

"Alcohol is taboo for all assassins, but you are in a special situation, so drink it openly, and using alcohol to anesthetize fear is not a shameful thing."

"You're so mean sometimes. Didn't Khadgar tell you that?"


A sharp blade flew by, representing Garona's attitude.

She didn't like Boo Laike always mentioning Khadgar in front of her.

Although, she and the human mage did have some oddities that were closer than friends.

The pirate's laughter echoed in the gloomy early night. Under the dim moonlight, the ship sailed into the sea, and they left this ominous place in the farewell of the waves.

It's like a dusty traveler, who can't stop and rest, but has to go to the next stage of the journey.

The pirate who had drunk picked up the Nautilus pendant that belonged to Dailin that he had picked up on the bottom of the sea before, and looked at it in front of his eyes. The magic image in it was shaking in front of his eyes.

Facing the wind, he hummed a song that shouldn't appear at this time, and perhaps never will appear again.

The singing is hoarse, corresponding to the tide.

"Be careful, be careful, daughter of the sea~"

"Listen, he's crying~"

"The sea breeze is blowing, and the sound is heartbreaking~"

"Everything sinks to the bottom of the sea and goes with the wind~"


Six hours later, dawn will come.

"woo woo woo"

As the waves swayed and the sea surface rolled, the low and muddy horn sounded under the increasingly cold sea water.

It was the horn of the Naglfar.

The Vrykul clans originating from the Northland, those semi-titans living in harsh environments, hunting, fighting, and offering sacrifices, all of them could not do without the accompaniment of this low and desolate bone horn.

The sea in front of him quickly became turbid, as if something dark crawling out of the abyss was polluting the ocean.

And fog.

That kind of sticky, wet, and extremely uncomfortable cold fog rises above the sea and the beach, and in just a few seconds, it makes this place indistinct.

A group of cold and pale light glowed in the mist, like a small lighthouse in the dark, guiding the things from hell into the world.

As the thicker and thicker fog covered the sea surface, the dark things under the sea became clearer and larger.

It's going up fast.


In the end, with the gurgling sound of the water surface, resembling the sound of a big octopus crawling out of the sea, the ghost ship Nagfar appeared in the world again.

It's still the same as before.

A gloomy keel molded the deck, ominous shabby white gauze swayed around the mast, shaped like a dragon's head, and the aggressive prow shone with a dark green light.

On the deck of the ship, there are half-titan misty necromancer warriors covered in seaweed and barnacles who are extremely silent.

Hablon the Spirit-caller is their leader.

Today's spirit guide is still the same as in the past, wearing heavy robes and hoods, only seeing the pale beard on the chin like the hair of a dead man.

But this time, he didn't have a soul-destroying scythe in his hand.

This seems to represent good news.

The spirit guide has come to collect the gift promised by the spirit hunter to the queen.

But the moment he appeared on the deck of the Naglfar, all he saw and felt was an empty broken beach.

No cloth Laike. Shaw here.

Not a single captured legendary soul here!

On the beach here, there are corpses all over the island, but there is nothing! Not a single soul died in battle!

The spirit hunter left him nothing.

That offal!

He ran away.

He ran away with the treasure that was supposed to be dedicated to the queen.

It was like a harsh slap on the face of Hablon and the entire abyss of Hell.


With clenched fists and a gleam of anger in his gray merciless eyes, he raised his lamp without hesitation to activate the hell curse that had been left on Braike when he first met. .

Take back that bastard soul who dared to betray Queen Hela!

Throw him into the filthiest ocean of Hell, and feed him to those disgusting soul-eating squids!



There was no response on Hablon's soul-inducing lamp, as if some kind of power isolated him from the magic of harvesting Bu Laike's soul, like a wall between him and Bu Laike's soul.

The curse is still there!

But it cannot be activated.

This made Hablon's face under the red hood even more gloomy.

Bu Laike obviously planned it long ago. Perhaps that cunning human being was ready to betray as early as when they first met and prayed to join Hell.

He and hell have never been of the same mind!

“What a disgrace”

The soul-leader lowered his head, as if talking to himself.

I don't know whether he is talking about Bu Laike's stupid betrayal, or he is saying that he failed to see through that human's thoughts.

Perhaps it was the soul-attracting for hundreds of thousands of years that made him lose his sensitivity to the cunning of these mortal beings, but now, he realized the mistake he made.

The empty and dead beach in front of him is the "resignation letter" that Laike handed to him and Hell.

But, after joining Hell, still want to run?

How can it be so easy!

"Summon the Kvaldir Legion! I need a vanguard. Let those fog pirates who only know how to plunder and slaughter, join me as quickly as possible."

The soul guide bent down, grabbed a handful of dirty sand on the deserted beach, and watched it leak through his fingertips.

He calmly shouted to the misty undead behind him:

"The traitor and his obvious ambitions are nothing but a splash in the eternal tide, and the majesty of death cannot be challenged! Even if you hunt down to the cape of Tianya, you must bring Braike Shaw's cursed soul back to Hell !

In the name of the Queen!

The hunt for death has begun! "


The keel battleship sank into the sea amidst the shouts of the undead sailors, and disappeared after ten seconds.

Everything has returned to the calm and dead silence that this barren beach should have.

However, after Hablon and the Naglfar left, in the almost silent flow of the shadows, two tall ladies stepped out of the shadows where they hid.

They are nearly two meters tall, wearing weird full-face armor, and holding a deterrent thorn knife wheel. The helmet has an owl as a symbol, and the decoration behind it is in the shape of a crescent moon, bent from the shoulders.

This shape is full of mystery, faith, solemnity and restraint.


One of the women said in husky Salas:

"The Naglfar appeared on the Broken Shore. It seems that the forces of Hell were also involved in the Tomb of Sargeras incident tonight. After the sisters finished hunting down the demons and the cunning Naga Matriarch After the island, report the news to the honorable lady.

She might be interested. "

(end of this chapter)

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