Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 882 212. The Black Dragons Know How To Hide Treasures And Speak Nicely. Playing With Them Is

Chapter 882 212. The black dragons know how to hide treasures and speak nicely. Playing with them is as happy as going home every time

"Yo, it's finally out."

Outside the Blackstone Tower, His Royal Highness Little Xingxing looked up at the sky. The dim light made her feel happy, and she couldn't help complaining:

"Every time I go to a dwarf city, I feel depressed. It's really hard to understand if dwarves live underground all year round and don't see the sun, will they suffer from depression?"

"Then why do you think the Dark Iron Dwarves are so violent?"

Bu Laike slapped the dust on the battle armor and the black traces of gunpowder explosion, and said casually:

"Do you really think they're born crazy?"

"Your statement is unreasonable!"

Little Xingxing glared at the nonsense pirate, she happily took out her "Throne Key", Didi pressed it, and the "Star Throne" that was cruising around the scorching canyon sky immediately turned around and flew towards Little Xingxing's position .

Blue Dragon stretched his waist, revealing his elegant figure.

She yawned and said:

"This battle is so tiring. I need to find a place to take a good rest. By the way, I will revise my diary, and the last article about His Royal Highness Little Xing Xingxing commanding his incompetent human and orc servants to defeat thousands of dwarves." There is a story to be written.

Captain smelly, do you want to go with me? "

"I won't go."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"I also want to go to the Black Wing's Lair to see the arrangement of the black dragons on the Black Rock Mountain. Do you want to come together?"

"No! Black dragons are cunning villains!"

Little Xingxing crossed her arms to express her refusal, she shouted:

"I don't play with them. Where are we waiting for you?"


Bu Laike glanced at the northern sky and said to the blue dragon:

"Wait for me in the scenic Locke Modan, I'll be there in a maximum of three days. It's a good place to rest, and the blood sausage in Thelsamar Tavern is a must in dwarf cuisine, highly recommended.

There is also a little fox called 'Blue Tail' over there. It is said that he is a very smart and beautiful little guy, very suitable for girls to get as pets.

When I'm done here, we'll go to Ironforge. "

"That's right, going to Ironforge!"

Fenna rubbed her hands excitedly and said:

"My elven sword is still there, and it should have been repaired after some time. Bu Laike, remember to bring back some Dragon King's blood.

I will pay you. "

"Hey, Fenner has also learned how to send tasks, not bad."

Bo Laike laughed, waved to the chattering girls, turned and jumped into the shadows, disappearing under the Black Rock Mountain.

He headed all the way to the assembly point he had agreed with Valeera. He was on the black iron sentry tower on the edge of a cliff at the foot of Blackstone Mountain. Iron dwarves fight "sit-down battles".

The variety of mineral veins in this canyon is the largest in the entire Azeroth. A quarter of the annual mineral consumption of the eastern continent is produced here.

Moreover, the black iron dwarves have been digging for three hundred years and have not hollowed out the minerals here. The mineral veins hidden under this magma-soaked land are still astronomical.

This is the most important strategic area for the dwarves, and a good place for the orcs to keep a peep. The reason why the Burning Plains and Scorching Canyon are so rich in minerals is that Ragnaros "changed the world" three hundred years ago.

From this point of view, it is not all a bad thing for the Lord of Fire to enter the material world.

The pirate easily cleaned up the dwarf sentry on the watchtower. He sat by the watchtower drinking wine, took off the owl helmet, and took out the magic tome to pass the time.

It was not until two hours later that Valeera appeared under the sentry tower belatedly.

The female elf assassin was limping, and she seemed to have been injured a little bit during the dwarves' pursuit, but her mental state was very uplifting, probably due to the sense of accomplishment from sneaking into the Black Iron Palace and stealing good things.

Assassins throughout the Eastern Continent know that there are countless good things in Thaurissan's palace, but there are only a handful of assassins who can sneak in without being detected.

Today, Valeera Sangunar, who has mixed experience with the tuba, can be regarded as a modest achievement.

"Why did it take so long?"

Laike is not satisfied with this.

He frowned and looked at Valeera's face covered with black ashes, and said:

"It shouldn't be at your speed, why are you still in such a mess?"

"I'm lost."

Valeera lowered her head in embarrassment and said:

"Dark Forge City is simply a maze. I almost crashed into the Arena of Order, and was entangled by a group of fire elementals when I left. But, fortunately, my life is not disgraceful, Master!"

The Elven Assassin offers his prize with both hands, with a sense of pride that his mission has been accomplished.

It was a silver one-handed warhammer.

It has a square head and square brain, engraved with the family crest of the Thaurissan family, and the handle of the hammer is wrapped with smoked dragon leather. The whole warhammer is unpretentious and not fancy.

But the occasional flash of magic arc on the silver hammer head represents its extraordinaryness.

Bo Laike stretched out his hand and touched the surface of the warhammer, and the character card immediately gave the entry:

Name: The Power of Thaurissan Opponent

Quality: Excellent · Epic [unfinished]

Attribute: slightly

Item effects:

1. Opponents:

Each attack of the hammer bearer has a certain probability of triggering the special effect of [Opposition], so that the next attack will get two additional attack opportunities. The destructive power is related to the strength of the hammer user.

Opponent effects cannot be dodged, blocked or countered in any way.

2. The power of Thaurissan:

This warhammer is forged using a secret method, which can be regarded as a spell-casting item of the same quality, and increases the destructive power of fire and shadow magic by 50%.

3. Unfinished things:

The Warhammer of the Opponent comes from the legendary black iron blacksmith Frank Ron Cast Iron, and it is the most proud work in his life besides the design and construction of the Darkforge City.

It is said that the legendary blacksmith put all his blacksmithing wisdom into this hammer. For warriors, this might be a pretty powerful weapon, but for blacksmiths, it means more than that.

Only a true Master Blacksmith can understand the message he left in the Warhammer.

Item description:

The smoke over Blackrock Mountain is the pity of the Dark Iron dwarves, and the blood of House Thaurissan is full of hatred. When their ancient wounds bleed again, the flames that flow will consume all.

Bu Laike stared at the opponents in front of him. He took out the Warhammer of the Persuader from his bag, put the two hammers from the same source together, and said to Valeera:

"Can you see the connection between the two hammers?"

"They should have been designed by the same craftsman."

The elf carefully observed the two war hammers, and she said with some uncertainty:

"But other than that, they don't seem to have a deeper connection, and even the magic attached to them doesn't seem to have more integration."

"Well, I think so too."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"But I've been told that these two hammers hold the wisdom of the Dark Iron's greatest blacksmiths and architects, and that they might even save the long-lost Dark Iron clan.

However, this is the internal affairs of the dwarves. Maybe the blacksmiths of the copperbeard dwarves can see things that we cannot see.

These riddlers are the most annoying. "

The pirate stood up, put away the magic tome, pointed to the two warhammers under his feet, and said to Valeera:

"You take them to rest at the Thorium Brotherhood's sentry in the Searing Gorge Mountains, and show them to Hansel Heavyfist, and he will entertain you as a guest, and perhaps open the Thorium Brotherhood's treasury Give you.

Don't be shy, just take a few more.

You rest in peace and recuperate there, give this letter to the great blacksmith of the Thorium Brotherhood, and then go to Dun Morogh to meet me. But if the dwarves of the Thorium Brotherhood don't practice martial arts and try to take the hammer

kill them! "

"As you order, Master."

Valeera struggled to grab the two war hammers.

This thing is a weapon forged for warriors, not suitable for assassins.

But if it was desperate, relying on the magical special effects of the two warhammers, Valeera could completely kill all the dwarves of the Thorium Brotherhood with them.

Those guys are a group of craftsmen, full of wisdom, but the failure of resistance for three hundred years also shows that they really lack the power to physically convince others.

Bu Laike watched Valeera leave, feeling very satisfied with this disciple's execution ability.

The genius assassin trained by the big family is really extraordinary. If it weren't for Bu Laike's ability to cheat, his growth rate would never be comparable to that of a genius like Valeera Sangunar.

But luckily he will hang up.

The smelly pirate shrugged, showing no shame in his heart.

It's not his fault for cheating, is it?

He is also a victim.

Bu Laike blew a whistle, summoning the sky that has been flying around the scorching canyon for the past few days, turned over and rode the hippogryph, and put the little murloc in his backpack into the hippogryph's horse pocket.

The guy had a sickly attitude.

Probably because it was almost turned into a grilled fish by the hot environment in the Molten Core, which made it very uncomfortable even with the blessing of the Hydraxian Legion.

This meeting is bubbling, complaining in murloc language, cursing and swearing that he will never come to this ghost place again.

However, the little murloc's visit was not in vain.

It also got what it always wanted: a real trident!

It was snatched from the fire demon lord.

The old orc Bu Rocks didn't like this weak weapon, so he took advantage of the little murlocs who followed him.

Its name is as domineering as its appearance. It is called Shadow Strike. It has a peculiar effect. As an elemental weapon, it can be re-summoned by the user as a Thunder Strike that wraps wind and thunder.

Presumably snatched from some wind elemental warrior during the elemental wars.

Moreover, as an elemental weapon, the size of this thing can be reduced and enlarged like the elemental creature, and it is also suitable for the little murloc to hold in his hand.

It treasures its loot very much, and plans to bring it back to Tol Barad, and ask Dean Lanyue to enchant its weapon or something.

Probably because the murlocs have been enslaved by the Naga a long time ago, and the Naga regarded the trident as a symbol of power and strength, and this understanding also extended to the murloc's ethnic culture.

So the little murloc has always wanted a trident of his own ever since he traveled the world with Bu Laike.

It has now finally got its wish.

"Get your 'dung fork' ready."

Bu Laike rode on the hippogryph saddle, let the sky fly towards the highest peak of Blackstone Mountain, and then scolded the little murloc in the horse pocket:

"That thing is very sharp, don't stab my sky, you hopeless survival hunter, in the future you will stage a beautiful story of 'a harpoon arrives first, and then both pets die'.

I'm really worried about your future. "

"quack quack"

The little murloc protested a few times in dissatisfaction.

It felt that Bu Laike's words were full of malice, but it didn't have the strength to quarrel with Bu Laike now, so it lay in the saddle of the sky, and soon fell asleep with its precious trident in its arms.

The sky went up all the way, and soon came to the peak of Heishi Mountain. Behind an inconspicuous rock, the "Grand Observation Deck" of Blackwing's Nest was hidden.

This is the favorite place of the Black Dragon Prince Nefarian. According to the gossip of the black dragons in the Black Wing Lair, Nefarian likes to watch the entire Black Rock Mountain scenery here to satisfy his "desire for king".


The pirate lightly jumped onto the throne platform on the top of the mountain, waved his hand to the sky, and the clever hippogryph immediately turned around and flew away, and soon disappeared into the perennially gloomy clouds and mist near the Black Rock Mountain.

"Where should we go first?"

Bu Laike trotted through the shadows, silently climbing onto Nefarian's throne with the deft movements of a monkey, and he reached out to touch the wall behind him.

He knew that there was a secret hall behind this wall.

But without the key, he can't open the magic lock out of thin air, unless he is forced to demolish it, which is hard for Laike, but it also means that he will expose his actions.

"Forget it, let's go to the Blackwing Lair first."

The pirate turned around and jumped off the throne, and strolled towards the giant black iron gate of the Black Wing Lair Hall. This time, he came here not only to see the current situation of the Black Dragon Legion, but also to get a set of mighty armor for Fenner.

By the way, see what good things the black dragons are hiding that can be taken away by him.

Speaking of which, since Dragon Mother Sinestra took part of the black dragons to the world of Dellano, the Black Dragon Legion on Blackstone Mountain has been keeping a low profile.

So low key that Bo Laike forgot they existed.

If it weren't for the fact that the black dragon tempted the orcs and the human forwards to fight, and almost caused a "diplomatic accident", the busy pirates wouldn't even spend more time on them.

But Nefarian deliberately provoked the war between orcs and humans, which meant that the black dragon prince wanted to use the war to cover up something, which made Laike very curious.

What is the Black Dragon Prince planning?

The Blackwing Lair is also part of the Darkforge City of the Dark Iron Dwarves. It inherits the characteristics of the Dark Iron Dwarf buildings, and the interior is as complicated and complicated as a maze.

But this is not a problem for the pirates. He can walk here with his eyes closed. Coming here is really the same as going home.

Braike slipped into Nefarian's dragon lair with ease and found the treasure of the black dragon prince. He rummaged through Nefarian's "treasure closet" and soon found a set of mighty boards. First.

But he was still not satisfied, and continued to search for more valuable things. When the pirate threw a rune sword of the Black Dragon Legion into his bag, he suddenly heard a conversation between two humanoid black dragons not far away.

"His Royal Highness disappeared again. Why has he been elusive recently? He has been asking us to prepare a banquet, but no guests have come."

"Shh, keep your voice down, His Royal Highness must have plans of his own, we'll just follow the rules. Speaking of which, that 'invisible guest' really has a mouthful.

It actually wants to eat the heart of the smoked dragon and the legs of the lava spider. What kind of taste is this?

Heck, I have to go to Searing Gorge again. "

"Wouldn't it be better to send dragon people there? Why run away by yourself?"

"That group of orcs are powerful, and several dragonmen have died for no reason. I'd better go there by myself, just to relax. Tch, sooner or later, all those orcs will be burned to death!"

(end of this chapter)

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