Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 884 214. Are There Bronze Dragons In The World?

Chapter 884 214. Are There Bronze Dragons in the World?

The black dragon prince Nefarian is worthy of being a great dragon biologist, and the lethality of his carefully crafted creations against the dragon is really unbelievable.

Although Chromaggus is just a "trial work" with two heads, and it can't reflect the terrifying power of the five-color dragon beast and devouring the sky and the earth, it has been accepting hunting dragons since it was stitched and born. training.

And devouring dragon corpses every day makes this suture monster strong and strong, and the flesh and blood of the giant dragon is very attractive to it.

Although it has no wings and cannot fly, the advantage of its two heads makes it not afraid of the low-flying black dragon at all, especially the strange time breath of the bronze dragon is understood by it.

Once the black dragon approaching it was stopped by time, what greeted the black dragon was the giant beast's double-headed bite and sharp claws.

It often only takes one blow to cripple a dragon's wings, and once the black dragons land, they are greeted with a frenzied and completely unstoppable devouring slam.

The sturdy dragon scales are meaningless in front of Chromaggus's modified sharp teeth and claws, because there is also a blue dragon head, this guy can even use some superficial dragon language magic.

Its most commonly used tactic is that the breath of the bronze dragon creates a time pause, and the breath of the blue dragon freezes the enemy, and finally both heads come out to bite the tendons connecting the wings and the body.

Bu Laike hid in the shadows, admiring the crazy Chromaggus hunting black dragons and dragonmen. He had to feel that this two-headed dragon beast was a hunting machine specially for dragons.

It is powerful, eternally hungry, and ruthless.

Precise, efficient and deadly.

The most wonderful thing is that Nefarian ingeniously used the "colorful dragon" skin for Chromaggus.

This noun does not represent the dragon race born naturally, it is the product of evil biological experiments, very mysterious, even today when the black dragon army is being chased and intercepted, Nefarian has not released his creation.

But Red's dragon named "Gaith" is a multi-colored dragon presented to the war chief by Nefarian.

According to Reid himself, Ghaith's intelligence is very bad, and he does not have the intelligence that the dragon should have at all, but the other side of his bluntness is that he is very cruel.

Ghaith has the four dragon breaths of venom, flame, ice and shadow, and its skin is tougher than ordinary dragons, and its magic resistance is extremely strong.

But now, the black dragons in the sky who dare not approach it can only attack it with their vicious shadow flames. But Chromaggus, clad in the skin of a chromatic dragon, is not afraid of the shadow flames.

The flames were indeed burning on it, but it would take a long time to burn through its skin. As for magic attacks such as fireballs, they couldn't break the defense at all.

It also couldn't stop the male Chromaggus from messing around in the entire Blackwing Blood Ring.

As for magic against the spirit?

Even more useless!

This thing is a suture construct.

It does not have a complete soul in its body that can be controlled or attacked. While the pirates watched in amazement, he realized that his act of releasing Chromaggus on the spur of the moment was a stroke of genius!

If there is no way to control this ferocious beast, all the dragonmen patrolling the Black Winged Blood Ring will be wiped out, and even two young dragons raised by the black dragons here have already been killed by it.

Where is this crazy?

This is completely unrivaled.

"You idiots! Get out of the way! Chromaggus has no wisdom, don't hit it, and it won't chase you! Look at your embarrassed appearance, it's really embarrassing to His Excellency Nefarian!"

A sharp and weird roar resounded from the building on the other side of the blood ring, and a strange looking dragon man with a bit of madness roared.

It looks like a more prestigious guy here.

Under its scolding, the dragon people dispersed, and the black dragon in the sky flew away.

Sure enough, after they voluntarily retreated, Chromaggus, who was still aggressive just now, calmed down when he couldn't sense the enemy around him, moved his huge body back to the corpses of the dragonmen and young dragons, and began to feast .

The lunatic dragonman held a controller in his hand, and while the elevator on the Blood Ring High Platform was rattling, the four black iron combat puppets responsible for guarding the secret hall came bang bang bang.

They were not living beings, nor did they provoke Chromaggus' rage.

Under the "escort" of four sturdy and powerful combat puppets, the two-headed giant beast, full of food and drink, and scarred, returned to its own beast pit obediently.

This made the pirates watching the excitement very dissatisfied.

But instead of attacking Chromaggus, he pulled out Salameni and touched the dragon man who was in charge of the overall situation. He knew who this guy was.

It's called Malorak, and it's not a real dragonman, but should be classified as a strange creature in the field of "stitch monster" or "aberration".

According to the memory in Bu Laike's mind, this guy should be a promising alchemy pharmacist, but he was kidnapped by Nefarian and "fused" with the corpse of a dragon man, turning him into the ghost he is now.

In theory, this guy should also be one of the "works" of the biologist Nefarian.

Although it was introduced in the game data that Malorak only had a bit of sanity left, and even became clumsy, just looking at his "crisis management" actions just now proved that this servant of Nefarian is still very capable.

This guy can't stay!

Under the owl battle armor, the eyes of the pirates under the cursed vision mask floated coldly, intending to use a standard assassination tactic of the watchman to kill this hidden danger in its laboratory.

But just as Bu Laike rushed into the laboratory of the crazy alchemy room like a shadow, and was looking for a good assassination position on the chandelier in this dark place, just when he raised his sword, a sweet voice suddenly jumped out of his mind:

"Ah, lovely little master, I have returned to this world again, and when I think that you and I are finally breathing the same air, I feel so happy that my whole body trembles.

I feel the wind of the cursed land caressing my face, is that you hugging me? "


At this moment, Laike only had this feeling. The same is true for Miss Xalatas when she talks about earthy love. It's hard to accept.

"You're back? So soon?"

The stinky pirate paused his assassination and crouched on the chandelier above the laboratory again.

He asked in his mind:

"Where are you now?"

"I just took a few orc kids who were annoying to death through the Dark Portal, and I felt the call of the Naglfar, did you send a special ship to pick me up?"

Xalatas said softly:

"Fortunately, it's the little master. I'm really going to be intoxicated for you because I love you so much."

"I'm just oh, forget it, you can think whatever you like."

Bu Laike wants to explain that he sent the ship only to receive the Atamar Crystal brought back by Xal'atath.

But he knew that if he said this, he would usher in unreasonable troubles from Xalatas, who was becoming more and more nymphet, so he simply acquiesced to her statement.

The pirate picked up his sword again and aimed at the dragon-born alchemist who was fiddling with disgusting blue and red potions on the chaotic experimental table below, but at the moment when he was about to perform a high-altitude assassination, Xalatas asked again :

"Little master, where are you now? I can't wait to meet you. I have a big news to share with you. You will be interested."


Bu Laike's assassination was interrupted again, and he said:

"What big news?"

"The demons have begun to attack the world of Dellano. You can't imagine that the orcs have taken the initiative to join forces with the Draenei!"

Xalatas said mysteriously:

"Ner'zhul didn't know what medicine he took wrongly, he took the young orc Thrall to the gathering place of the draenei, and met Velen at the risk of being dismembered.

I don't know what method he used to convince Velen, but on the Hellfire Peninsula where the demons landed, the draenei have already entered the orc's Hellfire Fortress.

This is what I saw firsthand, they seem to be there to stop the demons from attacking other areas. "


A series of question marks popped up in Bu Laike's mind, he was silent for a moment, then asked again:

"Has Ner'zhul freed the elemental spirits from the world of Dellano?"

"Huh? There are still elemental spirits in this world?"

Xalatas asked more suspiciously:

"Why didn't I feel it? Little master, are you sure? As the essence of the void, my perception of elements is still very keen, and Dellano's elements are completely dead.

That world is beyond salvation. "

"Then let me ask you another way."

Bu Laike asked:

"Has Ner'zhul summoned the tainted 'Elemental Wrath' in the world of Dellano, the Lord of Fire, Senluken, who was sealed under the fel magma in Shadowmoon Valley?"

"I do not know."

Saratas replied confidently:

"In order to fulfill my little master's request, I hurried all the way back to Azeroth, and I didn't go to Shadowmoon Valley to investigate along the way.

But I didn't feel a large-scale elemental vibration, so if there is really a polluted elemental aggregation monster somewhere, then it should still be sleeping. "

"Well, I see."

Bu Laike nodded and said:

"Go to the Naglfar, wait until I go to meet you, and I'll talk about it later, I'm busy now. Your good big brother's chief alchemist is right in front of me.

I'm contemplating how to end its cursed life. Perhaps painless decapitation is a gift of deliverance. "


The words of the smelly pirate made Xalatas silent for a second, and then she sighed and said:

"Little master, Mallorak appears to be serving my 'good big brother', but in fact it is my eyeliner left in Blackwing Lair. Don't you find that this crazy alchemist's mental condition is surprisingly good?

That was the night before I left, I used the power of the void to help the poor man recalibrate the chaotic will.

It was promising, but Nefarian ruined it, and I sensed its forgotten hatred and revived it. It will be the best twenty-five boy you can use, I assure you of it.

I originally planned to report this matter to you in detail when I come back this time.

I was going to surprise you. "

At this time, Bo Laike, who was falling rapidly, raised his eyebrows, he turned and flickered in the air, and Salamaini's deadly blade almost flew out of Mallorak's weird crown.

Like a breeze blowing, the dragon alchemist glanced back suspiciously, stepped forward to close the door of the laboratory cursingly, and began to play with his disgusting potions again.

It is fully aware that its life has just walked on the brink of hell.

"Next time, say something like this in advance."

Bu Laike, who took the initiative to stop the assassination, stood up in the shadows, the magic eyeball on his shoulder glanced at the dragon alchemist, turned around and rushed out of the laboratory.

"Well, I should have said it earlier."

Xalatas was honest, and said to the pirate with a low eyebrow and a pleasing expression like a young daughter-in-law:

"In addition to it, I also have a loyal subordinate in the Black Dragon Legion. It is responsible for the excavation of source material ores and crystals in Deep Rock Continent. There is also a warehouse in Booty Bay that I want to give you. a gift.

There is another important news.

Now that you have infiltrated the Blackwing Lair, you should have seen my big brother's creation, the two-headed monster Chromaggus that surprised me, right?

The dragon's head of first mate Sefiel was placed on that monster, it was so powerful. "

"Don't tell her."

Bu Laike says:

"This will only cause unnecessary anger in Sefiel. For the undead, anger is not a good thing."

"I understand, the little master is such a gentle man. I believe that you, as a prophet, must have known about Deathwing's 'dragon destruction plan'."

Xal'atath flattered her a little, but then she became serious and said:

"Then, has the little master considered a question? Sefiel is the last bronze dragon to die in this world, and her head was used by Nefarian to make Chromaggus.

But the ultimate creation that Deathwing longs for, 'Twilight of the Dragon King' Chromatus needs the heads of five types of dragons to make it. If there are no bronze dragons in this world, how can Nefarian be afraid of it? Father to complete this masterpiece?

I have also asked about it.

It's confident, but unwilling to tell me any details.

Little master, tell me, will Nefarian have a way to contact the bronze dragons in other timelines? Or, there are actually bronze dragons lurking in the world of Azeroth that we haven't discovered?

It has been quietly paying attention to the changes in this world? "

"No, there is no other end."

Bu Laike denied this claim, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, the two black dragons were chatting earlier and said that Nefarian had recently been visited by an "invisible guest".

Combined with the questions raised by Xalatas, the smelly pirate finally pieced together the answer to this matter.

He looked at the black wing blood ring in front of him.

Clenching his fists in the shadows, he said:

"But Nefarian has already hooked up with bronze dragons from other timelines, and that's why I'm here. I want to find out their plans. Xalatath, immediately withdraw from Onyxia's body and return to come here.

I need your help! "

"say it again!"

Xalatas cheered, but made a weird request.


The pirate said suspiciously:


"I said, little master, please repeat what you just said, I like to hear it!"

The essence of the void is emphasized again.

Bo Laike slumped, silent.

"Say it, say it, please."

Xalatath begged:

"That's the first time you've said such warm words to me, little master, please, say it again."


Bu Laike sighed, and repeated mechanically in a stick-reading tone:

"I need your help, come back."

"Don't want the latter words! Just the first four words!"

"It's enough!"

"If you don't tell me, I won't go back."

"Hello, I need you, Xal'atath."

"Yay! Bu Laike Shaw needs Xal'atath! Xal'atath also needs Bu Laike Shaw, wait a moment, little master, your most loyal and useful Xal'atath is rushing back.

five four three two one.

Bang ding ding ding. "

A force surged back into the pirate's heart from an invisible place, and at that moment, Bo Laike felt a real hug, and a suffocating kiss on the spiritual level.

The Void Essence returned to her warm home, and she said in a lazy tone of returning from a long journey:

"I might be crazy"

"But only with you can I feel complete. Come on, little master, let's kill a few people and have fun."

(end of this chapter)

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