Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 886: Bad News

Chapter 886: Bad News

The dwarf bronze dragon who "jumped" from other timelines seemed to be full of thoughts. After complaining to Nefarian, who seemed to know her very well, she began to enjoy the food specially prepared for her.

However, the two giant dragons with their own ghosts stopped here, and Bu Laike, who was hiding in the shadows and spying on the side, kept quiet, but he was frantically collecting information and complaining with Xalatas in his heart:

"Well, that little guy looks amazing."

Miss Void Essence said to the smelly pirate:

"The clocks on her body have the most advanced time interference effect, which makes her a 'singularity' in the timeline of this world. If I didn't see her appear with my own eyes, I wouldn't be able to perceive the change in the timeline. .

This is a powerful character, little master.

But she doesn't look much better than your first mate, maybe ten times better. "

"Exaggerated, a little too exaggerated."

Bu Laike shook his head in the shadows, and while taking out the pen and paper to sketch the portrait, he replied in his heart:

"Although Sefiel is weak, she is also a very talented bronze dragon. Deathwing's sneak attack could not kill her immediately. She is more than ten times stronger than her, and at least it is Queen Somilian's." Grade up.

This bronze dragon is estimated to be an elite veteran in the scales of quicksand, and it is indeed difficult to deal with. But you also heard what she said just now, in this timeline, she has no "future" to speak of.

This means that the most buggy 'prophecy' ability of the Bronze Dragon has been abolished. If I want to sneak attack her, no future version of her will jump out to warn.

There is still only me as a 'prophet' in this world. In this respect, the advantage still lies with me. "

"It's true to say so, but even if you put on this set of Moon God artifact armor, my little master, under the moonlight boost, it's still difficult to kill her with one blow.

This means that you only have one chance to make a move, and once you lose it, she will remember your 'time signature', making it very difficult to succeed in a sneak attack. "

Xalatas retorted:

"This prophet knows better than me how difficult it is for a bronze dragon to kill you. In fact, she still exists here, which means that your future assassination has failed.

Otherwise, her current image should have collapsed. "

"Wrong! There is no 'future' in this timeline."

Pirate said:

"Don't apply the routine you know to me. And compared to whether I can kill her in the future, what I'm more curious about now is that this bronze dragon seems to know the truth about the birth of the eternal dragon.

She teamed up with Nefarian just to hide in an abandoned timeline to hide from her doomed future self.

It seems that she wants to cut off her existence in all other timelines except this timeline.

What a hardcore guy. "

Bu Laike sneered in his heart and said:

"But the guy is also good at acting.

I'm sure she didn't tell the whole truth, even to her partner Nefarian, she kept at least a third of the truth from her.

Every word she said was true, but combined they created the illusion of 'I'm cornered'. I don't know if Nefarian can see through her disguise. "

"How do you know so clearly?"

Xalatas complained:

"Also, why are you so skilled in analysis? Can you read her heart?"

"I don't need to read minds at all, poor Xal'atath."

Bu Laike snorted and replied in his heart:

"Because that's what I do when I lie, her expression at this time is very familiar to me, every time I tell a big lie, it is this calm expression with a hint of loss.

Hiss, this guy is a formidable enemy. "


Xalatas was completely speechless.

But she couldn't refute it, because the smelly pirate was indeed the most deceitful guy she had ever seen. Compared with him, what a void cultist, what an evil bastard, he was as pure as a child who wanted to eat a lollipop.

A few minutes later, the magic eyeball on Laike's shoulder flipped over to check the sketch in his hand, and after confirming that it was exactly the same as the dwarf bronze dragon, he put away the sketch paper.

Boo Laike is ready to leave.

And at this moment, Nefarian suddenly said:

"I actually need to trouble you with something, my friend To"

"Don't say my name!"

The little dwarf bronze dragon who was eating suddenly raised her head and interrupted the Black Dragon Prince. She said sternly:

"Before I cut off the connection with other timelines, if I say my name here, 'she' will notice. I don't care, anyway, I have escaped from her more than a dozen times.

But I'm not sure if you can escape the massacre of time. "

"Well, my fault, you warned me before."

The Black Dragon Prince was very gentle, and he didn't see the evil and ferociousness that this guy should have as a big villain. He got up and said to the dwarf who was already belching alone on the other side of the table:

"My secret lab was hacked this afternoon.

My incompetent and useless subordinates did not find anything of value, they assured me that this was just an accident, but I knew that any accident should be regarded as a conspiracy against me.

So I would like to ask you to help me trace the source time and see what the truth is?

You can't see the future here, but it's okay to go back in time, right? "

"This is fine."

The little dwarf bronze dragon flicked her chic and lovely bangs, and she appeared beside Nefarian from the chair with a flash full of quicksand swirling luster. She also pulled out a delicate toothpick while picking her teeth, and said:

"A single timeline can go back up to eight hours. The more timelines it affects, the shorter the backtracking time. You should know this rule."


Nefarian smiled and said to the bronze dragon:

"Come with me, my friend."

One tall, one short, one black and one orange, a man and a woman disappeared behind the throne in front of Laike. After the wall opened and closed, the stinky pirate in the shadow moved his shoulders and was about to leave.

"Won't the little master follow to see the result?"

Xalatas, who turned into a maidservant, reminded intimately:

"What if the little dwarf really found a clue?"

Bu Laike shook his head. He silently counted three times on the spot, touched his wrist again, and said:

"I am still alive, and there is no sign of collapse in time, which proves that she did not recognize my identity, and I am safe."

"What if she recognizes it and lets it go on purpose, planning to catch a big fish with a long line?"

Xalatas barked.

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"That can only show that you are not qualified as a void tutor. Do you think you are qualified? My Xalatas tutor?"

"Call me sister tutor."

Void Essence laughed and said:

"It's not too far off Nozdormu himself, just a little dwarf."

"That's it?"

The pirate snorted, swished to the edge of the platform, called the Hippogryph Sky, flew from the top of the Black Rock Mountain into the clouds, and disappeared towards the coast of the Blasted Land.

Nearly twenty minutes later, Nefarian and the little dwarf bronze dragon returned to the Blackwing Lair. The little dwarf frowned, staring at the strangely inverted pocket watch in his hand.

she says:

"It shouldn't be, how could you only see one back? You are so polluted by the void, didn't you claim that you have always been cautious? How could you offend a cultist of this level?

If you are targeted by the Void bosses, I will have to re-examine my cooperation with you.

For us bronze dragons, it is definitely not a good thing to have a relationship with the void. "

"Maybe N'Zoth."

Nefarian also looked unhappy, he guessed:

"Not long ago, N'Zoth's influence in Kul Tiras was wiped out, and now the Corruptor is in unprecedented weakness. It may have sent its subordinates to check on my 'progress' in order to further cooperate.

I will send someone to verify this conjecture.

If you have doubts, you can wait until I find out the truth before proceeding. "

"I don't doubt you."

The little dwarf glanced at the Black Dragon Prince, and she said:

"But be careful.

Contact me when you have a conclusion. In addition, your timeline is very interesting. I have observed it in the past few days. Many major events have been replaced at different points in time, and many crises have been detonated in advance with very good techniques.

It seems reckless, but in fact it greatly enhances the ability of order to resist risks in the future.

Do you know what this means? "

"Speak, stop playing charades."

Nefarian was not in a good mood, and he became rude when speaking.

The little master sneered, ignoring the Black Dragon Prince's emotions, she said seriously:

"A prophet was born on your timeline, and he or she or it has begun to weave a new web of destiny."

"Huh? Prophet?"

Nefarian frowned and said:

"The kind of Dark Prophet Zul?"

"No, it's much better than Zuer's half-baked guy."

The little dwarf bronze dragon stretched his body and said:

"I'm talking about a real 'prophet', which you can understand as omniscient and omnipotent.

But the problem with the Prophet is that knowing the future of history is his greatest advantage, but once he starts to intervene in the historical process, it is equivalent to destroying his own advantage.

The more he does, the more mortal he becomes.

Judging from the degree of confusion in your timeline, this prophet's web of fate has already been compiled for the most part, and he is about to reach the weakest point.

If you're going to deal with him, you'd better do it right away.

Once his destiny is compiled, he will start to regain his vitality with the help of the powerful path he has set for himself, and when he becomes powerful, you will have no power to resist. "

"What you said doesn't make sense."

Nefarian retorted:

"If there is such a prophet, why am I thankless to deal with him?"

"Oh, how stupid."

The little dwarf covered her forehead, with an expression that she couldn't bear to look directly at, she sighed and said:

"The mission sent by the prophet is to bring about change, my poor Nefarian, that change is a torrent, if you don't resist, you can only be carried forward by it.

In the face of such a torrent, you can't be a chess player, and you don't even have the chance to be a chess piece.

Forget it, you're still too young.

You can't understand these. "

After finishing speaking, the bronze dragon raised her head and opened the portal to other timelines again. When she disappeared into the material world, she sighed softly:

"I finally know why Nozdormu is leaving this timeline. In the same world, there cannot be two 'prophets'. My majesty is like me.

The only difference is that it explores a different future, and I'm just a deserter.

Alas, when I negotiated terms with it, I really should have changed it. "


In the middle of the night, the sky flying towards the cursed land saw the Nagffar, which was traveling in the opposite direction and jumped from the bottom of the sea to the sea. The Hippogryph neighed and quickly landed on the deck of the ghost ship carrying Laike. superior.

The pirate jumped down from the back of his beloved mount, and he patted the neck of the sky, beckoning it to rest.

Facing the first mate Sefiel who came up to him and looked suspiciously at his new armor, Bu Laike hesitated, took out the sketch paper he had completed before from his arms, and handed it to Sefiel.

The first mate dragon still looked puzzled, but when she took it, seeing the black and white portrait of the little dwarf bronze dragon on the paper, her spirit body trembled for a moment.

It was as if he had seen the most terrifying thing.

Seifel looked left and right, and pressed the paper to her chest nervously. She hid beside Bo Laike, like a frightened bird.

She said tremblingly:

"She came to catch me?"

"Don't be afraid, she didn't come to catch you."

Pirates explained:

"This guy has reached some kind of cooperation agreement with Nefarian, and she will help the Black Dragon Prince trap an adult bronze dragon to our timeline to complete the creation of the giant beast in "Twilight of the Dragon King".

In exchange, she will stay in this timeline, where she will avoid the Eternal Dragon's pursuit of her.

She called herself a deserter.

do you know her? "


Safiel nodded, crumpled up the sketch paper in his hand, and threw it into the sea. Then he hugged his shoulders and said to Bu Laike who was looking at her:

"I can't say her name, it will make her entangled with this timeline, and it will make her unable to escape the pursuit of the Eternal Dragon even if she comes here.

but i can"

"Then say her name! Say it now."

The pirate held Sefiel's trembling shoulders with both hands. He looked at his terrified first officer and said seriously:

"She has bad intentions, why should we talk about martial arts to her? She wants to come and stir up trouble in my timeline, why should I let her live so comfortably?

Dig a hole for her before she knows it.

I'm really looking forward to seeing that guy happily walk into our timeline after cutting off all ties to other timelines and see the despair of Eternal Dragon waiting for her.

This is how I treat uninvited 'thieves'.

understand? "

"This will make the Eternal Dragon notice our timeline."

Seifel trembled even more, she said:

"Eternal dragons don't care if we are abandoned, they will only"

"I told you the truth about the Eternal Dragon, Sefiel."

Bu Laike said softly:

"Don't be afraid that you will be involved in the endless war again. You are dead, and your eternal dragon incarnation is also dead. You are free. When the next eternal dragon steps here, we will hunt it down.

You come with me and I will protect you.

Don't be afraid. "


When Safiel heard what the captain said, she clenched her fists. The trust in Bu Laike in her heart finally overwhelmed the fear in her heart. After a few seconds, she pursed her lips and said to Bu Laike in a low voice:

"Her name is Toki! Time Tinker Toki, a famous 'problem child', like Chromie, is a genius and a troublemaker. She is very dangerous, Captain.

You must play one hundred and twenty spirit. "

"Huh? One hundred and twenty points?"

Bu Laike patted Seifel on the head and complained:

"How much is the full score?"

Seifel glared at the unruly captain, and said angrily:


(end of this chapter)

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