Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 898 228. Drinking Fine Wine And Singing, Suddenly...

Chapter 898 228. Singing while drinking fine wine, and suddenly being - last month's monthly ticket added [825]

"Here, eat some fruit, I remember you like to eat fruit."

In the dwarf's business station, Brian walked over with a basket of fruit, put it on the table, and kindly pushed the fruit to the bear man sitting opposite him.

The latter glanced at the fruit, shook his head, and stubbornly ate a box of small cakes made by a human chef.

This little bear has a very interesting look, she has a head of lush black hair and a mane on her face like a cat, but the hair around her eyes is black.

There are also a pair of clear green eyes with black pupils and furry bear ears.

She has bear and cat paws combined, but very flexible.

Brian watched the red panda.

He knew that this strange race was called Pandaren, a very rare hidden race, and the old dwarf had forged contact with them during an expedition more than a hundred years ago.

It is said that they lived on the back of a great turtle, which carried their city in the endless sea, and only the luckiest people could see the appearance of the turtle.

Brian couldn't imagine how big a sea turtle could swim with a city on its back, but he believed the legend.

Because he has seen many, many incredible things.

"Can you understand my language?"

The old dwarf sat down in a chair, putting his pet monkey aside, and said:

"Your clansmen told me last time that you have your own language, but you also know the common language. They also said that every once in a while, you will send an 'envoy' to travel the world.

But you hold mysterious powers that prevent other races from paying attention to your existence.

Are you one of this generation’s ‘cloud wanderers’? "

Little Bear didn't answer.

Pretend you don't understand what Brian is saying.

The cunning old dwarf rolled his eyes, sighed again, and said deliberately:

"Well, I heard the story of Shen-mako the Great Turtle from the previous Wanderer, who was wounded and unfortunately died in our city.

He is my best friend"

"You mustache liar! Uncle Chen won't die!"

Hearing the old dwarf's nonsense, the little bear couldn't help it, jumped up and screamed a few times. Although the accent is very strange, it is definitely the lingua franca of all races.

"Ha, I knew it, you understand, you cunning little pandaren."

Brian laughed loudly and scratched his beard, grabbed an apple and threw it to the aggressive little pandaren, he said:

"Okay, okay, I'm lying, I'm a member of your tribe who saw you more than a hundred years ago, in an undiscovered elf ruin in Kalimdor.

At that time, he was mourning the souls of those elves, and he talked with me about some past events.

He told me that 10,000 years ago, three races shared the land of Azeroth: elves, trolls, and you pandaren. The three civilizations had their own empires.

The elves and the trolls are fighting endlessly, but the pandaren stick to their neutrality, and you even sent envoys to Azshara, wanting to do business.

It's a pity that the battle of the ancients interrupted all this.

The world fell apart, the empire of the elves was finished, and the trolls suffered heavy losses. Only the emperor of the pandaren sacrificed himself with some kind of secret method to protect his people and country when the world fell apart. "

Having said that, Brian glanced at the little pandaren and said:

"I also know that you pandaren are a group of 'prodigal sons'. It is said that your ancestors longed for the outside world, so they traveled from the Mist Continent, but something went wrong, so they couldn't go back to their hometown.

Your hometown is in the mist of the South China Sea, right? "

"how do you know?"

The little panda man bit the apple and said doubtfully:

"This secret is known only to our clan."

"I said it was the pandaren who told me, but I also swore not to tell anyone else. Oh, you don't know how hard it is to keep a secret."

Brian stroked his beard and said:

"You know a shocking secret, but you can't share it with others. You can only record it in your diary. It's too uncomfortable. Sigh, speaking of which, where is the diary I just put here?"

The old dwarf suddenly discovered something that he had left behind. He scratched his head and stood up, looking around the room for the Zandalari he had just sorted out.

But I can't find it no matter what, it seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

"It was taken by someone."

The little panda man suddenly said:

"Just now, when you dragged me out of the cellar, I saw a sneaky person sneak into the house and take away the big notebook you put here.

I thought it was your servant, after all he was wearing a servant's clothes. "

"It was stolen!"

The old dwarf exclaimed, and said anxiously:

"It's bad, I recorded all the clues about the 'Titan's Prisoner' I found in Wharton and Nazmir, and the old Ghani specifically warned me not to show those things to others.

Little Panda, can you still remember what that person looked like?

We must catch him! "

"Well let me think about it."

The little pandaman with a mysterious origin supported his chin with his paws, and while eating an apple, he said:

"It's a human being, tall and thin."

"There are thin, tall humans everywhere, so you can't find thieves with this."

The old dwarf covered his face and said in despair:

"I don't want to get in trouble, hell, I'm in trouble again."

"Also, that person's hair is orange!"

The little panda man mentioned another feature.

The old dwarf's eyes lit up.

"Ha, I know who it is."

He thumped the table and cursed:

"It's Bud! Bud Nedrek, a notorious relic dealer whose family is well connected in Stormwind, must have stolen my notes.

Ever since we ran into him at the Pirate Fair in Tol Barad, that bastard has been trying to steal my knowledge for cash. "

"Is there anything important in your diary?"

The little pandaman asked curiously.

The old dwarf glanced at her, and said in a menacing voice:

"My diary is amazing, it records a terrifying monster that can destroy the world, and that is a terrifying truth that the entire Explorers' Association has never faced since its establishment.

Even the loa gods of Zandalar are afraid of it. I'm probably the first um, the second or third mortal in this world to know the existence of this dark secret.

I swear by my two hundred years of exploration experience, once that thing is opened, half the world will instantly go crazy. "

"Wow, that sounds interesting."

Unexpectedly, not only was the little panda not afraid, but her eyes lit up. She licked the cream on her lips and said:

"Do you people face such exciting things every day? I'm so envious. Who is the first mortal to know this dark secret?"

"Possibly Zul, the dark prophet of Zandalar."

Old Brian quickly searched for all kinds of garbage in the room, and while he was busy, he said:

"But it is also possible that it is the pirate prophet Bu Laike Shaw. Both of them are prophets, and they both have magical legends. Even though I don't really believe in such things as prophecies, the fierce rumors from the outside world are probably not just bragging.

And Bu Laike Shaw has been to Nazmir and Wharton, I think he must know something. "

"Sounds amazing."

The little panda listened with gusto. She noticed that Brian was sorting out the trash, so she asked:

"What are you doing? A kind and knowledgeable bearded man."

"Well, I'm happy when you say I'm well-informed, but I'm not happy when you say I'm a bearded man, and I'm a dwarf! You can call me Brian."

The old dwarf ignored the little panda's inquiry, and took the half-eaten apple from the little pandaman's hand, and put it on a pile of garbage, as if giving a tribute.

Under the curious gaze of the little panda, Brian murmured and put down a lifelike ugly wood carving.

next moment.


Amidst the smog, the old Gani, shaking his head and tail, appeared on the garbage dump, causing the little panda to exclaim.


Seeing that it was Brian who summoned it, Old Garni's expression turned pale. When it was in Wharton, it was almost pissed off by this old dwarf who was going around making trouble.

"My diary was stolen."

Brian said something, and old Garney said angrily:

"If it's stolen, go get it back! Why are you looking for me? I'm not your father! Do you need me to take care of such a small matter? You bastards, at least respect me, can you?

No matter what I am, I am a mighty loa!

Loa, do you understand?

If you annoy me, I'll send the little raptor to bite off yours. Ahem, little girl, don't listen to this. "

The Trashman God glanced at the little panda. It was the first time he had seen this kind of creature. He couldn't help but take a few more glances, thinking that this bear man looks really interesting.

"No, old Garni, Odile is recorded in that diary!"

Brian explained:

"As you told me, I didn't tell anyone what I found in Nazmir, but I recorded it in my diary, and now that diary has been stolen by an antiquities dealer full of money.

They're definitely going to do things in Zandalar. "

"What kind of diary do you keep! Who is a serious person to keep a diary!"

Hearing what the old dwarf said, old Garney was dizzy with anger.

It jumped up and down on the rubbish dump, complained angrily, and then sent Microraptor to search for Bud, the cultural relic dealer who stole the diary, all over the treasure pirates.

"Dear God Loa, you seem to be very good at finding things, can you help me find something?"

The little panda jumped up and said to old Gani respectfully:

"I want to find someone, my Uncle Chen, who has gone somewhere."

"It's not my job to find people, little girl."

Old Garney, always so pleasant to the children, shook his head and said:

"For this job, you have to find the lamp god next door. It is very good at finding people."

After finishing speaking, Old Garni glared at the old dwarf who caused trouble, turned around and disappeared into the smoke. It seemed that he had found the diary and wanted to teach that daring thief a lesson.

"Who is the lamp god?"

The little pandaren saw that old Gani disappeared, and turned to look at the old dwarf. Brian took out an elemental emblem from his bosom, threw it to the little pandaren, and said:

"The Genie is the Genie, a dangerous guy who claims to be omnipotent, and you can summon him to do things for you with air coins."

After speaking, the old dwarf popularized to the little panda what air coins are.

When he heard that the air coins needed to be transformed with magical items, the little pandaren hesitantly took out a weird and beautiful bead from his bag.

With a tangled face, he considered whether to sacrifice it and summon the lamp god.

But the old dwarf next to him widened his eyes when he saw the bead. With his two hundred years of experience in appraising treasures, he could tell at a glance that this bead was absolutely extraordinary.

"Oh, little girl, it's not a shame to lose it."

Brian took out a handful of air coins and stuffed them into the little panda, held the bead in his arms, rubbed it, and said:

"Such a big jade ball is rare. We don't produce jade in these places. It is said that only Pandaria produces this rare gem."

"It's not just Yuqiu. Be careful. There is no other in the whole world."

The little panda seemed to want to tell the truth about the jade ball, but she obviously didn't trust old Brian too much, so she swallowed halfway through and started to summon the lamp god with the elemental emblem.

After a while of friction, Al Abbas, the god of lamps, appeared in the wind, still in the classic old attire, and saluted the little panda with clasped hands the moment he appeared.

It shakes its body like cotton candy and says:

"Hello, my trader number 1425627, what kind of service do you want from the great and just Al Abbas?"

"I want to find my Uncle Chen."

The little panda raised its head and said to the lamp god:

"I ran out from the Wandering Isle just to find him. Uncle Chen is a wanderer of this generation, but I don't know where he went. Can you bring him to me?"

"Well, you must tell me at least one name, little girl."

The lamp god said softly:

"And some of his traits."

"His name is Chen Stormstout, and he is a pandaren like me!"

The little panda waved its paw and said:

"Right now, there should be only me and Uncle Chen on the entire land of Azeroth except for the Wandering Isle and Pandaria. It's easy to find."

"Oh, I understand when you say that."

The lamp god shook his body, spread his paws and said:

"This feature is so recognizable, I found him immediately, and the wind told me that he was returning from victory in Desolace, drinking with a group of tauren.

This service is so easy that I can't bear to charge you too much.

But bringing him to you will take you across half the world, so you have to pay me three thousand air coins. "

"But I don't have any air coins."

The little panda showed off its cuteness pitifully, and found that the lamp god didn't like this, and turned to look at the old dwarf who was studying the jade ball behind her. She rolled her eyes and said to Brian:

"Hey, kind Beard. Um, no, kind Brian, can you advance the money for me? You're an explorer, right? If you find Uncle Chen for me, I'll let you in on a secret.

A secret about Pandaria. "


Old Brian looked at the little panda suspiciously, he felt that the little panda was very deceptive.

"Really, I won't lie to you."

The little panda waved its paw and said:

"I have a way to enter the Mist Continent, but Uncle Chen must come back and help!"

"Are you serious?"

The old dwarf stood up abruptly, the little panda nodded vigorously, and said seriously:

"I promise with the surname of the Stormstout family! Also, my name is Lili, don't call me Little Panda anymore."

"Okay, panda people attach great importance to their surname, it is their inheritance."

Bu Laike took out a bag from his suitcase and threw it to the Djinn, saying:

"I paid for Lili's service fee, so hurry up and bring her Uncle Chen over here."

"Very well, the transaction is completed, please wait a moment."

The djinn didn't care about the dwarf's rudeness, it took the bag of air coins, shook and disappeared in place.

A few seconds later, amidst the squalling wind and the screams of the monkey pet Grebe, an adult pandaren dressed in black, wearing a bamboo hat, carrying a stick, and holding a wine bucket appeared in the commercial station with a bang. inside.

He hadn't realized what was going on, but the pressure that spanned half the world in an instant made a legendary monk like him feel uncomfortable all over his body.

It was as if being pinned down by a hundred hozens on the ground and whipped hard.

"Uncle Chen!"

"Lili? Aren't you on the Wandering Isle? How come... Ah, I understand, I must have drunk too much, no, I have to drink a few more, um, sober up."

(end of this chapter)

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