Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 146 6. The Hermit of Crow Ridge

In the small room, the atmosphere froze to the extreme for a moment!

Abel swallowed his saliva, his body was still trembling, but his nature as a man made him pick up the scissors on the table, and bravely blocked Eliza and Madian, his voice was Trembling.

"You... who are you! Stranger, you are not welcome here... There is no one called Madian here! Come on... let's go!"

Hearing this, a depressed Dick scratched his head, then raised his hands and put them in front of him, indicating that he was not malicious. Soon he cleared his throat again, took out a badge from his pocket, and handed it to Abel.

" seem to have misunderstood something, ok ok, put down the scissors, Gravekeeper, that thing will only hurt you, look at this! I am a paladin from Theramore, and this is my badge , look, there is the emblem of Lordaeron on it, you should know this!"

The big man standing in the dark looked very friendly, and Abel was relieved, but he still didn't relax his vigilance. As a grave guard, he had seen how treacherous the grave robbers were! He carefully took Dick's badge and looked at it in front of his eyes. Abel was an apprentice pharmacist in Nightshade Town when he was young, and he was also a private soldier of Duke Aebrock's family, so the badge of the Seven Nations Alliance, He still knows.

After carefully identifying the gilt emblem, Abel was completely relieved, but he soon became panicked again.

Don't forget, this was a feudal era after all. A paladin might not be a big deal in a big city like Stormwind City, but in a poor mountainous place like Raven Ridge, he was already a great figure.

Abel's legs are a little weak, my God, what did I do? He even threatened the noble knight with a weapon, but just as Abel was thinking wildly, Dick had already stepped into the room.

Under the light, the blue flame light on the neckline was covered, and Dick's friendly face was reflected in the eyes of the three people, probably because of the existence of the power of order, which made Dick's temperament easy to be accepted by others, of course , in the eyes of non-order creatures, Dick is "ugly" and out of shape.

But this time, even Eliza was relieved, she let go of Madian who had been in her arms all the time, and hurriedly prepared simple tea to entertain the honorable "Master Knight". Dick invited the terrified Abel to sit in a chair, sat down himself, and turned his eyes to Medien.

The child was no longer nervous, but instead, his silver-white eyes were fixed on the blue flame rose on Dick's collar. The perception of blood was calling this child, that child. On a branch of roses, it seems to have the smell of my loved ones.

Following Madian's eyes, Dick saw the flame rose on his chest. He sighed, took the rose in his hand, took a deep look, and finally handed it to Madian.

He turned to Abel and his wife and said,

"Actually, you don't have to worry. The father of this child is also my elder. I was entrusted by him to come and see Madian. By the way, Abel, I heard in Night Town that when you were young, you worked as a Time's Apothecary Apprentice, right?"

Abercrombie nodded nervously,

"Yes, Lord Knight, I grew up in North County. When I was young, the priest in the monastery often asked me to help him and make some simple healing potions, but I haven't done those delicate tasks for many years."

"Don't worry, my friend!"

Dick waved his hand, reached for some old quills on Abel's desk, took out a small leather scroll from his rucksack, wrote down a lot of things, and finally put the ring on his finger Flip it over, put it in your mouth and let out a sigh, and stamp it at the end of the scroll like a seal.

He handed the scroll to Abel, and said in a relaxed tone,

"Do you know the eldest princess of Lordaeron? Uh... you probably don't know, but it's okay! That highness has created a new country in Kalimdor, and now we need someone with skills like you to join, if you believe me , take this scroll to Coulson’s camp in Stranglethorn Vale, and they will arrange for someone to take you to Theramore, where you can easily find a very good job!”

Abercrombie spent the first half of his life in poverty, where did such a good thing happen? He was hesitant to stretch out his hand, but Madian said,

"Uncle Abel, go. Uncle also said that Twilight Forest is becoming more and more unsafe. It's dangerous for you and Aunt Elisa to live here!"

Abel glanced back at the nervous Eliza, finally took Dick's scroll, and then watched Dick lead the quiet Madian into the deep wilderness.

" you think I should..."

"It's okay, Abel, those things are in the past, anyway, everyone in Nightshade hates us, why don't you just listen to that adult, I know you read a lot of books when you were young, if it wasn't for that accident... you should have become A decent man, my dear, don't miss this rare opportunity."

"Hey... well, we'll leave tomorrow! Ah, I forgot to ask the lord's name, we have to find a way to thank him properly."

"Isn't there one here? Look, my dear, that lord's name is Dick-Don. Uh, that's a really weird name. How can someone call it that?"


"Why are you helping Uncle Abel? You and him are just meeting for the first time!"

Madian walked in front of Dick like a little adult, and there were only the two of them in the dark. The kid simply took off his face covering, and he stopped suddenly while walking, and turned around to question Dick. gram,

"Say, what conspiracy do you have!"

Facing this question, Dick shrugged,

"Abel is capable enough to live a better life, I just happened to discover his talent."

However, from the disdainful expression on Madian's face, it was obvious that this precocious child did not believe what Dick said.

In fact, Dick said this from the heart.

Abercrombie, the penniless cemetery keeper, his wife will die of illness four years later, Abel, who loves his wife the most, can't bear this cruel fact, so he does it himself, trying to put his wife " Resurrection" Come here!

It seemed like a wild idea, but incredibly, he succeeded!

Although the resurrected wife turned into a heart-eating undead monster, she still miraculously retained her sanity. Abel secretly murdered the traveler for the resurrected wife, and finally attracted the elite guards of Nightshade Town - the Night Watchman, Eliza was re-executed!

Abel was exiled, but this genius pharmacist was always thinking about revenge, and then turned into a monster, so he deceived the players, collected materials from scratch, and finally made a terrible war weapon alone—the abomination!

Hard to believe it? A middle-aged man who has only received the most elementary knowledge of alchemy, under the power of hatred, unexpectedly produced abomination without a teacher. This is enough to prove that Abercrombie, a middle-aged man who is now down and out, has alchemy skills. What a talent!

Back then, "Revenge of the Corpse Hider" and "Steven's Fall" were the two most famous questlines in Duskwood. Dick had done this quest more than once, so for Abercrombie, a poor and tragic guy who was underappreciated, Dick did not hesitate to give a helping hand.

As for another famous Twilight Forest character, Stavin, that guy is purely a combination of a narcissist, a pervert, and a murderer, and Dick has no interest in him! For that kind of scum, it's better to die as soon as possible.

However, this brat, Madian, didn’t bother with this question. On the contrary, he took out the burning blue flame rose from his bosom, held it in his hand, and asked loudly,

"You said you knew my father, so where is he?"

Dick pursed his lips. Faced with this question, he really didn't know how to answer. Just when Dick was hesitating, a cold blood-red dagger was stuck to the back of Dick's neck. One stab would kill the paladin, but for some unknown reason, the icy blade never pierced!

This dagger looks like a combination of bone and steel. On the edge of the curved blade, in a depression, the logo of the old tribe emerges. There are three sharp spikes on the outermost side. There are faint red spots on the blade. Groove, that's a wicked design for bloodletting.

If Dick turned around, he would be able to recognize this dagger. It is the Kingslayer, one of the three artifacts of thieves. Its holder has always belonged to the epic from the moment King Lane's heart was dug out. Assassin Garona owns, and as mentioned earlier, Garona is Madian's biological mother!

But the most frightening thing is that neither Madian nor Dick was aware of the existence of this dagger until Dick said coldly,

"Mr. Medivh...has...already gone back to the place of his dreams, where he has his friends, his lover, and all his happy times. This flower is Mr. Medivh's last gift, Madian, You are qualified to accept it, and only you are qualified to accept it!"

In the invisible air, there seemed to be a low sob, and the dagger disappeared without a sound, just like it appeared without a sound.

"No! I don't want it!"

Madian lowered his head, his tone changed from low to high:

"Medivh... Medivh is a sinner in this world! I don't want it! I hate my blood, I hate him, I don't want him to be my father, I don't want to!"


Medivh still kept the burning flame flower under Dick's feet, screaming at him like a little beast, Dick was furious, in his heart, Medivh, who saved the world, was enough to repay the injustice. It was his fault.

And everyone in this world is eligible to be Medivh, but only Medivh, as Medivh's only bloodline, as the child of the astral mage who was still missing before his death, he is not eligible!

Dick raised his hand, he wanted to teach this bad boy a lesson, but in the end he sighed, put down his hand, and scolded angrily,

"Shut up! You idiot! You have no idea what kind of sacrifice Mr. Medivh has made for this world!"

"Go away! Stay away from me!"

Madian was irritated by Dick's words. This child was born with excellent bloodlines of 1/4 Draenei and 1/2 Astral Mage, and his magical talent is definitely one of the strongest people in the world. , even though he was only a child, the power he erupted in anger was enough to knock down more than ten adults.

However, he was facing Dick!

So that's not enough!

When the gorgeous and crazy purple, finely divided magic storm enveloped Madian, the turf on the ground and the surrounding trees were blown loudly, and the irritable magic was expanding rapidly. Obviously, Median intends to With a magic explosion, Dick was forced back.

But at this moment, a left hand that shone with holy light and was covered with a leather glove brutally pierced into the knife-sharp magic storm and strangled Madian's neck. The warm and slightly scorching holy light Rushed into Madian's body, firmly suppressing the magic energy that was about to erupt.

Real suppression!

Absolute suppression on the level of strength!

However, it is unreasonable for a protagonist like Madian to be accompanied by an old grandfather. At the moment when Dick suppressed Madian's magic, the indifferent, vicissitudes and hoarse voice was like a rag tearing. Appeared from the dark forest to Dick's left.

Like the whisper of the wind, but also as swift as thunder and lightning, it rushed into Dick's ears.

"I'll say it just once! Put that kid down, paladin!"

Dick's eyes flicked, and he turned to the dark forest. An old human mage with withered skin, silver eyes, a stooped figure, and a strange robe was standing there like a phantom with a staff, and the saint who jumped violently from Dick's body It can be seen from the light that this old an undead!

Judging from the fluctuating mana fluctuating violently like a gust of wind, Dick had no doubt that as long as he moved slightly, he would be torn to pieces by the oldest magic.

But he didn't panic, but took a deep breath, put the struggling Madian on the ground, patted the grass clippings on his gloves, and said slowly,

"Meili Dongfeng, the oldest undead and one of the most powerful mages, let's see how you have taught this child with great blood!"

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