Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 353 12. Land of Broken Hope

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.

This sentence is perfectly in line with the current situation of Anduin and his party. Originally, they only discovered the abnormality of Zhujiabao. Originally, this kind of thing should be left to professionals. For example, they can hang around the circle with their eyes closed. Zhu Taran, but Zhou Zhuo, an enthusiastic traveler, offered to help. Coupled with Lili's restless character, he finally managed to drag Anduin and his party into it.

Under the leadership of Zhu Taran, a group of people cautiously marched towards the depths of the Krasarang Forest. The little prince felt something was wrong from the serious faces of Zhou Zhuo and Zhu Taran. They came together to seek Zhu Taran's asylum. Obviously, this lorewalker knew what happened here, at least he guessed what happened here.

This place is called a jungle. The natural terrain belongs to the dense forest state, the temperature is humid, and the ground is full of the smell of thick and rotting vegetation. The surrounding trees are black and purple, exuding some kind of ominous atmosphere. During the rapid progress, More than once the little prince saw ruins hidden in the forest, which looked like complete cities.

Zhou Zhuo was also walking, explaining the origin of those ruins to him.

"That's where the warlords of the evil Mogu Empire used to station their troops. You haven't seen the Mogu, so you can't imagine what they look like. They are like giants, with a violent temper, great strength, and good use Weapons, so even the dangerous Krasarang Wilds, for them, is just a ruled area!"

Zhou Zhuo handed the kettle to Si Wen, pointed to the ruins on the left and said,

"That is the ruins of Duyang. It is said that it was once the capital of the Mogu Empire in Krasarang, but after their kingdom was overthrown by pandaren and other races of warriors, it was abandoned, but few people know that there is actually There are also "people" activities."

Zhou Zhuo blinked at Anduin,

"Well, not human"

The hairs on Anduin's neck stood on end at once. For a child of his age, ghosts are always scary, and the Pandaren Lorewalker deliberately waited until Anduin was startled before laughing. I patted my stomach,

"Where are the stone statues moving! The Mogu believe that they evolved from the stone statues, so they love the stone statues very much, and they are proficient in some spells, which can bestow real intelligence on the stone statues, so the stone statues that have no sense and only know how to destroy them are scattered all over the Pandari The stone statues are everywhere, as long as you don't break into the places they guard, those stone statues are not dangerous."

Zhu Taran, who was carrying a red double-edged halberd, couldn't help but look back at Zhou Zhuo and the children who were laughing, and the corner of the monk's mouth couldn't help showing a smile. He didn't know that Lorewalker It is to dispel the negative emotions in the team. Nervousness will make people lose ground, worry will distract people, and fear will make people lose courage. In places where the Sha of Lost is suspected to be haunted, this kind of seemingly inappropriate joke is Really useful way to adjust morale.

After a few minutes, everyone set off again.

The monk sat on the back of a red tiger decorated with armor, two short swords hung from his waist, and the tiger's leather pocket contained a barbed warhammer, armed to the extreme, while sitting on a riding crane The loremaster also picked up a few scrolls in his hands, which were made of animal skin, and on the surface were written the elegant characters of pandaren. Mi Shi lay on Zhou Zhuo's shoulder, his cute big eyes looked cautiously Looking around, Anduin believed that as long as there was any danger, this giant beast would show its fangs.

As for the little prince and his party, Zhu Taran found a shield carved into a beast face from Zhujiabao for him to use with his oath executors. He carried the shield and long sword on his back and walked on his royal horse. Going forward, Sven sat on his night saber, and Lex turned into a handsome flame elk and walked on the right.

The little prince didn't want to leave his friends in Zhujiabao, which is currently very weird, so after realizing that something was wrong, Zhu Taran personally took action to treat Lex's injuries. This was the first time the little prince saw the healing methods of monks. By hitting some specific parts of the body, they drained the blood stasis in the body, and injected the qi mass with healing effect. In just a few hours, Lex recovered his ability to move.

The ability to fight certainly hasn't fully recovered, but right now, Lex doesn't need to go all out, it's enough not to affect the action.

In fact, Sven is serious enough to protect the little prince and Lili, but since she set foot on the land of Pandaria, the little panda has been in a state of excitement. At this moment, she is holding her red monk stick, Sitting cross-legged on Abai's saddle inlaid with gems and crystals, the piglet grunted and ran around on the ground, grabbing a fat worm from time to time to feast on.

During the march, Anduin couldn't help asking Zhou Zhuo,

"Where are we going? Zhou Zhuo, you know what caused the chaos in Zhujiabao, right?"

Lorewalker glanced at Anduin in surprise,

"I thought a child of your age didn't care about these things."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhuo raised his head and glanced at the end of this dense forest path, organized his words, and continued,

"You shouldn't know this secret, but now that you have come here, in the history of pandaren, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the whole world was still connected, there was no pandaren at that time, There are no such creatures as the Jinyu, the whole world is under the control of the gods, and the evil gods who control Pandaria are the most powerful among them."

Lorewalker was telling a story. He didn't notice that when he said the evil god, the eyes of Anduin and Lili widened. The flames on Lex's body suddenly swelled a little. own story.

"But all the darkness will pass, and the dawn will eventually come. The evil god was finally wiped out by a more powerful creature, but its power still remains on this land, slowly lurking, causing some tragedies from time to time, but no one It was discovered that until ten thousand years ago, the great last emperor Shaohao was a powerful pandaren. He was aware of all this and also the greater danger, which was the danger of the splitting of the earth, so he followed his partner the Monkey King With the help of him, he embarked on the path of pursuing power, and he sought power to protect his own people and our ancestors."

"During this process, he traveled all over Pandaria, and he also noticed the danger in this great underground. Those evils tried to occupy him, but he re-sealed them by eliminating emotions, and then transferred these seals to The four heavenly gods suppressed it."

Zhou Zhuo's story attracted the attention of Anduin and Lili, when he said this, Zhou Zhuo paused, then sighed,

"The Jade Forest seals doubts, and Krasarang seals despair. As you said, Anduin, we seldom really despair, so the moment you said that those guards were dominated by despair, I and Wish The head of the sect realized that it was probably the despair that was suppressed in the Red Crane Temple, and it broke through the seal!"

Zhou Zhuo's fists were clenched, this peaceful pandaren showed a rare worry,

"I hope that's just a guess."

"Warning! Something is coming!"

Zhu Taran suddenly shouted at this moment, jumped off the tiger's back, held the halberd with both hands, and rushed towards the tree that suddenly started to shake on the left, the next moment, the tree was caught by the sharp true energy When it was cut open, a yellow shadow jumped out of it, then the second one, and the third one!

"lizard Man!"

Zhu Taran roared, and the halberd in his hand drew a red light in the air, and the three-headed lizard man who jumped at him was cut into six pieces in the air, and the smelly blood covered everyone at this moment The ground beneath your feet.

It wasn't until after the sky-shattering blow that Anduin came back to his senses, and looked at the lizardmen robbers who kept jumping out of the forest, and then he felt that his three views had been distorted. Disgusting creature!

They should be creatures that walk upright, but they can also jump on the ground and charge quickly like hunting dogs. There are sharp claws on their fingers, and there are joints on the fingertips, but their heads are hideous and ugly, like It's a lizard with fleshy wings around its neck, like an evil ornament, its face looks like a carnivorous lizard through and through, with various weapons in its hands, and there are shaking hands behind it. Tail.

They have all kinds of scales on their bodies, either bright or dull, in short, they are not like normal creatures. They may be ambushing in the woods and trying to ambush this team, but they hit the stubble head-on, and the entire Pandaria The panda who can fight the most stands in this team.

But soon, the little prince and his party could no longer watch Zhu Taran slaughter the lizardmen in peace, because there were too many of them. Zhu Taran, who caused a bloody storm in front of him, rushed towards the others.


The little prince clenched the long sword and shield tightly in his hands. Instead of retreating, he rushed towards the ugly lizard man, shouted, and then made thousands of stray steps. The shield in his hand hit the lizard man hard. On the face of the man, he smashed his body outwards, and the oath performer in the other hand pierced his heart accurately.

Lili sprang out from behind him, with both feet resting on Anduin's shoulders, circling the red monk stick in her palms with both hands, and smashed directly into the formation of those lizardmen. All the gloom poured over these ugly fellows, and the stick waved like a storm.

But don’t underestimate Lili. On the Wandering Isle, she is also the most capable of hitting among all the red pandas. The top of her stick is wrapped with a cyan light, which is her true energy. It is very weak, but it is not lethal. weak.

Lex and Swain also joined the battle. Lex roared and turned into a giant bear burning with flames. Although his footsteps were still a little staggering, he waved his paws and staggered. The three heads wanted to get close to Anduin. The lizard man behind was blown away by the huge force, and thanks to those Twilight Cultists, Lex's attack now has the power of flames.

The place where the three lizard men were scratched ignited a flame, and they screamed and screamed.

Sven is more like an assassin. She doesn't make many shots, but as long as she makes a shot, her claws can tear the selected target into several pieces. The violence is amazing. Seeing that several little guys have gained a firm foothold, Zhu T Lan didn't keep his hand anymore, he stabbed the halberd in his hand into the ground, and used it as a fixed stick, his chubby body quickly spun around the halberd.

The true qi storm with blue and blood-colored light feathers flying around quickly took shape. Anduin had seen Lao Chen use this move before. It is said that it is a group attack skill that only really powerful monks can master. Shenhe Yinxiang, A super skill that combines beauty and lethality.

Zhu Taran turned for 15 seconds, at least killing the nearly white-headed lizardman. At the moment when the zhenqi storm disappeared, Zhu Talan stepped on the ground with both feet and clenched his fists. With a battle cry, his left hand The fist slammed in the direction of the lizardman commander. The cyan qi ball was like a cannonball, piercing the air with a whistling, hitting the guy's body, flying him more than ten meters away, landing on three different places.

Seeing that the commander was dead, the other lizardmen immediately dispersed, and only a few minutes later, the ghostly place regained its tranquility.

"Master Zhu, the situation is wrong! I found this on the lizard man!"

Zhou Zhuo ran up in a hurry, and handed a piece of blood-stained cloth to the monk, who took a look at it, and his expression changed dramatically.

"This is. This is the robe of the monks of the Red Crane Temple. Damn it, where did these lizardmen attack? No! The defense of the Red Crane Temple is something they can't fight at all, that is to say"

"Something happened to Zhuhe Temple!"

Zhou Zhuo didn't even bother to speak anymore, turned around and ran towards his crane, Zhu Taran also turned over and rode on his tiger, the other children realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly followed the two adults towards the depths of the dense forest .

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the Red Crane Temple in Krasarang Forest, but it was too late.

"My God! Red Crane Temple."

Zhou Zhuo stood on the ground in front of the temple in a daze, Zhu Talan's pillar-like body shook a little, and Lili even closed her eyes. The original magnificent temple was soaked in blood and death, and those There was a black, ominous, and strange aura exuding from the corpse. Although there was no life in the entire square, it was filled with an unconcealable aura of despair.

The shattered corpses of pandaren monks were placed everywhere in front of the main hall of the temple. The smell of blood made people want to vomit. The most frightening thing was that judging from the degree of decay of those corpses, it was at least 3 days ago.

3 days ago again

Zhou Zhuo couldn't help but look at Anduin and the others who were also panicked, 3 days. Why did all the weird things start 3 days ago?

Well, the careful brother saw the three words "Monkey King"~ Well, it's not Monkey King, but Kritik. The hozen emperor has a nickname called "Monkey King", which is an Easter egg made by Blizzard , but foreigners just don’t understand Chinese culture, so they must put the name of the Monkey King on a hozen based on the Indian god monkey Hanuman, but the Monkey King really exists in World of Warcraft~ This is not true I have a brain hole~ I will add more in the afternoon~

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