Azeroth’s Death Track

Chapter 112: 19. Before and after the battlefield

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"Orgrim is really suffocating..."

Marshal Lotsa stood on a hillside, looking at the direction of the Blackstone Tower with a telescope in his hand. After the assassins completed the raid with an unimaginable great sacrifice, Lothar ordered the whole army to prepare for the battle, but until half a day After that, the gate of the Black Stone Tower was still tightening, and the Horde had no rush to fight.

"It's like a wolf suddenly turned into a docile sheep!"

The old marshal snorted coldly, his hands leaning on the hilt of his marshal's epee, and he smiled and said:

"But when the wolf has got used to it, how can it be possible to be a sheep again! I can smell the air from the tribe's madness!"

Lothar raised his head and looked at the sky of the burning plain near dusk. He took a deep breath and said to the adjutant Turalyon in a dreamlike voice:

"It's really good weather for a decisive battle..."

The turbulent Turalyon wanted to say something, but the next moment, the loud noise of the steel collision rang on the plain. For a time, everyone's eyes fell on the black stone tower in front.

The heavy cast iron gate has been slowly pushed away from both sides by eight finely dressed tribal warriors. After the black iron gate, the fully armed Orgrim rode on his own black war wolf, the same around him The other chiefs with a high fighting spirit, and behind him, were orc warriors densely covered with passages.

No one spoke. On the battlefield of more than 100,000 people, this moment was silent. It seemed that even the anxious air was deterred by the sudden appearance of the tribe warriors.

"Dare you dare to challenge Orgrim and my tribe?"

"Dare you dare to challenge a real tribal chief?"

"Do you think you can defeat the orc civilization united together?"

"It's time to smash your fantasy..."



"Follow me!"


The green tide of war submerged the burning plain at this moment. Under Orgrim's leadership, the tribe's warriors launched a full offensive along the slopes of the Blackstone Tower towards the alliance formation that was waiting for the formation.

No temptation, no provocation, Orgrim bet all his chips as soon as the war started!


Grand Marshal Lothar pulled out the heavy sword on the ground, and he turned his horse. Behind him, the knights raised the marshal's flag, and the soldiers below made a way for the marshal to charge.

Lothar raised the Epee high, and he looked back at Turalyon, and the pilgrim knight smiled.

"Look, Turalyon, I said, today is a decisive battle..."

"Warriors of the Alliance! We are only one step away to regain our world... The spirits of the victims look at us in the sky! They never leave, they will fight alongside us in this last battle !"

"Victory belongs to the league!"

"Warriors! Charge with me!"

The great sword in Lothar’s hand pointed forward, and at the next moment, the horse’s hissing sound rang on the ground. The impatient knights who had been preparing for it rushed to the orc’s tide of war from three directions. Behind them, the infantry roared and waved their sword shields towards the battlefield of honor.

The shamans of the Horde and the wizards of the Alliance used magic to bombard the sky. The manic elements and magic power even split the sky in half.

Nothing can stop humans and orcs from competing for the land of this world on this final battlefield. No one can control such a war. Both sides have swords out of their sheaths, and fate is coming to the battlefield. The goddess of luck is still hesitating, Who...who can be the final winner? Who can hold this crown of courage and glory?

Let us wait and see!



The gnomish engineer Ella heard the noisy roars and the sharp collision of weapons, waking her up from her sleep. The little gnomes grabbed the rifle at the head of the bed and rushed to the side of the tent. As a result, she raised her head and was in the dark sky. See the orcs looting into the rear camp of the Alliance riding a war wolf.

This caused the gnome engineer to widen his eyes, reach out and cover his mouth, and even trembling with a small body.

She saw the orc at a distance of less than 30 meters, slashed and killed a human priest who hurriedly fled. The blood splashed on the ground, causing the dwarf to step back and sit on the ground. Her eyes were full of terror.

"How could the orcs rush here? Did Mr. Losa fail?"

Hearing the killing sounds getting closer and closer, Ella climbed up quickly, rushed to the top of the tent along the gnome's special ladder, she reached out and pressed on her mechanical goggles, between the gears, a simple The telescope appeared in front of her, and she looked up in the direction of the Black Stone Tower.

The smoky smoke filled the plains, tens of thousands of people were fighting in your life, the alliances and tribes were fighting frantically on that plain, and it seems that the human front has not been penetrated, the tall knights shuttle back and forth on the battlefield, trying to divide Those crazy green beasts.

"We are not defeated yet!"

The little gnome grabbed his messy pink hair, and thinking of the assassins this morning, Ella quickly understood the situation in her clever mind.

"These orcs are here to grab food!"

But understand clearly, the crisis of gnomish engineers has not been lifted yet.

She jumped off the ladder and rushed to the edge of the bed, pulling the blanket beside the bed violently to reveal the hidden stuff.

It looks like a weird machine, it looks like the structure of the Queer Saras Rangers riding, it is nearly 1 meter high, all made of solid steel and complex springs and engineering modules Composition, looks full of post-modern style, but also painted a beautiful pink by the ingenious Ella.

Same color as her hair.


The engineer trembles her fingers and pushes a key into the back of the machine. She grabs two muskets, picks up the bomb just made at noon, throws it in the machine’s rucksack, and then puts on the goggles firmly Took it on his eyes and reached out to twist the key.


A bright spark ignited inside the machine, followed by choking black smoke coming out of the exhaust port at the rear of the machine. Under the control of Ella, the big steel bird raised his head and a bright light came from the head of the mechanical bird The team shot out and took a photo of the orc who was murdering in the dusk in front of the tent.

Reid. Blackhand saw the bright light behind him, and he turned back suddenly, and saw a whispering steel monster broke through the tent behind him and ran towards him. This monster that had never been seen made Blackhand The chief stepped back subconsciously, but the tallest orc was directly hit by the metal monster in the nervous scream of Ella.

The black hand climbed up from the ground with a sullen face. When he looked back, he saw that the metal monster had crashed into several orcs and rushed into the rear camp. Behind the metal monster, there was a little guy manipulating it.

That should be a cowardly dwarf, and their weird metal stuff.

"Kaka Kaka"

The large mechanical bird made by Ella made a frightening collision sound during the running. It seems that it will fall apart directly at the next moment, but the engineer does not care. She is holding the joystick with both hands, and her body is buckled by the belt. Behind the mechanical bird, it is like driving a tank with a rampage.

Any obstacles in front of the little Ella, whether it be orcs or other things, were knocked out one by one by this powerful mechanical creation.

In this destructive collision, Ella's fear in her heart dissipated a lot. After a few minutes, she even started to actively manipulate the mechanical bird and hit the orc warriors who were committing murder.

"Uh, maybe I shouldn't be afraid of them!"

Ella told herself that, cheering herself, when she knocked over the two orcs, the little dwarf's finger was raised, and an activated high-explosive bomb fell on the orc behind him.


A bright flame rose into the sky, and Ella looked back, and the orcs should have been torn apart.

"Hee hee, I knew that I was the best!"

At the next moment, the already neurotic dwarf engineer stimulated by blood continued to rampage, and behind her, successive explosions skyrocketed.

The gnome race is like this. It is very smart and most of its characters are very cheerful. In general, it is easy to deal with. It is said that the overall IQ of this race is one-third higher than that of humans. When humans are still riding horses to fight, gnomes A single-wing wooden aircraft capable of soaring in the sky has been made.

But this clever race is inherently neurotic. They like to play with dangerous gunpowder and machinery. This is the same as the dwarf. The two dwarf races are an indestructible alliance. The wisdom of the dwarf and the power of the dwarf let them It was easy to join forces to rule Kazmodan and defeat the snow-troll trolls there.

The orc invasion also failed to break Ironforge. As for the gnomish city of Gnomeregan hidden in the mountains of Kazmodan, the blood-ring orcs were buried in the snow by the gnomes before they were close to the city. The explosion was dizzy, and until now, the orcs were not sure where the dwarf city was.

As for engineer Ella, this little guy belongs to the timid gnomes, the courageous part, and the curious part of the world. She was assigned to the coalition logistics to help the soldiers make explosives, and when necessary, also Enter the battlefield as a dangerous engineer.

Of course, human warriors do not allow small dwarfs to enter the battlefield. If the victory of the league requires the sacrifice of weak dwarfs, this will put great pressure on the pride of the proud knights.


Reid. Blackhand rushed out of the tent ignited by the flames. He picked up the warhammer on the ground and slammed it toward the dwarf engineer who was protecting the wounded among the beast crowd.

The flying warhammer screamed at the engineer's mechanical bird, and Ella's "Skywalker" made a sharp gear break. At the next moment, a weak explosion blasted the little dwarf from the mechanical bird.


Ella smashed her head on the ground and was picked up by the wounded casualties again. She moved her body dizzy and turned her head to look at the mechanical bird, who had fallen to the ground and burned.

"Oh no!"

Ella uttered a desperate cry, lost the mechanical bird, and she and the wounded rescued by her were trapped in the already burning camp by the surrounding black stone orcs.

"Kill them!"

Blackhand turned over and mounted the war wolf, glanced indifferently at the Alliance wounded behind him, made a cruel gesture, and then took a large number of wolf cavalry to plunder more supplies.

Behind him, more than a dozen grinning orcs narrowed their encirclement, watching the fierce weapons in their hands and the brutal cruelty of that kind of flame, Ella trembling with a rifle, but did not know which one to fight.


Just when the wounded were completely desperate, a flying arrow flew out of the darkness behind them, piercing the heart of the first orc warrior who rushed up, the butcher's gruesome expression was soon replaced by pain, he His body shook a bit, and the next moment, the whistling arrow storm tore the burning flames around him, and stabbed the black stone orc holding the winning ticket to the ground.

"Catch up..."

Aurelia skipped the flames. Behind her was a complete ranger squad. Behind the ranger was another group of wounded. Obviously, after the camp was raided, the ranger captain began to rescue the wounded and correct Intruder hunt.

"Ella, walk with the wounded!"

"Cather! Come with me with the ranger, and we will kill the orc chief!"

The windrunner's footsteps did not stop. She drew a long arrow from the back and put it on the war bow. The wrong step disappeared into the darkness in front of her. Seven rangers followed her and quickly disappeared in the flames.

The little gnome who escaped throwing away the heavy rifle, she sat on the ground with her buttocks and wiped the black ash on her face, she looked at the direction where Aurelia disappeared, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Yearning.

"Yeah, if I could be as brave as Captain Aurelia...well, it would be better if she could be as tall as her!"

But Aurelia didn't notice that several shadows were looming in the dark dancing behind her.

"This is Tyrian's girl?"

Nasa looked at Aurelia's back in the dark, watching her cut off an orc's head neatly, and the Blood Watcher snorted:

"She doesn't seem to need our help... that cold face is really annoying, exactly like that one!"

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