"Ahem, the old terrier that existed when virtual games didn't exist!"

Jekyll coughed deeply.

"Okay, apprentices, let's hurry up!"

Jekyll led the way.

In the somewhat speechless eyes of the three people.

Ahead of the curve.

As a result, he stepped on the trap dug by the goblin in front.


The sound of blades piercing into flesh sounded.


and Jekyll gasping inside the pit.

The martial arts alliance master, the extrajudicial madman, and Dong Bai suddenly poked their heads out.

looked at Jekyll inside the pit.

"Nidaime, how are you!?"

At this time, the martial arts alliance master was also a little speechless.

This just healed Jekyll's injuries.

As a result, it hurts again.

Jekyll looked underneath himself.

He looked up at the martial arts alliance master.

"Alliance master, there are a few wooden thorns in it."

"The crotch is pierced there."

Just after Jekyll told his story.


"Haha (ಡωಡ) hiahiahia."

The three people above suddenly laughed into a mass of unknown creatures.


Just as the three of them laughed maniacally.

Determine when the trap has already been triggered.

The goblins who came out of the grass had gradually surrounded them.

Several wild creatures taller than goblins approached the three men.

One foot at a time.

The three laughing people above were also kicked into the trap.


The sound of blades piercing into flesh sounded.


and the sound of four people gasping for air inside the big pit.

Jekyll was hit by several people.

It caused the wooden thorns under the body to penetrate deeper.

"It's not me who said, if you guys want to come down and accompany me, why do you want to knock me down?"

At this time, the martial arts alliance lords and extrajudicial madmen were also very uncomfortable.

Because it also plunged in.

As a result, it is very uncomfortable when you move.

At this time, Dong Bai was unusually quiet.

This is very inconsistent with her usual personality.

Jekyll looked at Dong Bai's skirt.

It doesn't seem like the situation is very good.

"Fortunately, it's just a void................. Virtual game, otherwise a few of us will be wasted. The

martial arts alliance master looked up at the goblin and the creature that surrounded him.

[Orcs. [

Goblins' superior race.

[Compared to goblins, it is bigger, more irritable, more savage, and even more powerful in battle.] [

In appearance, orcs are about the same height as ordinary humans, but they are stronger than normal humans, and their skin is dark green like goblins. 【It

is said that there is a stronger existence.】

"This is a new monster, I haven't seen it before!"


Causing yourself to become more uncomfortable.

"There is no way, you can only rely on suicide."

"I hope that when we are resurrected, we must not be resurrected in the pit in place, otherwise we may fall into an infinite loop."

The martial arts alliance master looked at the short knife in his hand.

"I'll kill myself later, look at the situation, and if it's resurrection in place, you must not move."

After speaking, the martial arts alliance master directly killed himself with a sword.

"A pure white pillar of light shot up into the sky, but this time, just like what happened before, the phenomenon of the pillar of light shattered occurred."

"But the body of the martial arts alliance master has not been resurrected in place."

The extrajudicial madman looked at Jekyll strangely.

"Are you commenting?"

Jekyll nodded.

"Habits due to family inheritance."

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