The red-eyed zombie smashed a rookie player with one punch.

Then continue on to the other target.

Another rookie player also found himself meeting a master.

Run in a hurry.

But the red-eyed zombies are too fast.

And this guy's strength is also very strong.

Soon, rookie players were caught up again.

The rookie player had to come up with his own wooden stick weapon.

Get ready to fight red-eyed zombies.

However, the body of the red-eyed zombie is very hard.

Even if he smashes it with a wooden stick.

There is no way to leave a trace on it.

Not even the most insulting effect was caused.

Luckily, other players came to help rookie players.

But when the rookie player just turned around and prepared to leave.

The red-eyed zombie behind him instantly appeared beside him.

One bite bit his shoulder.

The rookie player felt a slight pain in his right arm.

A large piece of flesh and blood was bitten off the entire right arm.

"Fortunately, the pain in this game is minimal."

The wooden stick held by the rookie player in his left hand smashed directly into the head of the red-eyed zombie.

However, the red-eyed zombie's reaction speed is also very fast.

One grabs the arm of a noob player.

Lifted him up all over.

Rookie players struggle desperately.

But to no avail.

His feet were kicking in the air.

The other players only saw the rookie player being used as a weapon by the red-eyed zombie and starting to attack wildly.

Red-eyed zombies attack other players every time.

Rookie players will have some meat crushed out of their bodies.

In the end, the rookie player's body was directly shattered into two.

The bone rack also flew out.

The red-eyed zombie roared.

Start continuing the fight.

The red-eyed zombie grabbed two more players.

Started playing with the big windmill.


There was silence all around.

But this silence did not last long.

It was broken by several other voices.

This includes some players who have just launched.

"Haha, what the hell is this, it's fun."

A hearty laugh sounded.

It was one of the players who was short in stature.

"Is this stuff fun?"

At this time, the player in white also spoke.

There was a hint of disdain and contempt in his tone.


He was very disdainful of the thing in front of him.

Think it's just a very simple game.

"Oh, of course, this is the first time I've encountered this monster."

"Could it be that because the player's level has increased, the technology of the game system has also improved?"

The short player voiced his doubts.

There was a little excitement in the tone.

"Look! That red-eyed zombie caught two more players! The

white-clad player rushed towards the red-eyed zombie.

The short player laughed first.

Then he also rushed over.

The red-eyed zombie scuffles with two players in an instant.


The short player hit the red-eyed zombie's chest with his elbow.

The red-eyed zombie's body suddenly flew out.

Fell to the ground.

Right at this moment.

The face of the short player is suddenly changed.

He felt a chill in his neck.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his neck.

Followed by.

He saw a sharp dagger piercing his neck.

Blood flowed slowly down the dagger.

The short man's mind suddenly came up with the figure of the player dressed in white before.

Just in these few seconds when the short player lost his mind.

The white-clad player once again brandished his dagger and rushed towards him.

The short player, on the other hand, just looked at him stunned.

Until the dagger in the hand of the white-clothed player pierces the heart of the short player.

The short player's body fell with a bang.

Just the white-clothed player smiled proudly.

When you are ready to attack the red-eyed zombies.

The red-eyed zombie doesn't know when it appears behind the player in white.

Directly bit off the head of the player in white clothes.

The onlookers were stunned.

This plot is also developing too fast.

Those two players seem to be masters.

They should all have the strength to fight against red-eyed zombies.

But one of them died from a sneak attack.

The other was killed by a monster attack.

"It's a pity, obviously a master, but it seems that there should be no way to recruit."

The martial arts alliance master sighed in disappointment.


I don't know why.

The irascible red-eyed zombies are getting more and more fierce.

Gradually, all the players were suppressed.

These players were beaten to the point of temper.

Many players have only one thought in their minds.

That is............

"It's over, it's really over this time, it's estimated to be hanging up again today!"

They never had any hope of turning around.

These people have given up resistance.

Start defaulting to your own death.

"Don't be afraid, the resurrection point is in the village, let's resurrect and kill the red-eyed zombie."


At this last minute.

They pass someone's reminder.

Suddenly remembered something.

They remember that they have a resurrection point.

As long as the resurrection point is still there.

Then there is a chance to be born again.

Think so.

They began to regain their confidence again.

Be ready to continue fighting tenaciously.

Jekyll looked.

The martial arts alliance master who shouted next to him just now.

I have to say that his reminder is too timely.


The claws of the red-eyed zombie became sharper and sharper.

Unexpectedly, several players' weapons were destroyed one after another.

Even several expert players had blood marks on their chests.

As for those rookie players.

I don't know how many times I died.

The red-eyed zombie's body also began to slowly grow.

A height of three meters has already been reached.

Its scarlet eyes were filled with anger.

It seems to kill all humans.


"What to do? This red-eyed zombie is amazing!

"Can't wait any longer, hurry back to the village and get off the line, right?"


Mage players began attacking red-eyed zombies non-stop with magic missiles.

But it didn't have any effect at all.

And the body of the red-eyed zombie has also become stronger and stronger.

There are even some ordinary zombies that have rushed in front of human players.

Mage players dodge the attacks of ordinary zombies.

While using magic missiles to attack red-eyed zombies.

However, the attack effect is still infinitely close to zero damage.

The red-eyed zombies simply ignored the magic projectile.

Instead, step by step, it is towards the human players.

And the mages began to retreat towards the rear.

The defense of the red-eyed zombie is too terrifying.

All the players present silently sighed in their hearts.

The rookie players all ran towards the village in panic.

Rookie players didn't expect red-eyed zombies to be so powerful.

This level of attack.

It has exceeded their imagination.

This is more than just a physical attack.

And this red-eyed zombie is not afraid of spell attacks at all.

As long as the red-eyed zombie wants to.

Randomly smash magic missile spells unleashed by mage players.

This is the biggest concern for players.

Just as Jekyll was bandaging the little white rabbit's wound.

A female swordsman with a long sword rushed towards the red-eyed zombie.

I saw that the long sword in her hand suddenly pierced into the heart of the red-eyed zombie.

Then he drew his sword back.

Blood gushed out.

Splattered the ground next to the red-eyed zombie.

That filthy blood suddenly corroded all the weeds left on the ground.

Red-eyed zombie falls to the ground.

Everything is settled.

The female swordsman withdraws the long sword.

Turning around, he walked in the direction of the martial arts alliance master and the others.

She is the same female swordsman who saved many players near the forest.

But the three people looked at her expression and there was something wrong.

"I don't feel good about comers!"

The martial arts alliance master clenched his sandbag-sized fist.

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