"Based on my years of experience eating pork, this ferocious beast is undoubtedly a wild boar. ⊙ω⊙。

Jekyll only saw Alice lying on the back of the boar, which was running continuously, and judging by the hoarse screams coming from Alice's mouth, it seemed like it had been a long time.

"Alice, this guy must have been attacked by a wild boar, and accidentally climbed on the back of the wild boar when he was dodging the wild boar's attack."

Jekyll nodded, thinking that his analysis made sense.

"White Feather Chicken, you first find a way to rescue Alice, before you put me on a tree, otherwise I am afraid that I will be directly hit and killed by that wild boar."

The white-feathered chicken that received the order grabbed Jekyll's shoulder directly, flapped its wings and lowered Jekyll to a thicker branch.

"It's not the same as ideal, but I'm at least safe now."

Jekyll lay on top of the thick branch very innocently, looked down, and found that the wild boar had rushed past him, and the white-feathered chicken had gone after Alice.

After about a few minutes, the white feather chicken finally grabbed Alice Fei and returned.

"Brother Jekyll, you finally came to save me, I was afraid to die."

Alice's voice seemed to have been hoarse, and she was also lying on the same branch as Jekyll very invisible.

"What's going on with Alice's boar? You were in a tree, and he probably couldn't knock you down, right? Faced

with Jekyll's question, Alice could only bow her head in grievance.

"Brother Jekyll, I'll say it. Don't laugh at me!

Looking at the aggrieved, even a little cute Alice, Jekyll nodded solemnly.

"I wanted to go down to find you, but when I jumped from the tree, a wild boar happened to pass by, and I sat on it all at once, as if it was frightened to cause him to keep running, and I was so frightened that I lay directly on his back, not daring to move."

"Haha (ಡωಡ) hiahiahia."

Jekyll, who knew what was going on, almost fell off the tree with a smile.

"Brother Jekyll, didn't you say you didn't laugh at me?"

Looking at the aggrieved Alice, Jekyll wiped the tears that came out of his laughter.

After all, this chance is too small, if it were not for the trick of fate, I am afraid that no one would believe that there could be such a clever thing.

"Forget it, after making sure that there is no danger, let's let the white feather chicken put us down!" I can also recover some mana. After

both of them returned to the ground, Alice found that Jekyll's injuries were very serious.

"Brother Jekyll, you have so many more wounds on your body."

"If only that fellow martial arts alliance master of yours were here, he would definitely be able to heal these wounds on your body."

Jekyll helplessly spread his hands, casually took out a few herbs from the inventory, chewed them in his mouth, and roughly applied them to his wounds.

"Brother Jekyll, if you don't pay attention to yourself like this, the wound will definitely infect."

In the face of Alice's concern, Jekyll smiled confidently.

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