Seven gray wolves begin to hunt down Jekyll and the little white rabbit.

Jekyll ran and ran.

I remember that I also have a short knife that sharpens iron like mud.

So Jekyll directly took out the short knife and continued to run forward.

The short knife itself has the ability to increase the speed of the user in all aspects.

The strength of the seven gray wolves is very strong.

It's also fast.

But their speed is still not Jekyll.

Jekyll, who was holding a short knife, easily distanced himself from the seven gray wolves.

And at this time, the little white rabbit was already stunned.

Originally, I wanted to go back and save my master.

As a result, now the owner runs faster than himself.

Left himself behind all at once.

(Master, so love is going to go away, right?) Received

a message from the little white rabbit telepathy.

Jekyll slapped his head.

Only to find that he is now running faster than the little white rabbit.

So he hurriedly slowed down.

Reached out and held the little white rabbit in his arms.


Finally, when Jekyll was about to lie down tired.

The little white rabbit's ears heard the sound of water flowing not far ahead.

There seems to be the sound of humans humming.

So the little white rabbit immediately judged that there would definitely be a river not far away.

For the safety of the owner.

The little white rabbit decided to attract the attention of the seven gray wolves himself.

The little white rabbit immediately jumped out of Jekyll's arms.

While running.

While telling his thoughts to his master through telepathy.

(Master, I'll grab the attention of the seven gray wolves, and you go and hide in the river ahead.)

"No, you don't have to take on that dangerous mission."

"It's a big deal, I'll just go back to the resurrection point, you can't have an accident!"

At this time, Jekyll also targeted the river in front of him.

(Master, that's ahead.)

Jekyll looked at the dirt slope ahead.

Below it should be the river.

"Okay, I'll lift your summons now."

"Then I just jump straight into the river."

Jekyll's physical strength was almost exhausted.

After lifting the White Rabbit's summon, Jekyll exerted his last strength.

Take the leap.

"A leap of faith."

Jekyll believed in the little white rabbit's hearing.

There must be a river below.

Should........ That's right!?


Valkyrie, who was bathing in the river, seemed to hear something.

When I looked up, I saw a very familiar person.

At this time, Jekyll's eyes widened.

The eyes of the two men met together.

"Hello, Valkyrie."

Then Jekyll, who jumped from above, smashed a head mallet on Valkyrie's head.


The crisp sound that made the Pegasus soak in the river was also taken aback.

The seven gray wolves could only chase to the dirt slope.

Then brake hard.

I looked down at the two humans floating on the surface of the water like dead bodies.

All seven gray wolves shook their heads regretfully.


(The water here is too deep, I hope you can catch it.)

The seven gray wolves, who were deeply hidden in their fame, ran back towards the forest.

[Vertigo state.] 【

Abnormal state caused by a hard blow to the head.】

Jekyll was the first to recover from his vertigo.

First, he glanced at the short knife that he held tightly in his hand.

It looks the same as when I first got it.

It feels like the short knife is kept in a brand new look every moment.

Jekyll put away the short knife very preciously.

Then he found Valkyrie, who was naked.

"Valkyrie, why don't you get dressed!"

Jekyll looked at the sign that appeared on Valkyrie's head.

"The duration of NPC's vertigo state is really not short!"

"In other words, isn't this all-ages version of the game I bought?"

Jekyll scratched his head.

I looked at Pegasus, who was covering his eyes on the side.

"Is Tenma so timid this day?"

Jekyll found Valkyrie's clothes from nearby.

"Wow⊙ ω ⊙."

"This dress's ability value bonus is so high!"

Pegasus quietly observed the situation around him.

Looking at Jekyll, who didn't know when he put on Valkyrie's clothes, he was stunned.

One didn't hold back.


As a result, I choked on a sip of water in the river.

Frightened, he hurriedly flew up.

Jekyll moved his body.

"It's worthy of the clothes in the game."

"As long as you equip in the equipment slot, it can automatically adjust the size."

Jekyll looked at the dress he was wearing underneath.

"It's a pity that this suit is women's clothing."

"This game system defines my gender as male, and if I go out in women's clothes, I will definitely be laughed to death."

Just as Jekyll spoke.

Valkyrie finally woke up.

Just saw Jekyll wearing his own armor and skirt.

Pose there.

When twisting the body wantonly.

Valkyrie yelled.

Then he crashed headlong into a nearby stone wall.


A blood-red color surged from the place where Valkyrie sank.

"Not good, save people quickly."

Jekyll who just took a set of selfies of himself.

Hurriedly fished Valkyrie out.

I remembered the action of rescuing the person who fell into the water in the manga.

Immediately grabbed Valkyrie with his left hand.

Then his right hand slapped his right hand hard towards Valkyrie's face.


Snapping..." Pegasus flew overhead.

Hear voices from below.

He hurriedly covered his eyes again.

Say nothing to see.

(Sorry, Valkyrie, men are really scary creatures.) The

crackling sound sounded for about 3 minutes.

Just as Pegasus fantasized about the twelve children he gave birth to with Valkyrie and Jekyll.

When flying freely in the sky.

I heard Jekyll say something.

"Brother Pegasus, Valkyrie is about to wake up, and I'll leave it to you next."

Jekyll who finished speaking.

Directly cut off his head with a short knife.

Go back to the resurrection point and go back to the resurrection.

(What a terrible man, he actually committed suicide to apologize....) (

Words said.... What about your big brother? Your whole family is the eldest brother, and this Tianma is a sister of the water spirit! After

Valkyrie woke up.

Looking at the silent Pegasus.

Suddenly I felt that something was wrong.

"Pegasus, what happened just now, I seem to have seen Jekyll."

"Why is my face swollen!?"

Pegasus nodded with a serious expression.

First, he nodded Valkyrie's head with a hoof.

Then pair the two hooves together.

Then he pointed to Valkyrie's body.

Immediately after that, there was a crackling sound with two more hooves.

Valkyrie thought in place for three seconds later.


After getting dressed at great speed, he sat on Pegasus.

"Let's go, let's kill him 3,000 times."


Valkyrie made several direct patrols around the neighborhood.

Jekyll's presence was also not found.

The knights of the Order thought Valkyrie was on patrol.

They have followed Valkyrie's example.

(Abba....... Abba... )

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