Just when Jekyll and the others were resting.

A green snake swirling with a fresh breeze.

Approached Jekyll and others.

The little white rabbit shook his ears and

seemed to notice something.

After telepathically telling Jekyll the news.

Then he threw a snowball at the grass on one side.


The snowball landed right next to the cyan snake.

The cyan snake's eyes froze.

It was decided not to attack first.

Intend to wait for their adventurers to let their guard down.

Then suddenly attack and kill them.

As a result, the next moment, another snowball hit his snake face directly.

The cyan snake suddenly became angry.

Snowballs are not very harmful.

The extremely insulting ability was launched.

The cyan snake instantly rushed out from the grass.

He's going to give it to the guy who snowballed him.

A little color to see.

Let him know why the flowers in the forest are so red.

[Wind snake. 】

【Originally a common poisonous snake in the forest - small green snake. [

After being abandoned by the original summoner master, he harbors a grudge and attacks all the adventurers he can see. [

Especially the kind of person who likes the new and dislikes the old, he hates ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ the most.

"Everyone be careful, there are snakes coming."

The Wind Snake took the lead and rushed towards the little white rabbit.

Because he sensed the aura of magic snowball from the little white rabbit's body for the first time.

(It's his bunny, it must have been his bunny cub who threw himself with a snowball.)

But the white rabbit easily dodged the first attack.

The little white rabbit jumped high.

He smashed the wind snake with a snowball again

, "Hiss......... Hiss.......... Hiss.........."

Saw the little white rabbit dodge one of his own attacks.

I chose to jump into the air.

The Wind Snake let out a strange laugh.

[Wind Snake] is a very fast monster.

Beasts with elemental attributes are also commonly referred to as Warcraft.

The element attribute is a wind element.

He is also good at hiding himself in the forest.

Then sneak up on the prey.

Originally, the wind snake was in the original owner.

One of the most powerful abilities is to sneak up on others in the forest.

It can also be regarded as accumulating a lot of combat achievements.

Just let the wind snake hide in the grass.

I don't know when it suddenly comes out and gives other players a fatal blow.

It's just a pity.

The little white rabbit's ability to perceive danger is still very strong.

Not to mention.

Snakes are also natural enemies of rabbits.

So the rabbit's ability to sense the crisis is stronger.

The Wind Snake flicked its tail as fast as it could.

A cyan magic wind blade was activated from the tail of the Wind Snake.

The speed of this guy Storm Snake is really fast.

But the little white rabbit is just as fast.

Its movement speed is actually not slower than that of the Wind Snake, and it is even slightly faster.

The Wind Snake is a wind-attribute monster.

And the body is strong, fast, and the endurance is also very good.

In terms of the racial superiority of snakes.

Also restrained the little white rabbit of the rabbit clan.

So there is no fear of the little white rabbit at all.

The little white rabbit watched the wind blade attack.

Just as he was trying to dodge this attack.

A white chick flew over.

Blocked the wind blade of the wind snake.

"Tweet..." the

little white chicken wailed and died.

The body was then broken in two.

Disappeared into the air.

It is the little white chicken that protects the little white rabbit.


Jekyll and the white-feathered chickens wailed.

After the wind blade attack of the Wind Snake was blocked by the little white chicken.

Immediately, he turned his target to the little white chickens who were barking nearby.

These guys seem to be in the way.

At the moment when the attack was blocked.

The wind snake judged the threat of the little white chicken.

The Swift Wind Snake rushed over quickly.

But its body just left where it was.

The time has not yet completely rushed over.

The white-feathered chicken rushed over first.

While flapping his wings.

While grabbing the eyes of the wind snake with sharp claws.

Although the white-feathered chicken can give birth to a new child with its owner every hour.

But when she saw her child die under the attack of the Storm Serpent.

The white-feathered chicken was still angry.

The Wind Snake was instantly repelled by the White Feather Chicken.


The white-feathered chicken rushed forward again.

Pecked the wind snake a few times.

The scales on the wind snake are also hard.

However, it cannot completely stop the pecking of the white-feathered chicken.

For a moment.

The white-feathered chicken actually resisted the racial disadvantage and suppressed the Wind Snake.

The wind snake was beaten and screamed for a while.

Defeat and retreat.

A breeze energy was stimulated from inside the body of the Swift Wind Snake.

The white-feathered chicken saw that the situation was not good.

Fly straight away.

[Flying chicken: Flying chicken, have you ever seen it?] The

wind snake turned and rushed towards the little white rabbit that landed on the ground.

But the little white rabbit easily dodged the attack again.


Then spit out the snake letter.

Surround the little white rabbit in the middle of your body.

Intend to use the advantage of his body length to strangle the little white rabbit.

[The snake clan's innate skill - strangle, launch. ] The

little white rabbit was strangled by the wind snake in an instant.

A little white rabbit tied to the middle of a whirlwind snake.

Suddenly there was a feeling of suffocation.

"Not good, little white rabbit, use the Extreme Giant, ahhh, use the Giant Magic Skill."

After the little white rabbit heard Jekyll's instructions.

The body swells rapidly.

Suddenly stretched out the wind snake.

The moment when the little white rabbit starts to get bigger.

The Wind Snake sensed that something was wrong.

So he began to let go of the little white rabbit.

Looking at the huge little white rabbit in front of him.

The Wind Snake suddenly felt that things were becoming more and more unfavorable to him.

Just when the wind snake wanted to turn around and run.

A flock of small white chickens surrounded the Swift Wind Snake at great speed.

Although the little white chicken's combat effectiveness is not particularly strong.

But the victory is in the number.

A little bit of time to entangle the Wind Snake.

A large number of small white chickens suddenly flew towards the wind snake.

Constantly attacking the wind snake with small claws and small pointed beaks.

Not very harmful.

Extremely insulting.

And there are more.

The Wind Snake flicks its tail.

A few little white chickens flew away.

White-feathered chickens descend from the sky.

Directly suppressed the Swift Wind Snake.

Fiercely pecked at one of the eyes of the whirlwind snake.


A breeze energy erupted on his body.

Although it will not kill the little white chicken.

But it also knocked back the little white chicken for some distance.

"Tweet..." just

as the Wind Snake charged again.

A huge furry rabbit paw slapped at the Wind Snake.


The Wind Snake instantly sank into a pit.


..." the little white rabbit quickly attacked a few times.

Fortunately, it is just an ordinary flat A attack.

There will be no additional loss of mana.

The Wind Snake in the process of being hit.

Suddenly, he remembered the master of the summoner from before.

"I've found better looking contract creatures."

"You're useless."

At that time, the little green snake directly awakened the energy of the wind attribute in anger and evolved into the wind snake.

Directly killed the supposedly better-looking contract creature.

Later, it was amidst other players' pleas for mercy and abuse.

He also killed the original master of the summoner.

At that time, the Wind Snake quickly fled after killing its original owner.

From that day on.

It lives a life of hunting other adventurers.

Until it met the gang today.

As well as rabbits and chickens.

The Storm Snake knows very well.

It................... Overturned.

(The rating dropped to 8.0, all anonymous bad reviews :(; ゙゚'ω゚'):)

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