"Let me try your strength!"

Dong Bai smashed his meteor hammer towards Alice.

Of course.

Dong Bai didn't want to kill this NPC directly.

I just want to try the strength of this NPC.

"Oops! There are guests coming! Anna

, the owner of the bakery, showed up with her daughter.

Slapped down.

Directly fanned Dong Bai's meteor hammer back.

"Not good."

The meteor hammer that was fanned back directly smashed on Dong Bai's head.


Dong Bai's head became torn apart.

Red and white are flowing out.


Because of the influence of meteor hammer inertia.

Dong Bai's headless body fell to the ground.

It turned into a white light and soared into the sky.

"Wow! Mom, you're amazing.

"Mom, I'm going to learn this."

Anna smiled and touched Alice's face.

"Okay (●°u°●)", let's go home!"

After Dong Bai opened his eyes from the resurrection point.

Still in a state of shock.

"Good guy, I'm straight good guy."

"Later, that NPC appeared, was it so perverted?"

Dong Bai touched his head.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I was sure that my head was still on me.

"I didn't expect my first time to be taken away by that NPC."

Dong Bai's self-muttering voice reached the ears of some players who had just been resurrected nearby.

"Nani! NPCs can still do this!

"I remember when I bought this game before, the store that sold the game told me that it was a 10+ game!"

"Isn't it! The one you bought is also too small, and the game store told me before that this is a game suitable for people over 70 years old to retire. A

group of people started chattering.

"I'll give it a try later."

At this time, a male player over the age of 70 [came out] from the crowd.

ran towards an NPC female villager.

"Quick, girl, let me hug (Uncle) ・ω・。 )ノ♡。 Then

the NPC female villagers were startled when they heard the voice of the old player.

Turn around.

Against a 70-year-old player, it's a slap in the face.

After kicking the old player to the ground.


Another dozen kicks at that place.

"Ah! Yes! Yes! "

I kicked the old player to death there.


All the players present gasped in unison.

As a result, the environment is hypoxic.

It's another low-level player who has been suffocated alive.

"It hurts too much, right?"

"From the first kick, I felt like my place hurt so much!"

When the 70-year-old player came back to life.

The other players found the old player still lying on the ground.

"Uncle? What's wrong, are you okay!? An

enthusiastic young player picked up the old man.

"It's okay, it's okay."

"That girl just now reminded the old man of how he felt when he was young."

"Back then, uncle, I was also the first in the village..........." Dong

Bai expressed his incomprehension at the behavior of this group of players.

So I decided to go to the bakery again.

When walking to the bakery door.

A ghost of players is found.

The phantom gradually solidified.

It became the appearance of the second generation of ordinary passers-by.

"Praise the sun."

Jekyll who just went live.

Took a strange pose with outstretched arms.

Dong Bai will not be able to rectify it all at once.

Just when Dong Bai wanted to say hello.

As a result, Jekyll summoned the little white rabbit he had seen before.

Then Jekyll summoned a white-feathered chicken and a bunch of chicks.


"It's weird!"

Dong Bai suddenly thought of the problem of chickens and rabbits in the same cage that he had learned in elementary school.

Just when Dong Bai wanted to say hello again.

The white-feathered chicken flew directly onto Jekyll's head.

Jekyll gently stroked the white-feathered chicken.

The white-feathered chicken is also a happy look.

"What's going on?"

Dong Bai was stunned again.

She looked at the appearance of the white-feathered chicken.

Dong Bai sincerely suspected that he had seen it wrong.

Then Dong Bai saw Jekyll's finger tapping the white feather chicken.

This scene made Dong Bai completely stunned.

Dong Bai had never seen a hen so dependent on a person.

This is simply what love looks like in anime and manga!

Are Jekyll and White Feather Chicken really a couple?

No, you must not let them be together.

After all, the race is that they can't get by.

This is not appropriate, right!

Dong Bai finally plucked up his courage.

Intended to shout at Jekyll.


The white-feathered chicken laid an egg.

Interrupted Dong Bai's reading and shouting.

Jekyll held the white-skinned egg that had just been born and was still hot in the palm of his hand.

Then he slammed into the ground.


A little white chicken thus ushered in its new life.

Dong Bai who witnessed the birth of a little white chicken.

One didn't stand firmly.

Fell to the ground.

The meteor hammer that he was originally holding in his hand also smashed to the ground.

Jekyll instinctively felt the ground shake beneath his feet.

A sense of fear suddenly crept into my heart.

Quickly turn around and look back.

It was found that his usually cute Miss Dong Bai was lying on the ground very imageless at this time.


Jekyll ran over.

"Miss Dong Bai!"

Dong Bai, who stood up, looked at it blankly.

Jekyll glanced at him.

Then he looked at the summoned creatures beside him.

"Hey, Miss Dong Bai, are you okay!?"

"Is it milk.......... Ahem, the brain fell stupid!?

Jekyll quickly corrected the words he used.

It almost caused a catastrophe.

As a result, Jekyll spoke for a long time.

Found that Dong Bai still ignored himself.

So Jekyll decided to go for it.

Comic therapy when saving the comatose Valkyrie last time.

Jekyll grabbed Dong Bai's chest........ Ahem.

The collar at the chest position.

This was followed by the big-eared scraper greeting back and forth.


, who was doing laundry, noticed movement coming from outside the door.

A little glance.

"Oops! I didn't expect Lord Jekyll to be so energetic!

"That's what it was on the street."

The blushing Anne quietly closed the door.

And blocked his daughter's ears.


Dong Bai, who finally reacted.

Directly punched the ground under Jekyll's feet.

The same approach as Jekyll followed.

Grabbed the clothes directly from Jekyll's chest.

This was followed by a big-eared scraper greeting back and forth.


Snap..." as he almost beat Jekyll to death.

Dong Bai took out a golden scroll from inside the storage space.

"Magic Scroll - Heal the wound, launch."


The golden scroll quickly healed the wound on Jekyll's face.

"Snap.........." Dong

Bai immediately held Jekyll down.

The second round of snapping begins.

After lasted for an unknown amount of time.

Even Anna and Alice, who were sitting in the doorway watching the battle, felt a little tired.

"Mom, I'm sleepy @_@."

"Good boy, then let's go back to the house and sleep (@ ̄ー ̄@)."

Anna waved her hand in Jekyll's direction.

"Stamina is so good! Lord Jekyll. Good night (☝'ω ̆). ☝ "

The crackling sound continued from dawn to dark.

The last two sweaty men lay on the ground.

(Tired when slapping and being slapped.) Dong

Bai used his last ounce of strength.

Pulled out the healing magic scroll.

Healed Jekyll's injuries.

(Recommended for one day, there is no one, the cumulative single-machine codeword is 600,000, why is there no one!) :(; ゙゚'ω゚'):)

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