Dong Bai shook his head.

Avoided Jekyll's puzzled gaze.

"What I said casually, you actually took seriously."

Jekyll glanced at Dong Bai a few more times.

"After all, this kind of legend can exist and circulate."

Jekyll thought again of the vampires and vampire derivatives that existed in reality.

"I think this.......... It's not impossible! "


The two men came to the rabbit plain together.

The meteor hammer smashes a rabbit violently.

"Sure enough, the animals outside every novice village are not harmful."

Dong Bai withdrew the meteor hammer.

He attacked other wild rabbits.

"You guy is also special enough, and actually contracted the weakest animal outside the novice village into a creature."

Dong Bai checked the little white rabbit's information.

"But this elite-level white rabbit is also good (≧∇≦*)."

"Later in the game, let's see if we can improve it, right? Otherwise, it can only become a mascot!

Jekyll commanded the little white chickens to besiege a rabbit.

30 little white chickens instantly surrounded a wild rabbit.

Constantly use pecking or flapping.

The wild rabbits desperately dodged the little white chickens' attack.

Although the little white chickens do not move as fast as wild rabbits.

But the victory is in the number.

The little white chickens scattered.

Constantly block a wild rabbit.

More and more wild rabbits are being knocked down by the combined efforts of the little white chickens.

The blood of wild rabbits flows to the ground.

Stained the soil and grass on the ground.

And these little white chickens don't seem to smell the blood from wild rabbit carcasses at all.

Still tirelessly continuing to chase his prey.


Another wild rabbit can't escape.

Leg pecked by one of the little white chickens.

He was attacked and killed by the little white chickens who came later.

The scene became very bloody for a while.

I don't know how many wild rabbits I packed.

Jekyll seemed to have just realized.

As if they did not do what the task requires.

Turning his head towards Dong Bai, who wielded the meteor hammer, he asked.

"Isn't it a goblin quest that we both accept? Why are you beating rabbits here? Dong

Bai shook the meteor hammer in his hand.

"It's still dangerous in the forest at night, and there are too many trees in that place for me to cast my meteor hammer."

"Based on what I learned about the game."

"As long as you create more blood smell outside the novice village, there is a probability that it will attract animals or goblins in the forest."

Jekyll remembers when he first played the game.

Gray wolves and goblins in the rabbit plains.

"Think about it this way, really, why didn't you notice it before?"

After the two killed a dozen rabbits.

Sure enough, gray wolves and goblins were drawn out.

The result was not yet waiting for Jekyll to make a move.

The meteor hammer smashed the gray wolf to death in place.

The gray wolf did not see who his enemy was until he died.

The gray wolf only smelled bloody rabbit flesh at the time.

So he hurriedly ran out of the forest.

The result is not yet when fresh rabbit flesh has been tasted.

It was smashed into a mess of flesh and blood by a hard big guy.

The goblins on the side saw this.

Hurriedly braked to a stop.

"Valet, you go brush the goblins first, it's not too late for me to complete the task later."

Jekyll's heart was instantly a little moved.

"Your Royal Highness, you are amazing."

Jekyll turned to the little white rabbit touching the carrot and said.

"Little white rabbit, you go deal with that goblin."

The little white rabbit nodded.

Instantly jumped over.

Put the goblin standing in place.

Directly knocked over in place.

"It's a pity that the little white rabbit's attack methods are still too weak."

"But the combat power on hand, to be honest, is not particularly much."

Jekyll clicked on the pet information.

Knocked on the column of skills.

"Can pet skills only be comprehended by pets themselves?"

"If only there were something like a skill scroll."

Jekyll sat on the ground.

Glancing at his fellow fighters in the distance.

"Maybe it's because it has something to do with low rank!"

Jekyll looked at his experience again.

"It's almost level three soon, and it's a little difficult to upgrade this game!"

The little white rabbit lived up to expectations.

It took several snowballs.

Blocked the goblin's mouth.

Then jump into the air.

The principle of falling rabbits from height is used.

Stomped the goblin's neck.


the little white rabbit took out a goblin.


Two people take turns at will.

You have a goblin, I have a goblin.

Time doesn't pass fast, it's not slow.

The task of crusading against the goblins was completed by two people.

Jekyll looked around.

The rabbit plain is covered with shattered corpses of rabbits.

Sticky blood stained the grass red.

Ground meat is everywhere.

"I didn't notice just now, if you make a light move, you can still leave a few rabbit corpses, we can grill meat and eat."

In the distance, the little white rabbit carried several complete rabbit corpses.

Jumped over.

"Don't the contracted creatures have the same kind of consciousness for these wild rabbits?"

Dong Bai raised his own questions.

"I don't know, I really don't know <('^ ́)> at all!"

Jekyll has begun to expertly pull the rabbit's skin.

Dong Bai looked at Jekyll who was good at peeling rabbits.

Suddenly remembered the short knife he gave Jekyll.

"What about the short knife I gave you!?"

Jekyll turned his head.

"That short knife, I put it away."

"After all, durability is an issue, and I can't bear to use it."

Dong Bai opened his mouth.

But there was no sound.

After the brain has been disconnected for a while.

Just started talking.

"Oh, that's just an ordinary weapon, if you want to, I'll give you some more!"

Jekyll shook his head.

"After all, it was the first time you sent me, and the meaning of the first time symbolized precious meaning."

After speaking, Jekyll was stunned to see a large number of short knives appear in Dong Bai's hand.

"I use this thing to throw away as a throwing knife."

"You can still keep it as a baby!?"

Dong Bai reached out and closed Jekyll's mouth.

"I don't know what you civilians think."

"You don't really think it's a token of our friendship, do you?"

Jekyll moved his stiff body.

Suddenly realized.

Dong Bai in front of him is a rich woman.

Why didn't I realize it before?

Dong Bai, his family is always rich.

Jekyll directly dropped the rabbit corpse in his hand.

Suddenly hugged one of Dong Bai's white and soft thighs.

"Auntie................... No, it's wrong.

"Your Royal Highness, I don't want to work hard."

"Take me mercifully!"

(In the stand-alone codeword, I watch it alone every day!) :(; ゙゚'ω゚'):)

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