Jekyll glanced at Alice next to him again.

"Blonde, imperial royalty, mother is also blonde..."

"But somehow living in this village, and does it all look like mother?"

Jekyll suddenly realized himself.

It seems that an important NPC was overlooked.

That is.

Alice's mother.

Bakery lady Anna.

The first impression for gamers is that their husband is dead.

And single parent young woman with daughter.

Among them.

It seems that the official deliberately shifted the attention of gamers elsewhere.

Try to mask some less obvious information.

Jekyll had bought bread a few times before.

But I really hadn't seen a character similar to the bakery owner at the time.

Probably this character only exists in the setting.

In some episodes, missions are automatically triggered.

For example.

Red-eyed zombies lead hordes of zombies to invade the village.

Bandit groups carry out night raids on villages.


Players run amok in the Novice Village.

are key behaviors that may trigger this hidden task.

Jekyll ran directly with Alice in the direction of the Novice Village.

"Not good, miscalculated."

"Valkyrie saw Alice's reaction just now, I definitely triggered the next move of the hidden mission in advance!"

"[And that sentence that your level is low!]

"NPCs in the game don't mention things like levels."

Jekyll hurriedly pulled out his short knife.

"No wonder that sentence sounds weird."

"Because that's the official word to remind players who have received hidden missions!"

At this time.

The direction Jekyll is heading.

No. 666 Novice Village.

The fire burst into the sky.

Jekyll saw the black fog floating over the Novice Village from a distance.

"It's not good, it's too late."

"The blood contract of the soul, the summoning across time and space, manifest it.............

" "My most trusted little white rabbit!"

A pure white magic array emerged from the ground.

A little white rabbit emerged from the magic array.

(Master, I'm ready.)

"Little white rabbit, use the gigantic magic skill."

The little white rabbit who received the command instantly swelled his body.

Became the size of Jekyll and Alice to ride.

"Alice, go up quickly!"

After both of them sat on the little white rabbit.

The little white rabbit quickly used her extremely strong jumping ability.

It jumped a long way at once.

And at this time.

Jekyll is getting closer to the Novice Village.

Look at the Novice Village that emits fire and black fog.

The uneasiness in Jekyll's heart grew stronger.


Time goes back to when those Knights had just left.

After the members of the Order quietly left.

Quickly rushed towards the Novice Village.

None of the Knights spoke along the way.

But they are all adjusting their state.

At the same time, he also took out the weapon in his hand.

They even pulled a dark green bottle out of their pocket.

He smeared the liquid inside the bottle on his longsword.

But anyone who has experienced a red-eyed zombie invasion will know.

The dark green bottle contained zombie poison.

But the poison stored in this bottle.

But it is many times more toxic than ordinary zombies.

At the same time, the members of the Order also held an inexplicable glass bottle in their left hand.

The liquid inside didn't seem to be water.

Players who happen to see it can't guess what those things are.

A female player looks at a handsome member of the Knights.

I want to hurry up and say hello.

"Hello, handsome members of the Knights, I want.............. ╰(*´︶`*)╯。 As

a result, he was cut off by a sword from the member of the Knights who rushed to the front.

But something weird happened.

The female player's body did not turn into a pure pillar of light and disappeared.

Instead, he was transformed into a headless zombie.

At the same time, the female player also received such news.

【Special status detected.】 】

【The corpse of gamer so-and-so has undergone a corpse transformation and temporarily acts as a monster zombie. 【

During the zombie operation, player so-and-so cannot be controlled.】 "

What!? What's going on!?

"Why is my character like this!?"

Along the way, all players who were close to the members of the Order were hacked to death with a sword.

After being hacked to death, they were all like the female player.

It is transformed into an ordinary monster zombie.

The militiamen who were guarding the gate of the village saw the members of the Order running over.

"Lord Knight, you............

..," the villager guard was about to say hello.

As a result, he was pierced through the chest by a sword from the member of the Knights in the front row.


The villager guard was also transformed into a zombie villager.

After the members of the Order entered the village, they began to kill indiscriminately.

Players and villagers killed by members of the Order are transformed into ordinary zombies.

At the same time, the members of the Order threw the glass bottle in their hands on the villagers' houses.

The glass bottle shattered after it was thrown against the wall.

Then came the fire.

The remaining villagers felt afraid and began to flee in all directions.

And those players were furious.

Or take up arms and attack the members of the Order.

"TMD, you dare to kill Lao Tzu brothers, you give Lao Tzu death!"

"Aaaaah! That's a precious quest NPC, I haven't submitted a quest yet! "

Are you Knights crazy!? We are adventurers! "

The players in the Novice Village attacked directly towards the Knights members.

One of the Knights used the skill directly.

"Sword skill - whirlwind slash, launch."

The member of the Order directly turned into a whirlwind.

Kill all the players around you.

"Not good! It's a group attacking skill. "

What about ranged mage players, and long-range archer players!?"

"Big brother, the NPC villager who sold the bow and arrow was gone before, and now the archer profession has been directly abolished."

Several archer players appeared in the crowd.

Pointing to his empty quiver.

Painfully voiced his difficulties.

And those ranged mage players.

It was quickly put together.

"Magic skill - magic projectile, launch."

Suddenly, dozens of magic missiles flew towards those Knight Order.


This time the mage players learned to be smart.

They first concentrate on one target.

This is the way to maximize the attack.

Sure enough, the member of the Knights in armor was repelled several steps.

(None of the readers appeared, and the only ones who showed up ran away.) The system doesn't give a quantity, which really makes me unable to hold on. Although the first two books are small in quantity, there are still several volumes, although those few readers also run. This book has not been given a quantity, and if you don't give it, you really can't stick to it. )

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