The territory of the snake tribe at this time.

Refresh points for normal-level vipers.

Anna and Alice are gathering fruit from a tree.

The wind snake on the side was lying lazily on a large rock.

There are hundreds of poisonous snakes around as bodyguards.

Protect yourself.


The body of the Wind Snake suddenly bounced.

Immediately rushed towards the distance.

Only an afterimage remains.


Alice, I'll go see how the Storm Serpent is doing, you are careful here."

Anna saw the wind snake running too fast.

I can't take care of much.

Hurriedly ran behind the wind snake.

On the way forward.

Anna also kept shouting for the Wind Snake.

But the Wind Snake remained indifferent.

As if Anna's words had not been heard at all.

In the end, Anna really couldn't do anything.

She had to speed up her running.

Trying to get the Windbreaker back.

It just disappointed Anna.

No matter how hard you try.

The Wind Snake is always far ahead of itself.

Anna had no choice but to stop.

And plans to go back to protect his daughter.

Alice's safety

is yet at this moment.

In the open space in the distance.

There seemed to be an explosion.

The column of pure white light that suddenly appeared shattered.

It didn't take a while.

Anna saw a huge white rabbit.

Start bouncing and jumping.

But it's a pity............

I don't know if it's this group of road idiots lying on the little white rabbit.

The direction also jumped wrong.

Finally, the white rabbit jumped back and forth a few times.

Finally [jumped] in the right direction.

And at this time, the wind snake is also tired.

It's hard to arrive.

The place where the white rabbit landed.

But who knew that the white rabbit suddenly turned in the wrong direction again?

No way.

The wind snake can only chase as much as possible.

Just before.

It received messages from subordinates.

"There are intruders!?"

"Those are obviously just ordinary road idiots!"

Is it so hard to meet your former friends now?

After the wind snake tossed and turned many times without success.

Finally crawled back to his territory.

"Finally met!"

looked at Jekyll who was spinning in a circle with Alice in his arms.

The Swift Wind Snake showed a knowing smile.

Then I saw Anna pick her up.

Jekyll who blew a small whirlwind in place.

The Wind Snake even showed wanton maniacal laughter.

"You human adventurers, it's really been a long time. Although

Windbreaker wanted to say so.

But because it has no way to speak.

So you can only circle around a few adventurers.

After being baptized by Anna's facial cleanser.

Jekyll finally pulled out the [head] above him.

"Good, good, good..............." At

this time, Jekyll didn't know what to say.

"Ah, Lord Jekyll.

Alice on the side hurriedly grabbed Jekyll.

Pull Jekyll aside to eat the fruit.

"Long time no see.

Jekyll finally spoke his word.

Just now.

Jekyll felt a feeling of suffocation.

Even his own health is partially deducted.

Jekyll, who finally escaped from hell, also hurried to leave with Alice.

"Lord Jekyll, all kinds of things before are really hard for you. "

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