The three of them get together every day to discuss task information and techniques for using skills.

It's important to anyone.

After all, you now know how to get information.

Then you have to make good use of your skills.

This approach benefited all three.

And you can continue to grow your experience.

This is the result that the three people are most happy to see.

And exchange and exchange.

The relationship between the three people is very harmonious.

Although it is said to be a friendship.

But they also kept some privacy of their own.

Not revealing his secrets too much.

It's like a normal friend.

Three people eat together every day.

Chat together.

Study task information together.

Discuss skills together.

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed quietly.


The little white rabbit crashed into the goblin.

The wooden stick in the goblin's hand also smashed towards the little white rabbit.

The little white rabbit dodged the attack on the side of his body.

Then he dashed towards the goblin.

This time the goblins did not attack.

Instead, he stood there and waited for the little white rabbit to rush up.

Just when the little white rabbit was about to crash into the goblin.

The goblin jerked his foot up and kicked the little white rabbit in the chest.

The little white rabbit fell to the ground with his whole body.

The goblin saw himself kick the little white rabbit to the ground.

The corners of his mouth outlined a sneer.

As if to say.

"Little thing, still want to fight me? What a naïve. The

goblin bent down to pick up his own stick.

He walked towards the little white rabbit lying on the ground.

The goblin is ready to kill the white rabbit directly with a stick.

Right now.

Suddenly, a figure came out from the side.

Blocked the wooden stick in the goblin's hand.

A punch hit the goblin hard in the abdomen.

The little white rabbit endured the pain and got up from the ground.

That kick just now was too heavy.

It felt as if all my internal organs had been displaced.

But you can't just throw in the towel.

My task is not yet complete.

That figure was none other than the martial arts alliance master.

"Sorry little bunny, I got you seriously injured."

The little white rabbit shook his head.

Say you're okay.

Followed by.

The little white rabbit rushed towards the goblin again.

Look at this cute little thing in front of you.

The goblin's mood suddenly improved.

Although the little white rabbit is fast.

But the goblins weren't flustered either.

Instead, he quickened his pace to catch up with the little white rabbit.

See goblins chasing themselves.

The little white rabbit is not afraid either.

Its heart is also full of the desire to fight.

It knew that this goblin was its best training object.

Since the continuous fight with the goblin these days.

The little white rabbit became interested in goblins.

The little white rabbit also knew that the goblin was actually no match for the martial arts alliance master at all.

But the owner is there to exercise his abilities.

That's why I let myself challenge the goblins to a certain extent.

The little white rabbit looked at the surroundings.


If you wound or kill the goblin.

It should be considered your own victory, right?

Think so.

The little white rabbit quickened his pace again and rushed towards the goblin.

The little white rabbit kicked the ground hard.

Increased his own explosiveness.

Crashed hard into the goblin's chest.

Goblins, on the other hand, use their huge bodies.

Hit the little white rabbit's weak and boneless little body hard.

An attack from the Goblin with all his strength.

The little white rabbit was knocked into the air, far away.

The little white rabbit fell heavily to the ground.

The goblin triumphantly pounced on the little white rabbit.

See the goblin's move.

The little white rabbit was scared.

The little white rabbit hurriedly turned around and wanted to run.

But the goblin had already chased after the back of the little white rabbit.

The martial arts alliance master swung a punch at the goblin.

Knock him out.

The goblin fell to the ground and struggled for a short moment.

Finally got up from the ground.

Stood in front of the martial arts alliance master.

Looking at the gasping goblin.

The martial arts alliance master sighed in admiration.


Then he ignored the goblin.

Instead, he began to treat the little white rabbit's wounds.

A fierce light flashed in the goblin's eyes.

Then he rushed towards the martial arts alliance master.

As a result, the goblin was struck suddenly.

Soft magic missiles hit.

Fell to the ground.

Just harvested the last life of the goblin.

Jekyll on the side came out of the grass.

"I have finally completed the task assigned by the village chief, and the experience of this task is quite thick."

"Hard work, little white rabbit, you have more and more experience in fighting goblins."

The little white rabbit jumped a few times excitedly.

These days of hard work have made its fighting style flexible.

And the body is really stronger.

The little white rabbit himself rested for a while.

Then the search for a target began.

Continue to practice your combat skills.

Inside the jungle.

The little white rabbit slammed into the goblin's chin.

The goblin couldn't dodge.

was slammed on the head of the little white rabbit.

Crying out in pain.

Then the goblin turned around and pounced on the little white rabbit.

This time the little white rabbit can learn to be smart.

Jump hard.

Jumped directly onto the branches of a nearby tree.

Then the branches are used as a foothold.

Fiercely added speed to himself.

Crashed into the goblin from above.

Knock the goblin directly to the ground.


"The little white rabbit's combat skills are really getting more and more proficient (› ́ω'‹)."

The goblin staggered to his feet.

Look at the hateful little rabbit in front of you.

I want to raise the wooden stick in my hand to fly it.

But I found that my head was still a little dizzy.

Even walking in a straight line is a little difficult.

So the goblin had to stare at it angrily with his eyes first.

And this time.

The little rabbit seemed to sense that the goblin was staring at him.

So he looked up at the goblin.

A little cute expression (๑•.•๑) is revealed.

Make a vicious look at the goblin.

The goblin was very angry in his heart.

But now I can't use the strength.

You can only curse the white rabbit in the language of the goblins.

"Damn little bunny, I must kill you, eat your flesh, drink your blood, and throw all the bones into the river to feed the fish."

Fish: "I thank you (눈_눈)."

"Damn little bunny, when I recover, I'll make sure you taste my power."


After many battles.

The little white rabbit uses its combat skills against goblins.

It was easy to knock the goblin to the ground.

However, the little white rabbit itself has also suffered some damage.

In general, it is only barely able to defeat a goblin.


For the rabbit people.

This is also a big step forward.

After all, these rabbits have met those goblins and the like before.

There is only a part to escape.

The little white rabbit also has a wish in his heart.

That is, one day you can defeat the big bad wolf on your own.

For this reason, the little white rabbit supports himself to exercise.

After the contract with that human being.

That goal also seems to be getting closer and closer.


The little white rabbit began to continuously gather the power of the water element between his paws.

It seems like something is going to happen.

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