In a dimly lit room, Chu Tianba sat naked on the sofa.

He frowned, his face solemn, and took a deep breath of the cigarette he was holding in his right hand, with mixed feelings.


He crossed!

Came to Xiangjiang in the eighties.

And this Xiangjiang is still a Xiangjiang that is integrated by countless Hong Kong film worlds.

Close your eyes slowly!

Countless messages flashed through my mind.

Hong Xing Jiang was born!

East Star Camel!

And Liansheng Lin Huaile and Big D!

This past life only appears in the movie characters.

Now they all converge on this small Hong Kong island.

And who he is now.

It is a red stick under Ren Qingtian, the speaker of Wan Chai District of Hung Hing She.

Although he is also called Chu Tianba, he has a name that is louder than Chu Tianba.

Fire Qilin.

Flower name Fire Qilin!

Debuted at the age of fifteen, a pair of iron fists, even in the rivers and lakes full of short mules, is also a little famous!

As for his current boss, Ren Qingtian.

Chu Tianba’s eyebrows raised slightly!

If I remember correctly,

is the boss of Hongxing Society in the movie “Know the Law and Break the Law” in his previous life.

It’s just in this world where countless Hong Kong films are fused.

Ren Qingtian’s identity is only a hall master of Hong Xing.

“It’s really impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine!”

Chu Tianba took another puff of his cigarette, and there was loneliness in his eyes.

Although he didn’t say that he was rich and noble in his previous life, he didn’t worry about eating and drinking.

The family has more than a dozen apartments, and lives the life of a chartered public company every day, which is very comfortable.

Who knew that last night it was only about seven peripherals, and then when I woke up, I crossed into this Hong Kong world.


People still have to do what they can!

To be honest, Chu Tianba still regrets it a little.

How comfortable the 21st century is, the Xiangjiang in the 80s, no Internet, no mobile phone, no fighting sound, the ghost wants to cross it!

And cross it!

After the crossing, the identity turned out to be a short mule?

In Xiangjiang, where communities are everywhere today, the last thing is a short mule, a cannon fodder-like existence, without any future.

Although his identity is a red stick, he is superior to the average short mule.

But in fact, it is also a thug.

The red stick is synonymous with the best fight.

Chu Tianba was really dissatisfied with the identity he had crossed.

And with the identity of a short mule, even if you want to quit.

In his memory, the original owner of this body followed Ren Qingtian for many years, opening up territory for Ren Qingtian and overcoming thorns and thorns.

Therefore, it has also offended many people in the rivers and lakes

If he quits Hongxing, he is guaranteed to be hacked to death on the street by the enemy the next day!

The depth of the rivers and lakes, the water of the rivers and lakes of Hong Kong Island, is even more unfathomable

This is probably the so-called one into the rivers and lakes, and I can’t help myself!

So now, Chu Tianba is basically tied to the identity of a short mule.

“Humph! Case! Then I, Chu Tianba, will become the biggest short mule in Xiangjiang! ”

Since you can’t quit, you just won’t retreat, simply do the maximum, become a generation of heroes, and take charge of the underworld of Xiangjiang.

As a traverser, he has watched countless Hong Kong films in his previous life, and this prophetic foresight alone and familiar with the plot are incomparable to ordinary people.

And he has lived in the twenty-first century for more than twenty years, and neither the vision nor the pattern can be compared with people of this era!

“Jiang Tiansheng? Camel! Big old B? Chen Haonan? ”

“Huh! Let me meet you guys to see if it’s the same as in the movie, and there is a protagonist aura! ”

A cold light appeared in Chu Tianba’s eyes, he was an ambitious person.

Since God has brought him into this world,

Then go without regrets.

Making up his mind, Chu Tianba immediately got up from the sofa, wanted to put on his clothes, and continued to go to the party.

Today is the boss Ren Qingtian took advantage of his wife’s birthday to gather his little brother Hot Chicken, Big Funeral, Dafei, Ai Ober, Uncle Xing and himself to form a dinner.

Before eating, Ren Qingtian was entertaining, playing cards and betting money.

Chu Tianba was very unhappy because he lost 100,000 in a row, and he directly urinated.

Then I asked the hotel manager for a beautiful waiter and ran to this room to lower the fire.

This is also the reason why Chu Tianba crossed over and was naked.

Although he is determined to become the largest short mule in the entire Xiangjiang, but this matter is not urgent after all, he has to take it step by step, and he is still Ren Qingtian’s younger brother, and he still has to develop under Ren Qingtian, and now that the boss is in a dinner, Chu Tianba still has to go to the scene.

And flipping through the memories in his mind, thinking back to the plot of the movie “Knowing the Law and Breaking the Law” in his previous life, Chu Tianba roughly guessed what the situation was today.

Ren Qingtian’s dinner today is not just for the birthday of his sister-in-law!

The real purpose is actually to get rid of Iober, who is full of personal pockets!

After Ober’s death, his territory can be vacated, although it is not large, but it is also a piece of meat, if you can get it, it will also help your own development.

“Worthy of being a red stick, this figure is simply amazing!!!”

Chu Tianba got up, just wanted to get dressed, but inadvertently with the help of the weak light, he saw himself on the floor-to-ceiling mirror not far away.

I saw a handsome man with sword eyebrows and a resolute face reflected in the mirror.

What surprised Chu Tianba was that Chu Tianba in this world was very different from his previous life in appearance, still handsome and compelling, only slightly worse than the reader’s master.

It’s just that Chu Tianba of this world, perhaps because of the perennial battle, has a little less frivolity and more fortitude on his face.

But Chu Tianba’s gaze was not on his face at this time.

Rather, in figure.


On the explosive arm muscles, Wen Long drew tigers.

On the muscular abdomen, the six-pack abs are bumpy.

Give people a sense of ultimate power!

And that’s exactly what happened!

Chu Tianba could clearly feel the powerful power contained in his body at this time.

Definitely able to fight ten of his past lives.

But think about it too…

Can stand out in Xiangjiang, where short mules are everywhere, and mix with the post of Hongxing red stick.

It is not an exaggeration for Chu Tianba of this world to have such a body.

And what Chu Tianba admired the most was the unicorn that extended from the chest muscles to the blue-faced fangs at the shoulders and neck.

Wave the claws in your hand and roar to the sky!

Chu Tianba guessed that this was probably the origin of his flower name!

“Click, click…”

Just when Chu Tianba was quietly admiring himself, outside the room, there was a sudden sound of footsteps, followed by the sound of twisting the handle.

“What’s the situation?”

Chu Tianba was startled, and subconsciously hid towards the corner of the room, after all, he was still naked.

After hiding around the corner, Chu Tianba carefully stretched out his head and looked towards the door.

I saw that the door was opened a small gap, and a figure flashed in through the crack in the door.

The person who came in seemed to be very nervous, did not dare to turn on the light, and quickly closed the door again, and then leaned on the door, constantly breathing deeply.

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