Chapter 111: Jiang Tiansheng: Mr. Luo saved me, I was calculated.

Just when Lei Gong’s face was full of shock, a little brother wearing a suit and an ugly face suddenly walked in from outside the box. He quickly came to Lei Gong and frowned and reported: “Boss Lei, two people came outside just now, saying that they are people who are loyal and righteous. ”

“They said that their dragon boss also had an urgent matter, and asked Boss Lei to take more care of you, and next time their boss will personally treat you and apologize.”

Hearing this, Lei Gong’s face instantly darkened.

If it was just that Lin Huaile of Liansheng did not come, it would be acceptable, but the faithful Lian Haolong and Yaowen suddenly sent people to come, and it was only five minutes before twelve o’clock.

This made Lei Gong’s face suddenly turn blue, he felt that he had the feeling of being tricked, or he was tricked by Lin Huaile, Lian Haolong and Yaowen. And Ding Yao, who had just been watching Lei Gong and Gao Jin chatting next to him, flashed a hint of joy under his eyes.

Now Lin Huaile can’t even come to Haolong and Yaowen. Then today’s alliance may not be linked.

Oh no! And Jiang Tiansheng.

However, even if it is Lei Gong and Jiang Tiansheng’s alliance?

Jiang Tiansheng is now just a former leader of Hongxing, there are not many forces under him, as for Lei Gong, this is not a bay island after all, and there are also not many forces, I believe that with the strength of Chu Tianba, even if these two join forces, it is impossible for him to be an opponent. On the opposite side of Lei Gong, Jiang Tiansheng’s brows were tightly wrinkled.

Three people in a row could not say, and the words were still urgent, which made Jiang Tiansheng’s heart have an ominous premonition.

“Alright! Mr. Jiang, since the three of them are not coming, then the two of us will talk about business first! ”

Lei Gong looked at Jiang Tiansheng with a gloomy face.

Although now those three societies can’t come. But at least Jiang Tiansheng is still here.

It is not impossible to reach an alliance with Jiang Tiansheng first, and then go to those three.


Jiang Tiansheng nodded, although he had doubts in his heart, but now it was still a matter of business.

Lei Gong just wanted to speak, suddenly felt a little dry mouth, subconsciously licked his dry lips, he just chatted with Jiang Tiansheng for nearly half an hour, has long been 28 chats dry mouth, Jiang Tiansheng saw the state of Lei Gong, and there was a pot of tea in front of him, Jiang Tiansheng also quickly picked up the teapot and poured water into Lei Gong’s cup.

“Come, Mr. Lei Gong, just chatted for so long, you are also thirsty, come and drink tea!”

“Thank you Mr. Jiang!”

Lei Gong smiled, and then couldn’t wait to drink the tea in the cup directly. At this time, Jiang Tiansheng also felt a little thirsty, poured himself a cup, and just when he wanted to drink, he suddenly saw Ding Yao on the side.

If you don’t pour it for Ding Yao, it’s still a little rude, so I also looked at Ding Yao and asked, “Miss Ding Yao, do you want to drink tea?” ”

“Thank you!”

Ding Yao also felt a little thirsty and handed the teacup over. Jiang Tiansheng took the teacup and picked up the teapot to pour tea for Ding Yao, but at this moment, Lei Gong on the side suddenly had round eyes, his face turned hideous, and his forehead and neck were bruised. He only felt as if his chest was about to explode.

Ding Yao noticed Lei Gong’s appearance, and quickly frowned and asked, “Boss Lei, what’s wrong with you?” ”

The little brother behind Lei Gong also quickly pounced, frowning and looking at Lei Gong, Jiang Tiansheng saw this, and quickly put down the teapot, and then looked at Lei Gong, and said suspiciously: “Mr. Lei Gong, what’s wrong with you?” ”

Lei Gong’s eyes were bloodshot at this time, and his body became even more distorted, and he pointed to the teapot that Jiang Tiansheng had just put down with difficulty: “The tea is poisonous!” ”

Lei Gong’s voice just fell!


Suddenly a mouthful of black blood gushed out, and a mouthful of black blood sprayed all on Jiang Tiansheng’s face.

Jiang Tiansheng looked confused, and hurriedly wiped the blood on his face with the sleeve of his suit, but at this time, Lei Gong had rolled his eyes, tilted his head, and completely lost his life.

Ding Yao’s face was stunned, and she looked at Lei Gong, who seemed to have completely died, and she stretched out her Qianqian jade finger and probed under Lei Gong’s nose.

It seems to be really out of gas. Lei Gong is really dead!!!

Ding Yaoshuang was a little confused, although she always hoped that Lei Gong would die tragically, and then she would take the opportunity to take the position. But when this moment really came, Ding Yao was a little overwhelmed.

Jiang Tiansheng, who wiped the blood on his face, saw this scene and suddenly felt bad. Lei Gong died while drinking tea with him, and still drank the tea he poured.

This horse now has a mouth that can’t be explained.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tiansheng gave Da Zhuang a look, and Da Zhuang immediately understood, and Da Zhuang and another bodyguard immediately moved towards the door.

I want to take advantage of the fact that Ding Yao and the people of the Triad Gang are paying attention to Lei Gong and flee here directly, otherwise when they react, even if they want to escape, they are afraid that they will not have this opportunity.

“Jiang Tiansheng, Boss Lei died after drinking the tea you poured, and now he even wants to escape!” Brothers, grab Jiang Tiansheng for me and avenge Boss Lei! ”

At this time, Lei Gong’s personal bodyguard Gao Jie discovered Jiang Tiansheng’s movements, and immediately scolded angrily, and at the same time led several people from the Triad Gang to viciously pounce towards Jiang Tiansheng.

And in the midst of Gao Jie’s angry roar, Ding Yao also came to his senses. The brain races in an instant.

How did Lei Gong die?

It definitely won’t be Jiang Tiansheng who killed him.

Because Jiang Tiansheng still wanted to join forces with Lei Gong to deal with Chu Tianba together. So!

Lei Gong must have been killed by Chu Tianba.

After all, Chu Tianba told her yesterday to let her wait to accept the triple gang. Thinking of this, Ding Yao’s pupils suddenly shrank, perhaps…

It is no accident that the three families of Heliansheng, Zhongxinyi and Hengzi suddenly had an emergency and could not come here.

Instead, Chu Tianba was secretly manipulating.

Now in the entire box, there are only people from the Sanlian Gang and Jiang Tiansheng.

As Gao Jie said, now that Lei Gong is dead, he still died by drinking the tea that Jiang Tiansheng poured. Is this improper accusation that Jiang Tiansheng carried?

As long as she bites and kills Lei Gong, who was poisoned by Jiang Tiansheng, then she can control the Triad Gang under the banner of avenging Lei Gong. Thinking of this, the corners of Ding Yao’s mouth couldn’t help but rise slightly, glad that she was right to cooperate with Chu Tianba, but she quickly put away her excitement, because she still had to get down to business now.

Ding Yao raised her eyebrows, her face was cold, and threw the cup of tea that Jiang Tiansheng had just poured for her fiercely towards Jiang Tiansheng: “Jiang Tiansheng, our Boss Lei was kind enough to invite you to dinner, and you actually murdered our Boss Lei!” ”

And poured me a cup of tea, trying to murder me, it’s really deceptive,

“Ajie, beat them to death for me.”

“Stop! Is it okay to listen to me? Miss Ding Yao! ”

“What is there to say? Human evidence and physical evidence are there! Ajay give it to me! ”

Jiang Tiansheng wanted to explain, but Ding Yao would not give him a chance to explain at all. Now as long as one shot kills Jiang Tiansheng, there is no proof of death!

Then Jiang Tiansheng’s accusation must be confirmed.

At that time, she can also rely on the merits of avenging Lei Gong to sit in the position of the dragon head. At this time, Da Zhuang and a younger brother from the two sides were already scuffling with Gao Jie and others. This time, Jiang Tiansheng only brought two younger brothers, and on the side of the Sanlian Gang, there were originally four people, plus the two people who just came in to report the letter, adding up to six people.

Da Zhuang and the two were also beaten and retreated.

Jiang Tiansheng, who was hiding behind Da Zhuang and the two, knew that it was impossible for the Triad Gang to listen to his own explanation at this time, so the most important thing now was to escape from this private room.

Then make other explanations or plans, otherwise when the number of people in the Triad Gang increases, he will definitely die. No longer hesitating, Jiang Tiansheng took out a handful of black stars directly from his arms. Facing the dark opening, he said to Gao Jie: “Stop!” ”

Under the deterrence of the pistol, Gao Jie did not dare to act rashly, so he could only stop, and at the same time ordered the younger brothers of the other triple gangs to stop. Seeing this, Ding Yao’s eyes froze.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tiansheng actually carried a gun with him.

She looked at Gao Jie on the side, as Lei Gong’s personal bodyguard, Gao Jie was also equipped with a pistol. Gao Jie’s right hand at this time also quietly touched towards the inner pocket of the suit.

“What are you doing? What are you doing? ”

“Raise your hands above your head, or you’ll be shot to death!”

While Jiang Tiansheng was moving towards the door, he was also paying attention to the movements of Gao Jie and the others. At this time, seeing Gao Jie pulling out a gun, Jiang Tiansheng immediately scolded sharply.

Gao Jie reluctantly stopped his movements and slowly raised his hand above his head. At this time, Jiang Tiansheng had also moved to the door, and one flashed with Da Zhuang and another bodyguard, escaped directly from the box, and smashed the box door fiercely at the same time. Seeing this, Gao Jie wanted to chase, but was stopped by Ding Yao,

“Forget it! Don’t chase it yet, this is the central ring of Hong Kong Island, and they have guns, so as not to cause more trouble. ”

“Then let Jiang Tiansheng, an old immortal, escape like this?”

Gao Jie said unwillingly.

“Don’t worry, the monk who ran is here, and he can’t run the temple.”

“Jiang Tiansheng’s foundation is on Hong Kong Island, sooner or later we will have a chance to take revenge, first bring Boss Lei’s body back and settle it!”

Ding Yao’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly.

Since Jiang Tiansheng escaped, there was no hurry to kill Jiang Tiansheng. The most important thing now is to control the Triad Gang, and then go back to clean up this Jiang Tiansheng.


Gao Jie felt very reasonable when he heard it, so he did not continue to chase, but began to greet the younger brother and deal with Lei Gong’s corpse.

And at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng had already sat on the black Rolls Royce and headed towards the Gem Mountain villa. Sitting in the car, the more he pondered this matter, the more he felt that something was wrong.

It is definitely not a coincidence that the three families of Liansheng, Zhongxinyi and Hengzi suddenly came, but someone interfered with it.

Then suddenly poison Lei Gong and give this guilty guy to himself, all of this seems to be another trap for himself!!

“, who the hell is???”

Jiang Tiansheng couldn’t help but let out a low roar.

Only Lei Gong and himself knew about his dinner party with Lei Gong. According to Lei Gong’s tone at that time, he also had to participate in the dinner, and obviously he had not even said hello to the three families of Liansheng.

So who exactly leaked the secret? Who is behind it? It is impossible for him to ask after all, his two bodyguards have been following him for many years, and they also fought desperately to save him just now. As for Lei Gong’s side, it should not be.

In recent years, the Sanlian Gang has only produced one character, Lei Gong. In the triple gang, there should be no one who wants to die of Lei Gong.

And this person can prevent the three families of Liansheng from coming to the party!

Obviously, the power is strong, and it is definitely not something that the forces of Bay Island can do. So the person behind this is definitely the power of Hong Kong Island.

“Wait! Stop and the dragon head of Lian Sheng, Zhongxin Yi and Hengzi to come to the party!! ”

Jiang Tiansheng’s eyes suddenly brightened, as long as he found out who prevented the three families from coming to the party, then he would definitely be able to find out who was behind the scenes.


Judging from the attitude of the Sanlian Gang, it seems that they will not give themselves a chance to explain at all, and they now simply want to kill themselves to avenge Lei Gong.

And with his current power, I am afraid that before he has time to investigate clearly, he will be destroyed by the Triad Gang. What to do?

Find someone to help!

Now there is only one way to find someone to help, but who to ask for help?


Hong Xing’s current leader is Liang Kun, if he looks for Hong Xing, with Liang Kun’s personality, he will definitely stand by and watch, he will not care if he is the former leader of Hong Xing!!

So who to look for? East Star Camel?

“Yes! Camel, my father is friendly with camels, presumably ask him to help me, it must be possible! ”

Thinking of this, Jiang Tiansheng suddenly said to Da Zhuang, who was driving: “Da Zhuang, drive to the camel house in Yuen Long.” ”


Da Zhuang immediately turned around and headed towards Yuen Long.

Soon, the car drove to Yuen Long and stopped in front of the camel’s villa. In front of the gate of the villa of Camel 037, there are two little brothers who are flowing and flowing. Da Zhuang immediately stepped forward and negotiated: “Brother, I am Jiang Tiansheng Mr. Jiang’s bodyguard, our Mr. Jiang wants to see Mr. Luo, and please go in and report!” ”

The two younger brothers were a little surprised when they heard that it was Jiang Tiansheng, after all, some time ago, Liang Kun pulled Jiang Tiansheng off the horse, but the whole jianghu people knew about it. It can be said that Jiang Tiansheng lost face, but the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.

Even if Jiang Tiansheng is pulled down by Liang Kun, it is not something they can afford to provoke! After taking a look at Jiang Tiansheng, who had an inch-like face, he immediately nodded and said, “Good!” ”

After speaking, one of the janitor brothers quickly walked into the villa and came to the courtyard of the villa.

The camel is lying on a rocking chair in the small courtyard for a lunch break, while the golden tiger sand grasshopper next to it is eating a pig’s trotter. When the golden retriever tiger sand grasshopper saw the little brother come in, he was still gnawing on the pig’s trotters, and said vaguely: “What’s wrong?” Something? ”

The little brother also immediately reported: “Brother Sha Grasshopper, Hongxing’s former leader Jiang Tiansheng came here, saying that he wanted to see Boss Luo!” ”

“Jiang Tiansheng of Hongxing? Why did he come? ”

The sand grasshopper had not yet spoken, and the camel, who had closed his eyes and slept, suddenly got up from the rocking chair and said doubtfully.

“I don’t know! He just said he wanted to see you! ”

The younger brother immediately explained respectfully to the camel.

Hearing this, the camel’s eyes condensed slightly, and then got up from the rocking chair, intending to personally greet Jiang Tiansheng, although Jiang Tiansheng is not the leader of Hongxing, but the status of the rivers and lakes is there after all.

And his camel and Jiang’s natural friendship is not bad. Seeing the camel get up, the golden retriever tiger also quickly put down the pig’s trotters, wiped his oil-stained mouth twice, and hurriedly followed the camel.

“Mr. Jiang, how come you have time today, come to my poor country to play!”

After walking out of the villa gate, the camel saw Jiang Tiansheng at a glance, and immediately greeted him with a smile.


Seeing this, Jiang Tiansheng first sighed, and then said helplessly: “I’m ashamed to say that I caused something and need to ask Mr. Luo for a favor!” ”

“Oh? Get into trouble? ”

The camel frowned slightly, Jiang Tiansheng got into trouble, and he still needed to find his own help, I was afraid that this matter was not small, but then the camel also smiled and said: “Mr. Jiang but said it’s okay, if I can help, I will definitely help!” ”

Whether you help or not, this surface work must be done enough!

“Then thank Mr. Luo in advance.”

Jiang Tiansheng looked at the camel gratefully, and wanted to stop talking.

The camel saw the two little brothers who were guarding the door, and suddenly realized: “Hey! Look at me, please come in, let’s go inside and talk! ”

With that, the camel directly brought Jiang Tiansheng into the small courtyard of the villa.

In the small courtyard at this time, there were only camels, golden retrievers, Jiang Tiansheng and his two bodyguards. Jiang Tiansheng also grabbed the camel’s hand and said helplessly: “Hey! Mr. Luo, this time I was miscalculated. ”

Seeing this, the camel also put his hand on Jiang Tiansheng’s hand to show comfort, and at the same time said suspiciously: “Being calculated? What happened to Mr. Jiang? ”


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