The next day, Ciyun Mountain, a noodle restaurant.

“You guys remembered it for me! It’s okay to sell goods, but Wan Chai must not go, that’s the territory of the Fire Qilin, got it???

Ale’s dead on the street, thought he was diligent, who knew that the horse rider had caused Lao Tzu so much trouble!

What a shame!! ”

Ba closed his mouth with a fat intestine, vague words.

“Understood, boss,”

The little brothers next to him nodded one after another, like chickens pecking rice

The tragic situation of Ale last night, they can still remember it

The prestige of the Fire Qilin also made them feel terrified in their hearts!

“But if we don’t go to Wan Chai, there are poor ghosts in Ciyun Mountain, and few people can afford flour!”

The little brother said with a bitter face.

“You ride a horse silly! Hong Kong Island is so big, do you know that it is nestled in Tsz Wan Mountain? Doesn’t Causeway Bay work?

What will the soft egg, the pure soft persimmon, do except warn??? ”

Ba Guan hates the road of iron not steel,

“Oh! We get the boss! ”

The younger brothers nodded one after another.

What Ba Shu didn’t know was that at the table next to him, a man with a newspaper was clenching his fists and suppressing the anger in his heart.

“Sooner or later I’ll kill you! He even dared to insult Brother B!!! ”

It was the nest skin holding the newspaper, which Chen Haonan had sent to track Ba Guan.

At this time, hearing that Ba Gu insulted his eldest brother’s eldest brother Big B, Chao Pi was of course angry.

Soon, Ba Guan finished eating the noodles, did not even pay the money, and left directly

The owner of the noodle shop, dare to be angry and dare not speak

“Go and sell the goods, don’t give me 30,000 yuan each tonight!”

Hum! Just waiting for the house-to-house approach! ”

Spurring on his little brother, Ba Guan waved his hand to drive away all the little brothers.

And he himself returned to the croton bar with his two henchmen.

This is his Topland!

Go to the second floor of the croton bar and take out two large boxes from the lockbox.

“Go! Let’s go to Wan Chai first and settle the matter of Chu Tianba! ”

But when Ba Gu walked out of the croton bar and came to the street.

When walking towards where you parked.

I had only taken two steps when I was immediately sweaty by the scorching sun.

“Damn! What the hell this weather! ”

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Ba Guan suddenly saw a Sanwarm shop next to him.

“Hey! Anyway, the deadline given by the Fire Qilin is before five o’clock this evening

It’s only past twelve o’clock at noon, and it’s so hot, just go to Sanwarm and take a bath!!

Then go back in the afternoon, hehe! ”

As soon as he thought of it, Ba Guan took the two younger brothers and walked quickly into Sanwen.

And at this moment, seeing this scene, the nest skin looked overjoyed and knew that the opportunity had come,

Immediately went back to inform Chen Haonan, who was already ready at any time in Ciyun Mountain.

“Brother Honan! I saw that Ba Guan had gone to three warmths, and only brought two younger brothers, and our opportunity came!!! ”


Chen Haonan’s eyes suddenly brightened, and then he said extremely solemnly:

“Da Tian Er, you wait and I go to the three warm inside to kill Ba Guan, the nest skin you go to release the wind, bag. Pi you drive outside to meet us, and the mountain chicken you are responsible for preparing weapons, do you understand??? ”

Because it was the first task after recovery, Chen Haonan attached great importance to it!


Everyone said in unison, and the expressions on their faces were more serious.

It is also a pheasant, still a look of indifference.

Then everyone immediately took action.

Chen Haonan and Da Tian Er just entered the three warmths

I saw Ba Guan coming out of the sauna and changing clothes.

“Let’s go change clothes too!”

Chen Haonan said softly towards Da Tian Er.

Then the two came to the dressing room very tacitly and changed their bathrobes.

One left and one right, sandwiching the bin in the middle.

And slowly approached the jaw.

At this time, because he had just completed a course of treatment, his whole body was very relaxed, and he did not notice that someone was plotting against him.

The two younger brothers went to the box early to wait.

“Hands-on !!!”

Although the pheasant’s weapons have not yet arrived!

But now Ba closed the single, is a very good opportunity,

The two didn’t want to let go, looked at each other, and closed their hands directly to the chin

Chen Haonan picked up the hair dryer and strangled Ba Guan’s neck with the thread of the hair dryer!

Da Tian Er raised his fist fiercely and smashed it towards Ba Guan’s head.


Suddenly attacked, Ba Guan subconsciously screamed

But the next moment, the voice was stuck in the throat

Because of the hair dryer thread, he strangled his neck so that he couldn’t even breathe.

At this time, Da Tian Er also punched towards him.

As a Honglian red stick, Ba Guan’s strength is not weak!

What’s more, in a desperate situation, people are able to burst out with infinite potential.

“Drink !!!”

With a violent roar, Ba closed the hair dryer line, and actually gave birth to a back fall, slamming Chen Haonan on Da Tian Er’s body

Da Tian Er was directly smashed to the ground by Chen Haonan, who suddenly came.

Seeing this, Ba Guan did not dare to hesitate and took the opportunity to seize the door and go out.

Then head towards the box you have set

There are his two younger brothers there, and Chen Haonan does not know them.

But in the end, there were only two of them.

When the time comes, three to two, the opposite side has no chance of winning at all.

“Damn! Chase! Chen Haonan and Da Tian Er quickly got up from the ground and chased towards Ba Gu.

Seeing that Ba Guan got into a box, the two did not have time to think

After all, it has already hit the grass and startled the snake, if it does not work this time, the next time Ba Guan has a precaution, there may not be such a good opportunity!

But as soon as the two entered the box, they were dumbfounded, because there were three people in the box at this time.

“Humph! Who are you? Dare to murder me??? ”

Ba Guan looked at the two with fearlessness.

“Damn, it’s calculated!”

Chen Haonan did not answer Ba Guan, but was ready to turn around and run.

After all, in such a narrow space, two dozen and three are not dominant at all.

“Want to run? Oh, it’s late! ”

Ba Guan sneered, and the two younger brothers immediately closed the door, and then pounced towards Chen Haonan and Da Tian Er.


Seeing that he was cornered, Chen Haonan and Da Tian Er looked at each other and resisted.

However, Ba Guan itself is a red stick, and his strength is not much worse than Chen Haonan.

And the strength of his two henchmen is also not bad.

Even though Chen Haonan has the strength of a top-level red stick, he has the drag of Da Tian Er.

He is equivalent to a dozen three, not an opponent at all, and the two are beaten by the three of them.

Fortunately, at this moment, the box door was opened again.

It turned out that the mountain chicken rushed over with a mountain opening knife.

“Brother Nan! I’m here to help you! ”

The mountain chicken waved the opening knife in his hand and rushed towards Chen Haonan, who was being besieged by Ba Guan and others.

“! Nima’s does not talk about martial arts, but even takes a knife??? ”

Ba Shu cursed, and hurriedly retreated.

After all, the space here is narrow, and the pheasant seems to be dead.

It’s not comfortable to be stabbed by this madman.

As soon as the three of them retreated, Chen Haonan and Da Tian Er immediately slowed down

“Brother Nan, knife!”

The mountain chicken handed the opening knife wrapped in clothes to Chen Haonan.

Chen Haonan had long been furious, and it should have been a mountain opening knife that he and Da Tian Er used


Directly held in his hand by himself.

Chen Haonan held a double knife, his face was crazy, and he slashed towards Ba Gu.

“Ba Shu! You step on a horse and take your life! ”


Ba Guan felt a chill in his heart at this time, looking at the chill on the blade of the opening knife.

Knowing that it is not an opponent, he will quickly want to escape!

But the door was already guarded by a pheasant carrying a knife, and there was no chance at all.

And Chen Haonan has already killed him.

“Damn it!”

Ba Guan was helpless, and could only pick up the tables, chairs, benches and other weapons around him to resist

But in the face of a sharp mountain opener is in vain.


In the end, under Chen Haonan’s anger, he was disemboweled and broken.

“Who the hell are you!”

Ba closed his mouth with blood flowing and looked at Chen Haonan unwillingly!

Chen Haonan didn’t say a word, and what responded to Ba Guan was the sharp blade body.

It wasn’t until Ba closed his breath that Chen Haonan stopped

“Let’s go!”

“Wait! Brother Nan, here are two big boxes, let me see what they are~”

Suddenly, the mountain chicken saw the money in the box, which was originally prepared to compensate Chu Tianba.

When the pheasant opened it, his eyes were suddenly round!!

“Brother Nan! So much money! ”

Saying that, the mountain chicken opened another one, and suddenly found another box of Hong Kong dollars, and the mountain chicken jumped up excitedly:

“Brother Nan! We got rich!!! ”

PS: It’s a new month again, ask for data, readers, the little brother kneels for flowers, evaluation votes, monthly tickets, comments, your data is the biggest motivation for the little brother, kneeling to beg …………

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