Chapter 66: Lin Huaile: Stepping on Ciyun Mountain [Old Version] Lin Huaile took a deep look at the two.

Although there is no breakdown.

But behind the two, there are definitely not a thousand people. At best, it’s eight or nine hundred.

But it’s normal, this time it’s the community that pays for it. They reported some more numbers, and when the time came, the fight was over.

It is also possible to take money from the community through these false numbers. This is the wool of the Shu Society.

“Okay! I also brought five hundred people here, three hundred full members, and two hundred blue lanterns! ”

We have a total of fifteen hundred people, and we must have taken a small Ciyun Mountain.

“There must be no problem.”

Lin Huaile also raised the corners of his mouth.

Yutou Biao and Guanzai Mori both pit the money of the society. He certainly can’t let it go.

“That’s right! Step on Ciyun Mountain! ”

The fish head mark was also very hilarious to echo, and the three of them did not debunk each other very tacitly. However, although all three people have misreported the number of people, in terms of manpower, the three parties combined. There are still more than a thousand people.

Lin Huaile’s eyes were slightly flat, like this.

Chu Tianba’s side didn’t know if he could carry it.

“Okay! Let’s go straight to the road! ”

After a little thought, Lin Huaile was no longer entangled. If Chu Tianba could survive this calamity this time, then he would follow Chu Tianba with all his heart from now on. If it can’t survive, Chu Tianba’s power will be greatly damaged.

He could also take the opportunity to get rid of Chu Tianba’s shackles.

After all, no one likes someone riding on their head.


Yutoubiao and Guan Zai Sen also roared excitedly, and then took the lead and walked in the direction of Ciyun Mountain.

A group of more than a thousand people.

The vast soup is heading towards Ciyun Mountain. It’s not just Lin Huaile’s side.

There were also more than 1,000 people gathered in Fire Bull and Tai Po Hei, heading towards Causeway Bay with great momentum.

He Liansheng was originally prepared, so along the way, there was no cover-up. Moment.

Countless forces got and Liansheng gathered a large number of people. News of the fire unicorn of Hongxing.

Hearing this news, everyone also understood in their hearts that He Liansheng was going to make a move to avenge Big D, ah! Many forces originally wanted to follow to fish in troubled waters. But when I saw more than a thousand people in Heliansheng. They instigated.

However, in the rivers and lakes, the most important thing is the courageous.

At this time, in an underground casino in Tsim Dong, Lian Haodong was looking at his cards with a tangled face. A bright card is nine, while a dark card is eight.

It’s seventeen o’clock now, and 560 is only four points away from blackjack.

And the dealer has only one ace of a heart. This made him a little afraid to ask for cards.

Otherwise, his cards will easily burst.

For a time, even Haodong was sweating tangled. Right at this moment.

A younger brother suddenly barged in from outside.

“You rode on a horse! Want to scare Lao Tzu to death??? ”

Lian Haodong, who was originally focused on the cards, was taken aback by the little brother who suddenly came in.

Suddenly he was furious and scolded.

“No, boss, I have important news to tell you!”

The little brother hurriedly explained with a fearful face.

Lian Haodong had a cruel temperament and a ruthless heart, and he didn’t dare to hesitate at all.

“What’s important???”

Lian Haodong asked casually, but his attention was still on the card table.

“I just got the news that I and Liansheng have started against Hongxing’s Fire Qilin! More than 1,000 people were sent to Ciyun Mountain and Causeway Bay in the Fire Qilin to grab the field! ”

“woc! So ruthless??? ”

At this time, Lian Haodong finally retracted his mind. Then get up and go.

“Hey! Dongshao, haven’t finished playing yet? ”

The dealer suddenly spoke up.

“Don’t play, there’s an emergency!”

After speaking, Lian Haodong left the private room directly. This made the dealer’s face slightly surprised. Because Lian Haodong is a bad gambler.

Addictive gambling is lifelike.

Today, I heard that He Liansheng made a move against Hongxing’s Fire Qilin, and he didn’t even play cards?

It was almost something he had never seen before. And in fact, Lian Haodong’s gambling personality is lifelike,

It’s just a false appearance that he disguised himself as his eldest brother Lian Haolong. Lian Haodong is an ambitious and capable person.

In the movie Capture the Marshal, the faithful top brass are almost dead. In the end, only Lian Haodong survived, which is enough to show the depth of this person’s city.

And for the contradiction between Liansheng and Hongxing, even Haodong is very clear, he has long guessed that Liansheng will move Hongxing’s Fire Qilin, so he is also the younger brother of his subordinates,

Always pay attention to the movements on the other side of Heliansheng. And he plans to fish in troubled waters.

Although he is the leader of faithfulness and righteousness, Lian Haolong’s younger brother. It can almost be regarded as below one person and above ten thousand people, but Lian Haodong is still not satisfied.

He wants to be the leader.

But I don’t have my own territory.

This time and Liansheng invaded Ciyun Mountain of Hongxing Fire Qilin. If he can go in troubled waters to fish and bite down on a piece of meat, he will definitely be able to eat enough.

Then, without hesitation, he took his henchman and gathered his own manpower, and prepared to go towards Ciyun Mountain. But looking at his own less than three hundred people, let alone eating meat in the mouths of more than a thousand people in Helian Sheng. You may not even be able to drink soup.

Lian Haodong frowned slightly, thought for a while, and then went straight to find A Fa.

“Brother Fa! Give me the whole person! ”

Ah Fa is a high-ranking person who is loyal and trustworthy, and the number of his younger brothers is also quite large, but in Ah Fa’s view, Lian Haodong is just a gentle child,

If it weren’t for a good big brother Lian Haolong shrouded, I wouldn’t know how many times he died.

“Whole person? What are you doing as a whole person? ”

Ah Fa wondered.

“There is a little deflated three who provoked me, and I will go and destroy his whole society!” Riding horses! ”

Lian Haodong pretended to be angry and said.

Ah Fa frowned slightly, looked deeply at Lian Haodong, and dissuaded: “Dong Shao, you still want to make money with anger, don’t destroy people at every turn.” ”

Obviously, Ah Fa is not the first time to encounter such a thing.

“No, this time, that little poor three, playing cards with me dares to play a thousand old people? Other Lao Tzu can endure, but this Lao Tzu can’t bear it. ”

Lian Haodong gritted his teeth.


Ah Fa is also a little helpless,

“Take someone with you yourself, don’t make too much noise!”

“OK” got Ah Fa’s permission, and Lian Haodong immediately found Ah Fa’s younger brother.

Take away all four hundred younger brothers.

Then add Lian Haodong’s own three hundred younger brothers, which are also a full seven hundred younger brothers, and go towards Ciyun Mountain. Wait until Ah Fa reacts that something is wrong.

There is no rush already.

He could only quickly find Lian Haolong and report the matter.

“This Adong, I haven’t learned to walk yet, but I want to fly!! Even Haolong was a little helpless after listening to Ah Fa’s story, but after all, he was his own brother.

How to say it, you still have to protect, but you can only helplessly say to Afa: “You and Ahen will bring another three hundred people to support Adong, and it is best to be able to tear off a piece of meat with Liansheng!” ”

If you can’t tear it off, then withdraw it in time,

“Let’s not get involved in the fight with Liansheng and Hong Xing!”


······ And at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng in the Mid-Levels villa is exercising in the pool with the big star Fang Ting.

Suddenly, the phone on the side rang.

Jiang Tiansheng, who was at a critical moment, turned a deaf ear. But the phone kept ringing.

This made Jiang Tiansheng also guess that there might be something urgent, and hastily ended the battle, then went ashore from the pool and picked up the telephone receiver.

“Hey! Who is it? ”

It was good to be disturbed, Jiang Tiansheng’s tone was obviously unhappy.

“It’s me! Chen Yao, Mr. Jiang is not good, something big has happened!!! ”

Chen Yao’s anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Don’t be in a hurry, say it slowly, don’t I usually teach you to be steady? Tarzan collapsed in front of him and did not change his face, have you forgotten??? ”

Although he guessed that Chen Yao might have something important to report, he was just disturbed by his interest, so Jiang Tiansheng couldn’t help but lecture Chen Yao fiercely.

Chen Yao didn’t have the heart to think so much at this time, but continued to say in an eager tone: “He Liansheng sent more than 2,000 people to attack Causeway Bay and Ciyun Mountain of the Fire Qilin respectively!” ”

“Is this to give the Fire Qilin a way to live!!!


Hearing this, Rao is the usually gentle Jiang Tiansheng subconsciously burst out a foul mouth, more than two thousand people,

Is this going to cause a big war between the two societies???

“Does Tianba know about this???

Jiang Tiansheng, who calmed down, also quickly analyzed the problem.

“I’ve called him, but I haven’t gotten through!”

But I think Tianba must know that this time there is no hidden action with Liansheng.

Instead, he swaggered with people and went towards the territory of the Tianba.

Chen Yao replied quickly.

“Fuck his mother, this time with Liansheng is going to play real!”

Jiang Tiansheng’s face sank, and he said fiercely: “Since he and Liansheng want to fight, then we Hongxing will play with them!” ”

Inform all the halls in Hongxing, let them arrange manpower, and quickly support!!

“Yes, Mr. Jiang, but I don’t know if Tianba can hold up to our support Chen Yao sighed and said helplessly: “This time and Liansheng are obviously prepared, and our side simply has no time to prepare.” ”

“Moreover, those other community forces on Hong Kong Island are also old foxes, so they are not allowed to intervene!!”

“Hmph, if you can’t hold it, you have to fight!”

Since they and Liansheng started first, then we Hongxing should not be polite with them!

“As for the other forces on Hong Kong Island, if we dare to come, we will all call him back one by one to let them know again, what is Hong Xing’s fighting!!!

Jiang Tiansheng frowned at this time, he hadn’t been so angry for a long time!!!


Seeing this, Chen Yao immediately hung up the phone, and then informed the hall owners of Hongxing.

After Chen Yao showed Jiang Tiansheng’s attitude to these hall masters. These hall masters did not dare to hesitate, and quickly gathered their men and horses, preparing to kill into Causeway Bay and Ciyun Mountain, even Fatty Li, who was usually greedy for life and afraid of death, did not hesitate

summoned all the younger brothers under it. Except for one person, Liang Kun.

After receiving Chen Yao’s notice, although he promised with his mouth, he still sat on the sofa, watching the three episodes of the collector’s edition, unmoved.

“Brother Kun! Are we really not going to help? Will Mr. Jiang blame it afterwards? ”

Seeing this, Silly Qiang also opened his mouth with some doubts.

“Help? Do you a fart, aren’t we quite close to Causeway Bay? When the time comes, will he really go to accompany Chu Tianba’s people to death? ”

Liang Kun hated that iron was not steel and looked at this brainless stupid strongman. He Liang Kun is actually not not going, after all, Jiang Tiansheng is still the leader on the bright face now. His orders must still be obeyed,

But you definitely can’t go for the first time, at least until Chu Tianba’s people are beaten by Lian Sheng, and then go out!

Chu Tian is hegemonic.

Let him be jealous, if he can use this invasion with Liansheng to weaken Chu Tianba’s power is undoubtedly the most happy thing for Liang Kun,

After all, with the power of Chu Tianba now.

Even if he becomes the leader, he may still be constrained by Chu Tianba at that time.


Silly nodded stunned, not daring to say more. It was also when the forces of all sides were moving.

Lin Huaile, Yutoubiao and Guan Zai Sen had already taken people to Ciyun Mountain. A large area of people under the pressure of the black oppression, like black clouds, occupied the entire street. And the plane and Luo Tianhong have long taken people and guarded the street.


The plane and Luo Tianhong are both characters who don’t talk much. Now that the people who saw Helian Sheng arrived, they didn’t say a word at all,

The plane was holding a mountain opening knife, Luo Tianhong was holding an eight-sided Han sword, and the two directly rushed up to kill them.


And the five hundred younger brothers behind the two did not instigate any of them. Although the enemies on the opposite side are more than twice as many as them. But he still had no fear in his heart, following behind the plane and Luo Tianhong. With a roar, the momentum was like a rainbow.

“w.oc! What a fucking fuck!!! ”

Yutou Biao was taken aback, and thought that he would come to the mouth cannon first, and then start fighting

Who knew that Hong Xingzai, on the opposite side, did not play cards according to the routine at all.

“Brothers! Rush!!! ”

At this time, seeing that the other side had already taken the initiative to attack, how could Helian Sheng, who had the numerical advantage, be instigated. Lin Huaile also hurriedly gave the order.

With Lin Huaile’s order, countless younger brothers and Liansheng greeted each other. Although the number of wins and the alliance prevails.

But the people with Liansheng are uneven, and there are still blue lanterns mixed in. Even those four or nine boys.

It cannot be compared with Hong Xing’s four or nine boys.

What’s more, Chu Tianba’s younger brother is far stronger than Hong Xing’s ordinary four or nine boys.

The younger brother of He Liansheng who rushed up suffered heavy losses. Especially the plane and Luo Tianhong.

Since the plane practiced Bajiquan, its strength has increased greatly, holding a mountain opening knife, almost every time it moves, it can erase the neck of a younger brother and Liansheng,

The movements are clean and fast!

And Luo Tianhong, holding an eight-faced Han sword, stabbed, picked, chopped, chopped, and prodded.

All kinds of swordsmanship were used, and the younger brother of He Liansheng was directly cut as a dish.

“Grass horses! These little brothers of the Fire Qilin are really fierce!!! ”

Yu Toubiao looked at the plane and Luo Tianhong who were like killing gods, and couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

Chills down the spine

“It’s really amazing!!!”

Lin Huaile’s eyes were also slightly sunk at this time, and his heart was terrified.

In the short period of ten seconds between the two sides, if he was not mistaken, there seemed to be basically no casualties on Hongxing’s side, but they and Liansheng suffered heavy losses. Is this the strength of Chu Tianba?!?

Lin Huaile suddenly felt that even if he and Liansheng defeated Ciyun Mountain and Causeway Bay, he would not be able to get rid of the shackles of Chu Tianba!

After all, Chu Tianba’s foundation, Wan Chai didn’t move a bit…….

“Nothing! Anyway, we brought fifteen hundred people,

“At that time, even if it is consumed, it will consume their group of bastards!!!

Although Guan Zai Sen was also shocked by the combat effectiveness of the Fire Qilin Junior Brother in his heart, he did not panic at all.

Human strength is limited, and Hongxing’s group of beaters, such crazy slashing people, the consumption is also huge.

Sooner or later you will get tired.

When they get tired, it’s time to fight back with Liansheng. However, at this moment,

On the other end of the street, a group of people suddenly appeared. The number was about seven hundred, and they were fierce, and they came straight to this side of the battlefield.

At this time, the fish head mark, which had good eyesight, saw clearly the person on the opposite side, and subconsciously scolded: “, that seems to be the faithful Lian Haodong, the movement of stepping on a horse is faster than Hongxing?” ”

“Hong Xing’s reinforcements haven’t arrived yet, but he brought people over to watch the battle first.”

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